1、英語科技論文寫作與投稿,湖南科技大學 土木工程學院 工程力學系,胡 輝,Why scientists publish?,As Robert Day says in How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (1998), “The goal of scientific research is publication….A scientific experiment, no matter
2、 how spectacular the results, is not complete until the results are published.”,科研成果如果沒有發(fā)表,就等于不存在!,Why scientists publish?,No publication…………. No projectNo publication………….No fundingNo publication…………No promotionNo
3、 publication….Scientific & academic death,Publishing your work is vital for success,“There is no way to get experience except through experience.”,英語科技論文寫作捷徑:模仿,寫作英語論文時,文中的如何一個句子都應該是模
4、仿而來的!,怎樣模仿?,就從我的第一篇英語文章談起,從拋物運動的研究看創(chuàng)新思維,水平射程為:,顯然當θ=450時有最大射程,拋物運動是如此簡單,一般認為沒什么新的令人感興趣的性質(zhì)值得人們?nèi)パ芯苛恕H欢?999年第2期美國的《物理教師》( The Physics Teacher )發(fā)表了一篇文章,文章研究了拋物體軌跡長度的表達式:,,令,文章得出當θ=56.460時L有極大值。,令,得出當θ=600時A有極大值。,,,看到這篇文章三天以后
5、,我將上面的推導寫成一篇題目為“Another Look at Projectile Motion”的文章并于2000年5月寄給美國《物理教師》當時的主編Clifford E. Swartz 教授,Swartz 教授在收到該文后即馬上回信稱這是一篇有趣的文章并表示《物理教師》將予以發(fā)表。,發(fā)表在2000年第7期(October 2000),如何用英文描述拋物線與x軸所圍的面積?,Let A(θ) be the area bounded
6、by the path of the projectile and the horizontal axis. Then we have,研究創(chuàng)新的三部曲,1. 具備相關的基本知識。,本例中需要具備拋物運動的基本知識,知道450時有最大的水平射程。,2. 需要了解國內(nèi)外研究動態(tài)(知道別人目前 在研究什么?)。,本例中需要知道有人在研究拋物運動的軌跡的極值問題。,3. 自己可以研究什么?,例如本例中研究拋物軌跡面積的極值。,
7、只有具備了研究創(chuàng)新能力,有東西可寫,才會關注英文論文的寫作。,Structure of a Manuscript,A manuscript is typically composed of a number of sections: 1) Title2) Abstract; 3) Keywords; 4) Introduction; 5) Materials and Methods; 6) Results;
8、 7) Discussion; 8) Conclusions; 9) References; 10) Tables; 11)Figures.,The IMRAD Formatfor Scientific Papers,Introduction: What was the question?Methods: How did you try to answ
9、er it?Results: What did you find?And Discussion: What does it mean?,Key element that advertises the paper’s contents論文的“標簽”, 表達不當會使真正需要它的讀者錯過閱讀的機會;幫助文獻追蹤或檢索Be as specific as possibleInclude main aspects of stud
10、y including model usedAvoid long title Often helpful to choose the title when the paper is almost complete,Title,一般不超過12個詞,Abstract,An abstract is a shortened version of the paper. It should contain these four element
11、s:,1) the purpose of the study (the central question);2) a brief statement of what was done (Methods);3) a brief statement of what was found (Results);4) a brief statement of what was concluded (Discussion, in
12、 part).,Abstract 第一句可寫方法或目的,例如:,最后寫Abstract,An iterative technique is used to calculate a higher-order approximation to the periodic solutions of a conservative oscillator.,Keywords,不要使用過于寬泛的詞做關鍵詞(例如:有機化合物,力學,等等),以免失去檢索的
13、作用。,Most journals require the author to identify three or four key words which represent the major concept of the paper.,關鍵詞的排序:,研究目的;研究方法;研究結(jié)果,Introduction,Structure of the Introduction,Introduction typically should be
14、funnel-shaped, moving from general to specificA common structure:Information on importance of topicHighlights of relevant previous researchIdentification of unanswered question(s)Approach you used to seek the answer
15、(s)(In some fields) your main findings,Materials and Methods,有人認為:A good place to start for beginning authorsShould be the easiest section of the paper to write,This section is to provide enough detail for another sci
16、entist to repeat your study and reproduce the results.,Materials and Methods usually answer the following questions:1.What materials were used?2.How were they used?3.When and where was the experiment performed a
17、nd data collected? - Most important in field studies,Methods: Amount of Detail to Use,For well-known methods: name of method, citation of referenceFor methods previously described but not well known: brief descrip
18、tion of method, citation of referenceFor methods that you yourself devise: relatively detailed description,Results,This section is obviously the heart of the paper.,Objective presentation of experiment results Summary
19、of dataNOT a Discussion!,Common mistakesDiscussion and interpretation of dataNo figures or tables,“A picture is worth a thousand words.”,Discussion,Interpret results Did the study confirm/deny the hypothesis?Do resu
20、lts agree with other research? Implications of study for fieldSuggestions for improvement and future research?Discuss weaknesses and discrepancies,Conclusions,Major findings: some kind of summary without being a summa
21、rySome outlook of the usage Limitations of the study, be honestFuture research,注意:1) It is not the function of this section to summarise the study; this is the purpose of the abstract.,2) New information must not be
