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1、<p>  本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文翻譯譯文</p><p>  學(xué)生姓名: 李英杰 </p><p>  院 (系): 機(jī)械工程學(xué)院 </p><p>  專業(yè)班級(jí): 工設(shè)0801 </p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師:

2、 岳治 </p><p>  完成日期: 2012年 3 月 日 </p><p><b>  水療中心的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)</b></p><p>  作者:M. Kubra Kaymaz</p><p>  起止頁(yè)碼:1359-1370</p><p&g

3、t;  出版日期(期刊號(hào)):2011年第4期第6卷</p><p>  出版單位: 賽爾楚克大學(xué)</p><p>  摘要:水療的快速發(fā)展允許其擁有持續(xù)的技術(shù)突破創(chuàng)新,與此同時(shí),顧客對(duì)水療的興趣也日漸增長(zhǎng)。從這個(gè)角度來(lái)講,本篇論文意在通過(guò)辨識(shí)影響水療中心內(nèi)部設(shè)計(jì)的概念性元素來(lái)描述土耳其水療中心在設(shè)計(jì)方面目前存在的問(wèn)題??紤]到水療中心的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)應(yīng)該是怎樣的,因此主題已經(jīng)被確定且室內(nèi)分析也被限

4、制?;谝韵乱蛩剡x擇樣本:為了功能的必要性而選擇設(shè)計(jì)原則,技術(shù)必要性和美學(xué)必要性以及數(shù)量和質(zhì)量?jī)r(jià)值。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵字:水療中心 水療中心的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì) 水療中心的發(fā)展 水療中心的技術(shù)必要性 水療中心的美學(xué)必要性</p><p><b>  說(shuō)明</b></p><p>  盡管很多談?wù)撍煟⊿PA)的人們并不

5、知道水療的確切含義,但是他們最近一直在談?wù)撍?。描述水療的單詞不僅有SPA,還有諸如“balneotherapy”,“springwaters”等詞匯。</p><p>  在土耳其,盡管我們打算把健康游和熱旅游聯(lián)系起來(lái),但SPA所指代的并不只是這種旅游的一個(gè)分支。</p><p>  即使“熱傳統(tǒng)”已經(jīng)是我們國(guó)家習(xí)俗的一部分,但是土耳其的SPA游并不像其他國(guó)家(比如德國(guó))那樣發(fā)達(dá)。然而,

6、我們的投資者們?cè)敢庑纬尚碌牧?xí)慣,并且愿意資助發(fā)展中的SPA中心,使其旅游接待能力達(dá)到國(guó)際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。盡管土耳其的SPA中心的發(fā)展才是最近的事,但是它意味著旅游業(yè)中的一萬(wàn)億美元的投資,也被土耳其的投資者們認(rèn)為是最具有吸引力的旅游概念之一。</p><p>  雖然土耳其正在加速發(fā)展,但是SPA旅游在其旅游業(yè)中仍然只占有很小的一部分。我們并沒有認(rèn)真考慮SPA旅游的優(yōu)勢(shì),這也許可以解釋上述現(xiàn)象。從這方面講,只要SPA游能夠提

7、高它的知名度,提供質(zhì)量?jī)?yōu)良的建筑設(shè)施以及廣泛的服務(wù),那么SPA游可以成為土耳其旅游的支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)。</p><p>  然而,由于SPA中心在土耳其并沒有實(shí)際的合法地位,因此SPA中心的發(fā)展開始超出控制。有鑒于此,對(duì)SPA中心進(jìn)行合理的分類顯得尤為必要。</p><p><b>  研究意義</b></p><p>  設(shè)計(jì)者們不得不研究和學(xué)習(xí)可以

8、影響到SPA中心獨(dú)特氛圍的各種細(xì)節(jié),如入口處、音樂設(shè)備、燈光、蠟燭的氣味、室內(nèi)裝修等。</p><p>  水療中心的概念不僅正在被許多度假勝地的酒店所運(yùn)用,而且它傾向于允許室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的快速發(fā)展和技術(shù)融合于服務(wù)的快速提高。</p><p>  本研究描述SPA設(shè)計(jì)的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展。在本文中,此研究提供一個(gè)科學(xué)的途徑去研究SPA設(shè)計(jì)這個(gè)問(wèn)題,同樣,是為了獲得一個(gè)更廣泛的讀者。</p>

