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1、<p><b>  中文3316字</b></p><p><b>  附 錄</b></p><p><b>  附錄一:英語(yǔ)原文</b></p><p>  Internet marketing</p><p>  It's always great t

2、o hear that remodelers are having a stellar year -- referrals are coming in, solid leads are turning into clients, and business is booming. However, one part of the total business pie that can easily be forgotten; amidst

3、 all of this success is marketing. It's amazing how often you hear that the first thing to go is one's marketing plan for the year -- marketing is too expensive or my budget just doesn't call for marketing th

4、is year. </p><p>  Au contraire, marketing doesn't have to break the bank; the new age of marketing is all about the Internet. Internet marketing involves many segments and some that this article will to

5、uch upon include the basics: Web site development, search engine optimization and marketing via e-mail. </p><p>  The Internet has been called the Information Superhighway -- for many reasons, might I add. M

6、illions of people surf the Internet for information every day, but are they getting what they are looking for? Studies have shown that people give up on looking for what they want if they can't find it in eight click

7、s. It is your job, as the Web site provider, to offer this sought-after information in a clear and easy-to-find manner. </p><p>  Your Web site is an asset</p><p>  The Web site is the key playe

8、r in your marketing and sales endeavors -- no matter how big or small your company may be. Your site should serve as a portal for potential customers and as a marketing tool for your remodeling company. Potential custome

9、rs, in their own leisure time, can learn about your company, see your work, meet your employees, etc. For many, this is the first impression they have of you and your company, so design your site to appropriately reflect

10、 what your company represents. </p><p>  Internet marketing is incredibly cost-effective. Your Web site can help promote the information you are trying to convey without printing costs for hard copies and po

11、stage. </p><p>  Content is King</p><p>  Pictures may say a thousand words, but content is king on the Internet. Define the content to satisfy your target market. Every remodeler has amazing ph

12、otos of their work -- don't forget to include these on your site. However, remember to include copy that goes along with it. This will help with your SEO (see the next subhead on SEO) and gain you more traffic than i

13、f you wouldn't have included copy. According to the American Marketing Association, quick load times are important for a successful </p><p>  As you do in your own business, building your framework -- on

14、 your site -- is very important. Create a flowchart and get your visitors from Point A to Point B as fast and easily as possible. Don't overwhelm people by putting links to your entire site on the home-page. Instead,

15、 create a model to prioritize and categorize information. Define logical relationships between subjects and define links between information types. </p><p>  It used to be that getting traffic on your Web si

16、te was a great success. Today, not only is traffic important, but we now have to analyze this traffic to make sure the "right" people are visiting and that the marketing plan you implemented is working. Trackin

17、g services such as Sitemeter.com or extreme-dm.com are great tools to help analyze that traffic the site is receiving. </p><p>  The new buzzword </p><p>  Not by any sense of the word is search

18、 engine marketing a secret. However, there are many dos and don'ts that could help provide the best results for this quest in Internet marketing. </p><p>  Search engine optimization is the new buzzword

19、in marketing via the Internet. It means including the right "ingredients" on your site for these search engines to "like" it -- which could ultimately send thousands of visitors your way, increasing y

20、our chance for some solid leads. Studies have found that 65 percent of visitors to sites come from search engines. </p><p>  The way search engines work is quite simple. A search engine has a database, which

21、 lists every Web site that the search engine knows about. When a search is performed, it tries to find matches in the database for the key words entered. </p><p>  As a Web site owner, you want search engine

22、s to send you as many visitors as possible. Therefore, you want to make sure that you are in the databases of as many search engines as possible. This is pretty simple. All the major search engines allow you to register

23、your site free. You can simply go to each major search site, click on "Add Your Site," "Submit URL," or something similarly worded, and fill in your site information. </p><p>  The main i

24、ngredient for a successful SEO is not the right key word, but the right key phrase. Try searching Google.com for remodeling. I came up with 8,900,000 sites. Now, try searching the same engine for remodeling in Detroit. I

25、 came up with 36 sites. See the difference? Creating the right key phrase will help eliminate unqualified leads and will also help potential customers find your company with a lot fewer complications. </p><p&g

26、t;  If you are having trouble with creating the most appropriate key phrase to help your SEO, there are Web sites that can help -- Wordtracker.com compiles a database of terms that people search for. The user will enter

