1、<p><b> 中文3040字</b></p><p> 畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文</p><p> 譯文題目: 中國出口為何如此特殊 </p><p> 學生姓名: 尹成陽 學 號: </p><p&
2、gt; 專 業(yè): 國際經濟與貿易 </p><p> 所在學院: </p><p> 指導教師: </p><p> 職 稱:
3、 </p><p> 2013年 12月 27日</p><p> 為什么中國出的出口狀況如此特殊?</p><p><b> 丹尼?羅德里克</b></p><p> 《中國與世界經濟 》, 2006年5月</p><p><b> 引言</b&
4、gt;</p><p> 上個世紀的后十五年,中國的經濟發(fā)展創(chuàng)造了最大的經濟奇跡。中國經濟以前所未有、難以預計的速度突飛猛進。更重要的是,這樣的經濟增長將數以億計的人從貧困中解放出來,改善了人們的衛(wèi)生醫(yī)療水平,提高了教育和其他社會標準。中國使用自己的在實踐基礎上不斷探索的漸進理論:越來越依靠市場和價格信號,取得了以上成就。但是最近,中國的經濟發(fā)展方式卻處于一個非常不正統(tǒng)的體制邊緣。</p><
5、;p> 毋庸置疑,貿易在一這個轉變過程中發(fā)揮了非常重要的作用。即使以前中國對外封閉,沒有融入全球經濟,中國可能也經獲得了發(fā)展。在最初階段,中國的經濟增長是建立在農村改革的基礎上,并沒有明顯地表現出依賴國際市場。然而,從1980年代中期起,人們認為憑借世界市場提供的廣闊機遇,中國迅速而持續(xù)發(fā)展起來,對外貿易和投資總額不斷增加。20世紀60年代,出口在國民收入中幾乎為零,而2003年其在GDP中所占份額接近30%,這樣的增長速率在世
6、界上前所未有。國內直接投資從20世紀80年代早期的幾乎為零上升至GDP的5%。這些都從側面反映出中國已經成為世界上最大的貿易國之一,其貿易額占世界貿易總流量的6%。</p><p><b> 比較優(yōu)勢的不確定性</b></p><p> 一個國家專業(yè)化分工和貿易格局的決定因素是什么?比較優(yōu)勢原則表明,貿易模式取決于各國間的相對生產成本差異,而相對生產成本差異又反過
7、來與各行業(yè)技術復雜度或各國相對要素稟賦的差異相關聯。</p><p> 在Heckscher-Ohlin模型中,企業(yè)家直接觀察成本,并相應地作出投資決策。然而, 投資者們認為向一個貧窮的發(fā)展中國家投資引進新的、非傳統(tǒng)的項目,在操作的成本方面將面臨很大的不確定性。這些成本將不僅取決于資源稟賦,還取決于投資者能否在技術采用和適應上取得成功,以及政策環(huán)境和其他做出類似投資選擇的投資者數量。</p>&l
8、t;p> 由這些不確定因素造成的風險在投資者進入這些新行業(yè)時就不同程度的存在了,因此他們也為經濟的其他方面提供了有價值的信息溢出效應。如果他們成功了,后進的投資者可以觀察現有投資者的盈利能力并進行模仿。如果他們失敗了,投資者將承擔失敗的全部成本。運用Hausmann and Rodrik (2003)的專業(yè)術語來說,市場的自我發(fā)現能力太弱。結果是,低收入國家生產的高技術復雜度的商品很少,而這些是他們原本有能力生產(和在國際市場上
9、那個銷售)的,因此現實收入也低于應有的水平。相反,那些快速發(fā)展的國家往往能夠在這些非傳統(tǒng)、高技術復雜度的貿易領域創(chuàng)造投資。</p><p> 為了在這些概念性的觀點中加入實證分析內容, Ricardo Hausmann 和我建立了一個叫EXPY的指標,用來測算與一個國家的出口總量相關的技術復雜度。</p><p> EXPY指標的計算分兩個步驟。首先,對于每一種6位數字分類水平商品中的
10、貿易產品,我們計算各個國家出口某種商品收入的加權平均數,這一權值表示國家在該種商品上的顯性比較優(yōu)勢。這向我們提供了某種出口產品的收入水平,我們稱之為PRODY。PRODY可以對6位數字分類商品分類范圍內的超過5000種產品進行計算。接下來,我們計算各個國家的PRODY 值的加權平均,最終得到EXPY值,表示某種商品在一國總出口中所占的比重。有關該指數建立的更多細節(jié)請參考附錄一。</p><p> 正如人們預期的
11、那樣,EXPY值與人均收入有著十分緊密的聯系:發(fā)達國家也會出口其他發(fā)達國家出口的產品。圖3顯示了幾個國家1992年的人均GDP 對應的EXPY的散點圖。二者相關系數為0.83,但是各個國家并沒有整齊地沿著回歸線排列。一些國家偏離在回歸線下方,其余的則上方。在后崛起的國家中,印度和中國脫穎而出。令人吃驚的是,這兩個活躍的經濟體的居然傾斜于出口高技術復雜度產品。1992年,與中國的出口情況相適應的收入水平是當時中國實際人均GDP的6倍。我們
12、應該發(fā)現,這種差距隨著時間的推移有所下降,但它仍然居高不下。</p><p> 然而,EXPY也不能被所能想到其他經濟原理很好的解釋。圖4和圖5分別顯示了EXPY與人力資本、制度質量和人均GDP的控制之間的部分相關性。這些散點圖使用從2002起的最近的貿易數據,以便于增加樣本國的數量。我們發(fā)現,EXPY與人力資本存量的相關性極弱,與我們的制度質量指數實際上毫無關聯。</p><p>
13、因此,求證其影響因素是很復雜的。雖然一個國家的出口生產率部分取決于其總體生產能力和人力資本稟賦,一些特殊因素也會對其產生作用。以孟加拉國為例,其擁有相關的要素稟賦(勞動力豐富,但缺乏人力資本和物資),該國EXPY約為50%,低于中國。很明顯,這些特殊的因素到底是什么。(這因素顯然已成為目前經濟增長的重要推動力,我會在第三部分闡述它。)</p><p> 比較各時期中國和其重要的競爭對手的EXPY 也很有趣。如圖
14、6,圖中展示了中國、印度、香港和韓國EXPY的走勢情況。中國從1992年以來,在出口產品復雜度方面增長最快。盡管中國仍然落后韓國和香港,但隨著時間的推進,他們在EXPY上的差距正在穩(wěn)步縮小。此外,中國和印度之間的差距在過去20年里增加了。</p><p> 與Mayer和 Wood (2001) 的研究結果相比較,他們認為中國在技術密集型產品的出口水平低于基于其要素稟賦情況所做出的預期, 他們的分析建立在是基于