9、;<p>  這個(gè)研究可以幫助設(shè)計(jì)者們對(duì)目前土耳其SPA設(shè)計(jì)所存在的問(wèn)題有一個(gè)更好地了解,同樣,它也提供對(duì)一些必要因素或元素的報(bào)道,這些因素決定著設(shè)計(jì)者們?cè)谧觯樱校猎O(shè)計(jì)時(shí)可以做的選擇和解決的相關(guān)問(wèn)題。</p><p><b>  SPA的概念</b></p><p>  現(xiàn)代的人們正處于各種持續(xù)不斷地變化之中,想要獲得來(lái)自全球的保健服務(wù):現(xiàn)代預(yù)防性健康服

10、務(wù)和主動(dòng)的健康治療。</p><p>  健康的概念不僅是指生理健康,也包括精神和社會(huì)文化方面的健康。</p><p>  健康的這個(gè)定義導(dǎo)致SPA這個(gè)概念的出現(xiàn)。SPA這個(gè)概念是指水療,自從羅馬時(shí)代就出現(xiàn)了。</p><p> ?。樱校林行目赡軙?huì)受到所有人的關(guān)注:?jiǎn)斡H家庭、中老年人、任何文化和社會(huì)背景的人。由于生活和工作的快節(jié)奏,SPA中心為人們提供了一個(gè)放松和遠(yuǎn)

11、離有損身體和精神壓力的機(jī)會(huì)。</p><p>  各種各樣的SPA提供與不同生活方式相一致的放松的機(jī)會(huì),在健康概念的發(fā)展中扮演了重要的角色。SPA中心也可以提供各種服務(wù)來(lái)滿足任何人的需要。</p><p>  在我們的國(guó)家,大多數(shù)SPA中心坐落在奢華的度假酒店或者其它奢華的商店。然而,現(xiàn)在SPA中心傾向于以“Day  SPA”的方式在發(fā)展中城市設(shè)立,以更合理的價(jià)格提供日常SPA服務(wù)。度假勝

12、地的SPA同樣提供“SPA holidays”。我們國(guó)家應(yīng)該跟隨這巨大的SPA產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展。</p><p>  決定SPA室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)的各種因素</p><p>  為了辨別影響SPA室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)的各種因素,必須考慮與SPA中心設(shè)計(jì)有關(guān)的技術(shù)和美學(xué)原則。</p><p>  4.1 詳細(xì)回顧SPA中心的活動(dòng)和使用前提</p><p>  圖形1:SPA

13、中心的一般設(shè)計(jì)計(jì)劃</p><p>  正如Tugay提到的那樣,我們可以把SPA中心分為五部分(圖形1)。在這個(gè)范圍內(nèi),每一部分都被單獨(dú)描述。另一方面,每一部分可以單獨(dú)使用。Tugay(2004),得益于獨(dú)立的通道,各個(gè)大廳和走廊可以彼此連接(表1)。</p><p>  在第一部分的經(jīng)理的辦公室必須設(shè)置在入口處所在的大廳。在第一處,為經(jīng)理辦公室和接待處建立一個(gè)直接走廊十分有必要。接待處

14、也必須設(shè)置在入口處所在的大廳。</p><p>  (圖表2.)接待處的設(shè)計(jì)必須遵循下列標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)模。接待處必須有放在桌子下面和后面的擱架,這樣客人可以找到干凈的毛巾和浴袍。進(jìn)入SPA房間之前,是在第一部分的盥洗室和更衣室??腿吮仨毻ㄟ^(guò)“狹窄區(qū)域”,也就是說(shuō),由桑拿室,蒸汽室,土耳其浴室,溫水浴間,熱水室(第二部分)和化妝區(qū)(第三部分)組成的區(qū)域。然而,有能夠通往第四和第五部分的走廊是必要的。</p>

