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1、<p>  附錄2:中英文文獻互譯</p><p>  Technical analysis of e-books to become famous </p><p>  The future of electronic books to complete, the key is to improve the display device, it looked more comf

2、ortable. If the solution of this problem, coupled with the portable e-book, environmental protection, information, and content can be updated and many other advantages, to replace the paper book is entirely possible. <

3、;/p><p>  Market sales of a book - Chris Anderson's "long tail" theory, although this is to introduce a new economics book, but future technology trends and the influence of a hint. The author men

4、tioned that only a purely digital product can be in full possession of the entire tail. Although the book does not specify, but hinted that all future products can be digitized will be towards the development trend of di

5、gital. Apple mp3 music download service, Google search services can, of course, do this, but i</p><p>  E-book of civilization and cultural heritage as an important tool in many areas has been replaced by pa

6、per-based media. Paper-based media to a large extent the decline in readership because of a large number of readers from paper-based media attention turned to electronic books. Although sales of the electronic book marke

7、t is not far when compared with the traditional book market, but the strong momentum of development. We can in the subway, buses and other public occasions to see more and more </p><p>  It was published in

8、April 2006 the "fourth national reading survey nationals", online readership in 1999 from 3.7% of the rapid growth in 2005 to 27.8 percent average annual growth rate of 107%. With the network technology and the

9、 development of information technology, it is increasingly used to search for information from the Internet to read up the use of electronic reader gradually into the life of the general public, the impact of people over

10、 the years 2000 to read the traditional paper-base</p><p>  Most people are now more willing to read the paper books, in addition to the customary factors, the main display device or the computer is complete

11、ly unable to achieve a comfortable level. The reason why we can see the words on paper, not because the text itself can be luminous, but the reflected light in the retina of the results of imaging; the other hand, we use

12、d almost all display devices are active light source, is the use of transmission imaging. This transmitted light stimulation of the e</p><p>  Therefore, the next book will be fully electronic, the key is to

13、 improve the display device, it looked more comfortable. If the solution of this problem, coupled with the portable e-book, environmental protection, information, and content can be updated and many other advantages, to

14、replace the paper book is entirely possible. </p><p>  This is the application of software called Fuxin PDF Software Company’s two e-books do, with our traditional book almost the size of 32k, the left 215 g

15、rams, can be brought 1GSD card, storing more than 3000 books. The right to Panasonic's MPEG-4 animation player (SD-Video) and AAC (SD-Audio) format of music, can support 8MB ~ 2GB of SD card to expand capacity, while

16、 the 256MB of SD card can store about 200 books, both offer online e-books is now about 2,000, and the feeling of reading a paper bo</p><p>  Fuxin Reader software is quite good, do not install after downloa

17、ding, double-click directly on the PDF format can be directly read the file, very fast, there is no plug-ins, a total of less than 3M size, no wonder that the software can be put on such a small electronic book. </p&g

18、t;<p>  Electronic reading How far away from us? On recently published scientific research institute of China issued a "national reading the fifth national survey" As a result, the report said the rate o

19、f people reading the first time in the past 5 years, bottomed, and the result of this One of the most important factor in the outcome is the popularity of digital books. Let us not pollute the environment paper that is n

20、ot conducive to our environmental protection and consumer, we do not have it every da</p><p>  E-books and paper text books are all carrying the tools, but the two carriers as a result of differences in the

21、use, sale, production, etc. also show some differences, which eventually led to the different characteristics of their respective markets. Tracing to its source, e-books compared to paper-based books have the following d

22、ifferent aspects: </p><p>  Storage medium </p><p>  E-book is essentially a section of digital information; it can be stored in any digital storage device, such as the hard disk, U disk, CD-ROM

23、s, mobile phone memory card, PSP and so on. Will be a library of all books into the e-books, can be easily placed in a small cell phone memory card. </p><p>  To show the way </p><p>  Read e-bo

24、oks must be used with digital display devices, such as personal computers, notebook computers, smart phones, PSP and so on, must have the support of electricity, which is e-books than paper books and reading experience i

25、n the use of the advantages of local. With the function of these digital devices continues to strengthen the market further popularization of e-book can show the contents of the dynamic changes, to quickly retrieve the a

26、dvantages of portable will ultimately experience in</p><p>  Volume production </p><p>  Consumption of paper-based books to use as a carrier of the paper, the need for mass production of typese

27、tting, printing, binding, consume a large amount of resources, time and manpower. Batch production of electronic books only electronic copies of digital information, the consumption of resources, time and human cost is a

28、lmost negligible. However, e-books easier to reproduce such features also make piracy of its more serious than paper books. </p><p>  Network Communications </p><p>  E-book can be used in addit

