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1、<p>  Computer Control Technology</p><p>  A :The Application of Computer</p><p>  Computer take over the job s which used to be exclusive for humans with special skill and knowledge, for e

2、xample, controlling productive process, manipulating machines, inspecting products quality, managing production plans, administering inventory, etc., all on an automatic scale with high efficiency and accuracy. In NC(Num

3、erical control) systems, PID control systems, servo control systems, group control systems, optimal control and adaptive control systems, computer as a central control unit t</p><p>  Virtually computer simu

4、lation is based on mathematical models representing the nature of the object under study or examination. The mathematical model comprises a series of equations that depict the inherent process of the object in mathematic

5、al terms. A computer simulation program includes algorithms that are derived from those equations. Many computer simulation system have been developed and proved to be cost-effective, because using computer simulation pr

6、ograms, engineers can accomplish iter</p><p>  The controller in a robot is mostly a computer –from microprocessors to minicomputers. NC (Numeric Control) and SC( Servo Control) are widely used. They are re-

7、programmable to produce sequences of instructions for all movements and actions to be taken by the robot, in accordance with the program. For example, a controller sends a series of pulses to a step motor in a joint of a

8、 robot arm to rotate it a certain angle exactly as program requires. When all joints driven in the same way, the robot a</p><p>  CAD is software that can help engineering in their designs for new products b

9、uilding, print circuit boards, civil works like bridge and airports, relieving them from the tedious, back=breaking and time consuming jobs like drafting and drawing. When embarking on their designs, engineers frequently

10、 make reference into various manuals listed in which are details of structure, parts, materials and auxiliary materials ready for designs’ choice for their designs. CAD products incorporate the content o</p><p

11、>  CAM is a software helping engineers to analyze a product or a project, and give advice for manufacturing it or constructing it. Data, diagrams, tables, etc. showing its shape, dimension, structure, fabrication and

12、the material is made from are input as the software requires. Then it will give out suggestions about its manufacturing, for instance, machine procedure, machine tools and facilities to be used, technical parameters like

13、 allowance for finish, machining accuracy, as well as special proc</p><p>  Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subdivision of computer science. Its purpose is to develop theory and method to create “intellige

14、nt” computer programs that work in a human-like way, rather than subjecting human user to the stereotyped computer-dominated working style. In a sense of analogy, human intelligence is added to computer programs which th

15、en exhibit more extensive ability, for example, thinking and reasoning, acquiring knowledge and applying it to solving more complex and difficult pro</p><p>  Expert systems are the most successful example o

16、f AI. An expert system oriented to a specific profession works like a human expert of that field and provides advice to solving the problem proposed by the user. Expertise is derived and organized in its knowledge base r

17、eady for the user to retrieve. Today, many expert system have been commercially available and, and more are under development.</p><p>  B:Computer Structure and Function</p><p>  The CPU reads a

18、nd interprets the instructions, reads the data required by each instruction, executes the action required by the instruction, and stores the results back in memory. One of the action that is required of the CPU is to rea

19、d data from or write data to an external device. This is carried out using the input/output system.</p><p>  The memory of computer consists of a set of sequentially numbered locations. Each location is a re

20、gister in which binary information can be stored. The ‘number’ of location is called its address. The lowest address is 0. The manufacturer defines a word length for the processor that is an integral number of locations

21、long. In each word the bits can represent either data or instructions. For the Intel 8086/87 and Motorala MC68000 microprocessors, a word is 16 bits long, but each memory location ha</p><p>  In order to use

22、 the contents of memory, the processor must fetch the contents of the right location. To carry out a fetch, the processor place (enables) the binary-coded address of the desired location onto the address line of the exte

23、rnal processor bus. The memory then allows the contents of the addressed memory location to be read by the processor. The process of fetching the contents of a memory location does not alter the contents of that location

24、.</p><p>  In a real instruction set there are many more instructions. There is also a much larger number of memory locations in which to store instructions and data. In order to increase the number of memor

25、y locations, the address fields and hence the instructions must be longer than 16 bits if we use the same approach. There are a number of way to increase the addressing range of the microprocessor without increasing the

26、instruction length: variable instruction field, multiword instructions, multiple add</p><p>  The bus is the most important communication system in a computer system. Under control of the CPU, a data source

27、device and data destination device are “enabled” onto (equivalent to being connected to ) the bus wires for a short transmission. The internal processor bus described in Sec.XX is connected to the external processor bus

28、by a set of bus buffers located on the microprocessor integrated circuit.</p><p>  C: Fundamentals of Computer and Networks</p><p>  The operating system must ensure correct operation of the com

29、puter system. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode. Various instructions( such as I/O instructions a