15、一個跨國基準,該基準是在對一國每位工人的技能衡量基礎上,對技術密集到勞動力密集型出口回歸比率的測算。Mayer和Wood指出,與他們預測的40%的比率相比(Mayer andWood, 2001, Table 5),1990年中國技術密集型出口實際上占制造業(yè)的33%。一個合理的解釋是Mayer 和Wood依賴的方法的是二進制分類的商品(技術密集型不是)。此外,該商品分類方法與本文的相比,是在一個總量的水平上進行的 (記住,我們計算EXP
16、Y所使用的信息來自5000多種不同的商品)。在實踐中, 如同Mayer 和Wood 說的那樣 (2001, p.10),某些貨物的技術密集型部件往往在一個國家內進行生產,而技術含量低的組件則由他國制造,這種現象很常見。在一個6位數字分類基礎上所做的分析更易于掌握這些區(qū)別。</p><p> 不是對出口影響了多少,而是出口影響了什么</p><p> 我們怎樣知道一個國家出口的技術復雜度
18、的貢獻率就明顯較低了。正如圖表所示,高水平的EXPY并不能完全解釋中國在此期間的經濟狀況(另一個顯著的例子是愛爾蘭),但這確實有助于我們對中國經濟發(fā)展現象的解釋。</p><p><b> 附錄</b></p><p> PRODY和 EXPY的構建:</p><p> PRODY指標值為出口某一種產品的所有國家人均GDP的加權品平均數,
19、因此其代表與該商品相關的收入水平.我們用j表示國家,i表示商品 ,對于任意指定的年份,j國總出口額等于</p><p> j國的人均GDP表示為 Yj, K產品的技術復雜度表示為PRODYk ,等于</p><p> Xjk/Xj表示K商品在一國(j)總出口額中所占的比重,, 是將所有國家該種商品的出口比重求和。因此,該指數表示所有國家人均GDP的加權平均數,同時反映了每個國家在K商品
20、方面的顯性比較優(yōu)勢。.通過使用出口比重而不是出口總量,確保了小國窮國的出口被給予了足夠的權重。</p><p> 與i國出口總量相關的技術復雜度水平被定義為</p><p> 該指數為該國PRODY的加權平均,表示某種商品在該國總出口中所占比重。</p><p> 我們的貿易數據來自聯合國商品貿易統(tǒng)計數據庫(COMTRADE)。這些數據包括從1992年至200
22、份的變化而有所不同。</p><p><b> 參考文獻</b></p><p> [1]豪斯曼,里卡多和丹尼?羅德里克,2003年.經濟發(fā)展的自我發(fā)現,發(fā)展經濟學雜志,第72卷, 603 - 633頁.</p><p> [2]豪斯曼,里卡多,杰森·黃和丹尼?羅德里克,2006.你的出口影響了什么,”美國國家經濟研究局工作論文
23、,國家經濟研究局.</p><p> [3]庫讓, 1997.中國電子產業(yè)中的中國周期和技術發(fā)展,巴里諾頓.</p><p> [4]Kraemer,肯尼斯?l .和Jason Dedrick,2001.創(chuàng)建一個計算機行業(yè)巨頭:20世紀90年代中國的產業(yè)政策和成果,加州大學歐文分校,信息技術研究中心和組織.</p><p> [5]拉迪,2004.“中國:偉大
24、的新經濟挑戰(zhàn),國際經濟研究所,華盛頓特區(qū).</p><p> [6],Dic和托馬斯,陳,1998年.中國機械的對外貿易和經濟增長的關系,國際發(fā)展雜志,第10卷,6號733 - 49頁.</p><p> [7]阿德里安·伍德,2001年. 以比較的視角來看南亞的出口,牛津大學發(fā)展研究,第29卷, 1號,5-29頁.</p><p> [8]麥肯錫全
25、球研究所,2003年.新視野:跨國公司在發(fā)展中國家的投資,麥肯錫全球研究院,舊金山.</p><p> [9]Eswar Prasad,ed,2004.中國的發(fā)展和融入世界經濟:前景和挑戰(zhàn),國際貨幣基金組織,232頁,國際貨幣基金組織(IMF),華盛頓特區(qū).</p><p> What’s So Special about China’s Exports?</p><
26、;p> Dani Rodrik</p><p> China &World Economy / 1 – 19, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2006 1</p><p> Introduction</p><p> The phenomenal performance of China constitutes the great econo
27、mic miracle of the last quarter century. China’s economy has expanded by leaps and bounds, at historically unprecedented rates that few economists would have found plausible or feasible exante. More importantly, this gro
28、wth has lifted hundreds of millions of people from deep poverty and has helped improve health, education and other social standards. China has accomplished all this using its own brand of experimental gradualism: incr<
29、;/p><p> That trade has played a significant role in this transformation is beyond dispute. China would likely have grown even if the global economy had been closed. The very early stages of Chinese growth, ba
30、sed on rural reform, did not in any significant way rely on global markets. However, from the mid-1980s on, one must suppose that China’s growth was fueled and sustained by the opportunities that the world market offered