27、some key words, and Wordtracker.com will tell you how often people search for them and will also tell you how many competing sites use those key words. The site will also provide a listing of all the key word combination

28、s that bear any relation to your business or service. Just remem</p><p>  Next, you'll want to think of a description of your site. Most search engines will ask for a 25 word description. </p><

29、;p>  Marketing by e-mail</p><p>  Many companies have attempted to use electronic mail (e-mail) for advertising -- only to receive a deluge of abuse from infuriated Internet users. A Harris poll of comput

30、er users reveals that, out of those who are receiving unsolicited bulk e-mail, 42 percent want to stop receiving it. According to Time magazine, "unsolicited junk e-mail now accounts for 10 percent of all Internet t

31、raffic and up to 30 percent of the 26 million daily messages on America Online." </p><p>  E-mail marketing can be highly effective and extremely-cost effective if you choose to follow some simple best

32、practices. According to Al Bredenberg, publisher of emailresults.com, here are few ethical ways to having a successful e-mail marketing plan. </p><p>  Build your own house e-mail lists. Collect e-mail addre

33、sses at your Web site, at trade shows, on product registration cards, during sales and telemarketing calls, or at other points of contact with customers and prospects. Make sure that everyone on your list knows exactly h

34、ow you will use his or her e-mail address. Your own in-house e-mail lists are a valuable asset.</p><p>  Start an announcement list. This is a simple in-house e-mail list designed to keep you in touch with y

35、our Internet audience. Use it for distributing company news, new product releases, special promotions, announcements of personnel changes or other items of interest to your company's contacts.</p><p>  P

36、ublish a free e-mail newsletter. An e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine," is a way to keep your company's name in front of your target market. Be sure to offer value -- industry news items, how-to articles, analy

37、sis and commentary about your industry niche. Your e-zine will position your company as an expert in the field and will enhance its reputation.</p><p>  Advertise on opt-in and voluntary e-mail lists.Opt-in

38、e-mail lists are now available "for rent" from many companies. In contrast with the bulk e-mail spammers, the opt-in list providers have built their lists on a voluntary basis. The Direct E-mail List Source pro

39、vides links to many permission-based e-mail lists.</p><p>  Advertise in e-zines and e-mail discussion lists. You will be able to find numerous e-mail newsletters and interactive discussion lists that reach

40、your target audience. Many of these will accept advertising or sponsorships. If they don't already sell ads, they might -- if you make an offer.</p><p>  "Spam is such a controversial subject right

41、now that I urge marketers to stick with permission-based e-mail only," says Bradenberg. The risks to the company's business and reputation are just too great. What constitutes true permission-based marketing? Si

42、mple. Make sure that nobody is placed on any e-mail list without their explicit permission. No one should have to ask to be removed from an e-mail list they never asked to be on in the first place. </p><p> 

43、 9 Steps to higher search engine optimization </p><p>  Step One -- Choosing Key Words</p><p>  Choose your key words. This is perhaps the most important step of the process because incorrectly

44、targeting phrases can result in traffic that is not interested in your product. </p><p>  Step Two -- Site Content</p><p>  Creating some of the new content before starting the optimization proc

45、ess can be doubly helpful in that it can reveal potential additions to your Web site that you may not have considered. If you already have a site, perhaps simply sit on your back deck, sip on a coffee and image what you

46、would do if your whole site was lost and you had to start again. </p><p>  Step Three -- Site Structure</p><p>  A solid site structure is very important. Creating a site that is easily spidered

47、 by the search engines yet attractive to visitors can be a daunting and yet entirely rewarding endeavor. To adequately structure your Web site, you must "think like a spider" which is not as difficult as it may

48、 sound. A search engine spider reads your Web page like you would read a book. It starts at the top left, reads across, and then moves down. </p><p>  Step Four – Optimization</p><p>  As noted

49、above, a spider places importance on what it reads highest on the page and so beginning with a sentence that includes your targeted phrase only makes sense. </p><p>  Step Five -- Internal Linking</p>

50、<p>  Text links make the best choice as the anchor text (the actual words used to link to a specific page) add relevancy to that Page for the words used to link to it. There are two main ways to ensure that your s