15、<p>  圖形2.SPA中心的接待處</p><p>  土耳其浴室屬于第二部分(圖形2)。使用“土耳其浴室”這個(gè)詞語(yǔ),是為了與經(jīng)典的土耳其浴室設(shè)計(jì)一致,采用傳統(tǒng)的土耳其浴室的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)和使用傳統(tǒng)材料。由大理石制作的中間部分設(shè)置在土耳其浴室的正中間。土耳其浴室里的冷卻室的設(shè)計(jì)遵循一定的具體原則。桑拿室同樣也被用作休息室。蒸汽室必須能夠至少容納8位顧客。對(duì)現(xiàn)成的聚酯蒸氣浴的使用也許是一種很好的選擇。因?yàn)槊?/p>


17、長(zhǎng)條凳。提供人均0.75m的面積。桑拿室,蒸汽室,土耳其浴室和溫水浴室—高溫浴室的公共區(qū)域必須提供一個(gè)包含長(zhǎng)條凳的休息室。如果可能,這個(gè)休息室應(yīng)該提供可以直接通到花園的走廊。</p><p>  (圖形3.SPA中心的土耳其浴室)</p><p>  屬于第三部分的經(jīng)理辦公室是最重要的房間。由于這個(gè)房間可以帶來(lái)重要的收入和每個(gè)人可以呆足夠長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間,因此建議設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)信息室。日光浴室必須包含至

18、少一套淋浴設(shè)備。建議設(shè)置一個(gè)化妝區(qū)以提供具體的服務(wù)(比如減肥護(hù)理,化妝護(hù)理……),這個(gè)服務(wù)是基于對(duì)廣泛服務(wù)的研究,由于這樣的需求在這一領(lǐng)域相當(dāng)重要。航海療法浴室是一個(gè)包含極可意水流按摩浴缸和使用大自然的海洋物質(zhì)(比如海藻類)的系統(tǒng)。當(dāng)使用航海療法系統(tǒng),同時(shí)提供服務(wù)的時(shí)候,建議慎重選擇它。</p><p>  屬于第四部分的健康中心是最重要的部分,它被放置在的地方如同是在日光里。健康中心的墻必須被2.2米長(zhǎng)的鏡子和

19、0.9米高的鉻制扶手所包圍。動(dòng)感單車是一項(xiàng)結(jié)合自行車和體育運(yùn)動(dòng)的運(yùn)動(dòng)。建議提供至少6輛自行車(最好是12輛),一輛供教練使用,其余的供顧客使用。教練的自行車必須放置在比平臺(tái)高20cm的地方。用來(lái)進(jìn)行有氧運(yùn)動(dòng)的房間坐落在可以提供全年服務(wù)的地方??辗康?平方米必須用來(lái)供客人使用。冥思室必須被復(fù)合地板或者油地毯之類的東西覆蓋。泡沫毯必須供客人用來(lái)鍛煉。</p><p>  第五部分是用來(lái)作為室內(nèi)游泳池使用。泳池的人均使

20、用空間是2平方米,泳池平臺(tái)的人均使用面積是2.5平方米。建議提供一個(gè)具體的窗戶系統(tǒng),以便在夏天可以提供直接的通道去花園。室內(nèi)游泳池周圍必須設(shè)置玻璃窗戶,盡可能設(shè)置玻璃窗戶以更好的獲取日光。如果室內(nèi)游泳池不能夠提供通往花園的直接走廊,建議在泳池的平臺(tái)邊上種植一些植物。</p><p>  4.2 回顧SPA中心的技術(shù)要求</p><p>  當(dāng)我們?cè)赟PA中心承辦團(tuán)體客人的活動(dòng)時(shí),主要目標(biāo)是

21、為客人營(yíng)造一種氣氛,而這種氣氛可以為客人提供健康和幸福的感覺。為了組織各種可以形成放松和幸福氣氛的條件,各種技術(shù)必須可以獲得。</p><p>  這些條件和提供的服務(wù)質(zhì)量有關(guān):持續(xù)不斷地?zé)崴退熡嘘P(guān),臟水的排除系統(tǒng),問(wèn)題的解決和空氣質(zhì)量有關(guān),不同泳池溫度的控制,每個(gè)房間的燈光控制……</p><p>  SPA中心使用的設(shè)備和水療的質(zhì)量有關(guān):淋浴設(shè)備,休息室和供處理個(gè)人衛(wèi)生的污水池,將


