1、<p><b> 外文翻譯</b></p><p><b> 原文</b></p><p> Conference and Exhibition Tourism in the Developing World:The South African Experience</p><p> Material S
2、ource: Urban Forum,Vol.16,Nos.2-3 ,April-September 2005. Author: Christian M.Rogerson</p><p> writings on business tourism in general and on conference and exhibition tourism
3、 in particular. The second section turns attention to analyse business tourism in South Africa, the growing local supply of conference and exhibition facilities, and to highlight the increasing competition that is emergi
4、ng between SouthAfrica's leading cities for dominance of the lucrative market of conference and exhibition tourism. Over the past quarter-century, strong growth was recorded in flows of business touri</p><
5、p> For destination planners, the benefits of attracting business tourism are several.At international level, these include, inter alia, contributions to employment and income, increased foreign exchange earnings, the
6、 generation of investment in tourism infrastructure, the facilitation of opportunities for access to new technology and ideas, and the establishment of business contacts (Dwyer and Mistilis,1997). At local level, the att
7、ractions of business tourism involve the sheer size and expansion o</p><p> In common with most areas of tourism scholarship, the available fragmented literature concerning business tourism is dom
8、inated by research on the developed world. A number of studies have appeared which document various dimensions of international or domestic business tourism in Europe (Law, 1987;Wootton and Stevens, 1995; Bradley et al.,
9、 2002; Dorfler, 2002; Weber and Chon, 2002; World Tourism Organisation, 2003) and North America (Zelinsky, 1994; Hiller, 1995; Weber and Chon, 2002; W</p><p> Conferences and exhibitions are usually tr
10、eated together rather than as two separate activities because "there is an increasing convergence between them" (Law, 1987: 86). Traditionally, many conferences include exhibitions and exhibitions often gi
11、ve rise to conferences. None the less, as Law (1987: 87) observes the "apogee" of convergence between conferences and exhibitions is the emergence of the multi-purpose 'convention centre' which consists
12、 of several large venues which can be use</p><p> Hiller (1995: 375) argues that conferences and exhibitions are a "special kind of tourism" as theoretically they represent the propelling factor f
13、or attendance rather than the characteristics of the destination itself.The meeting, convention or exhibition serves as the primary purpose for travel and the focus is a multi-faceted event of a fixed time duration that
14、involves speakers, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, banquets, association meetings and social events. Accordingly, the conference or </p><p> In practical terms, a commitment to the purpose of the conferen
15、ce or exhibition is not a guarantee of attendance. Issues relating to accessibility, marketing, investment, infrastructure, human resources and service quality are among a range of variables that can be influential (Webe
16、r and Ladkin, 2003). The markets for conference and exhibition tourism at both international and domestic scale of analysis have been shown to be "extremely competitive" (Dwyer and Mistilis, 1997: 230) with mor
17、e and m</p><p> The results of such research, including the application of choice modelling exercises, are used to improve the competitive positioning and branding of individual destinations for the att
18、raction of business tourism (Var et al., 1985; Oppermann, 1996a; Crouch and Louviere, 2003; Weber and Ladkin, 2003; Hankinson, 2005). Illustratively, much recent attention has been given to the primacy of
19、 Singapore over the competition offered from Hong Kong for international conferences in So</p><p> The significance of factors such as capacity of facilities, quality of service, accessibility, as well as c
