1、分 類 編 號 :密 級 :單 位 代 碼 : 10065學(xué) 號 : 0 92 040 30硏 究 生 學(xué)位 論 文論 文題 目: 試 論唐 代 魏 博 鎮(zhèn) — — 兼 論 與唐 中央 的關(guān)系學(xué) 生 姓 名 :申 請 1? 業(yè) 名 稱 :研 究 方 向 :指 ^ 教 師 姓 名 :提 交 論 文 卜 1期 :4n 青學(xué) 位 級 別 : m馬 俊 、 厶 - 、 l k技 術(shù) 職 稱 : 授2 0 10 年 3 )-
2、 \A b str a c tL ocalseparate regi m e p ol i t i cs i s a very i m port anteventi n pol i t icalhi st oryduri ng t h e M i ddle and L ate T ang D yn asty.W eiB o,as one of H eb eiP rovi nce i n t h ePeri od of M il i
3、tary G overnorshi p of T ang D ynasty,w as t h e typicalm odel.W eiB o w assetafter A n-ShiR ebel li on.T ian C hengsiw as t he f irstgovernor w ho setup num erousseparat e regi m es by force of arm s.W eiB o hol di ng
4、 t he key posi ti on i n H ebeihad avery i m port antst rat egi c posi t i on.W eiB o,w i t h a l arge of popul at i on,has a very hi gheconom ic levelon t hatti m e.M ili tary gov ernor controlled one hun dred t hou sa
5、ndsol di ers. Y a forces had ari sen in W eiB o and m ostof t h em w ere dom i neeri ng. W eiB ohas si xteen M i l i tary G o vernors,i n cl udi ng seven fam i l y nam es.Som e of t hem w erenati ve of H ebei ,w orki
6、ng for a long t i m e and get t i ng Pri m e M i nist er' s ti tl e.A fewM i l i t ary G overnors obeyed t o the governm entof T an g D ynast y,butm o stnot.T he i m portantst rat egi c p osi ti on and M i l i tary
7、 st rength o f W eiB o deci d ed t h ech angi ng of rel ati onshi p bet w een W eiB o and th e governm entof T ang D ynasty,andaffected ot her M i li tary G overnorshi p of T ang D ynasty.W eiB o som eti m es revol ts,
8、som eti m es notby t he w hole envi ronm entand personalfactors effects of,show i ng anunst abl e si tuati on .A ccordi ng to t h e t i m e sequence t he rel ati onshi p bet w een W eiB oand t h e gov ernm entof T an g
9、D ynasty can be cl assi fi ed int o three stages:co nso l i d ati onand sel f-i nsurance,al l egi ance to t he governm entand h alf i ndepend ence.R egi m e o fW eiB o perform s i n choosi n g M ili tary G overnors by t
10、hem sel ves,and rebell i nggovernm entw i t h ot hers.O n t he w hole,W eiB o w as sti l lunder t he rul e of t hegovernm entof T ang D ynast y,accept ed t he com m and and assi stt o t he governm ento fT ang D ynasty p
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