1、<p> 基于消費者分析的企業(yè)市場營銷策略</p><p> 本文首先分析了消費者行為的特點,消費心理以及影響消費者購買商品的個人因素,在此基礎上結(jié)合現(xiàn)代企業(yè)的市場營銷,探討了具體的營銷策略,即目標市場定位,產(chǎn)品組合與品牌策略、銷售服務策略、國際化策略等方面。</p><p> 引言:隨著經(jīng)濟的不斷發(fā)展,人們的生活逐漸轉(zhuǎn)變,消費者心理與購買行為發(fā)生了根本性改變,消費者的變化
2、對企業(yè)的市場營銷策略必然產(chǎn)生重大的影響,研究與了解消費者的購買行為并根據(jù)其需求及行為特點設計與開發(fā)產(chǎn)品,確定目標市場,并根據(jù)此采取有針對性的營銷策略,對現(xiàn)代企業(yè)來講顯得尤為重要。</p><p> 現(xiàn)代消費者呈現(xiàn)的新特點和成因</p><p> 經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,消費者的收入不斷增加,生活質(zhì)量的日益提高,促使消費者在心理和購買行為上都發(fā)生了重大變化,出現(xiàn)了新的特點:</p>&
3、lt;p> 追求個性化的消費?,F(xiàn)代的消費者更多的追求消費過程的人性化和產(chǎn)品的獨特化,出現(xiàn)了“我的地盤我做主”,“我就是我”之類的標語。人們通過自己購買的商品去尋找、表達、確認自己特殊的感覺。</p><p> 消費過程的變化。體現(xiàn)在消費者主動參與消費過程。消費者不再滿足被動的接受銷售主體單方面所確定的商品感念,而是開始主動介入商品的生產(chǎn)和營銷活動,依靠自身的消費行為和觀點展示對企業(yè)的營銷活動進行積極干預
4、,引導企業(yè)重視起消費者,選擇的新趨勢。</p><p> 品牌消費行為的趨勢明顯。由于消費水平的提高,中高收入消費群的擴大,消費者不僅考慮產(chǎn)品或服務的功能,還追求其附加價值,追求其知名度。但消費者也追求品牌的質(zhì)量和檔次,強調(diào)物有所值,不會盲目的追求。</p><p> 消費方式的多樣化,隨著科技和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的普及,消費者購物的選擇空間越來越廣闊,網(wǎng)上購物具有便利性和經(jīng)濟性,受到越來越多的人
5、歡迎;各種新的生活方式和消費群體的出現(xiàn),消費多元化的發(fā)展趨勢越來越顯著;多種零售業(yè)態(tài)的出現(xiàn),人們的消費行為也隨之類型化。</p><p> 二、消費者個人特征因素,包括年齡、性別、文化程度以及家庭月收入</p><p> (1) 年齡。從理論上說, 年齡對生態(tài)消費行為的影響的指向并不明確。消費者年齡越大, 信息接受能力較差, 對生態(tài)消費的認知程度可能較低, 因而其選擇生態(tài)消費的意愿可能
6、越低; 也有的消費者年齡越大, 積累的經(jīng)驗越豐富, 社會責任感更強, 選擇生態(tài)消費的意愿可能也更強。</p><p> (2) 性別。一般情況下, 男性接受教育和與外界接觸的機會要較女性多, 男性風險承受能力、信息接受能力和決策能力要較女性強。因此, 性別差異在消費者選擇生態(tài)消費行為的意愿上會有所差異。</p><p> (3) 文化程度。通常情況下, 文化程度越高, 接受新事務和新知
7、識的速度就越快, 其視野也更為開闊, 社會責任感也越強烈。因此, 文化程度對于消費者選擇生態(tài)消費行為的意愿會有所影響。</p><p> (4) 家庭月收入。一般來說, 收入高的家庭, 其家庭成員對價格較高的生態(tài)環(huán)保型商品的支付能力也高。但其是否有支付意愿還不能確定, 但家庭月收入應該對消費者選擇生態(tài)消費行為的意愿會有影響。</p><p> 三、消費者的購買動機和購買行為的實現(xiàn)方式&
8、lt;/p><p> 不同的購買動機是由各種心理需求交織在一起構(gòu)成的,有了購買動機才能實現(xiàn)購買行為。直接支配和影響消費者購買行為的因素是多種多樣的。一般內(nèi)在影響因素包括消費者的職業(yè)、文化水平、個性和愛好、消費習慣、消費水平等;外在影響因素包括商品質(zhì)量、品種花色、價格、服務水平和銷售環(huán)境等,這些制約因素概括起來就是經(jīng)濟因素、社會因素和心理因素三個方面。</p><p> 習俗心理。由于消費者
11、買沒有體驗過的商品,這就是獵奇心理需求。</p><p> 四、基于消費者行為的企業(yè)營銷策略</p><p> 消費者行為的變化,使企業(yè)營銷過程中面臨許多的問題,如居民消費行為的多元化直接導致了零售業(yè)態(tài)多元化,出現(xiàn)了大賣場、超級市場、便利店、專賣店、以及發(fā)展迅猛的電話銷售、網(wǎng)絡商城、郵購等,這些新的銷售方式給傳統(tǒng)的企業(yè)營銷帶來了前所未有的沖擊。企業(yè)要獲得新的發(fā)展,在市場競爭中獲得勝利,
12、就需要根據(jù)消費者行為的新特點,來制造完善自己的營銷策略。</p><p> 明確企業(yè)自身的市場定位,企業(yè)要獲得競爭優(yōu)勢,關(guān)鍵在于企業(yè)要明白自己的產(chǎn)品時以哪個階層的消費者為目標,在明確整體的定位后,應對市場進一步細分,將目標定位在特定的消費群體,滿足某一特定類型的消費者的需要。</p><p> 實施品牌戰(zhàn)略,創(chuàng)立自己的品牌,樹立品牌形象。品牌是企業(yè)文化集中體現(xiàn),是企業(yè)的形象,是企業(yè)核心
13、競爭力的總和。在很大程度上,品牌影響著消費者的行為傾向。</p><p> 讓消費者理解產(chǎn)品。消費者的理解注意包括產(chǎn)品的招牌和價格兩個方面,最有效的方式就是通過廣告宣傳和價格促銷。產(chǎn)品知識的廣告宣傳,會加強品牌在消費者頭腦中的印象,產(chǎn)生記憶開展多種形式的促銷活動,會提高產(chǎn)品的銷售量,促進和消費者的“溝通”。具體而言可以開展以價值促銷為主題的多種促銷組合,通過價值促銷活動提高消費者的自身知識,留下“商家是在為消費
14、者考慮”的好印象,該銷售企業(yè)必會成為其今后購物的首選。</p><p> 強化服務理念,提供完善的服務,讓消費者滿意商品。企業(yè)應將服務貫穿于消費者的整個消費過程,不僅包括購物過程中的關(guān)鍵時刻,也包括購物之前和購物之后的售后服務。另外,企業(yè)每個部門的人都應該樹立服務的理念。</p><p> 對企業(yè)員工進行培訓。企業(yè)要提高顧客滿意度,建立穩(wěn)定的消費群,最關(guān)鍵的是提升服務理念。從普通的員工
16、,利用這個數(shù)據(jù)系統(tǒng)進行各種產(chǎn)品的銷售。通過消費者數(shù)據(jù)庫的建設,可以自覺地強化對顧客服務的內(nèi)容和深度。</p><p> 實施國際化經(jīng)營,在經(jīng)濟和市場日益全球化的今天,企業(yè)一定要轉(zhuǎn)變經(jīng)營理念,積極引進外資,引進國外先進的管理營銷經(jīng)驗,積極拓展國外市場。如聯(lián)想集團,海爾集團的大膽走出去戰(zhàn)略,都取得了良好的效益,開拓了廣闊的國外市場。</p><p> 基于知識時代的市場營銷戰(zhàn)略1、創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)
17、略.創(chuàng)新是知識經(jīng)濟時代的靈魂。知識經(jīng)濟時代為企業(yè)創(chuàng)新提供了極好的外部環(huán)境。創(chuàng)新作為企業(yè)營銷的基本戰(zhàn)略,主要包括以下幾個方面。 觀念創(chuàng)新。知識經(jīng)濟對人類舊的傳統(tǒng)觀念是一種挑戰(zhàn),也對現(xiàn)代營銷觀念進行著挑戰(zhàn)。為了適應新的經(jīng)濟時代,使創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略卓有成效,必須樹立新觀念,即以觀念創(chuàng)新為先導,帶動其它各項創(chuàng)新齊頭并進。首先要正確認識和理解知識的價值。知識不僅是企業(yè)不可缺少的資源,也是企業(yè)發(fā)展的真正動力源。同時,在市場經(jīng)濟條件下,知識本身又是商品,
