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1、<p><b>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計/論文</b></p><p>  外 文 文 獻 翻 譯</p><p>  系  別 外國語學院 </p><p>  專 業(yè) 班 級 英語0801班 </p><p>  姓  名

2、 @@@ </p><p>  評 分 </p><p>  指 導 教 師 </p><p><b>  湖北工業(yè)大學</b></p><p><b>  20

3、 年 月</b></p><p>  1. 瑪格麗特·芒內(nèi)爾林·米切爾 ,1900年11月8日-1949年8月16日),美國作家,1937年普利策獎獲得者,因車禍身亡,代表作品《亂世佳人》。</p><p>  亂世佳人至今仍為最暢銷的小說之一,至今已發(fā)行了三千多萬冊,尤其改編的電影于1939年上映,成為好萊塢影史上最賣座的電影,還得到十座奧斯卡的殊

4、榮</p><p>  瑪格麗特·米切爾生于美國佐治亞州的亞特蘭大,父親為尤金·米切爾為一位律師,母親為碼麗·伊麗莎白。哥哥史蒂芬大她四歲,她的童年生活大多在其母親的一位遠房親戚家度過。</p><p>  從華盛頓神學院畢業(yè)后,她進入路易斯學院就讀,但在一年級時遭到退學,1918年,在她母親死于西班牙型流行性感冒后,便搬回亞特蘭大。之后,她無心學業(yè),在亞特蘭

5、大新聞周刊找到了工作,并用佩琪?米切爾的筆名為雜志撰寫周日專欄。</p><p>  《雙語名著導讀· 亂世佳人》</p><p>  2. 小說中的人物對黑人有明顯的種族歧視,即使按照1860年的觀點也是如此。僅舉兩例:</p><p>  “黑人是多么愚蠢?。∷麄儚膩聿粫ハ肴魏问虑?,除非你去命令他們?!彼技螐南萋涞膩喬靥m大回到塔拉后曾這樣想。&l

6、t;/p><p>  “他們竟然敢笑,這些黑猩猩!她真想把他們?nèi)甲テ饋?,用鞭子狠狠的抽,直到他們皮開肉綻鮮血淋漓。北方佬要給他們自由真是見鬼了!”思嘉麗在戰(zhàn)后看到自由黑人時這樣想。</p><p>  書中重復著對美國蓄奴南方仙境般的描寫。奴隸制在這里是一種相當仁慈的體制,鮮有體罰或責罵奴隸的事發(fā)生。奴隸們被很好的照顧,他們也都對現(xiàn)實很滿足。書中稱戰(zhàn)后的重建時期充斥著不負責任的黑人襲擊白人婦

7、女,在立法機關(guān)之中舞弊的事件。但從現(xiàn)存的歷史證據(jù)來看事實卻恰恰相反。 但此觀點亦有疑慮,執(zhí)政者通常不喜歡承認自己的錯誤,所以當時若的確發(fā)生這些事,沒有留下官方紀錄,也不為過. </p><p>  《美國文學簡史》 。

8、 </p><p>  3. 批評家和歷史學家認為本書帶有強烈的美國南方聯(lián)邦政治信仰,且對美國蓄奴南方的文化進行了不切實際的美化。書中對1864年亞特蘭大陷落和戰(zhàn)爭創(chuàng)傷的生動描寫(部分在1939年的電影中被刪去),表明作者對該段歷史進行了相當?shù)?/p>

9、研究。但是,其研究的材料基本上僅限于美國南方作家和歷史學家的作品。米切爾對戰(zhàn)爭和創(chuàng)傷的透徹描述使本書于1937年5月3日獲得普利策獎。</p><p>  書中的有一部分與早期的三K黨有關(guān):戰(zhàn)后,斯佳麗遭到新解放黑人的襲擊,她的男性朋友們在夜間對黑人棚戶區(qū)進行了報復性襲擊。這次襲擊被以充滿同情的筆調(diào)寫成是必要且正義的,而試圖逮捕襲擊者的執(zhí)法官被描繪成殘暴的北方占領(lǐng)者。盡管在此事件的描寫中并未提到三K黨,但斯佳麗后