23、。日光在必要的時(shí)候可以用人造燈光替代。</p><p>  考慮到SPA中心的光照,為了確保最好的視覺條件,根據(jù)必須的光照原則和房間設(shè)置,必須考慮不同房間的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)。決定光照強(qiáng)度的因素有:天花板、地板、墻壁和掛在窗戶的窗簾。這些因素對(duì)房間內(nèi)部的光照有很大的影響。這就是為什么天花板被刷成白色,墻壁被刷成日光的顏色,就像窗簾允許最大限度的日光進(jìn)入房間。很多活動(dòng)同時(shí)在SPA中心的不同房間進(jìn)行。為了客人們能夠享受到不同的

24、最好服務(wù),設(shè)置在設(shè)備和SPA中心的各種元素必須位置合理并且擁有最夠的光照。根據(jù)設(shè)計(jì)原則和與SPA中心相一致的氣氛來(lái)選擇燈光設(shè)備,以確??腿耸褂脽艄庠O(shè)備的時(shí)候,燈光設(shè)備處于良好的狀況。</p><p>  主要的入口處,也就是說(shuō)是第一部分的營(yíng)業(yè)場(chǎng)所,第四部分和第五部分的營(yíng)業(yè)場(chǎng)所必須服從于總的光照系統(tǒng)。在主要入口處所在的位置,必須處于非直射光照中,以便于營(yíng)造一種溫暖的氣氛。在維他命吧,大的光照設(shè)備必須放在天花板上,以

25、便使客人能夠看到冰箱。局部的光用于接待處,用于維他命吧、休息室、信息室的櫥柜、個(gè)人衛(wèi)生室、放置在SPA中心的浴室的鏡子。</p><p>  4.3回顧所必須的美學(xué)原則</p><p>  所考慮的各種美學(xué)原則在SPA中心的設(shè)計(jì)中具有十分重要的意義。顏色、外貌、結(jié)構(gòu)和材料等設(shè)計(jì)元素為了獲得一個(gè)最后的和諧的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì),這些元素必須被慎重考慮。根據(jù)Bayaz?t,,Aksoylu , Ç


27、;p>  由于在一個(gè)房間中使用太多不同的顏色會(huì)產(chǎn)生反作用,并且使人產(chǎn)生困惑,因此千萬(wàn)不可忽視顏色選擇這個(gè)問(wèn)題。如果房間坐落在北方,建議選擇明快的顏色,以便在房間中營(yíng)造一種溫暖的氣氛。由于房間坐落在南方,使用冷色調(diào)是必要的,以便在房間中營(yíng)造在一種令人神清氣爽的感覺。</p><p>  色調(diào)在室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)中確實(shí)是最重要的元素。感覺是一種審美原則確定室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)的概念的房間。</p><p> 

28、 同其它元素如色調(diào)、外形和紋理一樣,必須考慮所使用的材料。在SPA中心的室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)中,堅(jiān)持材料和紋理的多樣性和特殊性是必要的。用于地板和地毯的陶瓷、用于天花板和墻壁的裝飾、墻紙?zhí)罩圃?、用于設(shè)備的木制元素和紋理決定多樣性的材料和紋理......為了在房間的社內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)中營(yíng)造這種和諧,必須全盤考慮外形、材料、紋理和色調(diào)。</p><p>  為了區(qū)分每個(gè)房間的具體功能,在設(shè)計(jì)之初根據(jù)每個(gè)房間的具體功能選擇具體的材料:用于

