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1、外文文獻及其譯稿 外文文獻及其譯稿題 目 德芙巧克力在中國市場的營銷策略分析 姓 名 學 號 專業(yè)班級 所在學院 指導教師(職稱)

2、 二○壹○年五月十日financing income but also improve the issuer’s view of its customers’ overall financial situation. Finally, of course, such an application would make a genuine contribution to these consum

3、ers’ desire to live within their means.2. Harness the power of a default optionThe evidence is overwhelming that presenting one option as a default increases the chance it will be chosen. Defaults—what you get if you don

4、’t actively make a choice—work partly by instilling a perception of ownership before any purchase takes place, because the pleasure we derive from gains is less intense than the pain from equivalent losses. When we’re “g

5、iven” something by default, it becomes more valued than it would have been otherwise—and we are more loath to part with it.Savvy marketers can harness these principles. An Italian telecom company, for example, increased

6、the acceptance rate of an offer made to customers when they called to cancel their service. Originally, a script informed them that they would receive 100 free calls if they kept their plan. The script was reworded to sa

7、y, “We have already credited your account with 100 calls—how could you use those?” Many customers did not want to give up free talk time they felt they already owned.Defaults work best when decision makers are too indiff

8、erent, confused, or conflicted to consider their options. That principle is particularly relevant in a world that’s increasingly awash with choices—a default eliminates the need to make a decision. The default, however,

9、must also be a good choice for most people. Attempting to mislead customers will ultimately backfire by breeding distrust.3. Don’t overwhelm consumers with choiceWhen a default option isn’t possible, marketers must be wa

10、ry of generating “choice overload,” which makes consumers less likely to purchase. In a classic field experiment, some grocery store shoppers were offered the chance to taste a selection of 24 jams, while others were off

11、ered only 6. The greater variety drew more shoppers to sample the jams, but few made a purchase. By contrast, although fewer consumers stopped to taste the 6 jams on offer, sales from this group were more than five times

12、 higher. Large in-store assortments work against marketers in at least two ways. First, these choices make consumers work harder to find their preferred option, a potential barrier to purchase. Second, large assortments

13、increase the likelihood that each choice will become imbued with a “negative halo”—a heightened awareness that every option requires you to forgo desirable features available in some other product. Reducing the number of

14、 options makes people likelier not only to reach a decision but also to feel more satisfied with their choice.4. Position your preferred option carefullyEconomists assume that everything has a price: your willingness to

15、pay may be higher than mine, but each of us has a maximum price we’d be willing to pay. How marketers position a product, though, can change the equation. Consider the experience of the jewelry store owner whose consignm

16、ent of turquoise jewelry wasn’t selling. Displaying it more prominently didn’t achieve anything, nor did increased efforts by her sales staff. Exasperated, she gave her sales manager instructions to mark the lot down “x&


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