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1、<p><b>  西安歐亞學(xué)院</b></p><p>  本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)外文翻譯譯文</p><p>  學(xué)生姓名: 趙智浩 </p><p>  分院(系): 信息工程學(xué)院 </p><p>  專業(yè)班級:

2、 統(tǒng)本電信0801 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師: 蘇智華 </p><p>  完成日期: 二0一二年五月 </p><p><b>  單片機(jī)介紹</b></p><p>  作者:Kenneth Ayala</p

3、><p><b>  起止頁碼:7-22</b></p><p>  參考文獻(xiàn):The 8051 Microcontroller</p><p>  出版日期: 2004-06-01</p><p>  出版社: Delmar Cengage Learning</p><p>  單片機(jī)也被稱為微控

4、制器(Microcontroller Unit),常用英文字母的縮寫MCU表示單片機(jī),它最早是被用在工業(yè)控制領(lǐng)域。單片機(jī)由芯片內(nèi)僅有CPU的專用處理器發(fā)展而來。最早的設(shè)計理念是通過將大量外圍設(shè)備和CPU集成在一個芯片中,使計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)更小,更容易集成進(jìn)復(fù)雜的而對體積要求嚴(yán)格的控制設(shè)備當(dāng)中。INTEL的Z80是最早按照這種思想設(shè)計出的處理器,從此以后,單片機(jī)和專用處理器的發(fā)展便分道揚鑣。 </p><p>  早期的

5、單片機(jī)都是8位或4位的。其中最成功的是INTEL的8031,因為簡單可靠而性能不錯獲得了很大的好評。此后在8031上發(fā)展出了MCS51系列單片機(jī)系統(tǒng)?;谶@一系統(tǒng)的單片機(jī)系統(tǒng)直到現(xiàn)在還在廣泛使用。隨著工業(yè)控制領(lǐng)域要求的提高,開始出現(xiàn)了16位單片機(jī),但因為性價比不理想并未得到很廣泛的應(yīng)用。90年代后隨著消費電子產(chǎn)品大發(fā)展,單片機(jī)技術(shù)得到了巨大提高。隨著INTEL i960系列特別是后來的ARM系列的廣泛應(yīng)用,32位單片機(jī)迅速取代16位單片


7、和Linux操作系統(tǒng)。 </p><p>  單片機(jī)比專用處理器更適合應(yīng)用于嵌入式系統(tǒng),因此它得到了最多的應(yīng)用。事實上單片機(jī)是世界上數(shù)量最多的計算機(jī)?,F(xiàn)代人類生活中所用的幾乎每件電子和機(jī)械產(chǎn)品中都會集成有單片機(jī)。手機(jī)、電話、計算器、家用電器、電子玩具、掌上電腦以及鼠標(biāo)等電腦配件中都配有1-2部單片機(jī)。而個人電腦中也會有為數(shù)不少的單片機(jī)在工作。汽車上一般配備40多部單片機(jī),復(fù)雜的工業(yè)控制系統(tǒng)上甚至可能有數(shù)百臺單片機(jī)

8、在同時工作!單片機(jī)的數(shù)量不僅遠(yuǎn)超過PC機(jī)和其他計算的總和,甚至比人類的數(shù)量還要多。 </p><p>  單片機(jī)又稱單片微控制器,它不是完成某一個邏輯功能的芯片,而是把一個計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)集成到一個芯片上。相當(dāng)于一個微型的計算機(jī),和計算機(jī)相比,單片機(jī)只缺少了I/O設(shè)備。概括的講:一塊芯片就成了一臺計算機(jī)。它的體積小、質(zhì)量輕、價格便宜、為學(xué)習(xí)、應(yīng)用和開發(fā)提供了便利條件。同時,學(xué)習(xí)使用單片機(jī)是了解計算機(jī)原理與結(jié)構(gòu)的最佳選擇

9、。 </p><p>  單片機(jī)內(nèi)部也用和電腦功能類似的模塊,比如CPU,內(nèi)存,并行總線,還有和硬盤作用相同的存儲器件,不同的是它的這些部件性能都相對我們的家用電腦弱很多,不過價錢也是低的,一般不超過10元即可......用它來做一些控制電器一類不是很復(fù)雜的工作足矣了。我們現(xiàn)在用的全自動滾筒洗衣機(jī)、排煙罩、VCD等等的家電里面都可以看到它的身影!......它主要是作為控制部分的核心部件。 </p>