29、地板、天花板、墻壁、家具和其它設(shè)備。</p><p>  SPA中心所使用的所有材料必須能夠承受住客人的使用??紤]到設(shè)備的保養(yǎng),所使用的材料必須容易清潔、耐臟。此外,可以保證達(dá)到一定的衛(wèi)生條件。由于油漆持久、容易清潔而且容易維修,因此強(qiáng)烈建議使用油漆粉刷墻壁。墻紙、墻的紋理和墻上的覆蓋物使用塑料的時(shí)候,其利弊各占一半。塑料耐用且容易清潔,與此同時(shí),考慮到美學(xué)方面的原則,塑料可以在房間內(nèi)營(yíng)造一種視覺上的和諧??紤]到

30、SPA中心的第二部分,建議選擇使用容易清洗和耐用的陶制元素。</p><p><b> ?。担Y(jié)論</b></p><p>  在這篇論文中我們分析了土耳其SPA中心目前存在的問(wèn)題。我們已經(jīng)知道,在我們國(guó)家SPA這個(gè)概念被人們了解之前,被稱作“保溫的礦物質(zhì)水”的水已經(jīng)被用作相似的目的。</p><p>  即使土耳其正在經(jīng)歷一個(gè)加速發(fā)展,SPA

31、在其旅游需求中依然只占有很少的一部分。也許這樣的事實(shí)可以解釋這個(gè)現(xiàn)象:我們國(guó)家認(rèn)為SPA的利潤(rùn)不夠大。從這個(gè)角度講,只要SPA獲得最夠的消費(fèi)者認(rèn)知,并且提供高質(zhì)量的設(shè)備和廣泛的服務(wù),那么SPA將會(huì)在土耳其旅游業(yè)中占有大部分。</p><p>  然而,由于SPA中心在土耳其沒有合法的地位,它的發(fā)展傾向于失去控制。對(duì)于這個(gè)現(xiàn)象,解決的辦法是對(duì)SPA中心以法律為基礎(chǔ)進(jìn)行分類。</p><p>

32、  考慮到法律標(biāo)準(zhǔn),發(fā)展而無(wú)法控制的SPA中心可以提高而且遵循下列標(biāo)準(zhǔn),可以通過(guò)制定策略來(lái)提高和修改以前建造的SPA中心。從這個(gè)意義上講,我們可以提出一些建議:</p><p>  連接SPA中心不同房間的大廳和走廊應(yīng)該遵循具體的標(biāo)準(zhǔn):為了客人舒適的使用。</p><p> ?。樱校林行谋仨殰?zhǔn)備一些必備條件以維護(hù)客人生理和心理的穩(wěn)定,</p><p>  SPA中心

33、的設(shè)計(jì)必須保護(hù)客人的隱私。</p><p>  SPA中心的設(shè)計(jì)必須考慮氣氛和環(huán)境以及文化形態(tài),其他某些變量,如:建筑設(shè)計(jì)、音樂和一些其它具體細(xì)節(jié)。</p><p>  水療中心提供一定的舒適標(biāo)準(zhǔn)必須給用戶:熱水、干凈的環(huán)境、空氣條件和通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)必須隨時(shí)待命。</p><p>  SPA中心必須提供足夠而且便利的光照供客人在最好的條件下享受他們的活動(dòng)。</p&g

34、t;<p>  為了營(yíng)造一種健康的氛圍,SPA中心的建筑設(shè)計(jì)必須提供便利的設(shè)備和設(shè)計(jì)元素,這些元素根據(jù)每個(gè)房間的功能,確保整體的和諧性,考慮各個(gè)房間的家具設(shè)計(jì)來(lái)選取。</p><p>  SPA中心的色調(diào)不能損害各個(gè)房間的和諧性和整體性。</p><p>  SPA中心使用的各種材料和裝飾必須與每個(gè)房間的功能和氛圍相匹配。</p><p>  SPA中

35、心的概念、所提供的服務(wù)、客人的數(shù)量和類型以及需求,這些重要因素都是相互關(guān)聯(lián)于室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)。</p><p>  上述所列的各種因素也許有助于阻止某些設(shè)施的發(fā)展,而這些設(shè)施中心沒有考慮建立SPA中心必須遵循的一些先決條件,直到采取法律措施去控制這些問(wèn)題。設(shè)計(jì)者們?cè)谶@方面起著重要的作用。</p><p>  INDOOR LAYOUTS OF SPA CENTRES</p><

