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1、成才之路 · 英語,路漫漫其修遠(yuǎn)兮 吾將上下而求索,人教版 · 必修3,Unit 1,第三課時(shí) Using Language,Unit 1,Ⅰ.單詞速記1.________(n.)愚人;白癡;受騙者 (vt.)愚弄;欺騙2.________(n.)(汽車等)停放3.________(vt.& vi.)淹沒;溺死;淹死4.________(vt.)擦;揩;擦去5.________(vi.)哭泣;流淚


3、.)悲哀地;悲傷地10.________(adj.)明顯的;顯而易見的→_________(adv.)明顯地11.________(vt.)提醒;使想起→________(n.)提醒;提示,apologize,apology,sadness,sad,sadly,obvious,obviously,remind,reminder,Ⅱ.短語互譯1.a(chǎn)t the parking lot  ________________2.hold/

4、hang on ________________3.turn up ________________4.keep one's word ________________5.屏息;屏氣 ________________6.聽說 ________________7.出發(fā);動(dòng)身;使爆炸 ________________8.使……想起…… ____________________,在停車場,不要掛斷電話,出現(xiàn),

5、到場,hold one's breath,守信用;履行諾言,hear about,set off 8.remind...of...,Ⅲ.完成句子1.很明顯,咖啡館里的經(jīng)理在等李方離開。__________________the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.(It was obvious that...很明顯的是……)2.她在人間遇見

6、了牛郎,兩人相愛了。While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they ________________.(fall in love愛上),3.當(dāng)王母娘娘知道自己的外孫女跟一個(gè)凡人結(jié)了婚,她勃然大怒,把織女帶回天庭。When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her granddaughter was married to a hum

7、an,she became very angry and________________.(make+賓語+賓語補(bǔ)足語)4.我一直等了你很長時(shí)間。I________________you for a long time.(現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí))答案:1.It was obvious that 2.fell in love 3.made the weaving girl return to Heaven 4.have been waiti

8、ng for,Ⅳ.課文理解Step 1 Fast ReadingScan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage.1.What happened to Li Fang on Valentine's Day?A.His girlfriend said goodbye to him.B.His girlfriend chea

9、ted him.C.His girlfriend didn't appear as expected.D.He didn't see his girlfriend at all.,2.Why did the manager of the coffee shop turn on the TV?A.Because he knew what Li Fang needed.B.Because he was waiting

10、 for Li Fang to leave.C.Because he lost his love.D.Because he wanted to comfort Li Fang.3.Why couldn't Niulang follow Zhinü to Heaven?A.Because he lost his way.B.Because he lost heart.C.Because he had to t

11、ake care of the babies.D.Because the Milky Way stopped him.,4.Why didn't Li Fang meet Hu Jin earlier?A.Because Hu Jin didn't want to see him without a gift.B.Because Li Fang was watching TV at the coffee shop.

12、C.Because they waited for each other in different places.D.Because Hu Jin lied to him.5.What would be the end of the story?A.Li Fang apologized to Hu Jin.B.Hu Jin said sorry to Li Fang.C.They quarrelled with each o

13、ther.D.They said goodbye to each other.,Step 2 Careful ReadingRead the passage carefully and then answer the following questions.1.Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival?________________________

14、__________________________2.What's the main idea of the passage?__________________________________________________,答案:Step 1 1~5 ABDCDStep 2 1.Because they can meet the one they love.2.The TV story was a sad stor

15、y about lost love­the same situation as Li Fang.,1.permission n. 許可;允許①If you want to leave the classroom,you should ask for the teacher's permission.如果你要離開教室,你應(yīng)該得到老師的許可。②With your permission,I'll leave n

16、ow.有你的允許,我現(xiàn)在可以離開了。③You can't enter the house without the host's permission.未經(jīng)主人的許可,你不能進(jìn)入這座房子。,歸納拓展(1)ask permission of sb.請求某人的允許ask for(one's) permission請求(某人的)許可with(one's) permission經(jīng)(某人)允許witho

17、ut(one‘s) permission未經(jīng)(某人的)許可(2)permit vt.允許;許可;準(zhǔn)許n.許可;執(zhí)照;通行證;許可證permit sb.to do sth.允許某人做某事permit doing sth.允許做某事Her parents would not permit her to work abroad alone.她父母不允許她獨(dú)自到國外工作。,活學(xué)活用句型轉(zhuǎn)換。①If you want to lea