10、<p>  它是一種在線式實時控制計算機(jī),在線式就是現(xiàn)場控制,需要的是有較強(qiáng)的抗干擾能力,較低的成本,這也是和離線式計算機(jī)的(比如家用PC)的主要區(qū)別。 </p><p><b>  單片機(jī)芯片</b></p><p>  單片機(jī)是靠程序運行的,并且可以修改。通過不同的程序?qū)崿F(xiàn)不同的功能,尤其是特殊的獨特的一些功能,這是別的器件需要費很大力氣才能做到的,有

11、些則是花大力氣也很難做到的。一個不是很復(fù)雜的功能要是用美國50年代開發(fā)的74系列,或者60年代的CD4000系列這些純硬件來搞定的話,電路一定是一塊大PCB板!但是如果要是用美國70年代成功投放市場的系列單片機(jī),結(jié)果就會有天壤之別!只因為單片機(jī)的通過你編寫的程序可以實現(xiàn)高智能,高效率,以及高可靠性! </p><p>  由于單片機(jī)對成本是敏感的,所以目前占統(tǒng)治地位的軟件還是最低級匯編語言,它是除了二進(jìn)制機(jī)器碼以

12、上最低級的語言了,既然這么低級為什么還要用呢?很多高級的語言已經(jīng)達(dá)到了可視化編程的水平為什么不用呢?原因很簡單,就是單片機(jī)沒有家用計算機(jī)那樣的CPU,也沒有像硬盤那樣的海量存儲設(shè)備。一個可視化高級語言編寫的小程序里面即使只有一個按鈕,也會達(dá)到幾十K的尺寸!對于家用PC的硬盤來講沒什么,可是對于單片機(jī)來講是不能接受的。 單片機(jī)在硬件資源方面的利用率必須很高才行,所以匯編雖然原始卻還是在大量使用。一樣的道理,如果把巨型計算機(jī)上的操作系統(tǒng)和應(yīng)

13、用軟件拿到家用PC上來運行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。 </p><p>  可以說,二十世紀(jì)跨越了三個“電”的時代,即電氣時代、電子時代和現(xiàn)已進(jìn)入的電腦時代。不過,這種電腦,通常是指個人計算機(jī),簡稱PC機(jī)。它由主機(jī)、鍵盤、顯示器等組成。還有一類計算機(jī),大多數(shù)人卻不怎么熟悉。這種計算機(jī)就是把智能賦予各種機(jī)械的單片機(jī)(亦稱微控制器)。顧名思義,這種計算機(jī)的最小系統(tǒng)只用了一片集成電路,即可進(jìn)行簡單運算和控制。因為它體


15、品未使用單片機(jī)或其它可編程邏輯器件上。 </p><p><b>  單片機(jī)歷史</b></p><p>  單片機(jī)誕生于20世紀(jì)70年代末,經(jīng)歷了SCM、MCU、SoC三大階段。 </p><p><b>  起初模型</b></p><p>  1.SCM即單片微型計算機(jī)(Single Chip

16、 Microcomputer)階段,主要是尋求最佳的單片形態(tài)嵌入式系統(tǒng)的最佳體系結(jié)構(gòu)?!皠?chuàng)新模式”獲得成功,奠定了SCM與通用計算機(jī)完全不同的發(fā)展道路。在開創(chuàng)嵌入式系統(tǒng)獨立發(fā)展道路上,Intel公司功不可沒。 </p><p>  2.MCU即微控制器(Micro Controller Unit)階段,主要的技術(shù)發(fā)展方向是:不斷擴(kuò)展?jié)M足嵌入式應(yīng)用時,對象系統(tǒng)要求的各種外圍電路與接口電路,突顯其對象的智能化控制能力

17、。它所涉及的領(lǐng)域都與對象系統(tǒng)相關(guān),因此,發(fā)展MCU的重任不可避免地落在電氣、電子技術(shù)廠家。從這一角度來看,Intel逐漸淡出MCU的發(fā)展也有其客觀因素。在發(fā)展MCU方面,最著名的廠家當(dāng)數(shù)Philips公司。 </p><p>  Philips公司以其在嵌入式應(yīng)用方面的巨大優(yōu)勢,將MCS-51從單片微型計算機(jī)迅速發(fā)展到微控制器。因此,當(dāng)我們回顧嵌入式系統(tǒng)發(fā)展道路時,不要忘記Intel和Philips的歷史功績。

