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1、<p>  附錄A.外文翻譯 -原文部分</p><p>  The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management</p><p><b>  Tyson,S</b></p><p>  出處:http://www.endoc.net/PDFweb/215.htm</p><

2、;p>  1. Human Resource Management at Work</p><p>  What Is Human Resource Management</p><p>  To understand what human resource management is, we should first review what managers do. Most ex

3、perts agree that there are five basic functions all managers perform' planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, these functions represent the management process. Some of the specific activit

4、ies involved in each function include:</p><p>  Planning: Establishing goals and standards; developing rules and procedures; developing plans and forecasting—predicting or projecting some future occurrence.&

5、lt;/p><p>  Organizing: Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments; delegating authority to subordinates; establishing channels of authority and communication; coordinating the work of su

6、bordinates.</p><p>  Staffing: Deciding what type of people should be hired; recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees; setting performance standards; compensating employees; evaluating performan

7、ce; counseling employees; training and developing employees.</p><p>  Leading: Getting others to get the job done; maintaining morale; motivating subordinates.</p><p>  Controlling: Setting stan

8、dards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or production levels; checking to see how actual performance compares with these standards; taking corrective action as needed.</p&

9、gt;<p>  In this book, we are going to focus on one of these functions: the staffing, personnel management, or (as it's usually called today) human resource (HR) management function. Human resource management

10、refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job. These include:</p><p>  Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of each employee'

11、;s job)</p><p>  Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidates</p><p>  Selecting job candidates</p><p>  Orienting and training new employees</p><p>  Managing Wa

12、ges and Salaries (how to compensate employees )</p><p>  Providing incentives and benefits</p><p>  Appraising performance</p><p>  Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers<

13、;/p><p>  Why are these concepts and techniques important to all managers? Perhaps it's easier to answer this by listing some of the personnel mistakes you don't want to make while managing. For example

14、, you don't want:</p><p>  To hire the wrong person for the job</p><p>  To experience high turnover</p><p>  To find your people not doing their best</p><p>  To w

15、aste time with useless interviews</p><p>  To have your company taken to court because of your discriminatory actions</p><p>  To have your company cited under federal occupational safety laws f

16、or unsafe practices</p><p>  To have some of your employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organization</p><p>  To allow a lack of training to undermi

17、ne your department's effectiveness</p><p>  To commit any unfair labor practices</p><p>  Carefully studying this book can help you avoid mistakes like these. More important, it can help ens

18、ure that you get results —through others. Remember that you could do everything else right as a manager — lay brilliant plans, draw clear organization charts, set up modern assembly lines, and use sophisticated accountin

19、g controls — but still fail as a manager by hiring the wrong people or by not motivating subordinates, for instance).On the other hand, many managers-whether presidents, generals, </p><p>  Remember as you r

20、ead this book that getting results is the bottom line of managing and that, as a manager, you will have to get these results through people As one company president summed up:</p><p>  "For many years i

21、t has been said that capital is the bottleneck for a developing industry. I don't think this any longer holds true. I think it's the work force and the company's inability to recruit and maintain a good work

22、force that does constitute the bottleneck for production. I don't know of any major project backed by good ideas, vigor, and enthusiasm that has been stopped by a shortage of cash. I do know of industries whose growt

23、h has been partly stopped or hampered because they can't ma</p><p>  At no time in our history has that statement been truer than it is today. As we'll see in a moment, intensified global competition

24、, deregulation, and technical advances have triggered an avalanche of change, one that many firms have not survived. In this environment, the future belongs to those managers who can best manage change; but to manage cha

25、nge they must have committed employees who do their jobs as if they own the company. In this book we'll see that human resource management practices a</p><p>  2. Line and Staff Aspects of HRM</p>

26、<p>  All managers are, in a sense, HR managers, since they all get involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and training. Yet most firms also have a human resource department with its own h

27、uman resource manager. How do the duties of this HR manager and his or her staff relate to "line" managers' human resource duties? Let’s answer this question, starling with a short definition of line versus

28、 staff authority.</p><p>  Line versus Staff Authority</p><p>  Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. In management, we usually distinguish

29、between line authority and staff authority.</p><p>  Line managers are authorized to direct the work of subordinates — they're always someone's boss. In addition, line managers are in charge of accom

30、plishing the organization's basic goals (Hotel managers and the managers for production and sales are generally line managers, for example. They have direct responsibility for accomplishing the organization's bas