10、來得知阿舍利·威凱斯和其他所有參與這次攻擊的人都是三K黨成員。</p><p>  米切爾應(yīng)該是從她的歷史研究中了解到:在18世紀70年代末期,很多地方反黑人團練都最終加入了三K黨。書中曾提到斯佳麗很厭惡三K黨,并認為男人都該老老實實的呆在家里(盡管這基本上都是出于她自私的考慮,好讓受驚的她多受到點關(guān)愛,且不再給可惡的北方佬更多的理由來加強有害她生意的軍事管制)。書中提到瑞德對三K黨并不感興趣,但他說過

11、如果真的需要他會很好的融入這個社會的。但小說中從未說明瑞特是否認為必須走到這一步。當?shù)氐挠H北方政府隨后在瑞德和阿舍利的壓力下倒臺。</p><p>  書里敘述的莊園主生活水平較高,所以對待奴隸亦較為平衡,視奴隸為家中一份子.當時,南方跟北方對彼此的文化及生活習慣偏見亦相當大,在思嘉嫁給甘弗朗以后,有次彼得大叔為思嘉及北佬婦女趕車,北佬婦女們對彼得大叔發(fā)出相當不客氣的評語,稱之為"黑猴子"或&

12、quot;老寶貝"等語,顯見北方人對黑奴本身也存在相當大的誤解.書中亦描述林肯解放黑奴后,無相關(guān)配套安置措施,導致許多社會問題,若找不到政府相關(guān)紀錄是可能的,因為通常執(zhí)政者不愿承認自己的短處.</p><p><b>  《美國文學簡史》</b></p><p>  4. 南方貝爾是原型為美國舊南上層階級的年輕女子。南部美女的吸引力是沒有形體美,而是在她

13、的魅力所在。[25]這本小說的女主人公郝思嘉,迷人,但不漂亮 。郝思嘉,養(yǎng)尊處優(yōu)南部美女,通過對財富的極端渴望,生存,重建塔拉和她的自尊。[29]斯嘉麗的壞美女特質(zhì),她的迷惑,精明,和膚淺,與梅蘭妮的 信任,自我犧牲,忠誠度相反,使斯佳麗在戰(zhàn)后南生存,追求她的主要興趣,賺錢。[30]</p><p>  婚姻是所有南部的社會和教育活動,和它的指示。無論戰(zhàn)爭和符合資格的人的損失,年輕的女士們?nèi)匀皇艿綁毫Y(jié)婚。[31

14、]根據(jù)法律規(guī)定和南部的社會公約,戶主是成年,有財產(chǎn)的白人男性,白人婦女和所有非裔美國人被認為[32需要保護和指導,因為他們?nèi)狈碇呛妥晕铱刂颇芰Α?lt;/p><p>  在內(nèi)戰(zhàn)期間,南方婦女作為志愿者在臨時醫(yī)院工作起到了重要的作用。許多中層和上層階級婦女從未領(lǐng)過工資。一個年輕的寡婦,失去了兩個孩子。她來自南卡羅來納州一個富裕的種植園家庭,且擁有87奴隸 。</p><p>  雖然超過一千頁

15、的小說,媽媽從來沒有認為郝思嘉的生活可能會像塔拉。那樣。[18]她承認她的自由,來來去去,為她高興的說,“阿,終于自由啦,思嘉小姐,但媽媽仍然責無旁貸,”艾倫小姐“[19]。</p><p>  勞拉·愛德華茲(2000):南方婦女和內(nèi)戰(zhàn)時期,美國伊利諾伊大學出版社,P 3。</p><p>  1. Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November

16、 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author and journalist. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind. For it she won the National Book Award for

17、 Most Distinguished Novel of 1936[1] and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937. In more recent years, a collection of Mitchell's girlhood writings and a novella she wrote as a teenager, Lost Laysen, have been publis

18、hed. A collection of a</p><p>  Gone with the Wind.[C] Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press,1966.</p><p>  2. The characters in the novel have obvious racial discrimination against bl

19、ack, in accordance with the 1860 view. Name just two cases:</p><p>  "Black is how stupid ah! They never think about anything, unless you ordered them." Scarlett returned to Tara after the fall of

20、Atlanta .</p><p>  "They dare to laugh, the chimps she really want to grab them all up, pumping severely with a whip until they are raw and bloody. Yankees to give them the freedom to really hell!"

