1、problems that cannot be ignored. Some leaders unwilling t o do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is rev olutionary war era of t
2、hings, now obsolete has, buried business work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old met hod regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not un
3、derstand masses wishes, not said masses lang uage, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradictions among the people worry abou
4、t fear, panic set in encounter group events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing t he party's ruling capability, the mai
5、ntenance and development of the party's advanced nat ure and purity, and to enhance the ability of part y committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work,
6、 has become the new urgent situation strengthening t he party's gov erning capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh -and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and
7、cadres, especially all levels ... Processing t o improve as a guide to the country. ““ What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. “This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put
8、people “support does not support“, “agreed not to agree“, “happy happy“, “promise not to promise“ as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance
9、wit h the wishes of the masses of the people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links wit h the masses. In Decem ber 1989, t he CPC Centra
10、l Committee made on adhering to and perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under t he leadership of the Chinese Communist Part y, closely for CPC and t he democratic parties and the r
11、elationship between the part of the masses t hat they contact, effectively carrying out t he mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with th
12、e masses of the Party noted t hat “created and developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological line, t he fundamental political and organizational work route“, can a
13、lways maintain flesh-and-blood ties and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party o
14、n strengthening decision on several major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a dem ocratic style of work, come from the masse
15、s, to the masses, t ogether, stick to t he mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party of third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-ping's theory grea
16、t flag, insisted liberation t hought, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features S ocialist, created socia
17、list m arket new system, created full open new sit uation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded “three a representative“ important thought, Continue t o steer the ship of reform and opening up
18、forward on the right . Comrade Jiang Zem in said: “strengthening and improving the party's mass work in t he new situation, it is of decisive significance t o consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. “Throug
19、 h our party and some of the world's major lessons learned from the success of the o ld party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:“ the biggest political adv antage of our party is in close contact with the
20、 masses, t he most dangerous after the ruling party was divorced from the masses. “He said:“ our reform and construction, only the understanding, support and participation of the people, people's enthusiasm and crea
21、tivity into full play in order to advance; t he leadership of the party, only t he tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. “He pointed out t hat strengthening and improving the party's
22、work style construction, maintaining the party's flesh-and-blood ties wit h the masses is t he core problem, t he key is to do solid work, im plement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin str
23、essed t hat all the work and policies of the party, are in compliance with the f undamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people to the highest degree, t o the majority of people are not satisfied wit h t
24、he fundamental guidelines, strive to make our workers, farmers, intellectuals and ot her people enjoy ... Single, everyone seemed to know. But well known does not mean perf ect. Some party members and leading cadres, c
25、onsider contacting their small departments, within a small circle of people, or contact individual owners, the entrepreneur, is t he masses, this idea is obviously not correct. The Communist Party of China, people should