31、ic goals. They also have the authority to direct the work of their subordinates. ) Staff managers, on the other hand, are authorized to assist</p><p>  Line Managers' Human Resource Management Responsibi

32、lities</p><p>  According to one expert, 'The direct handling of people is, and always has been, an integral part of every line manager's responsibility, from president down to the lowest-level super

33、visor.</p><p>  For example, one major company outlines its line supervisors' responsibilities for effective human resource management under the following general headings:</p><p>  Placing

34、the right person on the right job</p><p>  Starting new employees in the organization (orientation)</p><p>  Training employees for jobs that are new to them</p><p>  Improving the

35、job performance of each person</p><p>  Gaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships</p><p>  Interpreting the company s policies and procedures</p><p> 

36、 Controlling labor costs</p><p>  Developing the abilities of each person</p><p>  Creating and maintaining departmental morale</p><p>  Protecting employees' health and physica

37、l condition</p><p>  In small organizations, line managers may carry out all these personnel duties unassisted. But as the organization grows, they need the assistance, specialized knowledge, and advice of a

38、 separate human resource staff.</p><p>  Human Resource Department's HR Management Responsibilities</p><p>  The human resource department provides this specialized assistance. In doing so,

39、the HR manager carries out three distinct functions:</p><p>  A line function.First, the HR manager performs a line function by directing the activities of the people in his or her own department and in serv

40、ice areas (like the plant cafeteria). In other words, he or she exerts line authority within the personnel department. HR managers are also likely to exert implied authority. This is so because line managers know the HR

41、manager often has access to top management in personnel areas like testing and affirmative action. As a result, HR managers' "suggestio</p><p>  A coordinative function. HR managers also function as

42、 coordinators of personnel activities, a duty often referred to as functional control. Here the HR manager and department act as "the right arm of the top executive to as sure him (or her) that HR objectives, polici

43、es, and procedures (concerning, for example, occupational safety and health) which have been approved and adopted are being consistently carried out by line managers.</p><p>  Staff (service) functions. Serv

44、ing and assisting line managers is the "bread and butter" of the HR manager's job. For example, HR assists in the hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing of employees. It

45、also administers the various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on). It assists line managers in their attempts to comply with equal employment and occupational safety laws. And

46、 it plays an important role with respect to</p><p>  Cooperative Line and Staff Human Resource Management:An Example</p><p>  Exactly which HR management activities are carried out by line manag

47、ers and staff managers? There's no single division of line and staff responsibilities that could be applied across the board in all organizations. But to show you what such a division might look like. This shows some

48、 HR responsibilities of line managers and staff managers in five areas: recruitment and selection; training and development; compensation; labor relations; and employee security and safety.</p><p>  For exam

49、ple, in the area of recruiting and hiring it's the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions. Then the HR staff takes over. They develop sources of qualifie

50、d applicants and conduct initial screening interviews. They administer the appropriate tests. Then they refer the best applicants to the supervisor (line manager), who interviews and selects the ones he or she wants.<

51、/p><p>  In summary, HR management is an integral part of every manager's job. Whether you're a first-line supervisor, middle manager, or president, whether you're a production manager, sales manage

52、r, office manager, hospital administrator, county manager (or HR manager), getting results through people is the name of the game. And to do this, you'll need a good working knowledge of the human resource/personnel

53、concepts and techniques in this book.</p><p>  4. Tomorrow's HR</p><p>  Trends like globalization and technological innovation are changing the way firms are managed. Organizations today mu

54、st grapple with revolutionary trends, accelerating product and technological change, globalize competition, deregulation, demographic changes, and trends toward a service society and the information age.These trends have

55、 changed the playing field on which firms must compete. In particular, they have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually all industries, whil</p><p>  In the companies that have success

56、fully responded to these challenges, new modes of organizing and managing have emerged.For example:</p><p>  The traditional, pyramid-shaped organization is giving way to new organizational forms. At firms l

57、ike AT&T the new way of organizing stresses cross-functional teams and boosting interdepartmental communications.</p><p>  There is a corresponding de-emphasis on "sticking to the chain of command&q

58、uot; to get decisions made. At General Electric, Chairman Jack Welch talks of the boundary less organization, in which employees do not identify with separate departments but instead interact with whomever they must to g

59、et the job done.</p><p>  Employees are being empowered to make more and more decisions. Experts argue for turning the typical organization upside down. They say today's organization should put the custo