31、. We can see the increasing footprint of foreign trade and investment in all the</p><p> The Indeterminacy of Comparative Advantage</p><p> Consider how a country’s pattern of specialization a
32、nd trade is determined. The principle of comparative advantage dictates that trade patterns are determined by how relative costs of production within a country differ from those in the rest of the world. These difference
33、s are in turn linked to differences in productivity levels across industries (as in the Ricardian model of trade) or to differences in relative factor endowments across countries (as in the Heckscher–Ohlin model). In the
34、se model</p><p> However, in a poor developing country, investors contemplating entry into new, nontraditional activities face considerable uncertainty about the costs of operation. These costs will likely
35、depend not just on factor endowments, but also on the investor’s success with technology adoption and adaptation, on the policy environment, and (perhaps also) on the number of other investors making similar investment c
36、hoices. The risks that arise from such uncertainty are borne disproportionately by early en</p><p> To put some empirical flesh on these conceptual ideas, Ricardo Hausmann and I have developed an indicator
37、that measures the productivity level associated with a country’s export basket. This indicator, which we call EXPY, is calculated in two steps. First, for each 6-digit commodity that is traded we compute the weighted ave
38、rage of the incomes of the countries exporting that commodity, where the weights are the revealed comparative advantage of each country in that commodity (normalized so that </p><p> As would be expected, E
39、XPY is strongly correlated with per-capita income: rich countries export goods that other rich countries export. Figure 3 shows the scatter plot of EXPY against per-capita GDP for 1992. The correlation coefficient is 0.8
40、3. But countries do not lie neatly alongside the regression line. Some countries are way below the regression line, whereas others are way above it. In the latter group, India and China stand out. It is striking that the
41、se two high-performing economies have</p><p> Neither is EXPY well explained by other economic fundamentals that one can think of. Figures 4 and 5 show the partial correlations between EXPY and human capita
42、l and institutional quality, respectively, controlling for per-capita GDP. These scatter plots use more recent trade data from 2002 to maximize the sample of countries. We find a very weak positive partial correlation wi
43、th the stock of human capital and virtually no partial correlation with our index of institutional quality, the “rule o</p><p> It is also interesting to compare the progress over time of China’s EXPY with