18、也具有價值。其次,要有強烈的創(chuàng)新意識,自覺地提高創(chuàng)新能力。不創(chuàng)新,只能是山窮水盡,走絕路;創(chuàng)新是提高企業(yè)市場營銷競爭力的最根本最有效的手段。營銷創(chuàng)新不是企業(yè)個別人的個別行為,而是涉及企業(yè)全體員工的有組織的整體活動?! 〗M織創(chuàng)新。組織創(chuàng)新包括企業(yè)的組織形式、管理體制、機構(gòu)設置、規(guī)章制度等廣泛的內(nèi)容,它是營銷創(chuàng)新戰(zhàn)略的保證。這方面要做的工作還十分艱巨,例如,組織形式上,許多企業(yè)還沒有完成現(xiàn)代公司制的改造,舊的組織形式在某種程度上成為企業(yè)創(chuàng)
19、新的韁絆。機構(gòu)設置的不合理,分工過細,都不利于創(chuàng)新。 技術(shù)產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新。隨著科技進</p><p> 結(jié)論:在當今競爭日益激烈的時代。企業(yè)要想在競爭中獲得優(yōu)勢,就必須密切結(jié)合消費者的新特點,改變自己的營銷模式,明確自己的市場定位,樹立自身的企業(yè)品牌,給消費者提供完美的銷售服務,同時實施國際化戰(zhàn)略。在策略實施的過程中,密切關(guān)注新形勢,定能獲得消費者對企業(yè)的信賴與認可,從而獲得更好的發(fā)展。</p>&
20、lt;p><b> 附件2:外文原文</b></p><p> Analysis of the enterprise market based on </p><p> consumer marketing strategy</p><p> 原文出處:Philip Kotler, Gary Armstron
21、g, Principles of Marketing [M]. qinghua university press, 2007.2(11). </p><p> In this article first, i will analyzes the characteristics of consumer behavior, consumer psychology and influence consumers to
22、 buy commodities, personal factors, in this based on the combination of a modern enterprise marketing, to explore a specific marketing strategy, that is the target market positioning, product portfolio and brand strategy
23、 sales service strategy, international strategy and so on.</p><p> Introduction</p><p> As the economy continues to develop, people's lives to change gradually, mental and buying behavior
24、of consumers has undergone a fundamental change, changes in consumer-to-business marketing strategy must have a significant impact, research and understand consumer buying behavior andaccording to their needs and behavio
25、ral characteristics of the design and development of products, target market, and based on this to take a targeted marketing strategy, which is particularly important in terms of t</p><p> First,presented t
26、he new features of modern consumers and reasons</p><p> Economic development, increasing the income of consumers, increasing the quality of life, prompting consumers to purchase on the psychological and sig
27、nificant changes have taken place in the emergence of new features:</p><p> The pursuit of personal consumption.The pursuit of modern consumers with more consumption of the process and product of the unique
28、 human-oriented, there has been "my site I call the shots", "I am myself" sort of slogans.People buy goods through their own to find, expression, to confirm its own special feeling.</p><p&g
29、t; Consumption process changes.Consumer spending is reflected in active participation in the process.Consumers no longer satisfied with passively accept the sales of goods determined by the principal unilaterally gratit
30、ude, but it began actively involved in commodity production and marketing activities, relying on its own point of view of consumer behavior and marketing activities of enterprises show positive intervention, and guide en
31、terprises to pay attentionfrom consumers, the choice of a new tr</p><p> Branded consumer behavior was evident. As the consumption level of the increase in high-income consumer base expands, consumers not o
32、nly consider the product or service features, but also to pursue their added value, the pursuit of its visibility. But consumers are also seeking the quality and grade of the brand, emphasizing value for money, do not bl
33、indly pursuing.</p><p> The diversification of consumption patterns, with the technology and the popularity of the Internet, consumers are increasingly shopping choice and broad-line shopping with the conve