18、ve the team,you should ask for the team leader's permission.→If you want to leave the team,you should ________ the team leader.用permission或permit的相關(guān)搭配填空。②No one is allowed to smoke in the room ______.未經(jīng)主人的許可,沒人可以

19、在這個(gè)房間里吸煙。,③Mary's father will not ________ her ________ stay with her friends outside too late.瑪麗的父親不允許她和朋友們在外面待到太晚。答案:①ask permission of?、趙ithout the owner's permission?、踦ermit; to,2.a(chǎn)pologize vi.道歉;辯白①Well,h

20、e was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.嗯,他不想屏息等她來道歉。②You should apologize to her for your carelessness.你應(yīng)該為你的粗心大意向她道歉。,歸納拓展(1)apologize to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉apologize to sb.for doing sth.因做某事向某人道歉

21、(2)apology n.道歉;辯白make/offer an apology to sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事向某人道歉accept/refuse an/one's apology接受/拒絕某人的道歉He made an apology to her for not replying to her letter in time.他因沒有及時(shí)給她回信而向她道歉。,活學(xué)活用一句多譯。他應(yīng)該為他的粗魯

22、向她賠禮道歉。①He should ________________ his rudeness.(apology)②He should ________________ his rudeness.(apology)③He should ________________ rude to her.(apologize)語法填空。④The captain made________ apology to the passengers

23、for the delay caused by bad weather.⑤Tina apologized________her mother________breaking her favourite necklace.,答案:①make/offer an apology to her for?、趏ffer her an apology for ③apologize to her for his being④an 句意:惡劣天氣導(dǎo)致

24、航班誤點(diǎn),船長向乘客們致歉。make an apology to sb. for (doing) sth. 表示“因(做)某事向某人道歉”。⑤to; for 考查介詞。句意:因?yàn)樗牧四赣H最喜歡的項(xiàng)鏈,Tina向她母親道了歉。apologize to sb. for sth.“因某事向某人道歉”。,3.drown v.(1)(使)淹死;溺死It is cruel to drown the cat in the river.把貓淹

25、死在河里是件殘忍的事。(2)淹沒;用液體來完全覆蓋某物The fruit was drowned in cream.水果在奶油中泡過。(3)壓過;蓋沒;淹沒She turned up the radio to drown (out) the noise of the traffic.她放大收音機(jī)的音量以壓過來往車輛的嘈雜聲。,歸納拓展(1)drown oneself in 埋頭于……He drowned himself

26、in work.他埋頭工作。(2)drown one's sorrows/troubles借酒澆愁John is in the bar drowning his sorrows.約翰在酒吧里借酒澆愁。,助學(xué)巧記,,活學(xué)活用完成句子。①His face __________________ tears.他淚流滿面。②Some people like to ______________________ drink.

27、有些人喜歡借酒澆愁。③The ship sank within minutes,and all the passengers on board ______________________.那艘船幾分鐘內(nèi)便沉沒了,船上所有的乘客全部遇難。,語法填空。④Three students got ________(drown) while saving the ________(drown) boys.答案:①was drowned i

28、n?、赿rown their sorrows in?、踳ere drowned④drowned; drowning 句意:三名學(xué)生在救落水孩子時(shí)溺水而亡。get done是常用結(jié)構(gòu),意為“被……”,強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作,get drowned意為“被淹死”;第二個(gè)空用現(xiàn)在分詞作前置定語,表示動(dòng)作正在進(jìn)行,而過去分詞作定語表示動(dòng)作已經(jīng)完成。,4.remind vt.提醒;使想起①I don't want them to remind me

29、 of her.我不想因他們想起她來。②He reminded me to turn off the lights when I go out.他提醒我外出時(shí)把燈關(guān)好。③Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own.閱讀文學(xué)作品提醒我,在自己的生活之外還有不同的生活。,歸納拓展(1)remind...of sth. 使……想起……remind sb.

