1、學校代碼 學校代碼 : 10172 10172 研究類型: 研究類型: 基礎研究 基礎研究學 號 :136440903 136440903 中圖分類號: 中圖分類號: I大 連 外 國 語 大 學 大 連 外 國 語 大 學碩 士 學 位 論 文 碩 士 學 位 論 文題 目: 目:后殖民女性主義視角下《大地》中的 后殖民女性主義視角下《大地》中的女性形象研究 女性形象研究培養(yǎng)學院(系、所 培養(yǎng)學院(系、所): 比較文化研究所 比較文化
2、研究所學 科 專 業(yè): 比較文學與世界文學 比較文學與世界文學研 究 生 姓 名: 蘑麗得爾 蘑麗得爾 (Mamykenova (Mamykenova Moldir) Moldir)指導教師姓名及職稱 指導教師姓名及職稱: 張恒軍 張恒軍 教授 教授論 文 答 辯 時 間: 2015 年 5 月 18 日FEMALE IMAGES IN “THE GOOD EARTH” UNDER THEPERSPECTIVE OF POSTCOLON
3、IAL FEMINISMAbstractPearl S.Buck is an outstanding American female writer with more outstanding life whobecame first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature with the novel TheGood Earth which brought h
4、er both huge commercial success and the array of criticism. TheGood Earth became a groundbreaking bestseller at the time and attracted both the PulitzerPrize and then the Nobel Prize later on. Pearl S.Buck is a feminist
5、writer for sure but herfeminist conception was unique and vastly deviated from the other fellow feminist writers andurged indignation which led to her dismissal as an American writer despite all the worldwideliterature a
6、wards.Her unique feminist concept was constructed and deep rooted in the Chinese philosophyof yin and yang. She grew up in China and spent first half of her lifetime there and developedinto a “mingled”, “othered” and “si
7、nified” personality as she lived in double world. PearlBuck portrayed the Chinese women and took China as the setting in her novels. Drawn fromher personal experience, transnational imagination, and remarkably , a postco
8、lonialhistorical vision, she created her third world female figures. Through the ethnic “othered”female images she expressed her postcolonial feminist thoughts and ideas. But in her era therewasn’t such an academic disco
9、urse and theory like postcolonial feminism, not to mentionabout feminism itself , which was just paving its way. So Pearl Buck can be titled as aforerunner of the postcolonial feminism.The Good Earth is a moving , classi
10、c story of the honest farmer Wang Lung and hisselfless wife O-Lan who experience sweeping changes in their lives during social upheavalsof the twentieth century.The author of this paper tries to reanalyze the remarkable
11、masterpiece The Good Earthfrom the perspective of postcolonial feminism thus conducting a comprehensive research intoPearl S. Buck’s postcolonial feminist concept.This research work consists of six parts including introd
12、uction and conclusion. In theintroduction part or preface the author explains the research background and thesis statement.And summarizes earlier investigations made on Pearl Buck and introduces to the postcolonialfemini
13、sm theory. The first chapter investigates the emergence , demonstration andcharacteristics of Pearl Buck’s postcolonial feminist concept. The second chapter describesand analyzes female images of The Good Earth. The thir
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