34、nience and economy, more and more people are welcomed; a variety of new lifestyles and The emergence of consumer groups, consumer and diversified development trend of more and more obvious; the emergence of a variety of
35、retail formats, people's consumption behavior also will be typed.</p><p> Second,Personal characteristics of consumers of factors, including age, sex, education and family monthly income</p><
36、p> Age.In theory, the age on the ecological impact of consumer behavior point is not clear. Older consumers, the information received less capable, the ecological awareness of consumption may be low, so their choice
37、will be more eco-consumption is low; also, some consumers older, richer experience, sense of social responsibility stronger will to choose eco-consumption may also be stronger.</p><p> Gender.Under normal c
38、ircumstances, men of education and the chance of contact with the outside world more than that of women, men, risk-bearing capacity, information and decision-making capacity to accept more women to be strong. Thus, gende
39、r differences in consumer choice, the will of the eco-consumer behavior will vary.</p><p> Literacy.Under normal circumstances, the higher level of education, acceptance of new services and new knowledge fa
40、ster, its vision and more open, the more a strong sense of social responsibility. Therefore, education for consumers to choose eco-consumer behavior will have an impact on the will.</p><p> Monthly family i
41、ncome.Generally speaking, high income families, their family members, the higher the price the ecological environment-friendly products capacity to pay is also high. But whether there is willingness to pay can not be det
42、ermined, but the family monthly income should be consumer choice, the will of the ecological consumer behavior would be affected</p><p> Third,consumers buying motives and buying behavior are implemented<
43、;/p><p> Different buying motivation is intertwined by a variety of psychological needs that pose, with the purchase of motivation to achieve purchasing behavior. Direct control, and the factors that influence
44、 consumer purchase behavior are varied. General internal factors, including consumer occupation, educational level, personality and preferences, consumer habits, consumption level, etc.; external factors including produc
45、t quality, variety of colors, price, service levels and sales environment, these</p><p> Practice psychology. As consumers of natural and social environment in which different and conceptual differences in
46、the formation of a customary nature of psychological needs. Herd mentality. By social factors, when the psychological needs of consumers in the consumer desires with the group identity tend to produce synchronized situat
47、ion. This herd mentality prevalent in the consumer demand for a long time, the commodity economy in the early stages of development are particularly prominent, wit</p><p> Fourth,consumer behavior-based mar
48、keting strategy of enterprises</p><p> Changes in consumer behavior, so that the process of corporate marketing faces many problems, such as a diversified consumer behavior directly led to the diversificati
49、on of retail formats, there has been hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, specialty shops, as well as the rapid development of the telephonesales, online shopping mall, mail order and so on, these new marketin
50、g methods to the traditional corporate marketing has brought an unprecedented impact.Enterprises to obtain a new </p><p> First,clear that the enterprise's own market positioning, enterprises to gain a
