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1、 Abstract—According to the throttle slice thickness and pre-deformation of throttle slice, the velocity points of valve opening were analyzed by the relation of flux to the velocity, and the analytic formulas of shoc

2、k absorber velocity when valve opening were given. Based on this, the outer characteristic model of shock absorber was established by piecewise linear function. A practical example of simulation of shock absorber out

3、er characteristic was given, and the performance test was conducted. The results show that the model of outer simulation is correct, the simulation values is coincide with test values, and it has important reference v

4、alue for telescope shock absorber design and characteristic analysis. I. INTRODUCTIONHE shock absorber of automobile is one of the most important components of suspension system, and plays a vital role in the driving

5、process of vehicles. The characteristic of shock absorber influences driving smoothness and ride comfortableness of vehicles [1]–[2]. The shock absorber used most commonly on automobile is telescopic shock absor

6、ber. The characteristic simulation has the significance for the design of shock absorber [3]–[4]. With the characteristic simulation, the flaws of design could be found and modified in time, so the design and develop

7、 could speed up, while also the test costs could be reduced. However, at present, both in domestic and abroad, the characteristic of shock absorber is simulated mostly with ready-made simulation software [5] –[6]. Ut

8、ilizing this method, most of necessary parameters used in the modeling of characteristic are obtained through the experiment tests, therefore, it is hard to establish the accurate simulation model, and the simulation

9、results is also not reliable [7]–[8]. Though some scholars had built the model of characteristic with math function, due to the inaccurate analysis of the shock absorber damping component, and the imprecise computati

10、on of throttle slice deformation and opening size of the throttle valve with the Mechanical Design Handbook which provides only the maximum deformation proximately formula, so it is difficult to build the accuracy mo

11、del. In this paper, by the analysis to the pathway throttle loss coefficient and local throttle loss coefficient of piston holes, Manuscript received July 15, 2008. This work was supported in part by the SDNSF under G

12、rant Y2007F72 and NEDTF fax: 86-533-2786837; e-mail: greatwall@sdut.edu.cn). S. B. Yuanyi Liu is with the Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China (phone: 86-533-2780023; fax: 86-533-2780023; e-mail: Li

13、uyuanyi@sdut.edu.cn). T. D. Yanhui Cai is with the Weihai Vocational College, Weihai 264200, China(e-mail: caiyh1965@126.com). with the analytic formula of throttle slice deformation, according to the velocity points

14、at which the valve opening, the model of shock absorber outer characteristic was established by the piecewise linear function. The simulation and analysis of outer characteristic was given, and the performance test w

15、as conducted. II. ANALYSIS OF DAMPING COMPONENTSWhen the characteristic of shock absorber is analyzed, the throttle holes, piston hole and piston slot should be taken into account, meanwhile the local throttle loss mus

16、t also be considered. The analysis on the structure, the throttle pressure and the flux of the throttle valves are as follows. A. Throttle Holes Throttle holes area is composed of a number of small rectangular holes o

17、n slice. It could be regarded as thin-walled hole. Therefore, the relation between flux and throttle pressure can be regarded as [9] 00 0 2A p Q A ε ρ = . (1) Where, ε is throttle flow coefficient, which is decided b

18、y the type of throttle holes; 0 p is the pressure of throttle holes; 0 A is the total area of throttle holes. B. Deformation of Throttle Slice Normally, the velocity of shock absorber is quite slow, and the throttle

19、 pressure is low, thus the deformation of throttle slice could be regard as minor deflection bending deformation. According to the calculation method of the bending deformation coefficient, the deformation [10] at va

20、lve mouth radius can be expressed as 3 k kfr r p f G h = . (2) Where, k r G is the deformation coefficient of throttle slice at valve mouth radius; h is the thickness of throttle slice; pf is the pressure on throttle

21、slice. The opening size of throttle valve is determined by the total deformation k r f and pre-deformation 0 k r f of throttle slice at valve mouth radius, that is 0 k k k r r r f f δ = ? . (3) Characteristic Simulat