22、included in the conclusions.,Acknowledgments,A place to thank people who helped with the work but did not make contributions deserving authorshipSometimes the place where sources of financial support are stated,(Functio
23、ns of )References,To give credit to others for their workTo add credibility to your work by showing that you used valid information sourcesTo help show how your work is related to previous workTo help readers find fur
24、ther information,Another Reason Your References Should Be Accurate,Often, authors whose work you cite will be your peer reviewers. Inaccurate references to their work will not impress them favorably.,Other Advice on Ref
25、erences,Cite only items that you have read. Carefully follow the journal’s instructions to authors.Use other articles in the same journal as models.Have recent references if possible,Tables and figures,Present only i
26、mportant data.Avoid complex tables and figures.,A caption should contain sufficient information so that a reader can understand a table or figure without reference to the text.,captions to Tables and figures,Orders of R
27、eading and WritingSections of a Paper,People read the sections of scientific papers in various orders.You can write the sections of a scientific paper in any order.A convenient order in which to write the sections: Me
28、thods, Results, Discussion, Introduction,What makes a good research paper?,Good science Good writing Publication in good journals,Target audience“Who would be interested in reading this paper?”Import and significan
29、ce of the findingsPrestige of the journal [Impact factor],Choosing the right journal,Online submission,Many journals now encourage authors to submit their articles online (some journals will only accept online submiss
30、ion).,Submission (投稿),Know the journal, its editors, and why you submitted the paper there2. Read carefully and conform to “Instructions for Authors”,3. Use other articles in the same journal as models.,Submi
31、ssion (投稿),Cover letter (投稿信)ManuscriptFiguresTablesPotential Reviewers,,Cover lettersummarize main points of manuscriptwhy of interest to that journal and its readersthe submitted work has not previously been pub
32、lished in full, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.possible reviewersanyone you do not wish to serve as a reviewer,Dear Professor ….:Please find enclosed our manuscript “Cluster Formation and Rheol
33、ogy of Photoreactive Nanoparticles”.This study describes the cluster formation of photoreactive nanoparticles upon irradiation, and the effect of this process on the rheological behavior of dilute colloidal dispersions
34、.We believe this manuscript to be of interest to many readers of Langmuir and hope it is suitable for publication.Sincerely,Dear Editor,My manuscript entitled “…” has not been published previously and is not current
35、ly under review by another journal.I would be grateful if my manuscript could be reviewed and considered for publication in 雜志名.Thank you.kind regards,姓名School of Civil EngineeringHunan University of Science and Te
36、chnology Xiangtan, Hunan 411201People’s Republic of China.Email:,Cover letter (投稿信),,Cover Letters,main findings significance suggested reviewers “not to review” list who have read,SUBMISSION●Address letter
37、to Editor●Describe paper in 3-4 sentences●Why it is appropriate to this journal●If allowable, suggest reviewers●Define any competitors who you feel would give unfair review●Signatures of all coauthors on statem
38、ent of authenticity/responsibility,Dear Editor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons&q
39、uot;, which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience. GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Par
40、kinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult
41、brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDN
42、F. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dop
43、amine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not
44、be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I am Sincerely yours,,Dear Editor: Enclosed are copies of a manuscript entitled "BDNF and NT-4/5 Promote the Development of Long-Term Potentiat
45、ion in the Hippocampus", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature. As you know, there is a great deal of interest and excitement recently in understanding the role of neurotrophins in synapse devel
46、opment and plasticity. Our manuscript provides, for the first time, the physiological evidence that neurotrophins regulate long-term potentiation (LTP). The main point of the paper is that the neurotrophins BDNF and NT
47、-4 induce an earlier appearance of LTP in developing hippocampus. In contrast to recent Science article by Erin Schuman's group, we (and several other LTP groups) did not see that BDNF enhance basal synaptic transm