30、to do sth. 提醒某人做某事remind sb.that... 提醒某人……(2)reminder n.提醒者,提醒物,易混辨析,巧學(xué)助記v.+sb.+of sth.短語①cure sb. of sth.治好某人的?、赼ccuse sb.of sth.指控某人某事③cheat sb. of sth.騙取某人某物④inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事⑤convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事

31、⑥r(nóng)ob sb.of sth.搶劫某人某物,活學(xué)活用選詞填空(remember/remind)。①The mailboxes along the way _______ me of some of his stories.②He said he ________ the man well.③He ________ me to lock up the house when I go out.語法填空。④Mary,I remin

32、ded John ________ his promise to help you.答案:①reminded?、趓emembered ③reminded④of 句意:瑪麗,我提醒了約翰關(guān)于他幫你的諾言。remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事。,5.forgive vt.原諒;饒?、賁he would never forgive him.她將永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)原諒他。②They all forgave him the mistak

33、e he had made.他們都原諒了他犯的錯(cuò)誤。③I cannot forgive his calling me a liar.=I cannot forgive him for calling me a liar.他說我是撒謊者,我不會(huì)原諒他。,歸納拓展forgive sb. sth.原諒某人某事forgive(one's) doing sth.原諒(某人)做某事forgive sb.for doing st

34、h.因做了某事原諒某人forgive sb.for sth.因某事原諒某人forgive and forget不計(jì)前嫌名師點(diǎn)撥(1)動(dòng)詞forgive后不用不定式形式。(2)forgive的過去式forgave;過去分詞forgiven。,活學(xué)活用用forgive的適當(dāng)搭配完成句子。①It is also a virtue to ________________________,especially in such a c

35、ompetitive and stressful society.不計(jì)前嫌是一種美德,尤其是在競爭如此激烈、壓力如此沉重的社會(huì)中。②Can you ________ me ________ forgetting your birthday?你能原諒我忘了你的生日嗎?,判斷正誤(T/F)。原諒我來這么晚。③Forgive me to come so late.(  )④Forgive me for coming so late

36、.(  )答案:①forgive and forget?、趂orgive;for ③F?、躎,6.turn up(1)(=arrive)到達(dá);來到;露面We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up. 我們請她吃飯她都不露面。(2)(機(jī)會(huì))偶然出現(xiàn);到來He's still hoping something will turn up

37、.他仍在期待機(jī)會(huì)出現(xiàn)。 (3)(尤指失去后偶然)被發(fā)現(xiàn);被找到I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days.我擔(dān)保你的手表準(zhǔn)有一天能找到。,名師點(diǎn)撥turn sth. up(1)開大;調(diào)高(音量、熱量、流量等)Turn up the radio so that I can hear it better.把收音機(jī)開大些,讓我聽得清楚些。(2)發(fā)現(xiàn),找到Sh

38、e turned up the missing papers under her blotter.她在記事本下找到了丟失的文件。(3)折疊;卷起He turned up the ends of his trousers.他把褲腿卷起。,歸納拓展turn on 打開,接通turn off 關(guān)閉turn against 背叛,反抗turn around 轉(zhuǎn)身,回頭turn down 關(guān)小(音量等),拒絕考慮,拒絕(某人)

39、turn in 上交,呈遞turn out 結(jié)果變成;結(jié)果是……,原來是……turn to sb.for help向某人求助,①The advantage abruptly turned against them.有利的條件突然變得對他們不利起來。②I always turn to him for help when I'm in trouble.我有困難時(shí)總是找他幫忙。,活學(xué)活用填入恰當(dāng)?shù)慕?、副詞。①He tur

40、ned to me ________ help.②The little girl turned ________ and ran to her mother.③Please turn the radio ________. I'm trying to sleep.④Those who want to go are to turn ________ their application before Friday.⑤She

41、turned the gas ________ and went upstairs.,語法填空。⑥(2014·安徽,28改編)When the sports hero turned________ at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.⑦(2015·湖北,26改編)Don't worry I'm sure your missing glasses

42、 will turn ________sooner or later.答案:①for?、赼round?、踕own?、躨n?、輔ff⑥up  句意:當(dāng)體育英雄出現(xiàn)在派對上時(shí),他受到了熱烈歡迎。turn up 出現(xiàn)。⑦up 句意:不要擔(dān)心。我敢肯定,你丟失的眼鏡早晚會(huì)被找到的。turn up被發(fā)現(xiàn),被找到。,7.keep one's word守信用;履行諾言①She said she would be there at se

43、ven o'clock,and he thought she would keep her word.她說她會(huì)在7點(diǎn)到達(dá),他認(rèn)為她會(huì)守信用的。②It is a great advantage to me that I always keep my word.我常常守信這一點(diǎn)對我十分有利。,歸納拓展break one's word失信;食言;失約eat one's words承認(rèn)說錯(cuò)話;收回前言have