60、mer on top and emphasize that every move the company makes should be toward satisfying the customer's needs. Management must therefore empower its front-line employees—the front desk clerks at the hotel, the cabin at

61、tendants on the Delta plane, and the assemblers at Saturn. In other words, employees need the authority to </p><p>  Flatter organizations are the norm. Instead of the pyramid-shaped organization with its se

62、ven to ten or more layers of management, flat organizations with just three or four levels will prevail. Many companies (including AT&T and General Electric) have already cut the management layers from a dozen to six

63、 or fewer. As the remaining managers have more people reporting to them, they will be less able to meddle in the work of their subordinates.</p><p>  Work itself—on the factory floor, in the office, even in

64、the hotel — is increasingly organized around teams and processes rather than specialized functions. On the plant floor, a worker will not just have the job of installing the same door handle over and over again. He or sh

65、e will belong to a multifunction team, one that manages its own budget and controls the quality of own work.</p><p>  The bases of power are changing. "In the new organization, " says management th

66、eorist Rosabeth Moss Kanter, "position, title, and authority are no longer adequate tools for managers to rely on to get their jobs done.Instead, success depends increasingly on tapping into sources of good ideas, o

67、n figuring out whose collaboration is needed to act on those ideas, and on working with both to produce results. In short, the new managerial work implies very different ways of obtaining and using power."</p>

68、<p>  Managers will not "manage". Yesterday's manager knew that the president and owners of the firm gave him or her authority to command and control subordinates. Today most managers realize that re

69、liance on formal authority is increasingly a thing of the past. Peter Drucker says that managers have to learn to manage ip situations where they do not have command authority, where " you are neither controlled nor

70、 controlling".Yesterday's manager thinks of himself or herself as a "manager" or "boss"; the</p><p>  Managers today must build commitment Building adaptive, customer-responsive

71、organizations means that eliciting employee’s commitment and self-control is more important than it has ever been. GE's Jack Welch put it this way: The only way I see to get more productivity is by getting people inv

72、olved and excited about their jobs. You can't afford to have anyone walk through a gate of a factory or into an office who is not giving 120%".</p><p>  附錄B. 外文翻譯 -譯文部分</p><p>  人力資源管理的

73、戰(zhàn)略作用</p><p><b>  泰森,S</b></p><p>  1. 人力資源管理工作 </p><p>  什么是人力資源管理 </p><p>  了解人力資源管理,首先要審查管理人員。大多數(shù)專家一致認(rèn)為,有五個(gè)基本職能的所有管理人員執(zhí)行的規(guī)劃、組織、人員配備、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)和控制??傊@些職能描繪了管理的步驟。

74、一些參與了每個(gè)功能的具體活動(dòng)包括: </p><p>  規(guī)劃:確定目標(biāo)和標(biāo)準(zhǔn);發(fā)展中國(guó)家的規(guī)則和程序;發(fā)展計(jì)劃和預(yù)報(bào)——預(yù)測(cè)或預(yù)測(cè)未來(lái)的一些情況。</p><p>  組織:給每個(gè)下屬的具體任務(wù);建立部門;給下屬權(quán)力;建立權(quán)威和交流的渠道;協(xié)調(diào)下屬的工作。</p><p>  人員編制:決定什么類型的人應(yīng)該雇用;招募潛在雇員;選擇雇員;制定的性能標(biāo)準(zhǔn);補(bǔ)償雇員;評(píng)

75、價(jià)性能;輔導(dǎo)員工;培訓(xùn)和發(fā)展員工。 </p><p>  領(lǐng)導(dǎo):讓別人來(lái)完成任務(wù);保持士氣;激勵(lì)下屬。 </p><p>  控制:設(shè)置標(biāo)準(zhǔn),如銷售定額、質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)或生產(chǎn)水平;查看實(shí)際的執(zhí)行情況是否符合這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn);需要時(shí)采取糾正行為。</p><p>  在這本書中,我們將重點(diǎn)放在其中的一個(gè)職能:人員編制、人事管理,或者(現(xiàn)在的說(shuō)法是)人力資源(HR)管理職能。人力資源

76、管理指的是您需要進(jìn)行的人或人員方面的管理工作的做法和政策。這些包括: </p><p>  進(jìn)行就業(yè)分析(確定的性質(zhì),每個(gè)員工的工作)</p><p>  規(guī)劃勞動(dòng)力需求和招聘職位候選人</p><p><b>  選擇應(yīng)聘者</b></p><p><b>  定向和培訓(xùn)新雇員</b></p