48、ission in adullt hippocampus. However, we found that in adult hippocampus, inhibition of BDNF/TrkB activity attenuated LTP, and weak tetanus that normally cannot induce LTP produced enduring LTP. These findings may hav
49、e implications in the basic mechanism for regulation of synapse development and long-term modulation of synaptic efficacy. Because of the rather competitive nature of the field and the important implication of o
50、ur findings, we have not yet presented this work in any public forum. However, confidential discussion with several prominent neuroscientists such as 111 and 222 have generated tremendous excitement. Thus, we feel that
51、 this work is of general interest and is suitable for publication in Nature. We would like to suggest Drs. aaa of Yale Univ., bbb of Harvard Medical School, and ccc of Univ. of California-Berkeley, as reviewers for this
52、 manuscript. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Dr. XX and YY. not be considered as reviewers. Thank you very much for your consideration.,Cover Letter,Your chance to speak to
53、 the editor directlySubmitted along with your manuscriptMention what would make your manuscript special to the journalNote special requirements (reviewers, conflicts of interest),,Responding to reviewers,Carefully
54、prepare your responsesEach comment should be addressedEach change should be statedReviewer may be wrong,Revising papers,3. Sincerely thank the editor and reviewers for helping you to improve your work.,Keep to dea
55、dline for submission of revised manuscriptReturn the revised manuscript to the editor with a point-by-point response to the reviewers’ comments,,Revise your paper,Be calm about reviewers criticisms. Always make editor
56、 your friend Never argue with reviewers Try to do everything that reviewers ask Seize the opportunity when reviewers make mistakes,RESPONSE LETTER WITH REVISION●Segregate responses to Editor and each reviewer●
57、Repeat responses to each reviewer even if already responded to another●Respond to each comment (consider numbering)●Start with polite intro to each reviewer:“We are grateful to reviewer A for useful comments ....”
58、●Consider placing Reviewer’s comment in letter immediately above your response●Make sure pagination of initial and revision are synchronous and differences stated●Don’t try to “muscle” the Reviewer!,You will be requ
59、ested to sign the “Transfer of Copyright Agreement form”,Check the proofs,You may only have 24-48 hr to return the proofs.,Do We Have to Pay for Publication?,1. The majority of SCI source magazines don’t char
60、ge a fee for publication,2. You may have to pay for extra pages for papers which are longer than “normal”,3. You may be requested to pay for colour reproduction of figures,You may be able to track your
61、 article on-line any time!,You will receive a PDF file, sample magazines and/or offprints after publication,As a rule, use past tense to describe events that have happened. Such events include procedures tha
62、t you have conducted and results that you observed. Use present tense to describe generally accepted facts.,Verb tense,Verb tense,Introduction, Materials & Methods, and Results: paste tenseDiscussion: present tens
63、e,Looking over other scientific papers may help you answer questions you might have on this topic.,Active voice is stronger and shorter than passive voice“Dr. Qian wrote the article.” “The article was written by Dr. Qi
64、an.”Passive voice is preferred when: The doer is unknown 不知道實施方是誰 The doer must remain unidentified 實施方不能被點明 The receiver of the action is more important than the doer 動作的受眾比實施方更重要,Active vs Passive Voice,Author
65、s sometimes resort to the passive voice to avoid the presumed immodesty of the personal pronoun ‘I.’ It is a false modesty.Passive voice is characterized by weak verbs. ‘To be’ is a prime offender. Scrutinize every is,
66、are, was or were.,Active vs Passive Voice,American Journal of Physics,2004年第九期:,“Quantum harmonic oscillator revisited ”,Abstract 的第一句:,I present a Fourier transform approach to the problem of finding the stationary stat
67、es of a quantum harmonic oscillator .,正文中的:,In this note, I present yet another approach to the same problem that relies on a simple Fourier transformation.,I begin by introducing……,,,,Only one idea in a sentence Keep s
68、hort: <20 words Vary length Long sentences: greater risk of grammatical error,Writing: Sentences,Paragraph structure,Discuss only one subject in a paragraph.Start with a good topic sentence that creates a smo
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