22、ion of Telescopic Shock Absorber First A. Changcheng Zhou, Second B. Yuanyi Liu, and Third C. Yanhui Cai T207978-1-4244-1787-2/08/$25.00 c ? 2008 IEEEWhen the valve opens first, the pressure on slice is equal to the th

23、rottle pressure of orifice, that is 1 0 1 f k k p p = . The flux of orifice can be expressed as 0 1 0 1 2 / k f k Q A p ε ρ = . (12) Piston holes and orifices are the series, that is 0 1 1 k hk Q Q = ,so the throttle pr

24、essure of piston holes can be expressed as 0 1 1 4 128 t he k hkh hL Q p n dμπ = . (13) Throttle orifice and piston holes are in parallel with piston slot, therefore, the throttle pressure of piston circle slot is equ

25、al to the sum of throttle pressure of piston holes and throttle orifices, that is 1 1 1 Hk hk f k p p p = + . So the flux of piston circle throttle slot can be expressed as 3 2 1 1 (1 1.5 )12h H Hk Hkt HD e p Q Lπ δμ+ =

26、 . (14) According to the continuity theorem of oil, the flux of throttle orifices, piston holes and piston circle slot should satisfy the relation equation, that is 0 1 1 1 k Hk K h Q Q V S + = . Thus the velocity at

27、 which the rebound valve opening can be obtained, that is 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 (1 1.5 )( )12f k h H hk f kK fh h t Hp D e p p A V S S Lπ δ ερ μ+ + = + . (15) B. Velocity Point of Valve Opening Secondly While rebound valve op

28、ening secondly, the throttle slice would touch the limit gasket and lower of shield ring as a result of deformation, so, the maximum opening size of valve is max δ , as Fig. 2. After the throttle rebound valve being a

29、t the maximum opening size, the total deformations of throttle slice is 2 max 0 k k r k r f f δ = + . So, the pressure on throttle slice is 3 2 max 0 ( ) / k k fk r r p f h G δ = + .For the throttle orifice is parallel

30、with the throttle slot of rebound valve, so 0 2 2 k fk p p = , the flux of throttle orifice is 0 2 0 2 2 / k fk Q A p ε ρ = . (16) The flux of throttle slot of rebound valve is3 max 22 6 ln( / )fkf kt b kp Q r rπδμ = .

31、 (17) Throttle orifice is parallel to throttle slot of rebound valve, and then series to piston hole, so 2 2 0 2 hk fk k Q Q Q = + .Therefore, the throttle pressure of piston hole is 2 0 22 4 128 ( ) t he fk khkh hL Q

32、Q p n dμπ+ = .The flux of through piston circle slot is 3 2 2 0 2 2 (1 1.5 )( )12h H hk k Hkt HD e p p Q Lπ δμ+ + = . (18) According to the continuity theorem of oil, when the rebound valve reaches the maximum opening

33、size, the velocity of shock absorber is 2 2 2 0 2 ( ) / k f Hk fk k h V Q Q Q S = + + . (19) C. Piecewise Linear Function Model of Characteristic1) Rebound process (V>0) The outer characteristic of shock absorber i

34、n rebound process can be expressed by the following piecewise linear function 1 1 1 12 2 2 1 23 3 3 2( ) , 0( ) ,( ) ,df f h h k fd df f h h k k fdf f h h k fF p p S V VF F p p S V V VF p p S V V? = +?. (20) Where, 1

35、f p , 2 f p , 3 f p ; 1 h p , 2 h p , and 3 h p are the throttle pressure of throttle slot of rebound valve and piston hole, when rebound valve is on three kinds of conditions that are before opening, after opening a

36、nd maximum opening size. 2) Compression process (V<0) In the same way, the outer characteristic of compression process can be expressed as 1 1 1 1 12 2 2 2 2 13 3 3 3 2( ) , 0( ) ,( ) ,dy y hy g l h k yd dy y hy g

37、l h k y k ydy y hy g l h k yF p p S p S V VF F p p S p S V V VF p p S p S V V? = + + < ≤ ? = = + + < ≤ ? ? = + + < ?. (21) Fig. 2. Oil paths after rebound valve opening secondly. 2008 Asia Simulation Conference


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