1、<p><b> 外文資料</b></p><p> Competing in the global economy: the innovation challenge</p><p> Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, Lord Sainsbury. Innovation Report.2003.12: 17-31,52-65.</p&
2、gt;<p> Chapter 1 The innovation challenge</p><p><b> Summary</b></p><p> Global competition is increasing as a result of trade liberalization, technological change and r
3、eductions in transport and communication costs. UK based businesses will find it increasingly difficult to compete on low costs alone in labour intensive industries exposed to international competition. The challenge for
4、 businesses is to compete on the basis of unique value.</p><p> We have defined innovation as the successful exploitation of new ideas and it is central to meeting this challenge. It involves investments in
5、 new products, processes or services and in new ways of doing business. Measures to develop the skills and creativity of the workforce are often an essential prerequisite. The speed of technological change and market res
6、ponses make the challenge to innovate urgent and continuous.</p><p> Overall UK innovation performance appears to be, at best, average compared to our major competitors. This is reflected in the large produ
7、ctivity gap that exists between the UK and its major competitors. Innovation performance accounts for a significant proportion of this gap. On the whole, UK firms face a challenge: how to raise their rate of innovation?&
8、lt;/p><p> Innovation is a complex process so understanding why the UK has a relatively modest innovation performance is not straightforward. We drew on an extensive review of the international innovation lite
9、rature and consulted with a group of leading experts in the field.</p><p> As a result we have identified seven critical success factors for innovation performance. They are:</p><p> Sources o
10、f new technological knowledge;</p><p> Capacity to absorb and exploit new knowledge;</p><p> Access to finance;</p><p> Competition and entrepreneurship;</p><p> Cu
11、stomers and suppliers;</p><p> The Regulatory environment;</p><p> Networks and collaboration.</p><p> They help us to identify current strengths and weaknesses of the UK innovat
12、ion system. A highly abridged summary is provided in this chapter but the more detailed analysis is contained in an accompanying economic report.</p><p> Our vision is of the UK as a key knowledge hub in th
13、e global economy. A country that will have maintained its outstanding tradition in the advance of scientific and technological knowledge while developing a similar level of performance in turning knowledge into exciting
14、and novel products and services.</p><p> The Report complements the Lambert Review of University-Business links as well as the cross-Government Skills Strategy. It makes proposals to strengthen UK performan
15、ce against all the success factors building upon initiatives that have gone before.</p><p> What is innovation?</p><p> 1.1. Innovation in this Report is defined as the successful exploitation
16、 of new ideas. Ideas may be entirely new to the market or involve the application of existing ideas that are new to the innovating organization or often a combination of both. Innovation involves the creation of new desi
17、gns, concepts and ways of doing things, their commercial exploitation, and subsequent diffusion through the rest of the economy and society. It is this last–diffusion–phase from which the bulk of the economic</p>
18、<p> 1.2. Innovation involves experimentation and risk taking. Some attempts to innovate will fail, but across the economy the successes outweigh the failures. And the failures themselves generate new knowledge, wh
