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1、<p>  專升本入學(xué)《英語》模擬題一</p><p>  Part I Vocabulary and Structure (25%)</p><p>  We have to produce more food to ________ the demand of the ever-growing population.</p><p>  a. suit

2、b. fixc. meetd. respond</p><p>  I am ________ of the same old breakfast every morning.</p><p>  a. worn outb. tiredc. illd. exhausted</p><p>  Six o’clock is his

3、________ hour for getting up.</p><p>  a. frequentb. regularc. uniformd. settled</p><p>  The committee ________ a conclusion only after days of discussion.</p><p>  a. achie

4、vedb. reachedc. arrivedd. completed</p><p>  ________, that step is not safe!</p><p>  a. Look aroundb. Look outc. Look upd. Look down</p><p>  In spite of the thunderst

5、orm, the children slept ________ all night.</p><p>  a. noisilyb. sensitivelyc. soundlyd. quickly</p><p>  Nothing that I can see ________ what you have described.</p><p>  a

6、. comparesb. relatesc. resemblesd. consists</p><p>  George took ________ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.</p><p>  a. advantageb. profitc. interestd. charge&

7、lt;/p><p>  Those opinions are now out of ________.</p><p>  a. fashionb. moodc. orderd. form</p><p>  His theory is very difficult, but ________ people understand it.</p&g

8、t;<p>  a. a fewb. fewc. a littled. little</p><p>  He wants to read a book, ________ is most unusual for him.</p><p>  a. whichb. that c. thisd. what</p><p&g

9、t;  You have the right to live ________ you want.</p><p>  a. thereb. in whichc. whered. here</p><p>  If the sun ________ the players could have finished the game.</p><p> 

10、 a. had shoneb. did shinec. were shiningd. shone</p><p>  Oh, ________ you have drawn!</p><p>  a. what beautiful a pictureb. how beautiful a picture</p><p>  c. what a beau

11、tiful pictured. how a beautiful picture</p><p>  It was in 1961 ________ John F. Kennedy became president of the United States.</p><p>  a. whenb. andc. thatd. then</p><p&

12、gt;  I found that she ________ lived in that apartment.</p><p>  a. no any longerb. no longerc. not any longerd. not longer</p><p>  I didn’t hear ________ because there was too much noise w

13、here I was sitting.</p><p>  a. what did he sayb. what he said</p><p>  c. what was he sayingd. what for him to say</p><p>  ________ I look old, I have not lost the use o

14、f my limbs.</p><p>  a. Thoughb. In spite ofc. Despited. No matter</p><p>  At first, I didn’t recognize her because she ________ at least fifty pounds.</p><p>  a. lostb.

15、 might losec. had lostd. would lose</p><p>  Peter said that he wouldn’t mind ________ the windows.</p><p>  a. my openingb. I openc. me to opend. for me to open</p><p> 

16、 She had ________ idea what I meant.</p><p>  a. fewb. notc. nod. a little</p><p>  I have been to the West Lake three times ________ 1970.</p><p>  a. sinceb. fromc

17、. untild. after</p><p>  I suggest that she ________ another day.</p><p>  a. will comeb. comesc. camed. should come</p><p>  I was very tired. Otherwise, I ________ to t

18、he theater with you.</p><p>  a. had goneb. would goc. wentd. would have gone</p><p>  Does he speak English or Russian? –He doesn’t speak ________.</p><p>  a. eitherb. n

19、eitherc. alld. none</p><p>  Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)</p><p>  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:</p><p>  After inventing dynamite, Swedish-bo

20、rn Alfred Nobel became a very rich man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just two weeks before his death, he c

21、reated a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. Originally there were five awards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, and peace. Economics was added in 1968

22、, just sixty-seven years</p><p>  Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $30,000 to $125,000.</p><p>  

23、Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards (gold medal, illuminated diploma, and money) are presented to the winners. Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges’ decisions. Amer

24、icans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.</p><p>  No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this i

25、s rare; others have shared their prizes.</p><p>  When did the first award ceremony take place?</p><p>  a. 1895b. 1901c. 1962d. 1968</p><p>  Why was the Nobel prize estab

26、lished?</p><p>  To recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity.</p><p>  To resolve political differences.</p><p>  To honor the inventor of dynamite.</p><p>  To s

27、pend money.</p><p>  Which of the following statements is NOT true?</p><p>  Awards vary in monetary value.</p><p>  Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel’s invent

28、ion.</p><p>  Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners.</p><p>  A few individuals have won two awards.</p><p>  In which area have Americans received the most a