29、ion to traditional distribution channels, but also can be spread in the digital network, such as the Internet, Wap networks. The issuance of paper books is a multi-level operating system; the need to transport, place, pe

30、rsonnel support, and e-books there is no geographic, transportation, manpower, places restrictions on the structure of a flat. </p><p>  Sales model </p><p>  Electronic money, Internet banking,

31、 mobile payment enabled the emergence of e-book sales could be breakthrough in place, time, manpower restrictions at any time, while the paper book is the ultimate one-class distribution network to sell in bookstores. Bu

32、y e-books, some equipment, technical requirements, and the purchase of paper books is not the existence of such restrictions, which resulted in reading e-books and paper books to read different people. Relatively speakin

33、g, the e-book readers mor</p><p>  Market space </p><p>  Although e-books have many advantages, but today China's e-book market than the traditional paper book is much less, the reasons in

34、the following areas: First, networks, information industry, while the rapid development, it is still not universal, E-books relatively limited group of users; second is the formation of readers has long been accustomed t

35、o reading books on paper still needs a lot of reading; Third, low-cost e-book price low, the industry is still no uniform industry standard , flat s</p><p>  Looking at China's 2007 book market, the trad

36、itional paper books and e-book each other, to bring readers a richer spiritual food. Due to the traditional paper books and e-book reading groups differ, the two hot spots are similar to reading more different, as the fi

37、rst television transmission through a better awareness of the public to obtain a paper-based books and E-book double harvest; a network from the original, it can be said is the origin of e-book form of the "Ming Dyn

38、asty those things," </p><p>  A bookcase full of paper books may not be able to read, but look at the cupboard full of books, it seems that there is a sense of satisfaction; dozens of e-books downloaded

39、 G, filled with a hard drive, burn to DVD-R, the for many years but it may not be able to read, not only the lack of job satisfaction, but have had a psychological burden. </p><p>  Paper book is purchased,

40、to Amoy, and took up the book, often reminiscent of the scene at the time of books, is also a Fun; e-book is downloaded, although it can be said is "Amoy" to the (View FTP server directory to find one), but I f

41、elt the number of odor too feel a bit cold. </p><p>  Book paper space, but you can see in many places, such as car and toilet, the pillow; e-books can only exist because the computer (mobile phone, PDA and

42、a dedicated e-book reader except for), look at the total time to sat and can not "hand roll." </p><p>  Transmission inconvenience paper books, generally by mail or go to bookstores to buy, time-co

43、nsuming and laborious; e-book you can quickly transfer email, etc...</p><p><b>  翻譯:</b></p><p>  電子書成名的技術(shù)性分析</p><p>  未來的書籍要完全電子化,關(guān)鍵是要改進顯示設(shè)備,讓人看著更舒服。如果解決了這一問題,再加上電子書便攜、

44、環(huán)保、信息量大、內(nèi)容可更新等諸多優(yōu)勢,取代紙質(zhì)書是完全有可能的。 </p><p>  市場熱銷的一本書——Chris Anderson 的《長尾理論》,雖然這是一本介紹新經(jīng)濟學(xué)的書,卻對未來技術(shù)的趨勢和影響做了暗示。作者提到,只有純數(shù)字產(chǎn)品,才有可能完全擁有整個長尾。書中雖然沒有明確指出,卻暗示將來所有的可以數(shù)字化的產(chǎn)品都會朝純數(shù)字發(fā)展的趨勢。蘋果的mp3音樂下載服務(wù)、Google的搜索服務(wù)當(dāng)然可以做到這一點,

45、但Amazon的書籍是不可能都變成電子出版物的。然而,2008年7月份在中國圖書市場征戰(zhàn)13年的貝塔斯曼書友會的全線潰敗使人感覺到紙質(zhì)圖書發(fā)展面臨的窘境。 </p><p>  電子圖書作為文明和文化傳承的重要工具,已經(jīng)在很多領(lǐng)域取代紙質(zhì)媒體。紙質(zhì)媒體閱讀率的下降很大程度上是因為廣大讀者將注意力從紙質(zhì)媒體轉(zhuǎn)向了電子類讀物。雖然電子圖書市場銷售額遠遠不能同傳統(tǒng)圖書市場相比,但發(fā)展勢頭強勁。我們可以在地鐵、巴士等公共

46、場合看到越來越多的年輕人在用手機、PSP等閱讀,而且手機閱讀正在普及。隨著手機功能、容量、普及率的不斷上升,加之手機用戶身份易于確認(rèn),付款方便,手機閱讀在整個電子圖書市場中的份額持續(xù)擴大,越來越多的人逐漸習(xí)慣于使用手機進行閱讀。 </p><p>  據(jù)2006年4月公布的“第四次全國國民閱讀調(diào)查”,網(wǎng)上閱讀率從1999年的3.7%迅速增長到2005年27.8%,年平均增長率為107%。隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)和信息技術(shù)的發(fā)

