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1、Module 2,---北湖學校 董麗玲,Unit 1,Is this your mum?,Listen to the family song,,Read the words and expressions loudly.,,Words and expressions,aunt[ɑ:nt] brother[`br?ð?] cousin[`k?zn] daughter[`d?:t?] family[`fæm

2、ili] father[`fɑ:ð?] mother[`m?ð?] grandfather[`ɡrænd`fɑ:ð?] grandmother[`ɡrænd`m?ð?] grandparent[`ɡrænd`p??r?nt],n. 姨母;伯母;嬸母;舅母;姑母n. 兄弟n. 堂兄弟;表兄弟n. 女兒n. 家,家庭n. 父親,爸爸

3、n. 母親;媽媽n. (外) 祖父n. (外) 祖母n. (外) 祖父母,Words and expressions,parent[p??r?nt] sister [`sist?] son [s?n] uncle [`??kl] mum [m?m] dad [dæd] these [ði:z] they [ðei, ðe] left [left

4、] right [rait],n. 父親;母親n. 姐;妹n. 兒子n. 叔叔;伯伯;舅舅;姑父;姨父n. 媽媽 (口語)n. 爸爸(口語)n. 這些n. 他/她/它們n. 左邊;左側(cè)n. 右邊;右側(cè),Words and expressions,on the left在左邊,on the right在右邊,who [hu:, hu] woman [`wum?n] next [nekst] next to

5、husband[`h?zb?nd] front [fr?nt] in front ofthose [ð?uz] photo [`f?ut?u]nephew[`nefju:]niece[ni:s],pron. 誰 n. 成年女子;婦女 n. 在……的旁邊 在……旁邊 n. 丈夫 n. 前面;正面 在……的前面

6、 pron. 那些 n. 照片,相片 n. 侄子,外甥 n. 外甥女;侄女,Words and expressions,,The family,,,family,father and mother I love you,FAMILY,grandmother,grandfather,grandmother,g

7、randfather,uncle,aunt,mother,father,uncle,sister,Tony,cousin,This is a photo of Tony’s family. This is Tony’s …,Look at the picture. Talk about Tony’s family.,cousin,,,,,,Listen and choose the correct answer.,Linda is To

8、ny’s sister / cousin. Liz is Tony’s mother / aunt. Paul is Tony’s dad / uncle. Mike is Tony’s cousin / brother.,,,,,,,Underline the correct words.,Tony has a big family. In the photo his father’s parents are on t

9、he (1) left / right and his mother’s parents are on the (2) left / right. Mike and Helen are Tony's cousins and they're (3)in front of/next to Paul.Paul is Liz’s (4) husband / brother.,,,,,A photo of Chen Feng

10、9;s family,grandfather,grandmother,grandfather,grandmother,mother,father,uncle,aunt,daughter,son,cousin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,brother,,,,sister,,daughter,祖父,外祖父,祖母,外祖母,父親,母親,兄弟,姐;妹,兒子,女兒,女兒,堂(表)兄(弟);堂(表)姐(妹),叔叔;伯伯;舅舅; 姑父;姨夫,姨;

11、伯母;嬸母;舅母; 姑母,family tree,,My father’s mother is my ____________ . My father’s father is my ___________. My father’s sister is my _____. My father’s brother is my ______. My uncle’s son is my _______. My p

12、arents’ ________ is my sister. I am a boy. I’m my parents’ _____. My mother’s daughter is my_____.,grandmother,grandfather,aunt,uncle,cousin,daughter,son,sister,Do you know?,Is this…?,,Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.常用于詢問對

13、方“這是……嗎?”。Is that…?Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.“那是……嗎?”。回答常用it來代替this 或that,以避免重復(fù)。,,Are these ...?,,Yes, they are. /No,they aren't.—Are those ...? —Yes, they are. /No,they aren't.,Language points,,,,1. Write so


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