44、 that of some of its important competitors. This is done in Figure 6, which shows the trends for EXPY in China, India, Hong Kong and South Korea. China has experienced the most rapid rate of growth in the sophistication
45、of its exports since 1992. Although China still lags behind South Korea and Hong Kong, the difference in EXPY has steadily closed over time. Moreover, the gap between China and India has actually increas</p><p
46、> The findings here contrast with those of Mayer and Wood (2001), who argue that China’s export performance in skill-intensive products is below the level that would be expected on the basis of the country’s factor e
47、ndowments. Their analysis is based on a cross-national benchmark derived from regressing the ratio of skill-intensive to labor intensive exports on a measure of skill per worker in that country. Mayer and Wood report tha
48、t China’s actual share of skill-intensive exports within manufactu</p><p> It Is Not How Much but What You Export that Matters</p><p> How do we know that the productivity level of a country’s
49、 exports (measured by EXPY) matters to economic performance? It turns out that there is a robust relationship between the initial level of a country’s EXPY and the subsequent rate of economic growth experienced by that c
50、ountry. Figure 7 is the relevant scatter plot: it shows the relationship between EXPY in 1992 and growth over the1992–2003 period, holding initial levels of income constant. This is a positive and statistically significa
51、nt </p><p> Appendix I</p><p> Construction of PRODY and EXPY</p><p> PRODY is the weighted sum of the per capita GDP of countries exporting a given product and, therefore, repre
52、sents the income level associated with each of these goods. Let countries be indexed by j and goods be indexed by l. For any given year, the value of total exports of country j equals:</p><p> Let the per-c
53、apita GDP of country j be denoted by Yj. Then the PRODY index for</p><p> good k is:</p><p> The numerator of the weight Xjk/Xj is the value-share of the commodity in the country’s overall exp
54、ort basket. The denominator of the weight, , aggregates the value-share across all countries exporting the good. By using export share rather than export volume, the weighting scheme tries to ensure that adequate weight
55、 is given exports that are important to smaller poorer countries.</p><p> EXPY for country i is given in turn by:</p><p> This is a weighted index of the representative income associated a cou
56、ntry’s exports, where the weight is simply the value share of the product in the country’s total exports.</p><p> Our trade data comes from the United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE).