19、ich if evaluated correctly, can improve the chances for future success. The risk of failure justifies the potentially high returns from successes, which provide the incentive to innovate in the first place. Successful in
20、novation-led companies have a number of common characteristics (Box 1.1</p><p> Characteristics of innovation-led companies:</p><p> A worldwide focus, often requiring early expansion overseas
21、;</p><p> A balanced growth strategy, based on organic growth and targeted acquisitions to enter new markets or acquire critical expertise; </p><p> A balanced investment strategy; </p>
22、<p> Above average investment in market led research and development;</p><p> A focus on what really matters to the customer; </p><p> An innovation culture with corporate leadership th
23、at expects growth through development of new products and services.</p><p> Why is it important now?</p><p> 1.3. Innovation is vital to most businesses operating in the UK if they are to surv
24、ive and grow in the long term. But there are five reasons why innovation matters more for businesses and the people who work in them today.</p><p> Markets around the world are being liberalised. This bring
25、s opportunities from expanding trade. And firms can locate all or part of the production process or service wherever the economic advantage is greatest. But UK-based firms also face competition from firms in countries wi
26、th relatively low labour costs and where education and skills levels are high. For example, hourly labour costs in South Korea are just over half UK levels, but the proportion of graduates in the working age population i
27、s </p><p> Long-term reductions in the costs of transportation and communication have also opened up new markets and faster global communications mean that consumers learn about new fashions, ideas and prod
28、ucts faster than ever before. The cost of sea freight has fallen by two-thirds since 1920, air transport by five-sixths since 1930. Transatlantic telephone calls are now almost free on the Internet.</p><p>
29、 Science and Technology are providing new opportunities for businesses to compete based on exploiting knowledge, skills and creativity to produce more valuable goods and services. Industries are being created, such as Bi
30、otechnology, and traditional ones are being transformed (e.g. growth of technical textiles). Because they rely on knowledge and skills, they provide areas where high wage, developed economies can maintain a competitive a
31、dvantage over low wage, unskilled ones.</p><p> Services, accounting for over 70% of the economy, are becoming more technology intensive. Technology is being used to improve business processes and customer
32、service in sectors such as retail, hotels and banking, and to develop new products combining creative strengths with the latest technology, such as computer games. Many high technology manufacturers now make more money f
33、rom services than they do from manufacturing.</p><p> Increasing environmental concerns are acting as a stimulus to innovation. Demand for environmental improvements– for example, reducing CO2 emissions and
34、 volumes of waste – may require changes in the economy and to the way we live. To deliver these changes the market has to generate innovative uses of technology, new ways of doing business and new consumer attitudes. <
35、;/p><p> 1.4.The speed of changing technology and the extent to which new products and services can change market conditions mean that the challenge to innovate is urgent and continuous. UK-based businesses wi