29、wards?</p><p>  a. literatureb. peacec. economicsd. science</p><p>  In how many fields are prizes bestowed?</p><p>  a. 2b. 5c. 6d. 10</p><p>  Ques

30、tions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:</p><p>  My formula for staying young is simple: concentrate on the part of you that’s young and growing—your brain. Keep your mind awake and you’ll stay yo

31、ung all over. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning at least one new thing every day.</p><p>  Regardless of your age, it’s not too late to make you

32、r life more interesting. I know a housewife with no previous knowledge who made herself into an outstanding industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid ceramic artist.</p>

33、<p>  Get over the notion that you are ever too old to go back to school. I know a man who entered medical college at 70. He got his degree with honors and became an eminent physician. Another man went to law scho

34、ol 71 and is now an active lawyer.</p><p>  In spite of years, staying young is easy for those who live in the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind awake and active; that’s the onl

35、y youth elixir guaranteed to work.</p><p>  The statement that our brain remains young and growing regardless of age is ________.</p><p>  a. an impossibilityb. a scientific fact</p>

36、<p>  c. a suppositiond. a ridiculous conclusion</p><p>  It is wrong to ________.</p><p>  think oneself too old to go back to school</p><p>  keep one’s mind awake</

37、p><p>  try to stay young</p><p>  get one’s degree with honors</p><p>  The passage states that a man who entered college at 70 became ________.</p><p>  a. an active law

38、yerb. an electric engineer</p><p>  c. a distinguished doctord. a highly paid ceramic artist</p><p>  The only youth elixir is to ________.</p><p>  a. go back to school

39、b. forget one’s own age</p><p>  c. keep in touch with young peopled. keep one’s mind awake and active</p><p>  All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that ________.</p><p

40、>  human brain never gets old with age</p><p>  every person should take up a new occupation when he becomes old</p><p>  staying young is not difficult if one is willing to try</p>&l

41、t;p>  there is always something to learn if you have an interest in what’s going on around you</p><p>  Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:</p><p>  The Egyptian kingdom wa

42、s not self-contained but traded widely with the outside world, using the enormous surpluses of wheat grown on the rich valley soil to profit from high prices resulting from famine in various parts of the Mediterranean wo

43、rld. Relations with the neighboring and in some ways similar civilization of Mesopotamia were always close, though often hostile. Syria and Palestine suffered much in biblical times from the competition of the two world

44、powers of the day. For long, Egypt ru</p><p>  This passage is mainly about ________.</p><p>  a. the early history of Egyptb. wheat trade between Egypt and its neighbors</p><p>

45、;  c. the fall of Egyptd. famine in the Mediterranean world</p><p>  Egypt sold its wheat at a high price because ________.</p><p>  the Mediterranean nations were at war</p><p&

46、gt;  the wheat was of high quality</p><p>  c. Egypt had control over the neighboring countries</p><p>  d. the neighboring countries were badly in need of food</p><p>  Egypt’s rel

47、ations with its neighbors were ________.</p><p>  a. close and friendlyb. close but hostile</p><p>  c. friendly though sometimes hostiled. hostile but sometimes friendly</p><p

48、>  By “the two world powers” the author means ________.</p><p>  a. Egypt and Syriab. Egypt and Persia</p><p>  c. Syria and Palestined. Assyria and Persia</p><p>  Wh

49、ich of the following statements is true?</p><p>  The famine in the Mediterranean countries brought about damaging results to Egyptian farming.</p><p>  Egypt had developed an entirely different

50、 culture from its neighbors.</p><p>  Egypt turned out much more wheat every year than its people could eat.</p><p>  Egypt ruled over Assyria and Persia before 633 B. C.</p><p>  Q

51、uestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:</p><p>  How men first learned to invent words is unknown. In other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike an

52、imals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agree upon certain signs, called letters, which could be co

53、mbined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.</p><p>  The power of words, then lies in their associations—the things t

54、hey bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the m

55、ore the number of words that mean something to us increase.</p><p>  How language began is ________.</p><p>  a. a legend handed down from the pastb. a matter that is hidden and secret</p&

56、gt;<p>  c. a question difficult to answerd. a problem not yet solved</p><p>  Why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that ________.</p><p>  a. they could

57、 agree upon certain thingsb. they could communicate with each other</p><p>  c. they could write them downd. they could combine them</p><p>  The meaning of words comes from their ________.

