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1、<p><b>  中文3870字</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)論文外文資料翻譯</p><p>  專 業(yè): 電子商務 </p><p>  姓 名: </p><p>  學 號:

2、 </p><p>  外文出處: shopping online for freedom、</p><p>  control and fun </p><p>  附 件: 1.外文資料翻譯譯文;2.外文原文。 </p><p>  注:請將該封面與附件裝訂成

3、冊。</p><p>  附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文 </p><p>  網(wǎng)上購物的自由、控制和樂趣</p><p>  網(wǎng)上購物的消費者數(shù)量和網(wǎng)上購物的數(shù)額正在上升;費雷斯特研究公司估計,今年互聯(lián)網(wǎng)銷售額是去年的20億倍以上。相比之下,美國去年的整體零售銷售額達13萬億美元。因此,目前電子商務的銷售額僅占零售銷售額的1%左右。專家和學者悶得爭執(zhí)消費者網(wǎng)上消費的百分


5、決定,以及網(wǎng)站設計。那么,什么激發(fā)網(wǎng)上購物?在離線的環(huán)境中營銷人員認識到,消費者不同的消費方式取決于他們用于搜索的動機是否主要是體驗(因為好玩)還是目標導向(因為效率高)。我們的網(wǎng)上客戶的研究表明,這兩種動機同樣可以推廣到在線環(huán)境。</p><p>  體驗行為特別可能發(fā)生在消費者有一個持續(xù)的愛好型的興趣類別中。收藏家和愛好者享受“驚險的狩獵”一樣收藏各種收藏品。同樣,有時間保證和欲望刺激可以引起更多的體驗購物行

6、為。學者們還發(fā)現(xiàn),更高的娛樂性與體驗行為比專注于目標的購物引起更積極的情緒、更大的網(wǎng)上購物滿意度和更高可能性的購物沖動行為。</p><p>  目標導向或功利購物已被各種營銷學者描述為任務導向的,高效的,合理的和蓄意的。因此,專注于目標的購物是以交易為導向,希望快速購買他們想要的東西而無需焦急。零售消費者將功力購買描述為“工作”和評估其努力的成功的條款通常與工作表現(xiàn)相關詞匯聯(lián)系起來,如“成功”“完成”。重要的是


8、有比以交易為導向的消費者“粘”于周圍更長時間的相關強烈動機。目前,每周定期有Nielsen-NetRatings 公司提懂得數(shù)據(jù)顯示,電子商務網(wǎng)站的“粘性”是相當有限的,當頂級網(wǎng)站的訪問長度(重要的電子灣例外)大部分為15分鐘或更少時間。一每周平均花費在Barnes和Noble的時間為典型</p><p>  為什么更多的電子零售消費者期望專注于目標?一個線索發(fā)現(xiàn),時間缺乏的消費者特別可能成為網(wǎng)上購物者。另一個線

9、索是早氣的重量級互聯(lián)網(wǎng)用戶有強烈的每部控制傾向,并因此是目標導向的人士。此外,在線媒體隨著產品信息搜索成本的顯著減少而促進功利行為。我們的在線購物者的研究表明,目標導向的購物者對電子零售感興趣是因為其4個特殊的屬性:(1)便利無障礙(2)可挑剔(3)信息的實用(4)無社交。重要的是,消費者往往并明確的將這些以目標為導向的屬性于更多茲有和控制聯(lián)系起來。</p><p>  不管網(wǎng)上功利購物的優(yōu)勢,有證據(jù)表明,一些從

10、事體驗購物或為了興趣而購買的購買者。作為樂趣探求者而傾向于沖動地進行更多的購物對市場來說是合理的行為。為什么一些網(wǎng)上購物者參與體驗行為呢?體驗購買者告訴我們他們喜歡:(1)拍賣;(2)作為愛好的參與;(3)逢低買進;總之,這些購物者著眼于“經驗”,或者網(wǎng)上購物能和得到產品采購時獲得的一樣多的樂趣。表一。</p><p><b>  研究方法</b></p><p> 

11、 這項研究得到了資訊科技中心組織(CRITO)在美國加州大學歐文分校的支持。該項目是我目的是了解有助于消費者擁有一個滿意的、高質量在線購物體驗的屬性。我們在開展這項研究的具體目的是要充分了解網(wǎng)上購物的消費動機,姻為這些動機將影響到網(wǎng)站的屬性和所需的購物者的經驗。鑒于我們隊消費者認知的興趣和目前解決這問題的定性數(shù)據(jù)的缺乏,我們將網(wǎng)上買家分成9個焦點小組(總共64位消費者)。三個焦點小組包括MBA學生、職員和可能是技術“快速轉發(fā)”從而成為早


13、彈藥、內衣、雜貨、野營設備、汽車,甚至一個參與者在網(wǎng)上購買了他的房子!</p><p>  網(wǎng)上訂性研究提供了獲得個人以及群體反應的概念和研究問題的優(yōu)勢,同時減少在群體中的個體控制團體或用它們的人格力量說服其他受訪者的機會。網(wǎng)上焦點小組方法喚起誠實的、直接的和稍微更少的被傳統(tǒng)焦點小組呈現(xiàn)的社會慣例的抑制的對話。網(wǎng)上定性研究是唯一適合迷人的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)悟性受訪者。者是很大的吸引力,對他們來說,時間非常寶貴。同時。網(wǎng)上焦點