51、competitive advantage lies in enterprises to understand their own products to which class of consumers as a target of a clear positioning of the whole, the response to further market segmentation would be targeting a spe
52、cific consumer groups to meet a particular type of consumer needs.</p><p> Second,the implementation of brand strategy, the creation of their own brands, build brand image. Brand is the concentrated express
53、ion of corporate culture, is the enterprise's image, is the core competitiveness of enterprises combined. To a large extent, the brand influences consumer behavioral tendencies.</p><p> Third,consumers
54、understand the product. Understand the attention of consumers, including product and price are two signs, the most effective way is through advertising and price promotions. Product knowledge of the advertising, would en
55、hance the brand impression in the minds of consumers, resulting in memory to carry out various forms of promotional activities, will increase product sales, promotion and consumer "communication." In particular
56、, the value could be undertaken in order to promote th</p><p> Fourth,strengthen the service concept, to provide better services so that customer satisfaction products. Services to consumers throughout the
57、enterprise should be spending the whole process, including not only shopping in the critical moment, but also shopping and shopping until after the after-sales service. In addition, the business person in each department
58、 should establish a service concept.</p><p> Of employees for training. Business to raise customer satisfaction and establish a stable consumer group, the most critical is to upgrade the service concept. Fr
59、om general staff to the business operators need to "customer-centric" knowledge of modern marketing, comprehensive training in order to provide customers with quality services. Comprehensive services. Consumer
60、to business shopping, apart from shopping, but also to get more psychological and spiritual sensibility to meet the consumer. For</p><p> The implementation of international operations, in the increasing gl
61、obalization of the economy and markets today, companies must change our philosophy, and actively introducing foreign investment, introduce advanced foreign management of marketing experience, and actively expand foreign
62、markets. Such as Lenovo Group, Haier Group's bold strategy of going out, we have achieved good efficiency, has opened up vast foreign markets.</p><p> Fifth, the era of knowledge-based marketing strateg
63、y</p><p> First,Innovation strategy. Innovation is the soul of the era of knowledge economy. Era of knowledge economy for business innovation provides an excellent external environment. Innovation as the ba
64、sic strategy for corporate marketing, mainly including the following areas.</p><p> The concept of innovation. Knowledge economy the traditional concept of human old is a challenge also for ideas for modern
65、 marketing challenges. In order to adapt to the new economic era, so that effective innovation strategy, we must establish new concepts, namely, the concept of innovation as the guide, led the innovation in other go hand
66、 in hand. First, we must correctly understand and comprehend the value of knowledge. Knowledge is not only an indispensable resource companies, but also the r</p><p> Organizational innovation. Organization
67、al innovation, including corporate forms of organization, management system, institutional settings, rules and regulations a wide range of content, it is the marketing of innovative strategies guaranteed. Work to be done