18、</p><p><b>  嵌入式系統(tǒng)</b></p><p>  單片機(jī)是嵌入式系統(tǒng)的獨立發(fā)展之路,向MCU階段發(fā)展的重要因素,就是尋求應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)在芯片上的最大化解決;因此,專用單片機(jī)的發(fā)展自然形成了SOC化趨勢。隨著微電子技術(shù)、IC設(shè)計、EDA工具的發(fā)展,基于SOC的單片機(jī)應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)設(shè)計會有較大的發(fā)展。因此,對單片機(jī)的理解可以從單片微型計算機(jī)、單片微控制器延伸到單片

19、應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)。 </p><p><b>  單片機(jī)的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域</b></p><p>  目前單片機(jī)滲透到我們生活的各個領(lǐng)域,幾乎很難找到哪個領(lǐng)域沒有單片機(jī)的蹤跡。導(dǎo)彈的導(dǎo)航裝置,飛機(jī)上各種儀表的控制,計算機(jī)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊與數(shù)據(jù)傳輸,工業(yè)自動化過程的實時控制和數(shù)據(jù)處理,廣泛使用的各種智能IC卡,民用豪華轎車的安全保障系統(tǒng),錄像機(jī)、攝像機(jī)、全自動洗衣機(jī)的控制,以及程控玩具、電

20、子寵物等等,這些都離不開單片機(jī)。更不用說自動控制領(lǐng)域的機(jī)器人、智能儀表、醫(yī)療器械了。因此,單片機(jī)的學(xué)習(xí)、開發(fā)與應(yīng)用將造就一批計算機(jī)應(yīng)用與智能化控制的科學(xué)家、工程師。 </p><p>  單片機(jī)廣泛應(yīng)用于儀器儀表、家用電器、醫(yī)用設(shè)備、航空航天、專用設(shè)備的智能化管理及過程控制等領(lǐng)域,大致可分如下幾個范疇: </p><p>  1.在智能儀器儀表上的應(yīng)用 </p><p&

21、gt;  單片機(jī)具有體積小、功耗低、控制功能強(qiáng)、擴(kuò)展靈活、微型化和使用方便等優(yōu)點,廣泛應(yīng)用于儀器儀表中,結(jié)合不同類型的傳感器,可實現(xiàn)諸如電壓、功率、頻率、濕度、溫度、流量、速度、厚度、角度、長度、硬度、元素、壓力等物理量的測量。采用單片機(jī)控制使得儀器儀表數(shù)字化、智能化、微型化,且功能比起采用電子或數(shù)字電路更加強(qiáng)大。例如精密的測量設(shè)備(功率計,示波器,各種分析儀)。 </p><p>  2.在工業(yè)控制中的應(yīng)用 &

22、lt;/p><p>  用單片機(jī)可以構(gòu)成形式多樣的控制系統(tǒng)、數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng)。例如工廠流水線的智能化管 </p><p>  3.在家用電器中的應(yīng)用 </p><p>  可以這樣說,現(xiàn)在的家用電器基本上都采用了單片機(jī)控制,從電飯褒、洗衣機(jī)、電冰箱、空調(diào)機(jī)、彩電、其他音響視頻器材、再到電子秤量設(shè)備,五花八門,無所不在。 </p><p>  4.在

23、計算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)和通信領(lǐng)域中的應(yīng)用 </p><p>  現(xiàn)代的單片機(jī)普遍具備通信接口,可以很方便地與計算機(jī)進(jìn)行數(shù)據(jù)通信,為在計算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)和通信設(shè)備間的應(yīng)用提供了極好的物質(zhì)條件,現(xiàn)在的通信設(shè)備基本上都實現(xiàn)了單片機(jī)智能控制,從手機(jī),電話機(jī)、小型程控交換機(jī)、樓宇自動通信呼叫系統(tǒng)、列車無線通信、再到日常工作中隨處可見的移動電話,集群移動通信,無線電對講機(jī)等。 </p><p>  5.單片機(jī)在醫(yī)用設(shè)備領(lǐng)

24、域中的應(yīng)用 </p><p>  單片機(jī)在醫(yī)用設(shè)備中的用途亦相當(dāng)廣泛,例如醫(yī)用呼吸機(jī),各種分析儀,監(jiān)護(hù)儀,超聲診斷設(shè)備及病床呼叫系統(tǒng)等等。 </p><p>  6.在各種大型電器中的模塊化應(yīng)用 </p><p>  某些專用單片機(jī)設(shè)計用于實現(xiàn)特定功能,從而在各種電路中進(jìn)行模塊化應(yīng)用,而不要求使用人員了解其內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)。如音樂集成單片機(jī),看似簡單的功能,微縮在純電子芯片