36、p>  M. Kubra Kaymaz</p><p><b>  1359-1370</b></p><p>  2011, Volume: 6, Number: 4</p><p>  e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy</p><p><b>  ABST

37、RACT</b></p><p>  The growing interest of customers for SPA sector as well as its fast development permitted to bring constant innovations in this field. In that sense, this study aims at describing th

38、e current situation of SPA design in Turkey, by identifying the conceptual elements that influenced the design of SPA Centers’ interior. Topic titles regarding the fact that how indoor layouts of SPA centres must be, wer

39、e determined and indoor analyses were conducted. The subject in the examples selected within that</p><p>  Keywords: SPA Centers, Interior Design of SPA Centers,</p><p>  The Development of SPA

40、Centers,</p><p>  Technical Requisites of SPA Centers,</p><p>  Esthetic Requisites of SPA Centers</p><p>  INTRODUCTION</p><p>  People have been talking a lot about S

41、PA lately, although manyof them do not really seem to know the true meaning of this word. Theterm “SPA”, which is associated with “water treatment”, can also be designated by other terms such as “balneotherapy”, “springw

42、aters”...</p><p>  Athough in Turkey, we tend to associate health (and wellness) tourism with thermal tourism, SPA refers to a more specific branch of this same kind of tourism. Even if “thermal tradition” i

43、s being part of our country’s customs, SPA resorts in Turkey is not as developed as it can be in Germany for instance. However, our investors are willing to create new habits and improve the touristic potential of the co

44、untry developing SPA Centers according to international standards. SPA Centers, which repres</p><p>  Even if Turkey is experiencing an accelerated development, SPA sector still represents a minor part of th

45、e demand in the country’s touristic activity. This can be explained by the fact that the sector’s advantages are not considered enough in our country. In that sense, SPA centers will grow in importance as a touristic alt

46、ernative in Turkey’ as long as this sector will improve the number of acknowledged consumers, and provide a good quality of built equipment and widening services</p><p>  However, since SPA Centers have no r

47、eal legal status in Turkey, this sector tends to grow without control. For this reason, a classification of SPA centers on a legal basis is required .</p><p>  RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE </p><p>  Th

48、e designers have to consider and study every detail which is to create the unique atmosphere of a SPA Center: the entrance, the music equipment, the lighting, nice smelling candles, the decoration...</p><p>

49、  The concept of SPA Centers, which is now developing quickly and spreading in many Resort Hostel Complexes, tends to allow the increasing development of specific layout standards and techniques onverging to a constant i

50、mprovement of the services.</p><p>  This study represents a step further in the development of SPA design. In this context, this study helps to provide a scientific approach of the issue, as well as spreadi

51、ng it in order to conquer a wider audience.</p><p>  This study also allows designers to have a better knowledge of the SPA design’s current situation in Turkey, as well as it provides a report of the essent

52、ial factors/elements, which determine the way designers make choices and solve problems related to SPA design.</p><p>  3. THE SPA CONCEPT </p><p>  Modern human being, evolving under continuous

53、 changes, wants to reach health services that globalization has to offer: modern preventive health care and active health treatments.</p><p>  The concept of well being health does not only respond to physio

54、logical needs, but also concerns spiritual and socio-cultural aspects.</p><p>  This evolving health paradigm permitted the emergence of the SPA concept. SPA concept, is the name of the water therapies used

55、since the roman period until today.</p><p>  SPA Centers are likely to reach everyone’s concern: marriedsingle-families, young-old people, no matter their cultural and social background. The accelerated rate

56、 due to today’s working and living conditions, SPA Centers provide the opportunity to relax and spend time away from the stress that damages body and soul.</p><p>  The variety of SPA offers corresponding to

57、 various different life styles and opportunities, plays an important role in the development of the concept of wellness and well-being, SPA Centers being able to provide services matching to everyone’s needs .</p>

58、<p>  In our country, most SPA Centers are located in luxury resort hotels and other luxury shops. However, SPA Centers tend to open in developing cities as “Day SPA”, providing daily SPA services, at more reasonab