77、><p>  管理工資和薪金(如何補(bǔ)償雇員)</p><p><b>  提供獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)和福利</b></p><p><b>  績(jī)效評(píng)價(jià)</b></p><p>  為什么人力資源管理的重要是面向所有管理人員</p><p>  為什么這些概念和技術(shù)對(duì)所有管理人員來(lái)說(shuō)是重要的?通過(guò)

78、列舉一些管理時(shí)你不想出現(xiàn)的人為錯(cuò)誤也許就能很容易回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題。例如,你不希望: </p><p>  為這份工作聘請(qǐng)了錯(cuò)誤的人</p><p><b>  體驗(yàn)高營(yíng)業(yè)額 </b></p><p>  發(fā)現(xiàn)您的員工沒(méi)有盡全力</p><p><b>  浪費(fèi)時(shí)間與無(wú)用會(huì)見(jiàn)</b></p>

79、<p>  因?yàn)槟愕钠缫曅孕袆?dòng)而將您的公司送上法庭</p><p>  根據(jù)職業(yè)安全法對(duì)您的公司指出不安全做法</p><p>  讓一些員工認(rèn)為,相對(duì)其他公司來(lái)說(shuō)他們的工資是不公平的</p><p>  允許訓(xùn)練的缺乏而破壞你部門的效率 </p><p><b>  出現(xiàn)不公平的勞動(dòng)</b></p&g

80、t;<p>  仔細(xì)研究這本書可以幫助您避免這樣的錯(cuò)誤。更重要的是,它可以幫助您確保通過(guò)其他途徑得到結(jié)果。記住,你可以使用一切作為一名管理者的權(quán)利來(lái)制定輝煌的計(jì)劃,制定明確的組織結(jié)構(gòu)圖,設(shè)立現(xiàn)代化的生產(chǎn)流水線,并使用復(fù)雜的財(cái)務(wù)管理——但作為管理者仍不能雇用錯(cuò)誤的人或者不去激勵(lì)下屬(舉例來(lái)說(shuō))。另一方面,許多管理人員,無(wú)論總裁、經(jīng)理、主管人員或管理者,即使使用了不充分的計(jì)劃、組織或管理也獲得了成功。他們成功了,是因?yàn)樗麄冇薪o

81、合適的人提供合適的就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)的訣竅,并能激勵(lì)、評(píng)價(jià)和發(fā)展他們。</p><p>  當(dāng)你讀這本書的時(shí)候記住,得到結(jié)果是管理的底線,而且,作為一個(gè)經(jīng)理,你將通過(guò)別人來(lái)得到這些結(jié)果。就像一個(gè)公司的總裁總結(jié)的:</p><p>  “多年來(lái),大家一直認(rèn)為,資金是一個(gè)發(fā)展中行業(yè)的瓶頸。我并不認(rèn)為這將長(zhǎng)期如此。我認(rèn)為生產(chǎn)的瓶頸是由于勞動(dòng)力以及公司無(wú)法招募和維持一個(gè)良好的勞動(dòng)力而導(dǎo)致的。我沒(méi)聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)任何有

82、良好的思想、活力和熱情支持的重大項(xiàng)目因?yàn)橘Y金短缺而停工。我同樣也知道一些行業(yè)因?yàn)椴荒芫S持一個(gè)有效率的、熱情的勞動(dòng)力而部分停止發(fā)展或發(fā)展受到阻礙,而且,我認(rèn)為這在未來(lái)會(huì)更加重要——”</p><p>  在我們歷史中的任何時(shí)候,這一聲明都比當(dāng)時(shí)更加真實(shí)。正如我們?cè)谀硞€(gè)瞬間可以看到,在全球競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的加強(qiáng)、管理的放松和技術(shù)的進(jìn)步引發(fā)的雪崩般的變化面前,許多企業(yè)都沒(méi)能幸存。在這種環(huán)境下,未來(lái)將屬于那些最能面對(duì)管理變革的管理者