58、</p><p>  a. lettersb. differencesc. soundsd. associations</p><p>  By “association”, the author means ________.</p><p>  a. a joining of ideas in the mindsb. a special

59、quality</p><p>  c. a strange featured. an appearance which is puzzling</p><p>  Which of the following statements is true?</p><p>  The more we read and learn, the more ignor

60、ant we are.</p><p>  The more we read and learn, the more sensitive we become.</p><p>  The more we read and learn, the more learned we are.</p><p>  The more we read and learn, the

61、 more confused we will be.</p><p>  Part III Cloze (15%)</p><p>  Cotton, like silk, was discovered and made (46)________ cloth by man before the historical period began. Its first recorded use

62、was in India, (47)________ cotton cloth of very fine texture, almost as fine as silk, was made. When the Spanish (48)________ in the New World, they found that the Incas, the Mayas, and the Aztecs knew (49)________ cotto

63、n cloth. Some of the cotton cloth made in Peru, even before the days of the Incas, (50)________ that it is kept in museums.</p><p>  Cotton is the most important of all textiles. Even now, with many artifici

64、al materials (51)________, more than half of all textile products are made of cotton.</p><p>  Cotton comes (52)________ a plant of that name. When the plant is mature, the cotton grows in a white ball aroun

65、d the seed. To (53)________ the cotton for market, the seed must be removed from the cotton fiber. This (54)________ by a machine called the cotton gin. Then the cotton is (55)________ into huge bundles called bales, (56

66、)________ are sent to the mills. (57)________ the fibers are combed (58)________ they will all be turned in the same direction. (59)________, the fibers are spun into t</p><p>  a. intob. out ofc. fro

67、md. through</p><p>  a. thereb. wherec. whichd. that</p><p>  a. arrivedb. reachedc. returnedd. came</p><p>  a. to how makeb. how to makec. how was made

68、d. how making</p><p>  a. very fineb. so finec. is very fined. is so fine</p><p>  a. availableb. givenc. requiredd. ready</p><p>  a. fromb. throughc. out

69、ofd. into</p><p>  a. prepareb. leavec. growd. start</p><p>  a. is doneb. is madec. doned. made</p><p>  a. placedb. packedc. setd. crowded</

70、p><p>  a. thatb. thosec. whichd. they</p><p>  a. Whereb. Therec. In whichd. These</p><p>  a. so asb. such thatc. as thatd. so that</p><p>

71、;  a. Secondlyb. Afterc. Nextd. Lately</p><p>  a. clothesb. clothc. clothingd. dress</p><p>  Part IV Translation (10%)</p><p>  If you want to find out about t

72、he manners of your foreign friends, you will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own.</p><p>  Above all, in an ideal home, the members of the family must treat one another sincere

73、ly. They like to get together and communicate with one another in a democratic way and without any unreasonable arguments or quarrels.</p><p>  Scientists are trying to design some small cars that may some d

74、ay take the place of today’s big automobiles.</p><p>  The rescue effort has now focused on providing food, shelter and drinking water for the millions of people affected by the 8.0 magnitude earthquake in S

75、ichuan province.</p><p>  Ministers plan legislation this autumn to guarantee agency staff equal treatment but this depends on a similar EU directive being passed before then.</p><p>  Part V Wr

76、iting (10%)</p><p>  Directions: Write an essay on the topic “Bad Eating Habits” and base your essay on the outline below. Your essay should be about 100 words.</p><p>  不良的飲食習(xí)慣有什么壞處</p>

77、<p>  舉例(至少兩例)說明哪些習(xí)慣屬于不良的飲食習(xí)慣</p><p>  我們應(yīng)該克服不良的飲食習(xí)慣</p><p>  Keys to Test 1 </p><p>  專升本入學(xué)《英語》模擬題二</p><p>  Part I Vocabulary and Structure (25%)</p><

78、p>  This is much ________ to the one I bought last week.</p><p>  a. worseb. lowerc. inferiord. equal</p><p>  The novel ended happily, and the young couple were married in the _____

79、___.</p><p>  a. finalb. closingc. endd. conclusion</p><p>  Which are the most ________ candidates?</p><p>  a. likelyb. likec. aliked. liking</p><p>

80、;  I saw a traffic ________ this morning.</p><p>  a. eventb. accidentc. conflictd. damage</p><p>  The desert was regarded as ________ for settlement.</p><p>  a. uncertain

81、b. unablec. unfitd. unlike</p><p>  I ________ watching this program because it is very interesting.</p><p>  a. amuseb. pleasec. delightd. enjoy</p><p>  His wife’