47、展,人們越來越習(xí)慣于從互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上來搜索信息閱讀使用,電子閱讀漸漸地走入了普通大眾的生活,沖擊著人們2000多年來紙質(zhì)閱讀傳統(tǒng)的習(xí)慣。讀者從“紙質(zhì)閱讀”到“電子閱讀”的轉(zhuǎn)型,信息產(chǎn)業(yè)由傳統(tǒng)紙質(zhì)出版模式向網(wǎng)絡(luò)模式轉(zhuǎn)型已成為大勢所趨。</p><p>  大多數(shù)人現(xiàn)在之所更愿意看紙質(zhì)的書籍,除了習(xí)慣的因素以外,主要還是計算機顯示設(shè)備無法達到令人完全舒適的地步。我們之所以能看到紙上的字,并不是因為文字本身能發(fā)光,而是反射光

48、在視網(wǎng)膜上成像的結(jié)果;另一方面,我們用的幾乎所有顯示設(shè)備,都是主動光源,是利用透射成像的。這些透射光對眼睛的刺激,大大影響了我們看書的舒適程度。這種刺激的強度差異,也是有人指出液晶顯示器比CRT顯示器更容易引起視覺疲勞的主要依據(jù)。 </p><p>  因此,未來的書籍要完全電子化,關(guān)鍵是要改進顯示設(shè)備,讓人看著更舒服。如果解決了這一問題,再加上電子書便攜、環(huán)保、信息量大、內(nèi)容可更新等諸多優(yōu)勢,取代紙質(zhì)書是完全有

49、可能的。</p><p>  這是應(yīng)用一個叫福昕軟件的公司的PDF軟件做的兩款電子書,跟我們傳統(tǒng)的32k書差不多大小,左邊的215克,可帶1GSD卡,儲存超過3000本書。右邊松下公司的這款能夠播放MPEG-4動畫(SD-Video)和AAC(SD-Audio)格式的音樂,可以支持8MB~2GB的SD卡擴充容量,而256MB的SD卡可以存儲大約200冊書籍,這兩款電子書網(wǎng)上的報價現(xiàn)在是2000元左右,而且閱讀的感

50、覺跟紙質(zhì)圖書視覺效果一樣舒服,相信用不了幾年人人都可以擁有自己的掌上圖書館。 </p><p>  福昕軟件的閱讀器相當(dāng)不錯,下載后不用安裝,直接雙擊就可以直接閱讀pdf格式的文件,非常快,沒有任何插件,總共不到3M大小,怪不得該軟件可以放到這么小的電子書里面。 </p><p>  電子閱讀離我們還有多遠?就在近日,中國出版科學(xué)研究所發(fā)布了“第五次全國國民閱讀調(diào)查”結(jié)果,報告中稱,國人讀

51、書率在近5年內(nèi)首次止跌,而造成這一結(jié)果的最主要因素便是數(shù)字化圖書的普及。且不說造紙污染環(huán)境,有礙我們的環(huán)保,也不用說它每天消費我們多少森林資源,單是看著我們小學(xué)生每天背著的麻袋似的書包,哪個家長不是看在眼里,疼在心里?電子閱讀正在潛移默化的改變著我們的閱讀習(xí)慣,電子書取代紙質(zhì)圖書已是大勢所趨。</p><p>  電子圖書和紙質(zhì)圖書雖然都是承載文字的工具,但是由于兩者的載體不同,在使用、銷售、制作等方面也表現(xiàn)出一

52、定的差異性,最終導(dǎo)致各自市場特性的大相徑庭。追根溯源,電子圖書相比紙質(zhì)圖書有以下幾個方面的不同:</p><p><b>  存儲介質(zhì)</b></p><p>  電子圖書本質(zhì)上是一段數(shù)字化的信息,它可以存儲在任何具有存儲功能的數(shù)字化器件里,如硬盤、U盤、光盤、手機存儲卡、PSP等。將一家圖書館里的所有圖書制作成的電子書,可以很輕松地放置在小小的手機存儲卡里。<

53、/p><p><b>  展現(xiàn)方式</b></p><p>  讀取電子圖書必須使用具有顯示功能的數(shù)字化設(shè)備,比如個人電腦、筆記本電腦、智能手機、PSP等,必須有電力的支持,這也是紙質(zhì)圖書比電子圖書在使用和閱讀體驗上具有優(yōu)勢的地方。隨著以上這些數(shù)字設(shè)備功能的不斷增強、市場的進一步普及,電子圖書可以展現(xiàn)動態(tài)變化的內(nèi)容、能夠快速檢索、便于攜帶的優(yōu)點最終會在使用和閱讀體驗上比紙

