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1、內容提要 Outlines,提高工業(yè)能源效率在實現(xiàn)節(jié)能目標中的地位What a role of Improving energy efficiency in industry is in realizing the EC target?工業(yè)領域為實現(xiàn)節(jié)能目標已經(jīng)采取的措施What EE measures have been taken in industry?推動工業(yè)領域加大節(jié)能力度的政策導向The policy gu

2、idance for enhancing EE in industry,Industry accounts for 70% of end-use energy consumption in China 中國工業(yè)能耗占終端能源消費量的70%,Source: China Energy Statistics Yearbook 2005,The disparities of energy consumption structure with

3、 other countries中國工業(yè)用能比例與國際差異,,Data of 2004,Handbook of Energy and Economic Statistics in Japan.The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan,Rapid growth of industrial energy consumption工業(yè)用能增長迅速,Source: China Energy Stati

4、stics Yearbook 2005,Growth of Key Product Outputs Was Unimaginable主要高耗能產品產量增長超出想象,,Source: 2005 China Statistics Yearbook, 2005 China Statistics ReportNote: Comparable Price of GDP value.,Dramatic Growth for Recent Yea

5、rs特別是近幾年的增長,鋼產量 Output of Steel1990-2000年增長了6000萬噸左右66 Mton by 1990,increased to 129 Mton by 2000,60 Mton for 10 years.2001-2006年增長了2.7億噸Increase 270 Mton from 2001 to 2006水泥產量 Output of Cement1980-1990年增加了1.3

6、億噸80 Mton by 1980, 210 Mton by 1990. It took 10 years increasing 130 Mton.Increased 540 Mton from 2001 to 20062001-2006年增長了5.4億噸,主要高耗能產品的單耗水平與國際先進水平的差距Gap of EE Compared with Advanced Case,終端用能設備與國際水平的差異End-Use Eq

7、uipment Operation Efficiency in China and Gaps Compared with International Level,中國政府提出了“十一五”節(jié)能20%的目標China’s ambitious 20% reduction goal by 2010,2005年10月溫總理提出了到2010年單位GDP能耗降低20%的目標October 2005: Premier Wen Jiabao dec

8、lares that energy intensity of GDP must decline by 20% between 2005 and 2010.盡管目標艱巨但一定要完成China will do the best to realize the goal although It is really hard.實際的挑戰(zhàn)是能否有合適的政策、措施保證目標的實現(xiàn)The challenge is to find out wh

9、at policies and measures to match the goal.,工業(yè)為完成20%目標需要降低24-26%,甚至更高Energy intensity of industrial sector has to reduce by ~24-26%, compared to the overall reduction of GDP by 20%.,根據(jù)部門情景分析Testified by several scena

10、rio analyses 工業(yè)增加值能耗必須降低:The energy intensity of industries sectors has to decline by: ~24%, 如果GDP增長7.5%if the annual GDP growth is 7.5%; ≥26%, 如果GDP增長9%或更高if the annual GDP growth is 9%; 工業(yè)對節(jié)能目標的貢獻率在80%左右C

11、ontributing ~80% of 2010 target,工業(yè)節(jié)能的難點The difficulties of EE in industry,結構調整難度大It is hard to regulate the industrial structure城市化進程加快,新農村建設,要求道路、橋梁、港口、水利等國家大型基礎設施建設快速發(fā)展Faster urbanization居民消費升級Upgraded residen

12、tial consumption地方追求GDP增長的壓力大High pressure of GDP growth in regions,大部分省市仍然在推高增長速度Still keep rapid GDP growth in provinces,在已發(fā)布2006年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報的14個省市中,2006年GDP增速均在12%以上。The GDP increase was over 12% in 14 provinc

13、es by 200631個省、自治區(qū)、直轄市2006年全社會固定資產投資增長,除上海、浙江、廣東、西藏低于13%外,其它各省均在16%以上,吉林、安徽、河南高達40%以上。The fixed assets investment increased 16% in most provinces.,工業(yè)節(jié)能的難點Difficulties…,GDP作為主要政績考核的量化指標,使包括節(jié)能在內的資源節(jié)約工作不可能得到重視EC has n

14、ot been paid more attention to in regions as the indicator of GDP is the key performance assessment.市場經(jīng)濟信號系統(tǒng)扭曲Anamorphic market signals資源類產品價格過低Too low prices of resources缺乏適應市場經(jīng)濟體制的激勵政策和手段Lack of incentives節(jié)能信

15、息缺失Lack of EC information 能源計量、統(tǒng)計體系和指標 Metering and indicators節(jié)能技術、設備、產品 Technologies, facilities and products可靠性 Reliability,已經(jīng)采取的政策措施 EE measures have been taken in industry,出臺了一系列產業(yè)結構、工業(yè)結構調整政策Put forward

16、a series of structure adjustment policies of industrial sectors. 調整了部分高耗能產品的出口退稅率Reduce or cancel tax rebates on exports of high energy intensity products.啟動“千家企業(yè)節(jié)能行動” Initiated “Top-1000 Enterprises Energy Effici

17、ency Action”.通過多種機制(如ESCos)推廣成熟的節(jié)能技術Promote the dissemination and application of mature energy efficiency technologies through various of mechanisms such as ESCos.淘汰落后產能和設備Eliminate inefficient capacities, faciliti

18、es and equipment.,,,,產業(yè)結構調整政策明確The Orientating Policy of Structure Regulation is Clear,2006年國務院發(fā)出了《國務院關于加快推進產能過剩行業(yè)結構調整的通知》、《關于加快振興裝備制造業(yè)的若干意見》等文件The State Council issued documents to be focus on adjusting overheated se

