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2、礎(chǔ) :,一、詞匯基礎(chǔ)  要寫出漂亮的句子和文章我們必須熟練掌握大量的單詞。如描寫人物時,若要具體生動,你就需要掌握以下單詞: 外表特征:tall, short, fat, thin, strong, weak 等; 服飾顏色用: red, yellow, blue, brown, black 等; 內(nèi)心境界用:glad,

3、0;happy, sad, excited, anxious等; 感情描寫用: love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, smile等動作描寫用: come, go, get, have, take, bring 等。單詞量大才可以在一句話或一篇文章中盡

4、量不使用同一單詞,而用同義詞去代替,以避免過多的重復 .,二、短語基礎(chǔ),在平時的學習中要盡可能多地掌握詞組,若在書面表達中能恰當?shù)剡\用幾個詞組就會使文章顯得更有文采,自然就會提高得分。下列詞組對我們寫作十分有用,同學們務必熟記:all the year round一年到頭;as soon as possible盡快地;be interested in 對

5、……感興趣;be proud of 以……自豪;be fed up with厭煩;come up with 找到,提出(答案辦法等);come true實現(xiàn);do one’s best盡最大努力; enjoy oneself玩得痛快;get on well with與……相處融洽;,,ge

6、t ready for為……做準備;make a contribution to貢獻給;make a decision做出決定;make friends交朋友;make money賺錢; instead of代替;keep doing一直做某事;look after照顧;on one’s 

7、way to在……途中;make up one’s mind決心;more and more越來越;more or less或多或少;make room for給……騰出地方;make telephone calls打電話;pick up拾起;play a joke on戲弄人;

8、prefer…to…喜歡……不喜歡;put off推遲;regard…as把……當作;say goodbye to向……告別;speak highly of稱贊;take care of照料;teach oneself自學;the more, the better越多越好;think of認為,想起;to o

9、ne’s surprise令某人驚訝。,三、句式基礎(chǔ),如there be句式。如:        There is a big tree in front of the house. 房子前面有棵大樹。 It is +adj.

10、0;+to do sth句式。如:        It is good to eat more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜是益處的。      It’s time to do sth 句

11、式。如:        It’s time to wake him up. 該叫醒他了。      It’s time for sth句式。如:        It’s time

12、 for the children to go to bed. 孩子們該睡覺了。      enough to 句式。如:        She was not yet strong 

13、;enough to travel. 她身子還比較虛弱不能旅行。,書面表達的基礎(chǔ):能造語法正確的句子,1.日常表達的詞匯要熟悉2.固定搭配的句式要熟悉(50—60個)3.會用正確的時態(tài)和語態(tài)。 共八種時態(tài),兩種語態(tài)舉例:1.該上學了。 2.學英語對我們很重要。 3.昨天看到一女孩在隔壁唱歌。 4.她去過天津三次了。

14、 5.我們打算暑假去看奶奶。,英語中考書面表達,主題1:為別人指路1.昨天下午我去上學。2.途中遇見一位面容焦慮的女士。3.她詢問去最近的工商銀行(Industrial and Commercial Bank.)4.我告訴她沿路往前走,第三個路口左拐在福 州二十五中學隔壁就能看見了。5.她非常感謝我.我也為能幫助她而高興.,英文范例:,Yesterday afternoon,on my way to school

15、,I met a woman.She looked worried.She asked me how to get to the nearest Industrial and Commercial Bank. I told her,“Walk along this road and turn left at the third turning.It is next to No.25 Middle School. You can’t mi

16、ss it.” She thanked me very much and I was happy to help her.,主題:為來訪做準備,明天上午有幾個美國學生要來我校參觀,并到我們班和我們交談。今天下午部分同學做了準備。請你根據(jù)下面的要點用英語寫一篇短文。(1) 做了清潔;男生掃地女生擦窗。(2) 李明在黑板上寫;歡迎來我班,王麗在教室里放了一些花。(3) 交談內(nèi)容;中美學生的生活和學習問題。(4) 大家表示要積極參與,

