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1、<p><b>  附件:</b></p><p>  湖南省第十屆研究生創(chuàng)新論壇論文格式要求(樣稿)*</p><p>  第一作者1,第二作者1,2,第三作者2</p><p>  1. 國防科學技術大學機電工程與自動化學院自動控制系 長沙 410073</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@nudt

2、.edu.cn</p><p>  2. 中國科學院 數(shù)學與系統(tǒng)科學研究院, 北京 100080</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@iss.ac.cn</p><p>  摘 要:湖南省第十屆研究生創(chuàng)新論壇為了提高論文集質量,我們?yōu)檎撐呐虐嬷贫私y(tǒng)一規(guī)范。請按照此規(guī)范提供論文的最終版本。 注意:中文文章必須同時提供英文摘要和關鍵詞。</p>

3、<p>  關鍵詞:論文,格式,電子文檔</p><p>  Template for Preparation of Papers</p><p>  First Author1, Second Author1,2, Third Author2</p><p>  1. Department of Automatic Control, College

4、 of Mechatronics and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, 410073,Changsha, P.R.China</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@nudt.edu.cn</p><p>  2. Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Ch

5、inese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@iss.ac.cn</p><p>  Abstract: This is the paper style requirement. The writers of papers should and must provide normalized electron

6、ic documents in order for readers to search and read papers conveniently.</p><p>  Key Words: Paper, Instruction, Graduate Innovation Forum of Hunan</p><p>  文件類型要求(Typing Instructions)</p>

7、;<p>  湖南省第十屆研究生創(chuàng)新論壇為規(guī)范論文的版面, 特制作此模板——中文MS Word模板, 同時我們也制定了英文MS Word模板。</p><p>  提交論文作者須知 (Instructions for Author)</p><p>  根據(jù)出版社編輯加工的需要,每篇論文需提交電子版DOC文檔一份。</p><p>  版面要求(For

8、matting Instructions)</p><p>  論文排版在A4紙張上。版面居中。 這里給出論文版面的詳細規(guī)范及其說明。</p><p>  論文長度要求 (Length)</p><p>  提交論文不得超過6頁。</p><p>  頁面和字體設置 (Page/Font Settings)</p><p&

9、gt;  本文是一個MS Word中文模板,您可以直接使用此模板,也可以按照要求建立自己的模板。表1和表2分別給出頁面設置和字體設置,請以此作為自己設置模板的規(guī)范。</p><p><b>  表1 頁面設置</b></p><p><b>  表2 字體設置</b></p><p>  題目及摘要(Title and A

10、bstract Setting)</p><p>  題目,三號黑體,加粗,段前空18磅,段后空12磅。</p><p>  作者五號宋體占一行。當作者為不同單位時,用羅馬數(shù)字作為上標標注。</p><p>  作者單位、所在城市、郵編為五號宋體占一行,段前空6磅.Email地址五號,Times New Roman體。當有多個單位時,按照作者的標注順序,列出單位等信

11、息,字體格式如前所述。</p><p>  摘要、關鍵詞字體為五號宋體,“摘 要”、“關鍵詞”兩詞頂頭,五號黑體。 摘要段前空12磅。</p><p>  中文論文同時需要提供英文摘要等信息。</p><p>  英文題目三號,Times New Roman字體,加粗.段前空18磅,段后空12磅。 每個單詞的第一個字母大寫,其它字符均為小寫。</p>

12、<p>  作者英文姓名為五號,Times New Roman字體,占一行。</p><p>  作者英文單位、地址、城市、郵編,五號,Times New Roman字體,占一行,段前空6磅。單位中每個單詞的第一個字符大寫,后面字符小寫。</p><p>  Email地址五號,Times New Roman體。</p><p>  英文摘要、關鍵詞字體

13、為五號Times New Roman, “Abstract”,“Key word”加粗,“Abstract”段前空12磅,“Key word”段后18磅。對于英文文章,中文摘要的最后“關鍵字”段后18磅。</p><p><b>  以上均為單倍行距。</b></p><p>  標題 (Section and Subsection Headings)</p&g