21、When Scarlett saw free blacks in the postwar .</p><p>  It repeated the description of U.S. slavery in the South of Wonderland. Slavery here is a rather benevolent system, and rarely happened corporal punish

22、ment or scolding the slaves. The slaves were well cared for, they are very satisfied with the reality. The book said that during the post-war reconstruction period it filled with irresponsible black attacking on white wo

23、men in the legislature among the event of fraud. However, the existing historical evidence, the reality is quite the contrary. Th</p><p>  常耀信. A Survey of American Literature [M]. Tianjin: Nankai University

24、 Press, 2003, pp.167.</p><p>  3. Critics and historians have claimd that the book made a strong Confederate political beliefs and the culture of American slavery south with unrealistic beautification. A vi

25、vid description of the book on the 1864 Atlanta fall and war trauma (part was deleted in the 1939 film), that of this paragraph the history of the considerable research. However, their study material is basically limited

26、 to the works of Southern writers and historians. Mitchell thorough description of the war and the traum</p><p>  The book part of the Ku Klux Klan in early: after the war, Scarlett became the attack of the

27、newly liberated black, and her male friends retaliatory attacked the black shanty town at night. The attack was written in a sympathetic tone , which was necessary and just, while trying to arrest the attackers of the ma

28、gistrate is portrayed as brutal occupiers of the north. Although the description of this event did not mention the Ku Klux Klan, Scarlett later learned that the Acheulian Wei Kaisi and ot</p><p>  Mitchell l

29、earned from her study of history: in the late 1770s,many local anti-black militia eventually joined the Ku Klux Klan. The book had mentioned Scarlett's sick of the Ku Klux Klan, and that all the honest men stay at ho

30、me (although this is out of her selfish considerations so that she could get more care and no longer harmful to her business). In the book Reid was not interested in the Ku Klux Klan, but he said that if we really need h

31、im to be well integrated into this society. But the no</p><p>  High living standard was described about slaves in the book, so the treatment of slaves was also more balanced ,treating them as a member of th

32、e family . At that time, the lifestyle bias of the South and the North on culture is quite large, after Scarlett married Gan Francis, Peter Uncle coachman for Scarlett and the women of the Yankees, Yankee women regarded

33、Uncle Peter as a quite polite reviews, known as "black monkey" or "old baby" language, which shows that the northerners had a considerabl</p><p>  常耀信. A Survey of American Literature [M]

34、. Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2003, pp. 321.</p><p>  4. The southern belle is an archetype for a young woman of the American old South upper class. The southern belle's attractiveness is not phys

35、ical beauty, but rather lies in her charm. She is subject to the correct code of female behavior.[25] The novel's heroine, Scarlett O'Hara, charming though not beautiful, is a southern belle. Scarlett, the figure

36、 of a pampered southern belle, lives through an extreme reversal of fortune and wealth, and survives to rebuild Tara and her self-esteem.[29] Sca</p><p>  Marriage was the goal of all southern belles, and al

37、l social and educational pursuits were directed towards it. Regardless of war and the loss of eligible men, young ladies were still subjected to the pressure to marry.[31] By law and Southern social convention, household

38、 heads were adult, white propertied males, and all white women and all African Americans were thought to require protection and guidance because they lacked the capacity for reason and self-control.[32]</p><p&

39、gt;  During the Civil War, Southern women played a major role as volunteer nurses working in makeshift hospitals. Many were middle- and upper class women who had never worked for wages or seen the inside of a hospital. O

40、ne such nurse was Ada W. Bacot, a young widow who had lost two children. Bacot came from a wealthy South Carolina plantation family that owned 87 slaves</p><p>  Although the novel is over one thousand pages

41、, Mammy never considers what her life might be like away from Tara.[18] She recognizes her freedom to come and go as she pleases saying, "Ah is free, Miss Scarlett. You kain sen' me nowhar Ah doan wanter go,&quo

42、t; but Mammy remains duty-bound to "Miss Ellen's chile".[19]</p><p>  Laura F. Edwards (2000), Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Southern women and the Civil War era, University of Illino


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