59、le prices. SPA resorts also provide “SPA holidays”. Our country should follow with great interest the evolution of SPA Industry .</p><p>  4. THE FACTORS THAT DETERMINE THE INTERIOR DESIGN OF SPA</p>

60、<p>  In order to identify the elements that determine the interior design of SPA Centers, it seems relevant to evoke the technical and esthetical criteria that SPA Centers have to consider</p><p>  4.1

61、. Detailed Review of SPA Centers’ Activities and Premisses</p><p><b>  for Users</b></p><p>  Figure 1. Scheme of SPA centers’ general layout</p><p>  As Tugay mentioned

62、, we can divide SPA Centers into 5 groups (Figure 1). With this approach, each group is detailed separately ?3?. On the other hand, each group can be used independently from one another. Tugay (2004), thanks to independa

63、nt pathways. The halls and corridors can be therefore connected to one another</p><p>  The Manager’s office, belonging to the 1.Group, has to be located on the entrance hall. In the first place, it is neces

64、sary to establish a direct connexion between the Manager’s office and Reception Desk. Reception desk has to be located on the entrance hall (Figure 2). Reception desk must be design following standard dimensions. There m

65、ust be shelves placed under the Reception desk and behind, where the users can find clean towels and waistclothes. Before</p><p>  getting to facilities, shower room and changing room (1.group), users must p

66、ass through “naked area”, which is to say, the part composed of the Sauna, the Steam room, the Turkish Baths, the tepidarium and the calidarium (2.Group), and the Beauty Center (3.Group). However, it is important to be a

67、ble to reach 4. And 5. Group premisses through independant pathways.</p><p>  Figure 2. Reception desk in a SPA center</p><p>  Turkish Baths belong to the 2.Group premisses (Figure 3). The use

68、of “Turkish baths” term, corresponds to the classic design of Turkish bath, following the layout of the traditionnal turkish baths and using the traditionnally used materials. A central piece made outof marble is placed

69、at the very heart of the Turkish bath ?13?. The cold room of the Turkish baths are designed in specific dimensions, the Saunas can also be used as relaxation rooms. The Steam room’s must contain at least 8 users. T</p

70、><p>  might represent an interesting option. The use of high pressure showers rather than under water showers is recommended in the saunas, for obvious sanitary reasons. The “Tepidarium-Caldarium”, which is an

71、 original care based on the principle of having one foot in a cold tub and the other in a hot tub, can be placed on a corner of the naked area. Ideally located in a niche and composed of six tubs, this room must contain

72、minimum 3 users. In order to create an atmosphere of well-being, the room is </p><p>  of the occupants of this room, providing a SPAce of 0.75 m per person. The common areas of the Sauna, the Steam room, th

73、e Turkish baths, and the tepidarium-caldarium must be designed so as to provide are laxation room containing long-chairs at the users’ disposal. The room should, if possible, provide direct access to the garden.</p>

74、;<p>  Figure 3. Turkish baths in a SPA center</p><p>  The massage room, belonging to the 3.Group premisses, is the most important room. Since this room is likely to bring important incomes and the t

75、ime spent per person being particularly long, it is recommended to design at least to massage rooms ?3?. The Solarium room must contain at least one shower. It is recommended to set a Beauty Center providing specific car

76、es (such as weight loss cares, beauty/ esthetic cares, thalatermy...) based upon studies aiming at offering wider services, since the de</p><p>  The Fitness Center, belonging to the 4.Group premisses, is th

77、e most important of the group. It must be disposed in a way as to be exposed to daylight. The Fitness Center’s walls must be covered by 2.20 m-long mirrors and 0,90 m-high chromium handrail. Spinning is a sport combining

78、 bicycle and gymnastics exercises. It is recommended to provide at least 6 bicycles –ideally 12 – at the disposal of the users and one bicycle for the training instructor. The training instructor’s bicycle must be place&

79、lt;/p><p>  laminate floor, lynoleum or any other material of this type. Foam carpets must be put at the user’s disposal for the exercises</p><p>  he 5.Group premisses is the group designating ind