30、nd halt instruction) are privileged and can only be executed in monitor mode. The memory in which the monitor resides must also be protected from modification by the user. A timer prevents infinite loops. Once these cha&

31、lt;/p><p>  Although the physical separation of the communicating computers may vary considerably from one type of application to another, or, at the heart of any computer, the communication network is the data

32、 communication facility which may be a PSDN, a private LAN, or perhaps a number of such networks interconnected together. However, irrespective of the type of data communication facility, an amount of hardware and softwa

33、re is required within each attached computer to handle the appropriate network-dep</p><p>  D: Interface to External Signals and Devices</p><p>  Autonomous external devices and signals having n

34、o bus-compatible signals and no temporal relationship with the system bus signal cannot be connected to the system bus directly. Communication with the system bus is accomplished via an input/output interface. The main p

35、urpose of an input/output interface are converting the transfer of data between the processor and independent outside devices, and converting data between a modality recognized by the processor. Other functions of interf

36、ace may be t</p><p>  E: Fundamentals of Single-Chip Microcomputers</p><p>  ROM is usually for the permanent, non-volatile storage of an applications program. Many microcomputers and microcont

37、rollers are intended for high-volume applications and hence the economical manufacture of the device requires that the contents of the program memory be committed permanently during the manufacture of the chips. Clearly,

38、 this implies a rigorous approach to ROM code development since changes cannot be made after manufacture. This development process may involve emulation using a sop</p><p>  Some manufacturers provide additi

39、onal ROM options by including in their range devices with (or intended for use with ) user programmable memory. The simplest of these is usually a device which can operate in a microprocessor mode by using some of the in

40、put/output lines as an address and data bus for accessing external memory. This type of device can behave functionally as the single-chip microcomputer from which it is derived albeit with restricted I/O and modified ext

41、ernal circuit. The use of t</p><p>  Serial communication with terminal devices is a common means of providing a link using a small number of lines. This sort of communication can also be exploited for inter

42、facing special function chips or linking several microcomputers together. Both the common asynchronous and synchronous communication schemes require protocols that provide framing (start and stop) information. This can b

43、e implemented as a hardware facility or UART relieving processor(and applications programmer) of this low-leve</p><p><b>  計(jì)算機(jī)控制技術(shù)</b></p><p><b>  A :計(jì)算機(jī)的應(yīng)用</b></p>

44、<p>  計(jì)算機(jī)取代了過去是需要人的特殊技巧和知識的工作。例如,控制生產(chǎn)過程、操縱機(jī)器、檢查產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃管理和庫存管理等等,一切都是自動的且效率和精度都很高。在數(shù)控系統(tǒng)、PID控制系統(tǒng)、伺服系統(tǒng)、群控系統(tǒng)、最優(yōu)和自適應(yīng)控制系統(tǒng)中,計(jì)算機(jī)都是作為一個中心控制單元,進(jìn)行與過程自動控制有關(guān)的各種運(yùn)算并對系統(tǒng)中的其他單元進(jìn)行調(diào)度。CIMS(計(jì)算機(jī)集成制造系統(tǒng))不僅包含生產(chǎn)控制系統(tǒng)而且還包含了生產(chǎn)規(guī)劃和管理系統(tǒng),其目標(biāo)是集成

45、工廠自動化(FA)和辦公自動化(OA)并為整個公司構(gòu)成一個計(jì)算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)。HIMS(人集成制造系統(tǒng))是計(jì)算機(jī)控制的一種高層形式。虛擬現(xiàn)實(shí)技術(shù)通過使用高性能計(jì)算機(jī)以及特殊的軟件來為操作員創(chuàng)立一個虛擬的空間。</p><p>  虛擬的計(jì)算機(jī)仿真是建立在能夠代表要研究或檢查的對象的數(shù)學(xué)模型之上的。該數(shù)學(xué)模型包含了一組描述了對象內(nèi)在過程的數(shù)學(xué)方程。一個計(jì)算機(jī)仿真程序包含了從以上方程推導(dǎo)出來的算法。許多的計(jì)算機(jī)仿真系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)開

46、發(fā)出來并且證明是性能價格比高的。之所以這樣,是因?yàn)橥ㄟ^使用計(jì)算機(jī)仿真,工程師們可以反復(fù)地運(yùn)行過程,每次輸入不同的策略和參數(shù)(進(jìn)入計(jì)算機(jī)模型)而無須構(gòu)造真實(shí)的模型。</p><p>  機(jī)器人中的控制器大多數(shù)情況下都是計(jì)算機(jī),從微處理器到小型計(jì)算機(jī)。數(shù)字控制與伺服控制被廣泛使用。他們都可以重復(fù)編程,以產(chǎn)生一系列的指令用于機(jī)器人的動作與行為。例如。控制器將系列脈沖送到機(jī)器人手臂關(guān)節(jié)的步進(jìn)電機(jī)使其轉(zhuǎn)動如程序所要求的角度