44、 a word with和……說句話have words with和……爭論in a word總之in other words換句話說word came that...……的消息傳來了,巧學(xué)助記一語巧記word短語He is such a man that he can't always keep his word;in other words,he always breaks his word,because of

45、 which his friends often have words with him.他是這樣的一個(gè)人,總是不能遵守諾言。換句話說,他總是食言,由于這個(gè)原因,朋友們經(jīng)常和他爭論。,名師點(diǎn)撥(1)word當(dāng)“諾言”講時(shí),僅用單數(shù),常與所有格連用。(2)word當(dāng)“話語”講時(shí),是可數(shù)名詞,有單復(fù)數(shù)的變化形式。,活學(xué)活用根據(jù)句意填入恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~。①He had to ________ his words;________ other

46、 words, he had to take back what he had said.②You can trust him, for he is a person who always ______ his word.③Once he promised to help you,he would never ________ his word.,語法填空。④Word came ________ he and his girlfr

47、iend had broken up just because he didn't keep ________word again.答案:①eat;in?、趉eeps?、踒reak④that; his 句意:有消息傳來他和他女朋友剛剛分手只是因?yàn)樗俅螞]有信守諾言。第一空word came that是固定表達(dá);第二空考查短語keep one's word信守諾言。,8.hold one's breath屏息;

48、屏氣We held our breath in excitement.我們激動(dòng)地屏息凝神。歸納拓展catch one's breath 松一口氣;(因恐懼、震驚等)屏息;喘氣draw/take a deep breath深呼吸out of breath上氣不接下氣①The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath.風(fēng)景之美令他愕然止息。②I have run m

49、yself out of breath.我跑得上氣不接下氣。,活學(xué)活用用breath短語填空。①We all __________________ when we witnessed the fight between the two polar bears.當(dāng)我們目睹了兩只北極熊的打斗時(shí),我們都屏息凝神。②The news was so unexpected that I ________ from shock.這條意想不

50、到的消息使我震驚地屏住了呼吸。③He ran so fast that he was__________________.他跑得太快,氣都喘不上來了。答案:①held our breath?、赾aught my breath?、踥ut of breath,9.set off(1)動(dòng)身去……;出發(fā);啟程①I set off for the company earlier in order to avoid the heavy t

51、raffic.我早一點(diǎn)動(dòng)身去公司是為了避開擁擠的交通。②The children are always excited to set off on a camping trip.孩子們出發(fā)去過露營生活總是興高采烈的。,(2)點(diǎn)燃;使爆炸①The village members set off firecrackers to celebrate the successful completion of the reservoir.

52、村民們放鞭炮是為了慶祝水庫的勝利建成。②The sparks in the engine set off a series of explosions.引擎中的火花引起了一連串的爆炸。(3)使開始;使行動(dòng)His advice set me off doing morning exercises every day.他的勸告使我開始每天做早操了。,歸納拓展set about(doing)開始;著手(做……)set asid

53、e把……放置一旁,不理會(huì);留出set out(to do...)著手,開始(做……)set up創(chuàng)造;建立;創(chuàng)辦set an example to...=set sb.an example為……樹立榜樣No matter how busy Mary's father is,he will always set aside one hour a day to play with her.不管瑪麗的父親多么忙,他每天都會(huì)留

54、出一個(gè)小時(shí)來陪她玩。,活學(xué)活用用set短語填空。他們立即動(dòng)身去羅馬。①They ________ immediately for Rome.②We ________ doing our task at once with great enthusiasm.③We ________ to do our task at once with great enthusiasm.,語法填空。④(2013·安徽,26改編)Tr

55、aditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set ________ on their life journey.答案:①see off?、趕et about?、踫et out④off 句意:傳統(tǒng)上認(rèn)為,大學(xué)生舉行畢業(yè)典禮是為了在他們開始生活之旅之前為自己加油助威。set off動(dòng)身,出發(fā)。,(

56、2)It was obvious that...很顯然……①It's obvious that he hasn't read the book.他顯然沒有讀過這本書。②It was obvious that they would not attend the meeting.很明顯他們不會(huì)出席會(huì)議了。,歸納拓展It is/was+adj./n.+that­clause結(jié)構(gòu):It is necessa

