1、碩 士 學 位 論 文車 輛 掛 靠 合 同 中 “ 扣 押 ”條 款 的效 力 問題 研 究R e se a r C h0 11T h eE ll七 C to fT h e “ D e te n tio ll, , C la u seInT h eA ff i lia te dC O lltf a C tO ll V 七 h iC le作 者 姓 名 : 張 欣指 導 教 師 : 昌 昌 l-西 南 政 法 大 學S o u tl l
2、w e stU n iv ersityo f P o liticalS cien cean dL awA b str a C tF re e d o mo fe o n tr a e t15o n eo f theb a sieP ri n c iP le so f c o n tr a c tlaw , an d15the b a sis o f th eeoncl u si onoftheeont r aetb etw eenthe
3、ei vi lsub j ects. C ont r actL aw15theb asiel awi nt hefi el dofPri vatel aw,resPect i ngfortheci vilsub j ect, 5i ntent i on1 5thesoulofPri vatel aw .H O W e V er,thelawo ffre e d o m15n o tab so lu tean dw ith o u tli
4、m its, P ro h ib itio no fab u seo f rig h tsP ri n ci P lean dtheP ri n ei P leo fP ub l i einterestsh alln otviolatearetheex erciseofri gh t sb o un d ar i e s. T hu s, a ltho u g hinth em ark ete e o n o m yen v iro n
5、m en t, thec o n trac t15thee c o n o m icb a sicle g a lform so fm ark cttr an sa e tio n s,a fl erth ee o n c lu sio no fthec o n tr a et,thestate ,w ithth ee o n sid e ratio n sb a se do nth eu seo ftheo v era llin te
6、 re stso fthee o n tra c t,u se s thelawtoe v a lu ateth ev alid ityo fthee o n trac t , w h ie hre su ltinun e ertainfae to rso fthec o n trac t. T h eresearehobject15thatthel egaleff e ctof ” detent i on , , contr aett
7、erm sw hi ehoft enapP earsi nthea ff i liate do P eratio n sm an ag em en te o n tra e t. T h isv iew15thatth e ” d e te ntio n , ,e o nt r a e ta e tw hi choft enapP eari nt heaff il iatedoP erati on sm an agem enicontr
8、 aet15theactofself- h elPb ehav i or , an dt h e ” detenti on , , Provisi on sof t heterm sareself- h elPterm s.T h eb eh aviori nthise a se15forth ev alu eo ftheP ub lieten d en e yan d15n o ta g ain sttheP ub licin ter
9、e st,50th e, , d e ten tio n , , e lau se15la vv fulan dv a lid .T h em a ine o n te n te o n sistso ffourv e h ic lem an a g em en te o n trac ta ff i liate dtheP 叭 s : th e, , d e ten tio n , ,fi rsto u tlin e sth etyP
10、 ie a lc a seo ftheP ro v isio n san dth ed isP u teo fth ec a selawo nth ed e ten tio nP ro v isio n so f th en a tu rean dle g a le ff e et. T h is15th eP rem iseo f th i sstu d y.hithisse e tio n , th isv iew15thatthe
11、d ete n tio nb eh av io r15se lf- h e lPb eh av io r,b u tthefoc u so fth ele g a le ff e e to fthed ise u ssio n15b e lo w . T h ese c o n dP ar td e scri b e sth ee ff e e tiv en e sso fth eP rovision softhecont r aeti
12、 noureurren tl aw s, an dh i gh l igh tsan dan aly sisth eeff e cti ven esso fth eth e o ryo fe o n trac tw h iehe au sethee o n tra c tv o id . T h eth irdP ar t15th efo e u so f th isar t ie le ,a sthese h o la rsw h o
13、a d v o c a te d ” d e ten tio n , , e la u sein v a lidb e lie v eth a tthed e te n tio nb eh a v io rv io lateth eP ub lieiniere st,50thisar t ie lefoe u so ntheP ar to fth ea sse ssm en to fso e ialan dP ub lieintere
14、sts,a ft e rb a se do nthean a ly sis,thear t ic led e em sthatthed etentio nb eh av io rinfac t15n o te o n fl ietw iththeP ub lieint ere sts,there forethe ” d eten tio n , ,e lau se15v a lid . T h efoUr t hP ar t15thee
15、x te n sio no fth e ” d eten tio n , , se lf-h e lPb eh av io r.T h eP ar to fthear t ic lee le art hatsi neethesel f- h elPb ehavi orexiststhe1 1unlan , eeonom iean dP ol i t iealn ecessi ty,andtheP ub liein tere stP ro
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