26、 have t hree characteristics. First, the people should be the most social, is a Department within the scope of the majorit y. Specific to the party and Government departments, especially the cadres working in t he Cen
27、tral and State organs, mass is the 1.3 billion Chinese people, work for the party members and cadres, masses are the land within the jurisdiction of the common people. The second characteristic of the masses, is t hat we
28、 have common interest s. Masses are manifestations of each specific people, but t he crowd is a comprehensive political concept , refers to people with common political and economic interests in the period of social t
29、ransformation, social differentiation between t he interests of the masses is large, if you do not find the interest in doing mass work, t he party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The third characteris
30、tic of the masses 小燕子 小燕子幼兒園消防安全管理制度 幼兒園消防安全管理制度 為了認真貫徹執(zhí)行《中華人民共和國消防法》、《機關、團體、企業(yè)、事業(yè)單位消防安全管理規(guī)定》 及 《教育部、 公安部關于加強學校消防安全工作的通知》 ,加強幼兒園消防工作,有效地防止重大火災的發(fā)生,保護幼兒園師生(教職)員工生命財產的安全,特制定本制度。 第一章 第一章 總 則 第一條 第一條 堅持“預防為主,防消結合”的消防方針。認真貫徹《
31、中華人民共和國消防法》、《機關、團體、企業(yè)、事業(yè)單位消防安全管理規(guī)定》和《教育部、公安部關于加強學校消防安全工作的通過》,做好消防安全管理工作。 第二條 第二條 消防安全管理工作實行“誰主管,誰負責”的原則,按照工作范圍與職權實行分級管理,做到職責明確、獎罰分明。 第二章 第二章 組織領導 組織領導 第三條 第三條 建立在幼兒園主要負責人領導下的防火安全領導小組,設組長(幼兒園主要負責人兼)和成員若干名,負責幼兒園所屬范圍防火安全領導工
32、作。 第四條 第四條 建立由教職工組成的義務消防隊,進行定期訓練,做到平時能防、遇火能救,達到“三知兩熟悉”即知火災特點、知重點部位、知滅火器材位置和性能,熟悉崗位職責、熟悉滅火對策等。 第五條 第五條 嚴格實行分級管理。 應有一名負責人負責幼兒園內的消防安全工作,并設立一名義務消防安全員協(xié)助其負責日常的安全防范工作。 第三章 第三章 火災預防 火災預防 第六條 第六條 幼兒園在新建、擴建和改建重大工程時,必須同時落實消防滅火器、消防通
33、道等設施。 第七條 第七條 禁止在園區(qū)內點燃明火,因施工等確需明火時,必須事先經幼兒園主要負責人批準,采取嚴密防范措施。 第八條 第八條 人員集中的場所,必須保持安全出口、疏通通道的暢通。建立嚴格執(zhí)行用電管理制度,加強安全檢查和值班巡邏,確保安全。 第九條 第九條 全幼兒園實行防火責任制。 第十條 第十條 根據(jù)滅火的需要配置相應種類、數(shù)量的消防器材和設備設施。 problems that cannot be ignored. Some
34、leaders unwilling t o do masses work, masses concept weak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulum not are with masses of relationship, think masses work is rev olutionary war era of things, now obsolete has, buried busine
35、ss work, ignored masses work of situation compared General; some leaders not do masses work, old met hod regardless of with, new not with, not understand masses psychological, not understand masses wishes, not said masse
36、s lang uage, work method simple stiff, caused masses of conflict and antipathy; some leaders can't do masses work, Faced with a lot of contradi ctions among the people worry about fear, panic set in encounter group
37、events, and some are even mismanaged, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. These problems we are soberly aware, enhancing t he party's ruling capability, the maintenan ce and development of the part
38、y's advanced nat ure and purity, and to enhance the ability of part y committees and leading cadres are good people. Attach great importance to and is good at doing mass work, has become the new urgent situation
39、 strengthening t he party's gov erning capacity-building tasks. Combined practice of maintaining flesh -and-blood ties with the masses, urged the broad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels ... Pr
40、ocessing t o improve as a guide to the country. ““ What I did is summed up these new things, be promoted. “This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xiaoping's mass. Deng also put peo ple “support does not support“,
41、“agreed not to agree“, “happy happy“, “promise not to promise“ as a starting point and destination of developing guidelines, policies, and as the only standard for measuring compliance wit h the wishes of the masses of t
42、he people. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Central Government adopted a series of important measures to strengthen links wit h the masses. In December 1989, t he CPC Central Committee made on adhering to and
43、perfecting the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under t he leadership of the Chinese Communist Part y, closely for CPC and t he democratic parties an d the relationship between the part of the
44、 masses t hat they contact, effectively carrying out t he mass line, played a positive role. In March 1990, the 13 plenary session adopted the decision on strengthening contacts with the masses of the Party noted t hat “
45、created and developed in the long struggle of the party's mass line, is to realize the party's ideological line, t he fundamental political and organizational work route“, can always maintain flesh-and-blood ties