20、ost considerations have been put forward to explain the regional competitive dominance of Singapore and correspondingly, to suggest areas for improvement for enhancing the position of Hong Kong (Go and Govers, 1999; Lew
21、and Chang, 1999; Qu et al., 2000). </p><p> At national level, the importance of this segment of business tourism is underscored by the fact that certain countries have prepared national policies or strateg
22、ies that are designed specifically to ensure long-term growth and to maximise the local economic and social impacts of conference and exhibition tourism. In terms of policy development, one of the most pro-active countri
23、es is Australia. During the 1990s the national government encouraged the development of a marketing strategy</p><p> For destinations, the economic impacts of capturing the market of business tour
24、ism are potentially considerable. Figure 1 shows the economic impacts of business tourism on localities. It discloses that whilst there are both potential positive and negative impacts, "it is generally a
25、ccepted that the economic benefits of business tourism are positive in most places" (Swarbrooke and Horner, 2001: 77). In the USA, the hosting of conventions and meetings is viewed as highly beneficial in t</p>
26、;<p> Taken together, given the several potential economic and non-economic impacts of business tourism, it is not surprising that many different kinds of localities have been encouraged to seek a slice of this l
27、ucrative market by attracting conferences and exhibitions. </p><p> Historically, in Western Europe, resort towns recognised earliest the potential benefits of conference and exhibition tourism and started
28、to develop specialist conference facilities during the inter-war period (1919-39). Indeed, a long-established feature of seaside resorts in the United Kingdom, such as Blackpool, Brighton or Scarborough, is the hosting o
29、f the annual conferences of political parties, trade unions and associations in order to attract visitors and extend the length of the tourism</p><p> Tourism scholarship concerning conferences and exhibiti
30、ons is dominated by writings concerned with developed countries. An examination of the South African experience, therefore, provides a useful complement to the existing writings and reveals certain parallel themes, parti
31、cularly concerning issues of local development. </p><p> Historically, in the apartheid period the market for conference and exhibition tourism was based upon domestic demand. After the democratic transitio
32、n, however, it is evident that new opportunities were opened for the attraction of international conferences and exhibitions to South Africa. Undoubtedly, a watershed event in the development of South African participati
33、on in the global market for conferences was the successful hosting in Johannesburg during 2002 of the World Summit on Sustainable D</p><p> REFERENCES</p><p> Bradley, A., Hall, T. and Harriso
34、n, M., 2002: Selling cities: promoting new images for meetings tourism, Cities, 19, 60-70. </p><p> Braun, B.M. and Rungeling,B., 1992: The relative economic impact of convention and tourist visitors on a r
35、egional economy: a case study, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 11, 65-71. </p><p> City of Cape Town, 1990: A Conference Centre and Related Issues Regarding the Civic Centre, TP3630/BA, Tow
36、n Planning Branch, City of Cape Town. </p><p> City of Johannesburg, 2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development 26 August to 4 September 2002: Project Completion Report, City of Johannesburg, Johannesbur
37、g. </p><p> City of Johannesburg, 2003:Joburg Conference Venues, City of Johannesburg, Johannesburg. </p><p> City of Johannesburg, 2004: Finance & Economic Development, available