57、 The dataset includes products at the 6-digit level in the Harmonized System for the years 1992 to 2003. The value of exports is measured in current US dollars, which we then convert to 2000 dollars for comparison with r
58、eal GDP per capita series. The number of countries that report the trade data vary considerably from year to year. However, we construct the PRODY measure for a consistent sample of countr</p><p> Reference
59、s</p><p> [1]Hausmann, Ricardo and Dani Rodrik, 2003, “Economic development as self-discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 72, Issue 2, pp. 603-633.</p><p> [2]Hausmann, Ricardo, J
60、ason Hwang and Dani Rodrik, 2006, “What you export matters,” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.</p><p> [3]Huchet, Jean-Francois, 1997,
61、“The China circle and technological development in the Chinese electronics industry,” in Barry Naughton, ed., The China Circle: Economics and Electronics in the PRC, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, Washington, DC: Brookings Insti
62、tution Press.</p><p> [4]Kraemer, Kenneth L. and Jason Dedrick, 2001, “Creating a Computer Industry Giant: China’s Industrial Policies and Outcomes in the 1990s,” Center forResearch on Information Technolog
63、y and Organizations, UC Irvine.</p><p> [5]Lardy, Nicholas, 2004, “China: The great new economic challenge?” Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC.</p><p> [6]Lo,Dic and Thomas
64、 M. H. Chan, 1998, “Machinery and China’s nexus of foreign trade and economic growth,” Journal of International Development, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 733–49.</p><p> [7]Mayer, Jorg and Adrian Wood, 2001, “South
65、Asia’s exports in a comparative perspective,” Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.5-29.</p><p> [8]McKinsey Global Institute, 2003, New Horizons: Multinational Company Investment in Developing Ec
66、onomies, McKinsey Global Institute, San Francisco.</p><p> [9]Prasad, Eswar, ed., 2004, China’s Growth and Integration into the World Economy: Prospects and Challenges, IMF Occasional Paper 232, IMF, Washin
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- 我國工業(yè)制成品出口結構優(yōu)化研究——基于出口品技術含量的視角.pdf
- 中國制成品出口結構優(yōu)化研究.pdf
- 印度的制成品出口比較結構與展望【外文翻譯】
- 中國制成品出口比較優(yōu)勢及貿易結構研究
- 談我國工業(yè)制成品出口現狀
- 中國制成品出口比較優(yōu)勢及貿易結構研究
- 發(fā)展中國家1985-1998年工業(yè)制成品出口的技術【外文翻譯】
- 匯率變動對中國制成品出口影響及其防范研究.pdf
- 中國工業(yè)制成品出口技術水平及區(qū)域差異分析.pdf
- 我國工業(yè)制成品出口競爭力及其影響因素分析.pdf
- 我國工業(yè)制成品出口狀況分析.pdf
- 外文翻譯---中國競爭力的表現是對東亞制成品出口的威脅嗎?
- 技術創(chuàng)新對中國工業(yè)制成品出口競爭力影響的研究.pdf
- 基于技術等級視角的中國工業(yè)制成品出口結構及貿易效率分析.pdf
- 我國工業(yè)制成品出口優(yōu)勢實證分析.pdf
- 泰國與中國工業(yè)制成品出口貿易結構研究.pdf
- 碳排放對浙江工業(yè)制成品出口的影響分析.pdf
- 制成品出口和進口需求的評估外商直接投資的作用【外文翻譯】
- FDI技術溢出對中國本土制造業(yè)出口國內技術含量的影響研究.pdf
- 中國工業(yè)制成品出口產業(yè)結構優(yōu)化與實證研究.pdf