47、。當(dāng)所有的關(guān)節(jié)都用該方法驅(qū)動,機(jī)器人就可以達(dá)到所希望的位置和姿勢。且終端執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)就如控制器所指示的那樣工作。動作的精度由控制器來決定。</p><p>  CAD是這樣的軟件,可以幫助工程師設(shè)計(jì)新產(chǎn)品、建筑、印刷線路板、橋梁和機(jī)場等土木工程;使他們從繪圖等繁瑣、累人和費(fèi)時的工作中解脫出來。當(dāng)工程師們著手設(shè)計(jì)時,他們要參考很多的有關(guān)結(jié)構(gòu)、零件、材料和輔助材料的手冊以作為他們設(shè)計(jì)的選擇。CAD產(chǎn)品將以上內(nèi)容的手冊放在

48、一系列的軟件庫中,因此可以給工程師提供各種信息,例如,元件、部件、工具和材料的名稱、尺寸、功能、性能、規(guī)格、形狀、顏色、制造商、價格等,所有這些都是工程設(shè)計(jì)所必須的。</p><p>  CAM是工程師們用于分析產(chǎn)品和項(xiàng)目的軟件,它能給出制造或者構(gòu)造產(chǎn)品或者項(xiàng)目的建議。表示產(chǎn)品形狀、尺寸、結(jié)構(gòu)、組成和制造材料的數(shù)據(jù)、圖形和表格等將按軟件的需求輸入。接著,CAM軟件將給出加工的建議,例如,加工程序、加工所用的工具與

49、設(shè)備、技術(shù)參數(shù)(如,公差、加工精度)以及特殊處理過程等。</p><p>  人工智能(AI)是計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)的一個分支。其目的是提出一定的理論和方法以創(chuàng)建“智能”計(jì)算機(jī)程序,這些計(jì)算機(jī)程序象人一樣工作,而不是使使用者囹于呆板的計(jì)算機(jī)為中心的工作方式。從模擬的意義上來說,將人類智能加在計(jì)算機(jī)程序中使其具有更廣泛的能力,例如,思考、推理和獲取知識,并將其用于解決目前計(jì)算機(jī)所不能解決的更復(fù)雜、更困難的問題。</p&

50、gt;<p>  專家系統(tǒng)是人工智能領(lǐng)域最為成功的例子。一個專家系統(tǒng)面向人類專家的特殊的專門工作并能提出建議以解決用戶給出的問題。專門的知識組織在知識庫中供用戶檢索。當(dāng)今,已經(jīng)有許多的商業(yè)專家系統(tǒng)且還有許多正在開發(fā)。</p><p>  B:計(jì)算機(jī)構(gòu)造及功能</p><p>  CPU 讀取并解釋指令,讀取每一條指令所需的數(shù)據(jù),執(zhí)行指令所需的動作并將結(jié)果存儲回內(nèi)存。CPU所必

51、需的一個動作就是從外設(shè)讀寫數(shù)據(jù)。該動作由輸入/輸出系統(tǒng)來完成。</p><p>  計(jì)算機(jī)的內(nèi)存由一組連續(xù)編號的單元構(gòu)成。每一個單元都是一個存儲二進(jìn)制信息的寄存器。單元的編號稱為其地址。最低的地址為0。制造商為處理器定義了字長,字長為單元長度的整數(shù)倍。每一個字中的位,既可以表示數(shù)據(jù)也可以表示指令。對于Intel 8086/87或者M(jìn)otorala MC68000微處理器,一個字的長度為16位,但是每一個內(nèi)存單元只

52、有8位,因此, 為了得到一個字的數(shù)據(jù)必須訪問兩個8位的單元。</p><p>  為了使用內(nèi)存的內(nèi)容,處理器必須讀取正確的存儲單元的內(nèi)容。為了完成一個取數(shù)操作,處理器將所需的單元的二進(jìn)制編碼的地址放(使能)在外部處理器的地址線上。接著,內(nèi)存就允許處理器讀取所給地址內(nèi)存單元中的內(nèi)容。取數(shù)操作不會影響存儲單元中的內(nèi)容。</p><p>  在實(shí)際的指令集中往往有更多的指令。也有更多數(shù)量的存儲指

53、令和數(shù)據(jù)的內(nèi)存單元。如果我們使用原來的方法,為了增加內(nèi)存的容量,地址段以及指令必須比16位更長。有各種方法在不增加指令長度的前提下增大微處理器的尋址范圍。例如:變指令段、多字指令、多尋址方式、變指令長度等。我們對此不作詳細(xì)討論。</p><p>  總線是計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)中最重要的通信系統(tǒng)。CPU的控制下,數(shù)據(jù)源器件和數(shù)據(jù)目的地器件被“使能”(等價于將其連接)至總線用于短暫的傳輸。XX節(jié)所描述的內(nèi)部總線通過一組位于微處