36、ll find it increasingly difficult to compete on low costs alone in labour intensive industries exposed to international competition. The challenge for businesses is to compete on the basis of unique value.</p><
37、;p> 1.5. The UK is not alone in facing this challenge. European leaders agreed at Lisbon in spring 2000 to make the EU “the most dynamic, knowledge-driven economy in the world by 2010”. Innovation is integral to achi
38、eving this vision. </p><p> How is the UK doing?</p><p> 1.6.We have consulted a distinguished panel of leading academic experts in drawing up the analysis underpinning this Report. This analy
39、sis has been published separately. The main points concerning the UK’s innovation performance are set out below.</p><p> The latest international comparisons of data on business R&D show the UK well beh
40、ind the US and roughly equal to the EU average. However, it is encouraging that after a steady period of decline from 1.5% of GDP in 1981 to 1.16% in 1997, we have seen a move in the right direction, to 1.24% in 2002.<
41、;/p><p> Adjusting for size of economy, UK firms’ patenting activity at patent offices in Europe, Japan and the US lies well behind firms in Japan, Germany and the US and is just below the European average.<
42、;/p><p> Although systematic data is lacking, it appears that the UK lags behind the US and major Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economies in the take- up of best practice improve
43、ments such as lean manufacturing.</p><p> Data from surveys, which rely on broader measures of innovation, paint a similar picture with UK performance weaker than its international peers.</p><p&g
44、t; 1.7.The analysis suggests that UK business faces a challenge: how to raise its rate of innovation? </p><p> How did we try to explain the causes of UK performance?</p><p> 1.8. Innovation
45、is a complex process so understanding why the UK has a relatively modest innovation performance is not straightforward. To help us do this we drew on an extensive review of the international innovation literature, aided
46、by a panel of experts. We also drew heavily on analysis by the AIM Management Research Forum and the OECD.</p><p> As a result we have identified seven critical success factors for innovation performance. T
47、hey help us to identify current strengths and weaknesses of the UK innovation system and to develop proposals to improve its performance.</p><p> Success factors for UK innovation performance</p><
48、;p> 1.9.What follows is a highly abridged version of the supporting analysis, summarizing the UK’s performance against the seven factors: </p><p> Sources of new technological knowledge play an imp
49、ortant role in shaping innovation systems. Science-based technologies are increasing in importance. New products and services tend to embody a wider range of technologies, increasing the complexity faced by individual fi
50、rms. UK-based firms make extensive use of customers and suppliers as knowledge sources. The UK Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) base is highly productive and the UK has world-class design expertise. </p>
51、<p> The capacity to absorb and exploit knowledge defines a firm’s ability to turn knowledge into new products, processes or services. Fundamentally it is people who create knowledge, manage businesses and innovate
52、. Poor skills amongst managers and the workforce more generally have hindered performance. The culture within UK-owned firms appears to place less emphasis on creativity.</p><p> All investments in innovati
53、on need access to finance. Relatively lower levels of innovation spend are probably more due to a lack of incentives and capacity than a shortage of funds, although some financing gaps exist. </p><p> Compe