51、ite gets well spidered and that the relevancy is added. The first is to place text links on the bottom of your homepage to your main internal pages. The second is to create a sitemap to all your internal pages and link t

52、o it from your homepage. </p><p>  Step Six -- Human Testing</p><p>  The next step is to put it past someone who has never seen your site. Ask them to find specific information and see how long

53、 it takes. Ask someone else to just surf your site and watch which links they click and ask them why they chose those ones. </p><p>  Step Seven – Submissions</p><p>  Submit your site to all th

54、e big players. </p><p>  Step Eight -- Link Building</p><p>  Find Web sites that you believe your site visitors would genuinely be interested in and you've probably found a good link partne

55、r. You want to find links from sites that are related to yours. </p><p>  Step Nine – Monitoring</p><p>  Review your stats to see where your traffic is coming from and what search terms are bei

56、ng used to find you.</p><p><b>  附錄二:中文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  網(wǎng)絡(luò)營(yíng)銷</b></p><p>  對(duì)于企業(yè)重塑者來(lái)說(shuō)像這樣星光燦爛的一年是永遠(yuǎn)值得慶幸的事:合作意向紛至沓來(lái),那些有強(qiáng)烈合作意向的伙伴都成為了顧客,業(yè)務(wù)蒸蒸日上。但是,這塊業(yè)務(wù)大蛋糕中會(huì)有一部分很

57、容易被遺忘:與所有成功緊密相關(guān)的市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷。人們總是吃驚的聽(tīng)到,本年度第一個(gè)工作計(jì)劃就是市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃。市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷太費(fèi)錢(qián),我們的預(yù)算總是因?yàn)樗浇笠?jiàn)肘。</p><p>  相反,市場(chǎng)營(yíng)銷不一定非要花費(fèi)大量資金。新一代的營(yíng)銷是完全關(guān)于網(wǎng)絡(luò)的。網(wǎng)絡(luò)營(yíng)銷包含很多部分,包括本文提到的基于網(wǎng)站開(kāi)發(fā),搜索引擎優(yōu)化以及通過(guò)電子郵件進(jìn)行營(yíng)銷等相關(guān)內(nèi)容。</p><p>  互聯(lián)網(wǎng)被稱為信息高速公路——我會(huì)補(bǔ)充

58、其中的多種原因。 數(shù)以百萬(wàn)計(jì)的人每天上網(wǎng)查找資料,但是他們得到他們尋找的東西了嗎?研究顯示,如果人們點(diǎn)擊超過(guò)8下還不能找到想要的信息就會(huì)放棄尋找。作為一個(gè)網(wǎng)站提供者,以一種簡(jiǎn)單、明了的方式提供這些熱門(mén)的信息就是你的工作。</p><p><b>  網(wǎng)站就是你的資產(chǎn)</b></p><p>  無(wú)論你的公司有多么的大或多么的小,在你營(yíng)銷或努力銷售的過(guò)程中,網(wǎng)站都扮演著

59、關(guān)鍵角色。你的網(wǎng)站應(yīng)該作為一個(gè)為潛在的客戶服務(wù)的入口,并且作為你重塑的公司的一種營(yíng)銷工具。潛在的客戶在閑暇時(shí)可以獲悉你公司的情況,了解你的工作,約見(jiàn)你的員工,等等。在大多數(shù)情況下,這是你和你的公司留給他們的第一個(gè)印象,所以要通過(guò)設(shè)計(jì)你的網(wǎng)站來(lái)恰如其分的反映你公司的形象。</p><p>  網(wǎng)絡(luò)營(yíng)銷具有令人難以置信的成本效益。你的網(wǎng)站可以幫助你發(fā)布你試圖傳達(dá)的信息,而不需要印刷、復(fù)印費(fèi)用和郵資。</p>

60、;<p><b>  內(nèi)容是王牌</b></p><p>  關(guān)于畫(huà)面可以說(shuō)很多,但是內(nèi)容是網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的王牌。定義內(nèi)容來(lái)滿足你的目標(biāo)市場(chǎng)。每一個(gè)再創(chuàng)造者都有他們工作的令人驚異的照片——不要忘記將他們包括在你的網(wǎng)站之內(nèi)。然而,記住要包括相應(yīng)的副本。這可以給你的搜索引擎優(yōu)化(閱讀關(guān)于搜索引擎優(yōu)化的下一個(gè)小標(biāo)題)帶來(lái)幫助,與不包括這些副本相比,它會(huì)使你獲得更多的交易量。依照美國(guó)銷售協(xié)會(huì)顯