25、中(有別于磁帶機(jī)的原理),就需要復(fù)雜的類似于計算機(jī)的原理。如:音樂信號以數(shù)字的形式存于存儲器中(類似于ROM),由微控制器讀出,轉(zhuǎn)化為模擬音樂電信號(類似于聲卡)。 </p><p>  在大型電路中,這種模塊化應(yīng)用極大地縮小了體積,簡化了電路,降低了損壞、錯誤率,也方便于更換。 </p><p>  7.單片機(jī)在汽車設(shè)備領(lǐng)域中的應(yīng)用 </p><p>  單片機(jī)在

26、汽車電子中的應(yīng)用非常廣泛,例如汽車中的發(fā)動機(jī)控制器,基于CAN總線的汽車發(fā)動機(jī)智能電子控制器,GPS導(dǎo)航系統(tǒng),abs防抱死系統(tǒng),制動系統(tǒng)等等。 </p><p>  此外,單片機(jī)在工商,金融,科研、教育,國防航空航天等領(lǐng)域都有著十分廣泛的用途。 </p><p>  單片機(jī)學(xué)習(xí)應(yīng)用的五大重要部分 </p><p><b>  一、總線:</b>

27、</p><p>  我們知道,一個電路總是由元器件通過電線連接而成的,在模擬電路中,連線并不成為一個問題,因為各器件間一般是串行關(guān)系,各器件之間的連線并不很多,但計算機(jī)電路卻不一樣,它是以微處理器為核心,各器件都要與微處理器相連,各器件之間的工作必須相互協(xié)調(diào),所以需要的連線就很多了,如果仍如同模擬電路一樣,在各微處理器和各器件間單獨連線,則線的數(shù)量將多得驚人,所以在微處理機(jī)中引入了總線的概念,各個器件共同享用連


29、,分配地址當(dāng)然也是以電信號的形式給出的,由于存儲單元比較多,所以,用于地址分配的線也較多,這些線被稱為地址總線。 </p><p>  二、數(shù)據(jù)、地址、指令:</p><p>  之所以將這三者放在一起,是因為這三者的本質(zhì)都是一樣的——數(shù)字,或者說都是一串‘0’和‘1’組成的序列。換言之,地址、指令也都是數(shù)據(jù)。指令:由單片機(jī)芯片的設(shè)計者規(guī)定的一種數(shù)字,它與我們常用的指令助記符有著嚴(yán)格的一一

30、對應(yīng)關(guān)系,不可以由單片機(jī)的開發(fā)者更改。地址:是尋找單片機(jī)內(nèi)部、外部的存儲單元、輸入輸出口的依據(jù),內(nèi)部單元的地址值已由芯片設(shè)計者規(guī)定好,不可更改,外部的單元可以由單片機(jī)開發(fā)者自行決定,但有一些地址單元是一定要有的(詳見程序的執(zhí)行過程)。 </p><p>  三、P0口、P2口和P3的第二功能用法:</p><p>  初學(xué)時往往對P0口、P2口和P3口的第二功能用法迷惑不解,認(rèn)為第二功能和


32、可以在指令中按排一條SETB P3.7的指令,并且當(dāng)單片機(jī)執(zhí)行到這條指令時,也會使P3.7變?yōu)楦唠娖剑褂谜卟粫@么去做,因為這通常會導(dǎo)致系統(tǒng)的崩潰。</p><p>  四、程序的執(zhí)行過程:</p><p>  單片機(jī)在通電復(fù)位后8051內(nèi)的程序計數(shù)器(PC)中的值為‘0000’,所以程序總是從‘0000’單元開始執(zhí)行,也就是說:在系統(tǒng)的ROM中一定要存在‘0000’這個單元,并且在‘

33、0000’單元中存放的一定是一條指令。 </p><p><b>  五、堆棧:</b></p><p>  堆棧是一個區(qū)域,是用來存放數(shù)據(jù)的,這個區(qū)域本身沒有任何特殊之處,就是內(nèi)部RAM的一部份,特殊的是它存放和取用數(shù)據(jù)的方式,即所謂的‘先進(jìn)后出,后進(jìn)先出’,并且堆棧有特殊的數(shù)據(jù)傳輸指令,即‘PUSH’和‘POP’,有一個特殊的專為其服務(wù)的單元,即堆棧指針SP,每當(dāng)