54、tition provides a stimulus to innovation and helps determine the intensity of competition and the ability of firms to spot opportunities and manage risks. </p><p> Customers and suppliers put pressure on fi
55、rms to deliver better quality goods and services and provide opportunities for innovation. Many UK-based firms compete in global markets and the UK is an attractive market for innovative firms from abroad. </p>&l
56、t;p> The regulatory environment affects the possibilities and incentive structures for innovation. OECD comparisons show the UK to be relatively lightly regulated, although there are continuing business concerns abou
57、t the impact of new regulations. </p><p> And networks and collaboration are important means of accessing knowledge. Businesses are increasingly looking outside their sectors for opportunities to collaborat
58、e. </p><p> Figure 1.4</p><p> How Government policies influence innovation</p><p> lluyreyryreyt</p><p> Areas of Government influence</p><p> 1.10.U
59、ltimately innovation depends on the knowledge, skills and creativity of those working in businesses. But Government has an important role in creating the right environment for innovation. Figure 1.4 sets out the main mec
60、hanisms and channels through which Government – at various levels – influences business innovation.</p><p> 1.11.The Government has already laid the foundations of an innovation-driven economy in areas such
61、 as macro-economic policy, fiscal policy, competition policy, trade policy and education and skills.</p><p> 1.12. Since 1997 we have produced three White Papers, “Our competitive future–Building a knowledg
62、e driven economy”(1998), “Excellence and Opportunity–a Science and Innovation Policy for the 21st Century” (2000) and “Opportunity for All in a World of Change–Enterprise, Skills and Innovation” (2001). In these we set i
63、n motion a series of micro-economic measures to stimulate innovation, such as increased investment in the science base, incentives to encourage research institutions and universities </p><p> 1.13. Policies
64、 and programmers affecting innovation are determined at a variety of levels. In some cases, the role of the UK Government is to influence developments on a European or global scale. </p><p> Chapter 3 Tec
65、hnology innovation </p><p><b> Summary</b></p><p> Developed countries around the world have recognized that success in the future will come from businesses increasing the added v
66、alue from their products, processes and services. Government action to encourage businesses to develop and implement new products and services has become a high priority. Given this, the UK Government needs to harness it
67、s resources more effectively in promoting technological innovation. </p><p> The need to improve the take-up of new technologies</p><p> 3.1.The end of the 20th century witnessed a wave of sci
68、entific discovery and technology innovation in a range of areas that have only just begun to change the way we work and interact with our physical, natural and social environments. For example, the developments of the In
69、ternet and mobile communications have transformed people’s access to information. </p><p> 3.2.The pace of change is often quicker than anticipated and the impacts are fundamental. The growth of completely
70、new industries such as biotechnology, software and the digital content industry in the UK, as well as the decline of more traditional sectors, bear very real testimony to this. For example during the 10 year period 1992-