61、示,快速的裝載時(shí)間對(duì)一個(gè)成功的網(wǎng)站來(lái)說(shuō)是非常重要的。不要讓大量的圖片降低你網(wǎng)站的瀏覽速度,從而失去那些特別的訪問(wèn)者。</p><p>  就像你做自己的業(yè)務(wù),在你的網(wǎng)站上建立構(gòu)架是非常重要的。創(chuàng)建你的流程圖使你的訪問(wèn)者可以盡可能快捷和簡(jiǎn)單的從A點(diǎn)到B點(diǎn)。不要在你的主頁(yè)上布滿鏈接到你整個(gè)站點(diǎn)上的鏈接。而要通過(guò)建立一個(gè)模型來(lái)區(qū)分信息的先后次序并加以分類。為不同主題間的邏輯關(guān)系和不同信息類型之間的鏈接做出定義。<

62、/p><p>  在過(guò)去,在網(wǎng)站上獲得貿(mào)易是一個(gè)巨大的成功。但是在現(xiàn)在,不僅僅貿(mào)易是重要的,我們現(xiàn)在必須對(duì)貿(mào)易做出分析,以確?!扒‘?dāng)?shù)摹钡娜苏谠L問(wèn)我們的網(wǎng)站,并確保你所做的營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃正在發(fā)生著作用。像Sitemeter.com 或extreme-dm.com網(wǎng)站一樣做跟蹤服務(wù)可以給貿(mào)易分析極大的幫助。</p><p><b>  一個(gè)新概念</b></p>

63、<p>  不依靠任何對(duì)世界的感知的搜索引擎營(yíng)銷是一個(gè)秘密。然而,有很多DOS磁盤(pán)操作系統(tǒng)并不能為提供最好的網(wǎng)絡(luò)營(yíng)銷效果提供幫助。</p><p>  搜索引擎優(yōu)化是網(wǎng)絡(luò)營(yíng)銷的一個(gè)新概念。這意味著,你的網(wǎng)站要針對(duì)這些搜索引擎包含恰當(dāng)?shù)摹耙蛩亍?,這可以給你帶來(lái)成千上百的訪問(wèn)者,增加獲得線索的機(jī)會(huì)。研究表明,百分之六十五的網(wǎng)站訪問(wèn)者來(lái)自于搜索引擎。</p><p>  搜索引擎的工作

64、方式很簡(jiǎn)單。搜索引擎有一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù),這個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)列出了搜索引擎知道的每一個(gè)網(wǎng)站。當(dāng)一次搜索完成時(shí),它會(huì)試圖在數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)尋找與鍵入的關(guān)鍵詞匹配的相關(guān)信息。</p><p>  作為網(wǎng)站主人,你希望搜索引擎為你帶來(lái)盡可能多的訪問(wèn)者。因此,你希望確保你的信息出現(xiàn)在盡可能多的搜索引擎數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)中。這是很簡(jiǎn)單的。各大搜索引擎會(huì)允許你免費(fèi)注冊(cè)你的網(wǎng)站。你可以簡(jiǎn)單的到各大搜索網(wǎng)站,點(diǎn)擊“添加你的網(wǎng)站”,“提交統(tǒng)一資源定位符”,或者一些類似

65、的話,填寫(xiě)你的網(wǎng)站信息。.</p><p>  搜索引擎優(yōu)化成功的主要因素并不是一個(gè)正確的關(guān)鍵詞,而是正確的關(guān)鍵詞組。在Google.com網(wǎng)站上嘗試搜索remodeling。我返回了8,900,000個(gè)站點(diǎn)?,F(xiàn)在,在同一個(gè)搜索引擎上嘗試搜索remodeling in Detroit。我返回了36個(gè)站點(diǎn)??吹狡溟g的區(qū)別了嗎?創(chuàng)造正確的關(guān)鍵詞組可以幫組排除不合格的站點(diǎn),并且也會(huì)幫組潛在的客戶更簡(jiǎn)單的發(fā)現(xiàn)你的公司。&