34、執(zhí)一次PUSH指令時,SP就(在原來值的基礎(chǔ)上)自動加1,每當(dāng)執(zhí)行一次POP指令,SP就(在原來值的基礎(chǔ)上)自動減1。由于SP中的值可以用指令加以改變,所以只要在程序開始階段更改了SP的值,就可以把堆棧設(shè)置在規(guī)定的內(nèi)存單元中,如在程序開始時,用一條MOV SP,#5FH指令,就時把堆棧設(shè)置在從內(nèi)存單元60H開始的單元中。一般程序的開頭總有這么一條設(shè)置堆棧指針的指令,因為開機(jī)時,SP的初始值為07H,這樣就使堆棧從08H單元開始往后,而0

35、8H到1FH這個區(qū)域正是8031的第二、三、四工作寄存器區(qū),經(jīng)常要被使用,這會造成數(shù)據(jù)的混亂。不同作者編寫程序時,初始化堆棧指令也不完全相同,這是作者的習(xí)慣問題。當(dāng)設(shè)置好堆棧區(qū)后,并不意味著該區(qū)域成為一種專用內(nèi)存,它還是可以象普通內(nèi)存區(qū)域一樣使用,只是一般情況下編程者不會把它當(dāng)成普通內(nèi)存用了。</p><p>  Single-chip</p><p>  Author: Kenneth

36、Ayala</p><p>  Start and stop page 7-22Reference :The 8051 MicrocontrollerPublication date: 2004-06-01Publishing House: Delmar Cengage Learning </p><p>  SCM is also known as micro-controller

37、 (Microcontroller Unit), commonly used letters of the acronym MCU that it was first used in industrial control.</p><p>  Only a single chip by the CPU chip developed from a dedicated processor. The first des

38、ign is by a large number of peripherals and CPU on a chip in the computer system, smaller, more easily integrated into a complex and demanding on the volume control device which. INTEL'sZ80 is the first designed in a

39、ccordance with this idea processor, then on the development of microcontroller and dedicated processors have parted ways.</p><p>  Are 8-bit microcontroller early or4 bits. One of the most successful is the

40、INTEL 8031, for a simple, reliable and good performance was a lot of praise. Then developed in 8031 out of MCS51 MCU Systems. SCM systems based on this system until now is still widely used. With the increased requiremen

41、ts of industrial control field, began a 16-bit microcontroller, because the cost is not satisfactory but have not been very widely used. After 90 years with the great development of consumer electronics, </p><

42、p>  SCM is more suitable than the specific processor used in embedded systems, so it was up to the application. In fact the number of SCM is the world's largest computer. Modern human life used in almost every pie

43、ce of electronic and mechanical products will be integrated single chip.Phone, telephone, calculator, home appliances, electronic toys, handheld computers and computer accessories such as a mouse with a 1-2 in both the D

44、epartment of SCM. Personal computer will have a large number of SCM in </p><p>  Single chip, also known as single-chip microcontroller, it is not complete a certain logic chips, but to a computer system int

45、egrated into a chip.Equivalent to a micro-computer, and computer than just the lack of a microcontroller I / O devices. General talk: a chip becomes a computer. Its small size, light weight, cheap, for the study, applica

46、tion and development of facilities provided. At the same time, learning to use the MCU is to understand the principle and structure of the computer the be</p><p>  SCM and the computer functions internally w

47、ith similar modules, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, the same effect as well, and hard disk memory devices, and different is its performance of these components were relatively weak many of our home computer, but the

48、price is low , usually not more than 10 yuan you can do with it ...... some control for a class is not very complicated electrical work is enough of. We are using automatic drum washing machine, smoke hood, VCD and so on

49、 appliances which</p><p>  It is an online real-time control computer, control-line is that the scene is needed is a stronger anti-jamming ability, low cost, and this is, and off-line computer (such as home

50、PC), the main difference.</p><p>  Single chipMCU is through running, and can be modified. Through different procedures to achieve different functions, in particular special unique features, this is another

51、 device much effort needs to be done, some great efforts are very difficult to do. A not very complex functions if the 50's with the United States developed 74 series, or the 60's CD4000 series of these pure hard