54、質(zhì)圖書更具優(yōu)勢。</p><p><b>  批量制作</b></p><p>  紙質(zhì)圖書使用消耗性的紙張作為載體,批量制作需要排版、印刷、裝訂,消耗大量的資源、時間和人力。電子圖書批量制作只是電子化的數(shù)字信息的拷貝,其消耗的資源、時間和人力成本幾乎可以忽略。可是,電子圖書這種更易于復(fù)制的特性也使得其盜版情況比紙質(zhì)圖書更加嚴(yán)重。</p><p&g

55、t;<b>  網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播</b></p><p>  電子圖書除了可以利用傳統(tǒng)的發(fā)行渠道外,還可以在數(shù)字網(wǎng)絡(luò)中傳播,比如Internet、Wap網(wǎng)絡(luò)等。紙質(zhì)圖書的發(fā)行是一個多級的營運體系,需要運輸、場所、人員的配合,而電子圖書沒有地域、運輸、人力、場所的限制,是一個扁平的結(jié)構(gòu)。</p><p><b>  銷售模式</b></p>

56、<p>  電子貨幣、網(wǎng)上銀行、手機支付的出現(xiàn)使得電子圖書的銷售可以突破場所、時間、人力的限制隨時進行,而紙質(zhì)圖書是通過一級級發(fā)行網(wǎng)絡(luò)最終在書店進行銷售。購買電子圖書有一些設(shè)備、技術(shù)上的要求,而購買紙質(zhì)圖書則不存在這樣的限制,這也造成了閱讀電子圖書和閱讀紙質(zhì)圖書人群上的不同。相對而言,電子圖書的讀者更加年輕、擁有更多的計算機、網(wǎng)絡(luò)知識,網(wǎng)絡(luò)上玄幻小說類的火爆即是一個明證。</p><p><b&g

57、t;  市場空間</b></p><p>  雖然電子圖書擁有諸多的優(yōu)勢,但今天中國的電子圖書市場規(guī)模卻比傳統(tǒng)的紙質(zhì)圖書小得多,原因在以下幾個方面:一是網(wǎng)絡(luò)、信息產(chǎn)業(yè)雖然在飛速發(fā)展,但仍然不夠普及,電子圖書的用戶群體相對有限;二是讀者長久以來形成的閱讀習(xí)慣使其對紙質(zhì)圖書仍然有很大的閱讀需求;三是電子圖書成本低,售價也低,行業(yè)尚沒有統(tǒng)一的行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),扁平化的發(fā)行結(jié)構(gòu)使得電子圖書經(jīng)銷商的市場空間重疊;四是盜

58、版問題使得發(fā)行電子圖書的利潤空間遠低于發(fā)行紙質(zhì)圖書的利潤空間。</p><p>  綜觀2007年的中國圖書市場,傳統(tǒng)紙書與電子圖書交相輝映,給廣大讀者帶來了更加豐富的精神食糧。由于電子圖書和傳統(tǒng)紙書的閱讀人群有所區(qū)別,兩者的閱讀熱點有相似更有不同之處,由于最先通過電視傳播獲得了較好的大眾認(rèn)知度,從而獲得了紙質(zhì)圖書和電子圖書的雙豐收;一部源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)原創(chuàng),可以說是以電子圖書的形式起源的《明朝那些事兒》,在付諸傳統(tǒng)出版

59、后也大受讀者歡迎,前4冊的累計銷量已突破200萬冊??梢灶A(yù)計,電子圖書和紙質(zhì)圖書將在很長一段時間內(nèi)并存。</p><p>  紙質(zhì)書塞滿了書櫥,可能看不完,但看看滿櫥的書,似乎也有一種滿足感;電子書下載了幾十個G,塞滿了硬盤,刻錄到DVD-R上,但可能好多年也看不完,不但沒有滿足感,反倒產(chǎn)生了心理負擔(dān)。</p><p>  紙質(zhì)書是買來的,淘來的,拿起一本書,常常可以聯(lián)想起買書時的情景,也

60、是一趣;電子書是下載的,雖然也可以說是“淘”來的(檢視FTP服務(wù)器上的一個個目錄而找到),但總覺數(shù)字化氣味太重,有點冷冰冰的感覺。</p><p>  紙質(zhì)書占空間,但是可以在很多地方看,比如車上、廁上、枕上;電子書因為只能存在電腦里(手機,PDA和專用的電子書閱讀器除外),看的時候總要正襟危坐,不能“手執(zhí)一卷”。</p><p>  紙質(zhì)書傳輸不便,一般要通過郵寄或者去書店購買,費時費力


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