17、因為他們可以練習自己的英語。要求;1. 不要逐字翻譯2. 詞數(shù)60到80,范例:,Several American students will visit our school tomorrow. They will come to our class to talk to us. We will talk about the life and studies in China and in America. Some student

18、s cleaned the classroom this after­noon. The boys swept the floor and the girls cleaned the doors and windows. Li Ming wrote “Welcome” on the blackboard. Wang Li put some flowers in the classroom. Everyone wants to

19、take an active part in the talk because they can practice their English.,主題:日記(有關(guān)環(huán)保的),根據(jù)所提示的內(nèi)容寫一篇日記。(字數(shù)80左右,要求語法正確,語氣通順。)時間:2008年10月1日            和同學們?nèi)ノ骱珗@游玩。

20、吃完冰激凌后隨手把紙扔在地上。      一個女孩把紙撿起扔進垃圾箱。我們感到慚愧,決定在公園里幫助撿垃圾,為環(huán)保盡自己的一份力量。,英文范例:,October l, 2006                 &#



23、0;                            SunnyToday is National Day and it is sunny. My classma

24、tes and I decided to go to the West lake Park .We had a very good time there. We bought some ice-cream there and after we finished it, we threw the paper to the ground. Just then a little girl ran to us, picked it up and

25、 put it into a dustbin nearby. We felt very sorry and decided to help collect rubbish in the park so that we could make contributions to protecting our environment.,主題:書信(有關(guān)郊游),假設(shè)你是李雷,請根據(jù)下列內(nèi)容給你的英國朋友吉姆寫一封信.1.告訴他你和同學們上周去鼓

26、山郊游的活動和感受。2.字數(shù)60-80。要求:意思連貫,符合邏輯,所給的提示詞必須都用上。你們上午7:00在校門口集合,大約8:00到達鼓山…meet,arrive,at the foot of,climb,on the top,have a party,play games,see,beautiful,proud,live,英文范例:,Dear Jim,Last Sunday, my classmates and I went

27、 to Gu Mountain. It is a very famous mountain in Fuzhou. We met at the school gate at 7: 00 and arrived at the foot of the mountain at 8: 00. As soon as we got there we began to climb the hill. It took all of us an hour

28、to climb to the top of the mountain. Then we had a party and played games. From the top we could see the beautiful sceneries of Fuzhou. We are proud that we live in Fuzhou.Write to me soon.Best wishes.   



31、;                            Yours,        &


33、;               Li Lei,主題:有關(guān)介紹到中國旅游,假如你是王潔,你在美國的筆友 John Black想到中國旅行,請根據(jù)提示給他發(fā) E-mail。提示:1.北京是中國的首都,它歷史悠久,名勝古跡不勝枚舉,這里有萬里長城,故宮(the Palace Museum) , 頤和圓

34、(the Summer Palace)等。夏秋是來北京的最佳時節(jié).2.夏季到大連、青島海濱,沖浪是件樂事;3.還可到海南,那里四季如春,你可以旅游、潛水(scuba diving ),你一定會玩得很開心;4.發(fā)郵件日期12月10日.,范例:,Dear Bill,I' ve heard from you. I know you want to visit China. That's a good idea. As

35、you know Beijing is the capital of China. It has a long history and there are many places of interest: the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and so on. Summer and autumn is the best time to come here. You

36、can go surfing in Dalian or Qingdao, the waves there are terrific. You can also visit Hainan, the weather is always warm, no matter in summer or in winter, there you can go scuba diving. I think you'll have a good ti

37、me.I hope you'll come soon and wish you a lot of fun.                           

38、;                                    Yours,&


40、;                          Wang Hao,你能簡單介紹一下機器人在現(xiàn)代生活中給人們帶來的好處和弊端嗎?要求60~80個單詞。,Robots are not on

41、ly the children’s toys now. They are important useful in many situations . Sometimes, they are machines, they can help do lots of dangerous work instead of humans. And sometimes, they can do some work much more carefully

42、 than humans. They can take the place of humans to do many work. But they bring some troubles, too. Maybe humans will lose their jobs because of robots and maybe robots will make humans lazy. But we think with the help o


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