83、;而面對(duì)管理變革,他們必須有就像他們自己擁有這個(gè)公司一樣對(duì)自己的工作充滿責(zé)任心的員工。在這本書中我們會(huì)看到,在更好地應(yīng)對(duì)管理變革、促使雇員效忠本公司中,人力資源的管理和政策扮演著一個(gè)至關(guān)重要的角色。 </p><p>  2. 人力資源管理的項(xiàng)目管理和職員管理方面</p><p>  所有管理人員,從某種意義上說(shuō),人力資源管理人員,都要參與諸如招聘、面試、選拔和培訓(xùn)的活動(dòng)。然而,多數(shù)企業(yè)也

84、有人力資源部和自己的人力資源管理人員。人力資源管理者和他或她的工作人員涉及到“項(xiàng)目”管理人員的人力資源職責(zé)時(shí)怎樣執(zhí)行這份職責(zé)?讓我們來(lái)回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題,通過(guò)一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)短的相對(duì)職員管理人員的項(xiàng)目管理人員的權(quán)威的定義。 </p><p>  相對(duì)職員管理人員的項(xiàng)目管理人員的權(quán)威</p><p>  權(quán)威就是作出決定、引導(dǎo)他人的工作、并下達(dá)命令的權(quán)利。在管理方面,我們通常要區(qū)分各級(jí)管理的權(quán)力和工作人員的

85、權(quán)力。 </p><p>  項(xiàng)目管理人員有權(quán)直接管理下屬的工作,他們一直是某些人的老板。此外, </p><p>  項(xiàng)目管理人員負(fù)責(zé)完成本組織的基本目標(biāo)(例如,酒店管理人員和生產(chǎn)銷售管理人員是一般管理人員。他們?yōu)閷?shí)現(xiàn)該組織的基本目標(biāo)負(fù)有直接責(zé)任。他們還有權(quán)直接管理其下屬的工作。 )另一方面,職員管理人員被授權(quán)在實(shí)現(xiàn)這些基本目標(biāo)時(shí)給項(xiàng)目管理人員提供協(xié)助和意見(jiàn)。人力資源管理人員是一般的職員

86、管理人員。他們負(fù)責(zé)在招聘、雇用和賠償領(lǐng)域給項(xiàng)目管理人員提供意見(jiàn)(例如為生產(chǎn)、銷售提供的那些)。</p><p>  項(xiàng)目管理人員的人力資源管理職責(zé)</p><p>  據(jù)一位專家說(shuō),對(duì)人員的直接管理是,并且一直都是,每個(gè)項(xiàng)目管理人員的職責(zé)的主要組成部分,從總裁到最低一級(jí)的主管。</p><p>  例如,一個(gè)大公司將其項(xiàng)目管理者進(jìn)行有效的人力資源管理的職責(zé)概述如下:

87、</p><p>  向合適的人提供合適的工作</p><p>  在組織中培養(yǎng)新的員工(有方向性的)</p><p>  為那些對(duì)他們來(lái)說(shuō)是嶄新的工作來(lái)培訓(xùn)員工</p><p>  提高每個(gè)人的工作業(yè)績(jī)</p><p>  為順利的工作關(guān)系獲得創(chuàng)造性的合作和發(fā)展</p><p>  解讀S公司

88、的政策和程序</p><p><b>  勞動(dòng)力成本控制</b></p><p><b>  每個(gè)人發(fā)展中的能力</b></p><p>  創(chuàng)建和維護(hù)部門的士氣</p><p>  保護(hù)員工的健康和身體狀況</p><p>  在小組織中,項(xiàng)目管理人員可以進(jìn)行所有這些無(wú)用的

89、人員職責(zé)。但是,隨著組織的成長(zhǎng),他們需要對(duì)一個(gè)獨(dú)立的人力資源職員的協(xié)助、專業(yè)知識(shí)和建議。</p><p>  人力資源部門的人力資源管理職責(zé)</p><p>  人力資源處提供這種專門的協(xié)助。在這樣做時(shí),人力資源管理人員有三個(gè)不同的職能:</p><p>  項(xiàng)目職能。首先,人力資源管理人員通過(guò)指揮在他或她自己的部門和服務(wù)領(lǐng)域(如工廠食堂)里的人的活動(dòng)來(lái)執(zhí)行項(xiàng)目職能