57、ry/important/strange/natural+that+sb.(should) do sth.某人做某事是必要的/重要的/奇怪的/自然的It is a pity/a shame/no wonder+that+sb.(should) do sth.遺憾的是/羞愧的是/難怪某人(應(yīng)該)做某事,活學(xué)活用仿寫句子。①很顯然在那兒的那個(gè)人正在等待某個(gè)要來的人。_____________________②很顯然做那樣的事情

58、他們在浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。________ they were wasting time doing such a thing.答案:①It is obvious that the man over there is waiting for someone to come.②It was obvious that,11.While she was on earth she met the herd boy Niulang and they

59、fell in love.她在人間遇見了牛郎,兩人相愛了。(1)此句為主從復(fù)合句。(2)while表示“當(dāng)……的時(shí)候”,引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句;主句為由and連接的并列句。While the old man was reading,he fell asleep.老人在讀書時(shí),睡著了。,歸納拓展①While意為“盡管,雖然”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。While I understand what you say, I can't

60、 agree with you.盡管我能理解你所說的,卻不能贊同你的觀點(diǎn)。②While意為“而”,引導(dǎo)并列句。Their country has plenty of oil while ours has none.他們的國家有大量的石油,而我們的國家卻一點(diǎn)也沒有。(3)fall in love相愛。,名師點(diǎn)撥fall in love是非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞短語,不能與一段時(shí)間連用。As soon as they got close

61、to the scenery,they fell in love with it.他們一走近美景,就愛上了它。,活學(xué)活用仿寫句子。①在旅途中,他與另一個(gè)旅行者相遇,他們決定結(jié)伴旅游。_________in his journey,he met another traveler________.②女孩在那家公司工作期間,她交了個(gè)好朋友,后來他們創(chuàng)立了他們自己的事業(yè)。___________in that company,____

62、_______ they set up their own business together later.,語法單句填空。③________volleyball is her main focus, she's also great at basketball.④He's a teacher ________ his brother is a doctor.單句改錯(cuò)。⑤They have fallen in l

63、ove for many years.________________________,答案:①While he was;and they decided to travel together②While the girl was working; she made a good friend and③While/Though/Although 本題考查連詞。句意為雖然排球是她的主項(xiàng),但是她對籃球也很擅長。while/though

64、/although意為“雖然”,符合語境。④while while在此意為“而”,表示對比。⑤fallen→been,12.When the Goddess of Heaven knew that her granddaughter was married to a human, she became very angry and made the weaving girl return to Heaven.當(dāng)王母娘娘知道自己的外

65、孫女跟一個(gè)凡人結(jié)了婚,她勃然大怒,把織女帶回天庭。,,名師點(diǎn)撥句中含有“make+賓語+賓語補(bǔ)足語”的結(jié)構(gòu)在該結(jié)構(gòu)中常用來作賓語補(bǔ)足語的有:名詞、形容詞、不定式(短語)(主動(dòng)語態(tài)中不帶to但被動(dòng)語態(tài)中帶to)、介詞短語和過去分詞等。①We made Jack monitor of our class.我們讓杰克當(dāng)班長。②What he had said made me angry.他的話讓我很生氣。,③The boss ma

66、de them work day and night.那個(gè)老板迫使他們?nèi)找构ぷ鳌?被動(dòng)形式:They were made to work day and night.)④He tried to make his work recognized in the medical circles.他試圖讓自己的工作被醫(yī)學(xué)界認(rèn)可。,活學(xué)活用仿寫句子。①當(dāng)這位游客意識到客車離開沒有等他時(shí),他很生氣并讓司機(jī)回來接他。__________

67、____________the bus had left without waiting for him,he became angry and ______________________ to pick him up.,②當(dāng)織女知道她母親處境危險(xiǎn)時(shí),她讓這位小神引(guide)她到她母親在的地方。__________the weaving girl knew that her mother was in danger,she __

68、________________ her to the place where her mother was.單句改錯(cuò)。③Helen had to shout to make herself hear._______________________________________________,④We must do what we can to make the old to live a happy life.______

69、_______________________________________答案:①When the traveler realized that; made the driver come back②When; made the god guide③hear→heard?、苋サ舻诙€(gè)to,Ⅰ.語法填空1.Thinking that he had to accept the fact as the only choice,he


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