19、ctors.國家發(fā)發(fā)展改革委發(fā)出《關于部署推進產業(yè)結構調整工作有關問題的通知》、《關于防止高耗能行業(yè)重新盲目擴張的通知》、《關于加強固定資產投資調控從嚴控制新開工項目的意見》等文件NDRC issued several documents to limit investment of energy intensive sectors.國家發(fā)展改革委針對鋼鐵、煉油、乙烯、水泥、鋁、煤炭、焦化、電石、電力、紡織等十個高耗能行業(yè)加緊制

20、定了一系列指導意見、產業(yè)政策、準入條件文件。 NDRC is working on to develop guidance and permission policies to conduct the increase of iron & steel, petroleum refinery, ethene, cement, aluminum, coal mine, coke, power, etc..,,千家企業(yè)節(jié)能行動的主

21、要活動Major activities of TT,當?shù)卣c998千家企業(yè)簽訂了目標責任書Local governments signed commitments with TT enterprises.承諾的總節(jié)能量為9153萬噸標準煤The energy saving of 91.53 Mtce was committed.開展了千家企業(yè)的培訓Implemented trainings for the TT en

22、terprises在沈陽、濟南、長沙、昆明和石家莊五個片區(qū)召開千家企業(yè)節(jié)能工作會議千家企業(yè)幾近全部參加1997人接受了培訓,需要對千家企業(yè)節(jié)能行動的效果進行評價Effect assessment of the Action is needed,建立企業(yè)能源統(tǒng)計指標體系綜合能源消耗指標Develop an integrated energy consumption index system for enterprises.以現(xiàn)

23、有能源消費統(tǒng)計指標為基礎On the basis of current energy consumption indicators 進一步完善現(xiàn)有統(tǒng)計指標體系Perfect current index system開發(fā)和推廣企業(yè)能源管理信息軟件Developed and will disseminate a information software for enterprise energy management,,水

24、泥行業(yè)“十一五”結構調整目標The plan of restructuring cement industryfor next 5 years,新型干法水泥生產比例由40%增長到70%Increase the share of new dry process cement kiln production from 40% to 70%關閉2.5億噸落后水泥生產能力Closure of 250 Mt of inefficie

25、nt production capacity前10家水泥企業(yè)規(guī)模不能低于3500萬噸Annual production capacity of the top 10 cement enterprises should be at or above 35 Mt水泥熟料單耗由130 kgce/t 降低到110 kgce/t Energy consumption reduced from 130 kgce/t clinker to

26、 110 kgce/t clinker綜合能源消耗降低25%,大氣污染減排50%Integrated energy consumption should decrease by 25% and emissions of air pollution should decrease by 50%.,Vertical shaft kilnsNew dry process cement kilns (4000t/d),Output st

27、ructure,Energy consumption per ton (kgce/t),,,,水泥行業(yè)技術結構和產品單耗Structure and energy intensity,,將采取更多的推動企業(yè)節(jié)能的政策、措施More EE measures will be taken soon in industry,節(jié)能行為和效果評價將納入企業(yè)經(jīng)營業(yè)績考核中An assessment of EE actions and effe

28、cts will be brought into the performance assessment system. 對新增固定資產能力開展節(jié)能評審Implement energy efficiency evaluation assessment of newly-built capacities.啟動企業(yè)國際對標活動Initiate on international energy efficiency benchmark

29、ing.建立推動企業(yè)達標生產的機制Set up a mechanism to promote enterprise to meet the minimum energy efficiency standards and encourage to match advanced standards .,,,建立企業(yè)完成節(jié)能目標的考核體系Assessment system for enterprises will be establi

30、shed soon,考核指標體系An indicator system to assess the energy conservation progress enterprises綜合能耗指標 Integrated energy consumption indicators能源管理指標 Energy management indicators節(jié)能體系建設指標 System construction indicators o

31、f energy efficiency 節(jié)能技術經(jīng)濟指標 Technical and economical indicators of energy efficiency建立企業(yè)節(jié)能行動效果評估指標體系An index system to evaluate the effects of enterprises energy efficiency action,,,Integrated energy consumption ind

32、icators,Energy management indicators,System construction, technical and economic evaluation indicators,,啟動中央企業(yè)能效水平國際對標試點Initiate a pilot project of international bench-marking in state-owned enterprises,國家發(fā)改委環(huán)資司組織開展部分中央

33、企業(yè)能效國際對標NDRC organized the pilot project.選擇四個行業(yè):鋼鐵、水泥、電力、乙烯Selecting four sectors: steel, cement, power and ethene.分析、確定與國外同類企業(yè)在能效水平上的差距及影響因素Analyze and identify the gaps and elements compared with international

34、level.提出針對性的解決方案Recommendations for solution,建立執(zhí)行能效標準的機制Establish a mechanism to enforce the implementation of EE standards in enterprises,擬針對強化能效標準的執(zhí)行,支持建立激勵機制A mechanism will be set up to implement EE standards b

35、etter在部分行業(yè)開展示范項目Demonstrations will be carried out in several sectors.支持能效標準的制定和修訂Support the development or upgrading of EE standards.工藝過程設計標準Process design codes主要產品能效限定標準、評價標準、超前標準Minimum, evaluated and ad

36、vanced standards for products,僅僅做好技術節(jié)能是遠遠不夠的Technologies is not enough for energy saving,技術節(jié)能只能完成節(jié)能目標的30-40%30-40% energy saving from technologies結構節(jié)能更具節(jié)能潛力Structure regulation has more potential工業(yè)結構的調整將依賴于終端需求的調整


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