90、。換言之,他或她使用人事部門里的項(xiàng)目權(quán)利。人力資源管理人員也有可能施加默認(rèn)的授權(quán)。這是因?yàn)轫?xiàng)目管理人員知道人力資源管理人員往往是在像測(cè)試和肯定行為的職員領(lǐng)域中已進(jìn)入高層的管理人員。因此,人力資源管理人員的“建議”往往被視為“上層的要求”。這就意味著權(quán)力比因人力資源/人事問(wèn)題而困擾的管理人員更有分量。</p><p>  協(xié)調(diào)職能。人力資源管理人員,也可稱作職員活動(dòng)的協(xié)調(diào)員,有著往往被稱為功能控制的責(zé)任。作為高層管

91、理人員的“右臂”的人力資源管理人員和部門要確保那些已被項(xiàng)目管理人員批準(zhǔn)并通過(guò)了的(例如,關(guān)于職業(yè)安全和健康的)人力資源的管理目標(biāo)、政策和程序。</p><p>  職員(服務(wù))職能。服務(wù)和協(xié)助項(xiàng)目管理人員是人力資源管理者工作中的“面包和奶油”。例如,人力資源協(xié)助雇用、培訓(xùn)、評(píng)價(jià)、獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)、輔導(dǎo)、推動(dòng)和發(fā)展雇員。它還負(fù)責(zé)管理的各種福利計(jì)劃(健康和意外保險(xiǎn)、退休、休假,等等)。它在企圖遵守平等就業(yè)和職業(yè)安全的法律中協(xié)助項(xiàng)

92、目管理人員。而且它還在不滿和勞動(dòng)關(guān)系方面起著重要的作用。作為這些服務(wù)活動(dòng)的一部分,人力資源管理部門通過(guò)提供最新資料、目前的趨勢(shì)和新的解決問(wèn)題的方法還扮演著“創(chuàng)新者”的角色。例如,在今天有很多都對(duì)制定業(yè)務(wù)計(jì)劃和向員工提供職業(yè)規(guī)劃感興趣。人力資源管理人員停留在這種趨勢(shì)的頂端,并幫助他們組織實(shí)施必要的計(jì)劃。</p><p>  項(xiàng)目和職員人力資源管理的合作:一個(gè)例子</p><p>  由項(xiàng)目管

93、理人員和職員管理人員執(zhí)行的人力資源管理活動(dòng)具體是哪些?沒(méi)有可以適用于所有組織的項(xiàng)目和職員職責(zé)的單一分工。但是可以向您展示這種分工可能是什么樣的。這里從5個(gè)領(lǐng)域展示了一些項(xiàng)目管理人員和職員管理人員的人力資源職責(zé):征聘和甄選;培訓(xùn)和發(fā)展;賠償;勞動(dòng)關(guān)系;以及雇員安全和保障。</p><p>  例如,在該地區(qū)的招募和聘用時(shí)向有資格的員工指定需要填寫的具體職位是項(xiàng)目管理人員的責(zé)任。然后由人力資源工作人員接管。他們對(duì)合格

94、的申請(qǐng)人進(jìn)行初步篩選和面試。他們執(zhí)行適當(dāng)?shù)臏y(cè)試。然后,他們向那些想通過(guò)面談挑選合適的人的主管(項(xiàng)目管理人員)提出最佳的申請(qǐng)人。</p><p>  總之,人力資源管理是每名管理人員工作的一個(gè)組成部分。無(wú)論您是第一線的主管、中層管理人員、或總裁,無(wú)論您是生產(chǎn)經(jīng)理,銷售經(jīng)理,辦公室經(jīng)理,醫(yī)院管理員,部門管理人員(或人力資源經(jīng)理),通過(guò)別人得到的結(jié)果就是這個(gè)游戲的名字。而且要做到這一點(diǎn),您就需要本書中良好的人力資源/人

95、員的概念和技術(shù)的應(yīng)用知識(shí)。 </p><p>  4. 明天的人力資源 </p><p>  像全球化和技術(shù)創(chuàng)新的那些趨勢(shì)正在改變企業(yè)的管理方式?,F(xiàn)如今,企業(yè)必須處理好這些革命性的趨勢(shì),加快產(chǎn)品和技術(shù)的變革,全球化的競(jìng)爭(zhēng),常規(guī)的違反,人口結(jié)構(gòu)的變化,并傾向一個(gè)服務(wù)型社會(huì)和信息時(shí)代。這些趨勢(shì)已經(jīng)改變了企業(yè)的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)環(huán)境。特別是,在幾乎所有的行業(yè)中都存在急劇增加的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)程度,這就迫使企業(yè)去應(yīng)付前所未