71、2002 the number of biotechnology businesses in the UK has increased from some 165 to 425, and turnover has increased by over six fold (from £0.5 billion to £3.2 bill</p><p> 3.3.The UK has a strong indigeno
72、us knowledge source available to business through the Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) base and we do have a strong presence in some science-based technologies such as pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and aer
73、ospace. </p><p> Promoting knowledge transfer</p><p> 3.4. The SET base makes a major contribution to knowledge transfer through the publication of research results and the supply of highl
74、y skilled people capable of transferring and adapting codified and tacit knowledge. However, there is an additional role that Government can play in providing the opportunities and incentives for translating quality UK s
75、cience into commercially successful applications.</p><p> 3.5.To simplify arrangements for universities, Higher Education Institutions(HEIF) is to be consolidated into a permanent third stream of knowledge
76、transfer funding to universities, alongside that for teaching and research. More money will be put into the second round of HEIF. The aim is to simplify the funding landscape and ensure that HEIs in England have greater
77、discretion and the flexibility to develop their capacity in a way that best suits their needs and the needs of business.</p><p> In future, support for technological innovation will be available through fiv
78、e products:</p><p> Collaborative R&D support is available to meet some of the costs and risks associated with research and technology development, by facilitating collaboration between different busine
79、sses and between business and the SET base across the UK. </p><p> Knowledge Transfer Networks will encourage the diffusion of new and existing technology.</p><p> Grant for R&D from June
80、2003 this has been available for individuals and SMEs, and it enables them to meet some of the costs of investing in technology innovation.</p><p> Grant for Investigating an Innovative Idea – this is a pil
81、ot, offering help to SMEs in England to look objectively at their ideas for innovative products, services or processes and to draw up an action plan to take the idea forward. </p><p> Knowledge Transfer Pa
82、rtnerships provide direct support for knowledge transfer by enabling universities and others in the SET base across the UK to work with businesses using recently qualified people, like graduates, to undertake specific kn
83、owledge transfer projects in firms of all sizes.</p><p> Technology Intermediaries</p><p> To complement the above actions, we will work more closely with technology intermediaries, whose role
84、 in technology development and transfer has been undervalued in recent years in both policy development and implementation. Technology intermediaries also have an important role to play at regional level.</p><
85、p> The principal members of the technology intermediaries’ community are the Research and Technology Organizations. They are a private sector community of effective knowledge-transfer companies. Their objective is kn
86、owledge transfer to industry to fill knowledge gaps and to stimulate innovation leading to higher value added products and services.</p><p> 譯文 </p><p> 在全球經(jīng)濟中競爭:創(chuàng)新挑戰(zhàn)</p
87、><p><b> 第一章 創(chuàng)新挑戰(zhàn)</b></p><p><b> 綜述</b></p><p> 全球的競爭使貿(mào)易自由化的結(jié)果增加,技術(shù)變革以及運輸和通訊費用減少。英國的企業(yè)將會越來越難以在競爭成本低、勞力密集行業(yè)的國際競爭中賴以生存。對于商業(yè)的挑戰(zhàn)將具有獨特的競爭價值。</p><p>
88、 我們已定義了創(chuàng)新是指成功開發(fā)新思路,它的就是為了面對挑戰(zhàn)。它包括投資新產(chǎn)品,工序過程或服務(wù),以及新的營運方式。大力發(fā)展技能措施和創(chuàng)造性的勞動往往是必不可少的前提??萍甲兓褪袌龇磻?yīng)的速度使創(chuàng)新挑戰(zhàn)變得緊迫和連續(xù)。</p><p> 英國的整體創(chuàng)新表現(xiàn)與我們的主要競爭者相比較,充其量只是它們的平均數(shù)。這也反映了英國和它的主要競爭對手之間存在很大的生產(chǎn)力差距。其中創(chuàng)新業(yè)績就占了相當大的比例的差距。就整體而言,英國