66、lt;/p><p>  如果你在創(chuàng)建能夠幫助你優(yōu)化搜索引擎的恰當(dāng)?shù)年P(guān)鍵詞組時(shí)遇到麻煩,這有一些網(wǎng)站可以幫助你——Wordtracker.com網(wǎng)站匯編了一個(gè)人們搜索的條件的數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)。用戶可以敲入關(guān)鍵詞,Wordtracker.com就會(huì)告訴你人們查找他們的頻率,并且會(huì)告訴你有多少個(gè)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)站點(diǎn)使用這些關(guān)鍵詞。這個(gè)站點(diǎn)還會(huì)提供一個(gè)淤泥業(yè)務(wù)或服務(wù)有關(guān)的所有關(guān)鍵詞的組合的一個(gè)列表。記住,給你網(wǎng)站的關(guān)鍵詞建議越多,你的站點(diǎn)越占有優(yōu)

67、勢(shì)。</p><p>  接下來(lái),你要思考一下對(duì)你站點(diǎn)的描述。大多數(shù)搜索引擎會(huì)需要一段25個(gè)詞的描述。</p><p><b>  通過(guò)電子郵件營(yíng)銷</b></p><p>  很多公司嘗試用電子郵件(電子郵件)做廣告——只得到了眾多憤怒的網(wǎng)民的不滿。.哈里斯對(duì)電腦用戶的民意調(diào)查顯示,大部分人都主動(dòng)接收電子郵件,42%的人不想接受它。據(jù)時(shí)代雜志

68、稱,“目前不請(qǐng)自來(lái)的垃圾電子郵件占用10%以上互聯(lián)網(wǎng)線路,并占美國(guó)網(wǎng)上日信息總量26 million的30%以上。”</p><p>  如果你選擇遵循一些簡(jiǎn)單的、好的慣例,電子郵件營(yíng)銷可以高效利用并極具成本效益。根據(jù)emailresults.com的發(fā)行人Al Bredenberg的觀點(diǎn),有一些與民族相關(guān)的方法可以確保電子郵件營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃的成功實(shí)施。</p><p>  建立你自己的郵件列表

69、單。在你的網(wǎng)站上、商品展銷會(huì)上、產(chǎn)品注冊(cè)卡上、在銷售和電話營(yíng)銷過(guò)程中收集電子郵件地址。確保在你列表單上的每一個(gè)人都明確的知道你如何使用他或她的電子郵件地址。你的郵件列表單是一項(xiàng)非常有價(jià)值的資產(chǎn)。</p><p>  產(chǎn)生一個(gè)發(fā)布列表。這是一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的電子郵件列表,用它來(lái)與你網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的訪問(wèn)者保持聯(lián)絡(luò)。使用這一列表來(lái)發(fā)布公司新聞,新的產(chǎn)品發(fā)布,特別的晉升,個(gè)人信息改變的聲明,或是其他一些與你公司接觸而感興趣的條目。.&l

70、t;/p><p>  發(fā)布免費(fèi)的時(shí)事通訊電子郵件。一封時(shí)事通訊電子郵件,或是電子雜志,是保持你公司的名字在目標(biāo)市場(chǎng)的前方的一種方法。確保提供有價(jià)值的信息——行業(yè)新聞,文章、分析和你的行業(yè)環(huán)境的解說(shuō)。你的電子雜志可以把你的公司定位在一個(gè)領(lǐng)域內(nèi)的專業(yè)位置上,并且可以提高它的聲譽(yù)。</p><p>  電子雜志和電子郵件中廣告的討論列表。你可以找到許多的時(shí)事通訊電子郵件和交互式的討論列表來(lái)滿足你的目

71、標(biāo)客戶。他們大部分會(huì)接受廣告和贊助。如果他們沒(méi)有出售廣告,如果你建議的話,他們會(huì)接受。</p><p>  “現(xiàn)在兜售信息是一個(gè)具有爭(zhēng)議性的話題,我堅(jiān)持要求商人只銷售許可的電子郵件”Bradenberg說(shuō)。公司的業(yè)務(wù)和名譽(yù)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)是非常大的。用什么建立真實(shí)的、基于許可的營(yíng)銷呢?這很簡(jiǎn)單。確保沒(méi)有一個(gè)的電子郵件在沒(méi)有得到直接許可的情況記載在電子郵件列表上。如果他們沒(méi)有首先被要求出現(xiàn)在列表上,就沒(méi)有一個(gè)會(huì)要求脫離電子郵件