54、理器集成電路內(nèi)的總線緩沖器與外部總線連接。</p><p>  C: 計(jì)算機(jī)的原理及網(wǎng)絡(luò)</p><p>  操作系統(tǒng)必須能夠確保計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)的正確運(yùn)行。為了防止用戶程序干擾系統(tǒng)的正確運(yùn)行,將硬件修改為兩個模式:用戶模式和監(jiān)控模式。許多的指令(如I/O指令,停止指令)為特許指令且僅僅能夠在監(jiān)控模式下運(yùn)行。監(jiān)控程序所在的內(nèi)存也必須保護(hù)起來以防用戶修改。定時器可以防止死循環(huán)。一旦對一個基本的計(jì)算

55、機(jī)體系結(jié)構(gòu)完成了以上修改(雙模式、特許指令、內(nèi)存保護(hù)、定時器中斷),就有可能寫出正確的操作系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  雖然,通信計(jì)算機(jī)在無論是在應(yīng)用上或者是在計(jì)算機(jī)的核心部件上都存在很大的物理差別,通信網(wǎng)絡(luò)在本質(zhì)上就是一個數(shù)據(jù)通信設(shè)備,可能是一個PSDN、一個自有的局域網(wǎng)以及這些網(wǎng)絡(luò)的互連。然而,即使不考慮數(shù)據(jù)通信設(shè)備的類型,每一臺計(jì)算都需要一定的硬件和軟件以處理相應(yīng)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)協(xié)議。這些協(xié)議要考慮建立訪問網(wǎng)絡(luò)的通信通

56、道以及控制信息流。提供這些設(shè)備僅僅是網(wǎng)絡(luò)需求的一個部分;許多的通信計(jì)算機(jī)有著不同的應(yīng)用程序類型。即他們使用不同的編程語言;更為重要的是用戶程序之間使用不同的數(shù)據(jù)表示接口;而且基礎(chǔ)的通信服務(wù)也是不同的。例如有的計(jì)算機(jī)可能只是單臺計(jì)算機(jī)而另一些則是大型多用戶系統(tǒng)。</p><p>  D: 外界信號及設(shè)備</p><p>  自治的外部設(shè)備和信號由于沒有與總線兼容的信號也沒有與系統(tǒng)總線信號的暫

57、時關(guān)系(注:實(shí)際上是指沒有暫存器)就無法與系統(tǒng)總線直接相連。與系統(tǒng)總線的通信是由輸入輸出接口來完成的。輸入輸出接口的主要目的是將數(shù)據(jù)在處理器與獨(dú)立的外部設(shè)備之間轉(zhuǎn)換并將數(shù)據(jù)按為處理器能識別的方式進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換。接口的其他功能包括:電氣絕緣、信號放大、噪聲去除、數(shù)據(jù)暫存或者數(shù)據(jù)格式轉(zhuǎn)換。</p><p>  E: 單片微型計(jì)算機(jī)的原理</p><p>  ROM通常是用于永久的、非易失的應(yīng)用程序存

58、儲。許多的微處理器或者微控制器是大批量生產(chǎn)的,為了省錢,要求程序在生產(chǎn)時就永久地固化在存儲器中。顯然,這就意味著ROM代碼的開發(fā)必須十分精確,因?yàn)橐坏┥a(chǎn)出來就無法更改。這種開發(fā)過程包括使用一個復(fù)雜的開發(fā)系統(tǒng),該系統(tǒng)包括硬件仿真能力以及功能強(qiáng)大的軟件工具。</p><p>  有的制造商通過在他們的產(chǎn)品系列中提供(或者打算提供)附加的用戶可編程的內(nèi)存。其中最簡單的是這么一種器件,該期間工作在微處理器模式,利用輸入


60、同等的、基于EPROM的器件對于小批量來們說也是有吸引力的,因?yàn)樗鼈兪褂闷瑑?nèi)的I/O,提供了單片器件的優(yōu)勢并有靈活的可編程的便利。</p><p>  串行通信是一種使用很少的幾條線就能實(shí)現(xiàn)與終端設(shè)備通信的常用方式。這種通信方式也可以開發(fā)為與一些特殊芯片的接口或者將幾個微型計(jì)算機(jī)相互連接。異步和同步通信策略需要協(xié)議提供(啟動、停止)幀信息。這種工作可以使用硬件或者UART來實(shí)現(xiàn),可以將處理器或者應(yīng)用程序從這種底層


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