89、企業(yè)面臨著一個挑戰(zhàn):如何提高自己的創(chuàng)新比率? </p><p> 創(chuàng)新是一個復雜的過程。我們查閱了國際上有關(guān)創(chuàng)新的文章,并同一批著名的專家進行了探討和征詢。</p><p> 最終我們?yōu)閯?chuàng)新業(yè)績確定了7個關(guān)鍵的成功因素。他們分別是:</p><p> 新科技的知識的來源;吸收和開發(fā)新知識的能力;獲得融資;競爭與創(chuàng)業(yè)關(guān)系;客戶和供應(yīng)商;監(jiān)管環(huán)境;網(wǎng)絡(luò)和協(xié)作。&l
90、t;/p><p> 他們幫助我們識別英國的創(chuàng)新體系中的當前的長處和弱點。 一個簡單的摘要提供在這一個章節(jié)中,但是更詳細的分析包含在附屬的經(jīng)濟的報告中。</p><p> 我們的目標是英國作為全球經(jīng)濟的一個主要知識樞紐。一個國家要保持其優(yōu)秀的傳統(tǒng),在促進科學和技術(shù)知識,應(yīng)同時發(fā)展類似的將知識轉(zhuǎn)化為令人新奇的新產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的性能水平。</p><p> 該報告補充了朗伯
91、對于大學與商界的聯(lián)系以及跨政府部門的技能策略的研究。它提出建議,要在以前所有成功因素的基礎(chǔ)上的舉措再加強英國的表現(xiàn)。 </p><p><b> 什么是創(chuàng)新? </b></p><p> 1.1. 創(chuàng)新在這份報告中的定義是指成功開發(fā)新思路。新思路可能是全新的市場或者對組織的改革,也有可能是兩者的結(jié)合。創(chuàng)新,包括建立新的設(shè)計觀念及做法,進行市場開發(fā),隨后擴散到剩下的
92、經(jīng)濟社會問題。正是這后一擴散階段,從中產(chǎn)生了大部分的經(jīng)濟利益流。 許多的創(chuàng)新增量,都是經(jīng)過改善產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的生命周期的發(fā)展。但也有少數(shù)會富有戲劇性,創(chuàng)造全新的產(chǎn)業(yè)或市場。 </p><p> 1.2.創(chuàng)新會涉及到相應(yīng)的實驗和存在一定的風險幾率。有一些創(chuàng)新的嘗試會失敗,但在整個國民經(jīng)濟中的創(chuàng)新成功要多于失敗。而失敗者自己可以產(chǎn)生新的知識,只要是通過正確的評價,就可以為未來的成功增加機會。失敗的風險可獲得潛在的高回報
93、的成功,所以對創(chuàng)新提供的激勵應(yīng)擺在首要地位。以創(chuàng)新為主導公司的成功有一些共同特點(方框1.1)。</p><p> 方框1.1創(chuàng)新為主導的公司的特色:</p><p> 將全球范圍作為對象,往往需要早期進行海外擴張;均衡增長戰(zhàn)略,基于有機增長和有針對性的收購進入新市場,或者獲得重要的專業(yè)知識; 均衡的投資策略;高于平均水平的投資市場為主導的研究與發(fā)展;重點放在真正重要的顧客;通過新產(chǎn)品
94、和服務(wù)的發(fā)展在企業(yè)的領(lǐng)導中產(chǎn)生創(chuàng)新的企業(yè)文化。</p><p><b> 現(xiàn)在它為什么重要?</b></p><p> 1.3. 在英國, 企業(yè)如果要想能夠生存和發(fā)展,創(chuàng)新對它們來講將是至關(guān)重要的。現(xiàn)在對于創(chuàng)新事項為什么更多的企業(yè)和人在其中工作,有五個原因:</p><p> 各地市場正在開放。這給擴大貿(mào)易帶來了機會。企業(yè)也能無論在哪里都
95、能找到經(jīng)濟優(yōu)勢較大的全部或部分的生產(chǎn)流程或服務(wù)。但由于國家的公司在勞動力成本較低,而教育和技能水平高,英國的公司也面臨著競爭。舉例來說,每小時勞動成本南韓剛剛超過半數(shù)英國的水平, 但畢業(yè)生進入勞動年齡的人口幾乎都是一樣的。</p><p> 運輸和通信成本長期的減少開辟了新的市場和更快的全球通信,意味著消費者了解新的時尚觀念和產(chǎn)品的速度比以往任何時候要快。1920年以來,海運成本費已下降了三分之二,自1930年
96、航空運輸也下降了六分之五。橫渡大西洋的電話,在因特網(wǎng)上幾乎是免費的。</p><p> 科學技術(shù)正在為企業(yè)基于利用知識、技能和創(chuàng)造出更多有價值的商品和服務(wù)的競爭提供新的機會。相關(guān)的產(chǎn)業(yè)正在形成,如生物技術(shù),和正在改變的傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)業(yè)(如生長技術(shù)紡織品)。因為他們靠的是知識和技能,提供高工資,發(fā)達的經(jīng)濟體比低工資、缺少技能的產(chǎn)業(yè)更能維持競爭優(yōu)勢。</p><p> 服務(wù),在經(jīng)濟中占七成以上,變
97、得越來越具有技術(shù)密集的趨勢。技術(shù)正被用來改善業(yè)務(wù)流程和客戶服務(wù)的行業(yè),如零售,旅館和銀行,及利用最新技術(shù)開發(fā)新產(chǎn)品,如電腦游戲。許多高科技廠商現(xiàn)在多賺的錢來自服務(wù)方面的要比來自制造生產(chǎn)的多。</p><p> 環(huán)境的日益關(guān)注也刺激著創(chuàng)新。改善環(huán)境的需求,比如,減少二氧化碳的排放量及廢物在經(jīng)濟可能需要的變化以及我們的生活方式。為了適應(yīng)這些變化,市場已經(jīng)產(chǎn)生了利用技術(shù)的創(chuàng)新,新的商業(yè)運作方式和新的消費觀念。<
98、/p><p> 1.4.科技日新月異的發(fā)展速度以及新產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)能夠改變的市場條件意味著創(chuàng)新得挑戰(zhàn)是緊迫和持續(xù)得。英國的企業(yè)將越來越難以應(yīng)對成本低的國際競爭。挑戰(zhàn)使得企業(yè)的競爭必須基于有獨特的價值。</p><p> 1.5.英國并不是獨自面對這項挑戰(zhàn)。2000年春歐盟各國領(lǐng)導人在葡萄牙里斯本聲明要使歐盟“到2010年成為世界上最有活力的, 以知識為本的經(jīng)濟體系”。創(chuàng)新是實現(xiàn)這一設(shè)想的基礎(chǔ)。
99、</p><p><b> 英國在做什么? </b></p><p> 1.6.我們已征詢了多位著名的學術(shù)專家擬訂分析了這個報告。這一分析已經(jīng)刊出。關(guān)于英國的創(chuàng)新表現(xiàn)的要點如下。</p><p> 根據(jù)最新的企業(yè)研發(fā)的國際比較數(shù)據(jù)表明,英國遠遠落后于美國,相當于歐盟的平均水平。不過, 令人高興的是經(jīng)過了一個穩(wěn)定期,國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值在1981下
100、降了1.5%,到1997年為1.16%。我們已經(jīng)看到了正朝著正確的方向發(fā)展,在2002年將是1.24%。</p><p> 調(diào)整經(jīng)濟規(guī)模,英國公司的專利申請活動在歐洲、日本和美國的申請量遠低于日本、德國和美國,并且低于歐洲的平均水平。</p><p> 雖然缺乏系統(tǒng)數(shù)據(jù),但看來英國在進行實踐改進(如精益生產(chǎn))要落后于美國和主要的經(jīng)濟合作與發(fā)展組織(OECD)經(jīng)濟體。</p>
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