46、 and development of the masses, is directly related to the rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party and State. In September 1994, 14 adopted by the plenary session of the Party on strengthening decision on several
47、 major issues of party building. The requirements of the decision of the party's leading bodies and leading cadres should develop a dem ocratic style of work, come from the masses, to the masses, t ogether, stick
48、to t he mass line. Party of 13 session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comrade for core of party of third generation Central led collective, banner Deng Xiao-ping's theory great flag, insisted liberation t hough
49、t, and facts, and times, in both at home and abroad political storm, and economic risk, severe test before, relies on party and people, defended China features S ocialist, created socialist market new system, created ful
50、l open new sit uation, advance party of construction new of great engineering, founded “three a representative“ important thought, Continue t o steer the ship of reform and opening up forward on the right . Comrade Jiang
51、 Zemin said: “strengthening and improving the party's mass work in t he new situation, it is of decisive significance t o consolidating the ruling Foundation of the party. “Throug h our party and some of the world
52、9;s major lessons learned from the success of the old party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out:“ the biggest political adv antage of our party is in close contact with the m asses, t he most dangerous after th
53、e ruling party was divorced from the masses. “He said:“ our reform and construction, only the understanding, support and participation of the people, people's enthusiasm and creativity into full play in order to adv
54、ance; t he leadership of the party, only t he tie and win the masses embraced, can be consolidated and strengthened. “He pointed out t hat strengthening and improving the party's work style construction, maintaining
55、the party's flesh-and-blood ties wit h the masses is t he core problem, t he key is to do solid work, im plement, resolutely oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed t hat all the work and policies
56、 of the party, are in compliance with the f undamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people to the highest degree, t o the majority of people are not satisfied wit h the fundamental guidelines, strive to
57、make our workers, farmers, intellectuals and ot her people enjoy ... Single, everyone seemed to know. But well known does not mean perf ect. Some party members and leading cadres, consider contacting their small depart
58、ments, within a small circle of people, or contact individual owners, the entrepreneur, is t he masses, this idea is obviously not correct. The Communist Party of China, people should have t hree characteristics. First,
59、the people should be the most social, is a Department within the scope of the majorit y. Specific to the party and Government departments, especially the cadres working in t he Central and State organs, mass is the 1.
60、3 billion Chinese people, work for the party members and cadres, masses are the land within the jurisdiction of the common people. The second characteristic of the masses, is t hat we have common interest s. Masses ar
61、e manifestations of each specific people, but t he crowd is a comprehensive political concept , refers to people with common political and economic interests in the period of social transformation, social differentiation
62、 between t he interests of the masses is large, if you do not find the interest in doing mass work, t he party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The third characteristic of the masses (6)組織防火檢查,督促落實火災隱患
63、整改,及時處理涉及消防安全的重大問題。 (7)組織制定符合幼兒園實際的滅火和應急疏散預案,并實施演練。 第十 第十二條 義務消防組織防火責任制: (1) 結合幼兒園實際進行防火安全檢查, 發(fā)現(xiàn)隱患及時報告幼兒園主要負責人。 (2) 積極參加幼兒園組織的消防培訓、 學習活動, 做到招之即來、 來之能戰(zhàn)、戰(zhàn)之能勝。 (3)監(jiān)督幼兒園防火安全制度的執(zhí)行情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)違章,及時制止。 (4)保管維護幼兒園的消防器材,保持完整、有效。 (5)發(fā)生火險
64、及時報告,并積極參加搶險。 (6)積極向幼兒園的教職工宣傳消防知識,進行防火安全教育。 第五章 第五章 獎勵與處罰 獎勵與處罰 第十 第十三條 對在執(zhí)行和落實安全防火規(guī)定工作中認真負責、成績顯著的教職工,幼兒園將進行表彰和獎勵。 第十 第十四條 對不認真落實安全防火責任制、 違反防火安全規(guī)章制度、 發(fā)生火災造成經濟損失的,按有關規(guī)定給予經濟處罰或行政處分;情節(jié)嚴重的,由有關部門追究其刑事責任。 第六章 第六章 附 則 第十 第十五條 本
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