38、 at www.joburg.org.za/finance/index.stm. </p><p> Cooper, C., 1979: The Convention Industry and Sydney: An Analysis of Market Trends and Location Parameters for a Major Convention Centre, Department of Geog
39、raphy, University of New England, Armidale. </p><p> Crouch, G.I. and Louviere, J.J., 2003: Experimental analysis of the choice of convention site, Tourism Analysis, 8, 171-176. </p><p> Crouc
40、h, G.I. and Ritchie, J.R.B., 1998: Convention site selection research: a review, conceptual model and propositional framework, Journal of Convention and Exhibition Management, 1 (1), 49-69. </p><p> Davidso
41、n, R., 1993: European business tourism—changes and prospects, Tourism Management, 14, 167-172. </p><p> Davie, L., 2003: Joburg country's top exhibitions venue, available at www.joburg.org.za (19 Decemb
42、er). </p><p> Davie, L., 2004: Joburg an 'emerging giant' for business tourism, available at www.joburg.org.za (21 June). </p><p> Dieke, P.U.C., 1998: Regional tourism in Af
43、rica: scope and critical issues, in E. Laws, B. Faulkner and G. Moscardo (eds), Embracing and Managing Change in Tourism: International Case Studies, Routledge, London, 29-48. </p><p><b> 譯文</b>
44、</p><p> 會展旅游在發(fā)展中國家:南非經驗</p><p> 資料來源:城市論壇,第16卷,2-3號,2005年四月至9月</p><p> 作者:克里斯坦.M.羅杰森</p><p> 會議及展覽通常是一起處理,而不是作為兩個獨立的活動,因為“他們之間存在著日益趨同”(法律,1987:86)。傳統(tǒng)上,許多會議和展覽,經常引起
45、會議。盡管如此,隨著法律(1987:87)表明會議和展覽之間存在“遠地點”銜接,包含能被靈活應用于會議或展覽目的的大型場地的多功能會議中心開始出現。希勒(1995:375)認為,會議及展覽是一種“特殊的旅游”, 在理論上,他們代表著出席的推動因素,而不是為了達成自身目的的特點,會展服務作為旅行的主要目的和重點,是一個固定時間期限的多方面的事件,涉及揚聲器,研討會,工作坊,展覽,宴會,協(xié)會會議和社交活動。因此,解釋了會議或展覽活動是在主要
46、目的上明顯不同于其他形式的商務旅行的一種個人或小團體的聚會。(希勒,1995年)。</p><p> 具體而言,一個會議或展覽的目的的承諾不是出席的保證。可以涉及的問題,包括市場營銷,投資,基礎設施,人力資源和服務質量,是在一系列變量中影響深遠的(韋伯和拉迪金,2003年)。隨著越來越多的國家建立會議中心,以利用這一新興旅游部門“(奧珀曼,1997:245),會展旅游的國際,國內市場在大規(guī)模的分析中,已經被證明
47、是“非常有競爭力”(德威爾和米斯特勒斯,1997:230)。會議的組織者對會議或展覽的舉辦場地的選擇相當謹慎。因此,在商務旅游學術關鍵研究的重點是了解舉行會議的相關策劃者和潛在的參加者的決策過程和目標形象(澤林斯蓋,1994年;奧珀曼,1996年;奧珀曼和駿,1997年;克勞奇和瑞切 ,1998年;蓋茨等人,1998年;奧珀曼,1998年;韋伯,2001年)。</p><p> 這種研究成果,包括選擇模型練習應
48、用,是用來提高商務旅游競爭定位及個別目的的品牌價值的吸引力(瓦爾等人,1985年;奧珀曼,1996年;克勞奇和露薇艾爾,2003;韋伯和拉迪金,2003;漢金森,2005年)。 舉例說,近來的注意力都集中在新加坡,他在香港之后,得到了在南部地區(qū)的國際會展競爭力主導地位,更廣泛地說,是環(huán)太平洋地區(qū)的競爭主導地位。這些要素,如設備容量,服務,交通方便,以及成本的考慮,他們的意義在于已經解釋了新加坡的區(qū)域競爭力優(yōu)勢,并相應建議各地區(qū)提高香港的
49、地位(葛和歌威爾斯 1999;盧,張,1999年;歐等,2000)。</p><p> 在國家層次上,這部分商務旅游的重要性強調的是某些國家已經制訂了國家政策或戰(zhàn)略,專門設計以確保長期的增長,并最大限度地提高當地的經濟和會展旅游的社會影響。在政策發(fā)展方面,,澳大利亞是最積極的國家之一。在20世紀90年代國民政府鼓勵營銷策略的發(fā)展,它面向大多數國家,通過總理會議及展覽目的,提升這些國家的國際意識,協(xié)調與合作,促進
50、該行業(yè)的銷售; 在澳大利亞特別是來自亞太地區(qū),鼓勵國家協(xié)會吸引海外代表參加會議和展覽,以及,在地方,國家和國際級上提高澳大利亞參會代表的數量,(德威爾和米斯特勒斯,1997年)</p><p> 對于目的地,抓住了商務旅游市場的經濟影響是潛在需要考慮的的。在美國,主辦會議被認為是非常有益的,因為它們可以補充經歷了季節(jié)性波動的休閑旅游活動(布朗和讓格林,1992年)。在商務旅游的成功已證明也帶來了非經濟獎勵地區(qū)展
51、示,最有意義的是相關圖像和輪廓增強,腐爛地區(qū)的物理升級換代,居民中的公民自豪感(法律, 1987年; 澤林斯蓋,1994;布拉德利等人,2002年)。兩者合計,考慮到一些潛在的經濟和非經濟商務旅游的影響,許多地方不同地區(qū)一直鼓勵通過吸引會展,在這個有利可圖的市場分一杯羹,這毫不奇怪。</p><p> 從歷史上看,在西歐,度假小鎮(zhèn)被公認是最早的會議和會展旅游的潛在利益,并在內戰(zhàn)期間(1919至1939年)發(fā)展專
52、業(yè)的會議設施。事實上,在英國一個歷史悠久的海邊度假勝地,如英國黑池,布賴頓或士嘉堡,是政黨,工會和協(xié)會進行年度會議以及為了吸引游客,延長了旅游時間季節(jié)的一些活動的舉辦地(道格拉斯,1979)。從20世紀80年代早期,隨著一些省中心,如伯明翰,卡迪夫,格拉斯哥,曼徹斯特,諾丁漢和紐卡斯爾的進入,會議旅游市場變得越來越有競爭力。這些中心,多功能設施大多數得到了開發(fā)(法律,1987年; 布拉德利等人,2002年。)。主要的例外是伯明翰,他遵循
53、美國的模式,發(fā)展有計劃的大型會議中心商業(yè)區(qū),以配合其國家展中心.會議旅游市場一直在積極尋求大批在英國,歐洲大陸,美國和澳大利亞的老工業(yè)城市,利用其后工業(yè)再生策略(法律,1987年,1992年,1993年;。布拉德利等人,2002年)。首都城市功能還為商務旅游的發(fā)展提供機會,包括為會議和各種會展(浩,2002年)。</p><p> 在美國或西歐地區(qū),影響個別地區(qū)競爭力的因素提供了類似亞洲的經驗,普遍共識是,會議
55、要的,雖然不如其他因素重要,(布拉德利等人,2002年)??傮w而言,法律(1987年:93)聲稱,國際會議,會議的組織者被吸引到具有良好的航空聯系的地方,一個高標準的設施和有吸引力的形象的地方,而形象的作用和地點的吸引力對于展覽場地意義更低。</p><p> 旅游學術包括會議和展覽會主要是關于與發(fā)達國家的有關的著作。因此,一個南非的經驗檢驗提供了一個對現有著作的有益補充,揭示某些平行的主題,特別是關于地方發(fā)展
56、問題。</p><p> 從歷史上看,在種族隔離時期,會議和展覽旅游市場是基于國內需求。然而,經過民主過渡后,很明顯南非的國際會展業(yè)有了更大的吸引力,毫無疑問,南非在參與會展的全球市場發(fā)展的分水嶺事件是在2002年世界可持續(xù)發(fā)展首腦會議在約翰內斯堡的成功舉辦。積極的本地發(fā)展影響了這些會議的吸引力,并已經是該國3個國際級會議中心發(fā)展和不斷提升的重要催化劑。這三大主要會議設施代表了大約1700個會議及展覽中心的頂點
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