96、有的產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新和技術(shù)變革。</p><p>  在企業(yè)之間已經(jīng)成功地回應(yīng)了這些挑戰(zhàn),新的組織和管理的模式已經(jīng)形成了。例如:</p><p>  傳統(tǒng)的金字塔形組織已經(jīng)讓位給新的組織形式。在諸如AT&T的公司中,這種新的組織形式加強(qiáng)了小組間的職能交互,并促進(jìn)了部門間的交流。</p><p>  相應(yīng)的也不去強(qiáng)調(diào)通過(guò)“堅(jiān)持指揮鏈”而得出決定。</p>

97、<p>  在通用電氣公司,董事長(zhǎng)杰克韋爾奇會(huì)與那些分界線較少的企業(yè)進(jìn)行會(huì)談,這些企業(yè)中的雇員不是因獨(dú)立的部門而視為一體,而是與那些必須要完成的這項(xiàng)工作的人合作。</p><p>  員工正在有越來(lái)越多的作出決定的權(quán)利。專家對(duì)轉(zhuǎn)向典型的企業(yè)的顛倒進(jìn)行著爭(zhēng)論。他們說(shuō),今天的組織應(yīng)該把客戶放在頂端,并強(qiáng)調(diào)每一個(gè)舉動(dòng)都應(yīng)該使公司盡量滿足客戶的需求。因此,管理必須授權(quán)給那些前線員工——酒店前臺(tái)接待人員,德?tīng)査?/p>

98、飛機(jī)上的乘務(wù)員和裝配在土星火箭上的匯編程序。換句話說(shuō),員工需要有對(duì)客戶需求做出迅速反應(yīng)的權(quán)利。</p><p>  在這個(gè)“顛倒”組織中的管理人員的主要目的就是服務(wù)于那些前線員工,看看他們需要為她們他們的工作做些什么,從而服務(wù)于客戶。使企業(yè)滿意的就是規(guī)范。取代那些有著七至十個(gè)或以上的管理層的金字塔形的組織,有三或四層的單層組織將占上風(fēng)。許多公司(包括AT&T公司和通用電氣公司)已經(jīng)將管理層從12層降至6層

99、或者更少。正如剩余的管理人員有更多的人向他們報(bào)告,他們將無(wú)權(quán)干涉他們下屬的工作。工廠車間、辦公室、甚至酒店里的工作本身正日益圍繞在團(tuán)隊(duì)和過(guò)程周圍,而不是專門的職能。在車間,工人將不再一遍又一遍地負(fù)責(zé)安裝同一門柄。 他或她將歸屬于一個(gè)多功能團(tuán)隊(duì),這個(gè)團(tuán)隊(duì)管理著自己的預(yù)算并控制自己的工作質(zhì)量。</p><p>  權(quán)力的基礎(chǔ)正在發(fā)生變化。管理理論家羅莎貝·莫斯·坎特說(shuō):“在新的組織中,地位、職稱和

100、權(quán)威已不再是管理人員完成他們工作所要依賴的了。相反,越來(lái)越多的成功取決于利用好的想法的來(lái)源,找出其合作需要采取的行動(dòng)是在這些想法之上起作用的,并且它們之間相互產(chǎn)生結(jié)果,總之,新的管理工作意味著完全不同的獲取和使用權(quán)力的方式。”</p><p>  管理人員將不再“管理”。過(guò)去的管理人員知道總裁和公司所有者給予他們指揮和控制下屬的權(quán)利。而現(xiàn)在大多數(shù)管理人員認(rèn)識(shí)到,權(quán)威正日益成為過(guò)去的事情。皮特·德魯克說(shuō),

101、管理人員必須學(xué)會(huì)在沒(méi)有指揮權(quán)的情況下進(jìn)行管理,那時(shí),“你既不被控制,也不能控制”。過(guò)去的管理人員認(rèn)為他或她本人是作為“經(jīng)理”或“老板”的;而現(xiàn)在越來(lái)越多的新的管理人員認(rèn)為他或她本人是作為“贊助商”、“團(tuán)隊(duì)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)”或“內(nèi)部顧問(wèn)”的。</p><p>  現(xiàn)如今,管理人員必須對(duì)那些向客戶作出響應(yīng)的企業(yè)立下承諾,這就意味著征求雇員的承諾和自我控制比以往任何時(shí)候都更加重要。通用電氣公司的杰克韋爾奇提出這樣說(shuō):我認(rèn)為獲得更多


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