52、ware buttoned, then the circuit must be a large PCB board! But if the United States if the 70's with a series of suc</p><p>  As the microcontroller on the cost-sensitive, so now the dominant software or

53、 the lowest level assembly language, which is the lowest level in addition to more than binary machine code language, and as so low why is the use? Many high-level language has reached the level of visual programming Why

54、 is not it? The reason is simply that there is no home computer as a single chip CPU, not as hard as a mass storage device.A visualization of small high-level language program which even if only one butt</p><p

55、>  Can be said that the twentieth century across the three "power" era, that is, the age of electricity, the electronic age and has entered into the computer age. However, this computer, usually refers to th

56、e personal computer, referred to as PC. It consists of the host, keyboard, monitor and other components. Another type of computer, most people do not know how. This computer is to give all kinds of intelligent machines s

57、ingle chip (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, this comp</p><p>  SCM history</p><p>  SCM was born in the late 20th century, 70, experienced SCM, MCU, SOC three stages.Firs

58、t model 1.SCM the single chip microcomputer (Single Chip Microcomputer) stage, mainly seeking the best of the best single form of embedded systems architecture. "Innovation model" success, laying the SCM and

59、 general computer completely different path of development. In the open road of independent development of embedded systems, Intel Corporation contributed.</p><p>  2.MCU the micro-controller (Micro Controll

60、er Unit) stage, the main direction of technology development: expanding to meet the embedded applications, the target system requirements for the various peripheral circuits and interface circuits, highlight the object o

61、f intelligent control.It involves the areas associated with the object system, therefore, the development of MCU's responsibility inevitably falls on electrical, electronics manufacturers. From this point of view, In

62、tel faded MCU developm</p><p>  MCU applicationsSCM now permeate all areas of our lives, which is almost difficult to find traces of the field without SCM. Missile navigation equipment, aircraft, all types

63、of instrument control, computer network communications and data transmission, industrial automation, real-time process control and data processing, extensive use of various smart IC card, civilian luxury car security sys

64、tem, video recorder, camera, fully automatic washing machine control, and program-controlled toys, electr</p><p>  1. In the application of Intelligent InstrumentsSCM has a small size, low power consumption

65、, controlling function, expansion flexibility, the advantages of miniaturization and ease of use, widely used instrument, combining different types of sensors can be realized Zhuru voltage, power, frequency, humidity, te

66、mperature, flow, speed, thickness, angle, length, hardness, elemental, physical pressure measurement. SCM makes use of digital instruments, intelligence, miniaturization, and functionality</p><p>  2. In the

67、 industrial control applicationWith the MCU can constitute a variety of control systems, data acquisition system. Such as factory assembly line of intelligent control</p><p>  3. In Household Appliancescan

68、 be said that the appliances are basically using SCM, praise from the electric rice, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, color TV, and other audio video equipment, to the electronic weighing equipment, var

69、ied, and omnipresent. 4. In the field of computer networks and communications applications MCU general with modern communication interface, can be easy with the computer data communication, networking and communication

70、s in computer applications bet</p><p>  5. Microcomputer in the field of medical device applicationsSCM in the use of medical devices is also quite extensive, such as medical respirator, the various analyze

71、rs, monitors, ultrasound diagnostic equipment and hospital beds, etc. call system. 6. In a variety of major appliances in the modular applications Designed to achieve some special single specific function to be modular

72、 in a variety of circuit applications, without requiring the use of personnel to understand its internal structur</p><p>  MCU learning an important part of the five applications 1, Bus: We know that a cir

73、cuit is always made by the devices connected by wires, in analog circuits, the connection does not become a problem because the device is a serial relationship between the general, the device is not much connection betwe

74、en the , but the computer is not the same circuit, it is a microprocessor core, the device must be connected with the microprocessor, the device must be coordination between, so they need to conne</p><p>  S

75、econd, data, address, commandThe reason why these three together because of the nature of these three are the same - the number, or are a string of '0 'and '1' form the sequence. In other words, addresse

76、s, instructions are also data. Instruction: from single chip designer provides a number of commonly used instructions with mnemonic we have a strict correspondence between the developer can not be changed by the MCU. Add

77、ress: the search for MCU internal, external storage units, input and output</p><p>  Fourth, the program's implementation:Reduction in power after the 8051 microcontroller within the program counter (PC

78、) in the value of 0000 ', the process is always from the 0000' units started, that is: the system must exist in ROM 0000 'this unit , and in 0000 'unit must be stored in a single instruction. 5, the stac


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