14、t;<p>  標題居左、頂頭,并同時提供英文標題。節(jié)號用阿拉伯數(shù)字1, 2?!B續(xù)地排,下一級標題的節(jié)號要包含上一級標題的節(jié)號,用“.”分隔,格式如上行。</p><p>  一級標題中文為四號黑體,英文為四號Times New Roman體。英文標題大寫。段前、后各空6磅。 </p><p>  二級及二級以下標題中文為5號黑體,英文為五號Times New Roman

15、體。 英文標題首字母大寫,其它小寫。 段前、后各空6磅。 </p><p><b>  以上均為單倍行距。</b></p><p>  正文(Main Text)</p><p>  正文版面為A4紙,采用五號宋體, 正文中的英文為五號Times New Roman體。段頭空兩個中文字,單倍行距,段后空2磅。</p><p&

16、gt;  表格(Tables)</p><p>  表的標題位于表上方,居中, 小五號黑體, 段前、后各空6磅。表的序號用阿拉伯數(shù)字。表中文字為中文小五號宋體或者英文小五號Times New Roman體。表格上、下邊框為雙線,左、右無邊框,表內用單線分隔。</p><p>  圖(Figures)</p><p>  圖的標題位于圖的下方,居中,小五號黑體,段前、

17、后各空6磅.圖的序號用阿拉伯數(shù)字。圖形盡可能放置在文中提到的段落后面。為了使圖形更加清晰,請用原始圖或者照片。</p><p>  圖 1 The Caption</p><p>  數(shù)學公式(Mathematical Formulas)</p><p>  數(shù)學公式居中,根據(jù)需要可以添加公式編號。</p><p><b>  (

18、1)</b></p><p>  參考文獻(References)</p><p>  參考文獻按照文中出現(xiàn)的順序排列。 排列序號為方括號中插入阿拉伯數(shù)字, 例如“[1]”。 </p><p>  “參考文獻”四個字為四號黑體,居左頂頭,占一行。段前空12磅,段后空6磅。</p><p>  中文參考文獻為五號宋體, 英文參考文獻

19、為五號Times New Roman體。 段頭不空, 懸掛式縮進0.57cm,單倍行距,段后空2磅。 </p><p>  參考文獻為期刊論文時, 每篇論文包括作者、題名、刊名、卷、期、頁、出版年信息; 參考文獻為專著時,每本專著包括著者、書名、版本、出版地、出版者、出版年信息。具體形式可參見本文中參考文獻樣例。 </p><p>  注意事項(Checklist)</p>

20、<p>  標題不要落在頁面的底部;</p><p>  文中要保持行距一致;</p><p>  圖、表最好放置在文中提到的段落附近;</p><p>  文中不需要插入頁碼;</p><p>  正文中的第一行不要刪除,否則腳注將被刪除。</p><p><b>  參考文獻</b>

21、</p><p>  洪奕光,程代展. 非線性系統(tǒng)的分析與控制[M].北京:科學出版社, 2005.</p><p>  孫軼民,郭雷. 關于平面仿射非線性系統(tǒng)的全局漸近能控性[J].中國科學(E輯),2005,35(8):830-839.</p><p>  Daizhan Cheng. Controllability of Switched Bilinear S

22、ystems[J]. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 2005 ,50(4): 511-515.</p><p>  Template for Preparation of Papers*</p><p>  First Author1, Second Author1,2, Third Author2</p><p>  1.

23、Department of Automatic Control, College of Mechatronics and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, 410073,Changsha, P.R.China</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@nudt.edu.cn</p><p>  2. Academ

24、y of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@iss.ac.cn</p><p>  Abstract: This is the paper style requirement. The writers of papers sho

25、uld and must provide normalized electronic documents in order for readers to search and read papers conveniently.</p><p>  Key Words: Paper, Instruction, Graduate Innovation Forum of Hunan</p><p&g

26、t;  湖南省第十屆研究生創(chuàng)新論壇論文格式要求(樣稿)</p><p>  第一作者1,第二作者1,2,第三作者2</p><p>  1. 國防科學技術大學機電工程與自動化學院自動控制系 長沙 410073</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@nudt.edu.cn</p><p>  2. 中國科學院 數(shù)學與系統(tǒng)科學研究院, 北