80、oor swimmingpools. These premisses must provide 2m2 SPAce per user in the swimmingpool and 2,5m2 per user on the platform surrounding it ?3?. It is recommended to provided an specific window system, so as to provide dire

81、ct access to the garden in summer . Indoor swimming-pool must have glass windows on the sides, a glass-ceiling is recommended if possible so as to benefit from a better exposure to day-light. If the indoor swimming-pool

82、does not pr</p><p>  Review of SPA Centers’ Technical Requisites</p><p>  When we proceed to the organisation of the user’s activities in the SPA Center, the main goal is to create a specific at

83、mosphere so as to provide a sensation of wellness and well-being to the users ?4?. Technical requisites need to be achieved in order to gather all the conditions which will create the perfect atmosphere for relaxation a

84、nd well-being.</p><p>  These conditions are related to the quality of the services provided: constant hot water in the premisses related to to water treatment and bath, evacuation system for dirty waters, r

85、esolution of problems related to air conditionning, control of the temperature of the different pools, the control of the proper lighting for each room...</p><p>  SPA centers’ equipements used in premisses

86、related to water treatment: showers, restrooms and sinks used in areas dedicated to personal hygien, will have to be resistent to misuse, eco-friendly, in good state, easy to use and to fix, respecting the safety norms,

87、and there must always be SPAre components to fix rapidly the equipement (sinks, batteries, piping...)in case of damage. The airconditionning, the ventilation system, the right temperature of the pools, and constant hot w

88、ater are essentia</p><p>  Concerning the lighting in SPA Centers, in order to ensure the best visual conditions, it is necessary to consider the layout of the different rooms according to essential lighting

89、 principles and the building’s design. The elements which determine the intensity of the lighting are: the ceiling, the flooring, the walls and the curtains disposed on the windows. Those elements have a great effect on

90、the innner surface of the room. That is why the ceiling must be painted white, the walls painted in </p><p>  The main entrance, that is to say the 1.Group premisses, the 4. Group premisses and the 5.Group p

91、remisses must be submitted to general lighting system. In the location of the main entrance, it is necessary to dispose undirect lighting, in order to create a warm. In the Vitamin bar, large spot lights must be dispose

92、d on the ceiling, so as to expose the fridges. Local lighting is to be used for the Reception desk, the area of the Vitamin bar, the relaxation rooms and cupboards belonging to massag</p><p>  4.3. Review of

93、 Requisites Concerning Esthetic and Beauty Services of SPA Centers</p><p>  The requisites concerning beauty ant esthetic cares offered in SPA Centers represent a question of great importance in terms of des

94、ign. The colour, aspect, texture and material are design elements which need to be conceived and considered altogether in order to obtain a certain harmony in the final result of the rooms’ esthetical aspect ?7?. Accordi

95、ng to Bayaz?t, Aksoylu, Ç?rac?, Dener (1987), the design elements and the layout are essential since they must respond to the user’s, physiological a</p><p>  importance to his image. Therefore, the env

96、ironment of the user will have a significant effect on his emotional state . In the conception of the interior design of the rooms, it is necessary to distinguish the function of the different components of the design. A

97、 structure is composed of various elements, each of them having its own function. These different functions are distinguished from one another by different colours. Most of the time, this difference becomes obvious using

98、 materials of nat</p><p>  It is important not to neglect this question since using to many different colours in a same room can have undesired effect and createconfusion . It is recommended to use light and

99、 bright colours, creating a warm atmosphere effect in the rooms orientated northwards. As for room located southwards, it is necessary to use cold and darker colours, in order to bring some sort of refresshing effect to

100、the room .</p><p>  The colour is indeed one of the most important elements in interior design. The feel is one of the esthetical principles which determines the conception of the interior design of the room

101、</p><p>  It is necessery to consider the materials that are to be used, together with other design elements such as colours, shapes and textures. It is necessary to insist on the variety and particularity o

102、f the materials and textures used in the interior design of the SPA Center’s rooms. Ceramic for the flooring, carpets, the paint used for the ceiling and the walls, the wall paper, earthenware elements, wooden elements u


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