72、列表。</p><p>  優(yōu)化搜索引擎的九個(gè)步驟</p><p>  第一步——選擇關(guān)鍵詞</p><p>  選擇你的關(guān)鍵詞。這或許是最重要的一個(gè)步驟,因?yàn)殄e(cuò)誤的目標(biāo)短句將導(dǎo)致與你產(chǎn)品無(wú)關(guān)的貿(mào)易結(jié)果。</p><p><b>  第二步——網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容</b></p><p>  在優(yōu)化流程之前先

73、創(chuàng)建一些新的內(nèi)容,這可以為你的站點(diǎn)帶來(lái)意想不到的雙重幫助。如果你已經(jīng)有了一個(gè)網(wǎng)站,你也許只需簡(jiǎn)單的坐在椅子上,啜飲著咖啡想象如果你丟失了整個(gè)網(wǎng)站必須重新開(kāi)始時(shí)你要做什么。</p><p><b>  第三步——網(wǎng)站結(jié)構(gòu)</b></p><p>  一個(gè)堅(jiān)實(shí)的站點(diǎn)結(jié)構(gòu)是非常重要的。建立一個(gè)可以輕松的被搜索引擎發(fā)現(xiàn)的可以吸引訪問(wèn)者的站點(diǎn)是一項(xiàng)令人沮喪的但是可以完全回報(bào)你的

74、努力的工作。為了充分構(gòu)建你的站點(diǎn),你必須“像蜘蛛一樣思考”,這并不像聽(tīng)起來(lái)的那么困難。搜索引擎閱讀你的網(wǎng)站就像你閱讀一本書(shū)一樣。它從左上角開(kāi)始讀取,然后橫向閱讀,最后縱向閱讀。</p><p><b>  第四步——優(yōu)化</b></p><p>  如前所述,將重要的內(nèi)容安排在網(wǎng)頁(yè)最先被閱讀的地方,把包含目標(biāo)短語(yǔ)的句子放在網(wǎng)站的開(kāi)頭。</p><p

75、><b>  第五步——站內(nèi)鏈接</b></p><p>  文本鏈接是把錨文字(用來(lái)鏈接到特殊頁(yè)面的詞)與頁(yè)面鏈接起來(lái)的最好的選擇。有兩種主要的方法來(lái)確定你的站點(diǎn)內(nèi)的關(guān)聯(lián)被很好的組織。第一種方法是將文字鏈接放在主頁(yè)的按鈕上來(lái)鏈接主要的站內(nèi)頁(yè)面。第二種方法是針對(duì)你站內(nèi)的所有頁(yè)面建立一個(gè)網(wǎng)站地圖,并從你的主頁(yè)分別鏈接到這些頁(yè)面。</p><p><b>

76、  第六步——人工測(cè)試</b></p><p>  下一步就是找到一些從來(lái)沒(méi)有見(jiàn)過(guò)你的網(wǎng)站的人。讓他們?nèi)ふ乙恍┨厥獾男畔ⅲ⒘粢庖ㄙM(fèi)多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。讓另外一些人僅僅瀏覽你的網(wǎng)站,觀察他們會(huì)點(diǎn)擊哪些鏈接,并詢問(wèn)他們?yōu)槭裁匆x擇這些鏈接。</p><p><b>  第七步——提交</b></p><p>  將你的網(wǎng)站提交到各大搜索引擎

77、上去。</p><p><b>  第八步——建立鏈接</b></p><p>  尋找一些你認(rèn)為你的網(wǎng)站訪問(wèn)者會(huì)對(duì)之有興趣的網(wǎng)站,或許你已經(jīng)找到了一個(gè)好的鏈接伙伴。你需要找到從這些網(wǎng)站鏈接到你的站點(diǎn)的鏈接。</p><p><b>  第九步——監(jiān)控</b></p><p>  檢測(cè)你的網(wǎng)站來(lái)觀察


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