68、 in this respect is also very difficult, for example, organizational form, many companies have not yet completed the transformation of the modern corporate system, the old form of organization to some extent the reins of
69、 corporate innovation</p><p> Technological product innovation. With the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, new technologies emerging, technology tends to shorten the life span of period
70、, technological innovation is the core of enterprise marketing innovation. In general, medium-sized enterprises should have their own research and development institutions. To continue to develop new technologies to meet
71、 the new demands of customers, even if the traditional products, but also increase its technical content</p><p> Market innovation. Market is complex and changeable. Unmet needs of consumers is an objective
72、 reality. Marketers must be good at capturing market opportunities, and found that the new demands of consumers seeking the best target market. China now there are many enterprises do not pay attention to market segmenta
73、tion, consumer demand can not see the difference, turning all over the country as their own market, and thus a lack of innovation in the market targeted, resulting in marketing effectiven</p><p> Second,Hum
74、an resources strategy. Innovation is the soul and core of knowledge-based economy. But the innovation of high-quality personnel to be innovative. Competitive era of knowledge economy, and its essence is people, people
75、9;s groups and individual high-tech knowledge, intelligence, intelligent competition; is human creativity, resilience, management capacity and skills of the overall quality of competition. Talent strategy include the fol
76、lowing aspects.</p><p> The intellectual source of the concept of people. Marketers to firmly establish the people-based thinking. Era of knowledge economy, knowledge and ability is the main resource. Knowl
77、edge and ability of the carrier is human life. Talents can make a fortune. Peking University Founder Group, is a perfect example. 10 years, Founder 7000-fold increase in assets. Wang Xuan, head of Founder Group, said wel
78、l, they rely on is the solution "before and financial" relationship. They are using them rich, mad</p><p> Third,culture strategy. Corporate culture, including business ideas, entrepreneurial spir
79、it, values, codes of conduct, ethics, corporate image, as well as all the staff-to-business sense of responsibility, sense of honor and so on. It is not only an important means to improve corporate cohesion, while it in
80、the spirit of enterprise as the core members of the corporate thinking and behavior guidance to enterprise development goals set up, it also formed through the corporate values, codes of cond</p><p> Last,I
81、mage strategy. Knowledge-based economy in the era of information explosion, product advertising, marketing information, and other hard to attract consumer attention and recognition, let alone leave behind a deep impressi
82、on. In this case, competition among enterprises must focus on the image of the competition. Image of the competition, companies are now in the application, but many enterprises and not enough attention. In the knowledge
83、economy era, advertising has followed them into the "i</p><p> Conclusion</p><p> In today's increasingly competitive era. For companies to gain advantage in the competition, they mus
84、t be closely integrated with new consumer features, to change their marketing model, clear understanding of their market position and establish its own brand, to provide consumers with the perfect sales and service, whil
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