82、s death ________ him deeply.</p><p>  a. affectedb. effectedc. offendedd. infected</p><p>  Fortunately, the demonstration ________ to be quite peaceful.</p><p>  a. turned in

83、b. turned outc. showed offd. showed up</p><p>  Two ships were barely ________ on the horizon.</p><p>  a. sensibleb. passablec. visibled. available</p><p>  Father sai

84、d such a thing ________ to happen again.</p><p>  a. ought to be not allowedb. ought not to be allowed</p><p>  c. ought to be allowed notd. not ought to be allowed</p><p>  _

85、_______ to wait for hours, she brought along a book to read.</p><p>  a. Expectedb. To expectc. Expectsd. Expecting</p><p>  He was left alone with ________ to look after him.</p>

86、<p>  a. not oneb. no onec. anyoned. someone</p><p>  ________ since she was a young girl, she had wanted to become an actress.</p><p>  a. Alwaysb. Everc. Longd. Freque

87、ntly</p><p>  Arabic is a language I found ________ to learn.</p><p>  a. it difficultb. that difficultc. difficult itd. difficult</p><p>  The fact ________ shows that he wa

88、s never really serious about coming.</p><p>  a. that he didn’t turn upb. which he didn’t turn up</p><p>  c. he didn’t turn upd. for him not to turn up</p><p>  I’ll leave h

89、im a note ________ he’ll know where we are.</p><p>  a. in orderb. so thatc. now thatd. in case</p><p>  The whole path ________ electricity travels is known as a circuit.</p>&l

90、t;p>  a. along thatb. asc. along whichd. in that</p><p>  You’d ________ tell him the truth before it is too late.</p><p>  a. betterb. ratherc. mostd. like</p>&l

91、t;p>  He speaks English as if he ________ a native speaker.</p><p>  a. wereb. had beenc. wasd. be</p><p>  We are opposed to ________ without him.</p><p>  a. have a p

92、artyb. we have a partyc. us have a partyd. having a party</p><p>  I checked all my answers ________ my teacher had suggested.</p><p>  a. likeb. asc. thatd. such</p>&l

93、t;p>  He plays not only the piano, ________ the violin.</p><p>  a. but alsob. and alsoc. but as well asd. but as well</p><p>  In no circumstances ________ a lie.</p><p>

94、  a. you should tellb. shouldn’t you tell</p><p>  c. you shouldn’t telld. should you tell</p><p>  My sister framed the photograph and ________ it on the wall of her room.</p>

95、;<p>  a. to hangb. hangsc. hungd. hanging</p><p>  ________, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.</p><p>  a. Giving timeb. To give timec. Given timed. Being given t

96、ime</p><p>  Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)</p><p>  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:</p><p>  In Europe, where people seem to improve their trains as fas

97、t as we in the United States retire ours, we have living proof that railroads can compete with, and often outstrip, airlines and cars. “If the distance is seven hundred miles or more, people in Europe might prefer to fly

98、,” says an official of the French National Railroads, “but when you get down to four or five hundred miles the train is convenient.” In France, a businessman says to his secretary, “What’s the next train to Lyons?” –not

99、t</p><p>  In the U. S. people seem to be ________.</p><p>  a. improving their trainsb. modernizing their trains</p><p>  c. putting their trains out of serviced. destroying

100、 all their trains</p><p>  In what case can railroads outrun airlines and cars?</p><p>  a. The longer runs.b. Short-haul service.</p><p>  c. When the distance is 700 miles o

101、r more.d. When the train leaves for Lyons.</p><p>  In Europe the railroads ________.</p><p>  a. try to slow down their fleet of trainsb. keep speeding up their trains</p><p>  

102、c. try to apply magic to their fleet of trainsd. are halting or diminishing short-haul service</p><p>  In Europe a businessman ________.</p><p>  a. seldom takes the trainb. often takes t

103、he train</p><p>  c. takes the train only when it is automaticd. never takes an airplane</p><p>  In the U. S. the railroads ________.</p><p>  a. can compete with airlines and car

104、sb. can hardly compete with airlines and cars</p><p>  c. can sometimes outstrip airlines and carsd. is concentrating on the longer runs</p><p>  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following

105、 passage:</p><p>  In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world; critically to inquire into it; carefully to c

106、onsider it; clearly to analyze it; and earnestly to carry it out.</p><p>  It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not

107、 what you inquire into, but when you once inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it. It matters not what you try to think of, but when you once try to think of a thing, you m


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