27、京 100080</p><p>  E-mail: aaa@iss.ac.cn</p><p>  摘 要:湖南省第十屆研究生創(chuàng)新論壇為了提高論文集質量,我們?yōu)檎撐呐虐嬷贫私y(tǒng)一規(guī)范。請按照此規(guī)范提供論文的最終版本。 注意:中文文章必須同時提供英文摘要和關鍵詞。</p><p>  關鍵詞:論文,格式,電子文檔</p><p>  1

28、INTRODUCTION</p><p>  These are instructions for authors typesetting . This document has been prepared using the required format. Please use this document as a “template” to prepare your manuscript. Do not d

29、elete the blank line immediately above the first section; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. </p><p>  Instructions for Authors</p><p>  According to the need of publishers editi

30、ng ,each paper will be submitted DOC.</p><p>  2 FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>  MS Word Authors: please try to use the paragraph styles contained in this document. </p><p><b&

31、gt;  Length</b></p><p>  The maximum allowed number of pages is 6.</p><p>  Page/Font Settings</p><p>  It is strongly recommended that prospective authors download templates

32、for use with MS Word.</p><p>  Templates provided here have been created to ensure that margin requirement is adequately met. If, for some reason, you are not able to use provided templates, please observe t

33、he following margins and font settings strictly.</p><p>  Table1. Page Margins</p><p>  Table2. Font Settings</p><p>  Section and Subsection Headings</p><p>  Number s

34、ection and subsection headings consecutively in Arabic numbers and type them in bold. Avoid using too many capital letters. If any further subdivision of a subsection is needed the titles should be 10.5 point and flushed

35、 left.</p><p><b>  Main Text</b></p><p>  Use Times New Roman with font size 10.5 point for text (character size). Paragraphs are separated by 6 point and with no indentation. You ma

36、y type on plain white A4 paper. </p><p><b>  Tables</b></p><p>  All tables must be centered in the column and numbered consecutively (in Arabic numbers). Table headings should be p

37、laced above the table. Place tables as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text (see Table1 and Table2).</p><p><b>  Figures</b></p><p>  All illustrations shou

38、ld be original drawings or photographic prints of originals. Photographs should be glossy prints. Photocopies are often not good enough and should be avoided. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively, using Ara

39、bic numbers. Center figure captions beneath the figure (see Figure 1). If possible, do not assemble figures at the back of your article, but place them as close as possible to where they are mentioned in the main text.

40、No part of a figure should go beyond t</p><p>  Fig 1. Magnetization as a function of applied field. It is good practice to explain the significance of the figure in the caption.</p><p>  Color

41、and grayscale figures should be prepared with 400 dpi resolution and saved with no compression, monochrome figure should be prepared with 600 dpi resolution and saved with no compression.</p><p>  Mathemati

42、cal Formulas</p><p>  Mathematical formulas should be roughly centered and have to be numbered as formula (1).</p><p><b>  (1)</b></p><p>  References</p><p&g

43、t;  Number citations consecutively in square brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the brackets [2].</p><p>  Please note that the references at the end of this document are in the preferred referen

44、cing style. Give all authors’ names; do not use “et al.” unless there are six authors or more. Use a space after authors' initials.</p><p>  3 FINE TUNING </p><p>  Do not end a page with a

45、 section or subsection heading.</p><p>  Do not include page numbers in the text</p><p>  4 PAPER SUBMISSION</p><p>  After proofreading your paper, it must be sent to the relevant

46、 E-mail electronically including both MS Word and PDF formats. </p><p>  References</p><p>  D.Z.Cheng. Controllability of switched bilinear systems[J].IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, 2005,50

47、(4): 511-515.</p><p>  D.Z.Cheng. Matrix and Polynomial Approach to Dynamic Control Systems[M]. Science Press, Beijing, China, 2002.</p><p>  D.Z.Cheng. On logic-based intelligent systems[C]. Pr


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