14、小組達到通常情況下不達成的傳統(tǒng)面對面焦點小組,包括在邊遠地區(qū)和回國的受訪者。此外,在地里上位于不同地區(qū)的個人可以參加同一個會話。受訪者使用自己的電腦,并且不必跑到一個焦點小組設施。</p><p>  基于現(xiàn)存的有關在離線購物中心的目標導向與體驗動機和關于猜測應用于在線環(huán)境的這些動機的文獻,我們詢問參與者他們購買時為了娛樂還是特殊的需求。同時,我們調查網(wǎng)上買家對照在線瀏覽執(zhí)行相對較窄的產品搜索的程度。我們還要求焦

15、點小組參與者比較在線和離線購物,增加我們對在網(wǎng)上購物的基本決定因素的理解,更具體的說,對于部分焦點小組集中的動機,我們的指南包含下列問題:</p><p>  我想首先討論購物。幾乎每個人都喜歡購物,或不得不購物。</p><p>  描述你典型的在線購物體驗。</p><p>  你通常在那里購物?在一天中的什么時間?多頻繁?</p><p&g

16、t;  一般來說,當思考在線購物和離線(磚和石灰)購物時會記住什么區(qū)別?</p><p>  離線----什么經驗令人愉快?什么令人頭疼?</p><p>  在線----什么經驗令人愉快?什么令人頭疼?</p><p>  什么因素影響你選擇在商店里購物還是在線購物?</p><p>  有什么東西你用一種模式購買而不用梁一中模式購買的?&

17、lt;/p><p>  當焦點小組的提問有一個協(xié)議時,每個焦點小組包括作為參與者的解釋和答案的唯一范圍將提示后續(xù)行動到不同領域:離線協(xié)議或多或少有點時候在線焦點小組。在4個在線焦點小組中,當研究人員們都在“陰暗處”,即未呈現(xiàn)在參與者面前時,一個專業(yè)的主持人跑向這幾個小組;研究人員們可以與這個主持人幕后溝通,提出問題或者探討。這些在線小組以“聊天室”的格式實時舉行。作為在線小組的一部分,所選的網(wǎng)站在參與者能夠回復和交互

18、的電腦上產生。</p><p>  當在線小組錄音自動生成時離線焦點小組被轉錄。我們分析了有系統(tǒng)地進行分析和標簽網(wǎng)上購物的屬性的筆錄。我們同時進行了編碼和理論的發(fā)展,并最終發(fā)展四類目標導向的動機和三類體驗的動機。表2顯示了目標導向和體驗的動機特征和屬性是如何對比和編碼的。同時,我們尋找目標導向和經驗的動機的關系或理論聯(lián)系,這一過程稱為“迭代處理”。</p><p>  不用具體的統(tǒng)計小組表

19、并符合焦點小組分析數(shù)據(jù)的管理實踐的報告,我們建議達成不需要特定的大小或數(shù)量級程度的共識,特別當這樣的信息對管理者有用時。但是大公司報告的定量的市場研究數(shù)據(jù)配合我們的研究結果用來支持我們的主張。不過,優(yōu)勢的反應并不完全指導我們的分析。特殊的反應不僅提供有關該范圍內的相關調查結果的線索,還為其他研究參與者未闡述的問題做鋪墊。</p><p>  表2.焦點小組參與者對網(wǎng)上購物的描述</p><p&

20、gt;<b>  目標導向的購物</b></p><p>  特別令人印象深刻的是,目標導向的購物者提到的在線購物時體會到更多的自由和控制的頻率。因此,網(wǎng)上客戶不是被動的市場營銷接收者,而是在在線環(huán)境中體驗更多控制的主要參與者。有趣的是,在線購買者常說他們覺得在線購物只在他們心中有特定采購訂單時,即大多數(shù)描述網(wǎng)上購買為主要的計劃購買的組成。實際上,很多網(wǎng)上買家告訴我們他們并不一定認為網(wǎng)上購買

21、是“購物”。相反,他們認為是“購買”。我們特地向網(wǎng)上買家他們在線或離線購物哪個更沖動,從中了解到絕大多數(shù)消費者離線購物會更沖動(除了在拍賣網(wǎng)站更可能是體驗的購物行為的地方)。網(wǎng)上購物一般沒有沖動是由于無法理解占有商品,返回后緩解一下,更一步考慮才買下商品,且有郵回的并不是想要的商品的煩惱。</p><p>  附件2:外文原文(復印件)</p><p>  SHOPPING ONLINE

22、FOR FREEDOM,CONTROL AND FUN</p><p>  The number of consumer buying online, and the amount being spent by online buyers has been on the rise; Forrester Research has estimated internet sales in 1999 to be more

23、 than double that of 1998,$20 billion .In comparison,overall retail sales in the U.S. totaled $13 trillion in 1999. thus,e-commerce sale currently account for only about 1% of retail sales, and experts and scholars have

24、argued over the possible upper limit to the percentage of consumer online spending. Will the upper limit of on</p><p>  Ultimately, the degree to which online shopping fulfills goal-oriented and experiential

25、 consumer needs will impact the amount of shopping dollars that consumers will choose to spending each environment. While many writers are touting the unique capabilities of the online medium to provide interactivity and

26、 personalized experiences, for instance, few have focused systematically on what online shoppers really desire, and why they are shopping online in the first place. Clearly understanding what o</p><p>  Expe

27、riential behavior is especially likely in categories where shoppers have an ongoing, hobby-type interest. Collectors and hobbyists enjoy the “thrill of the hunt” as much as the acquisition of items for the collection. As

28、 well, having time available and desiring stimulation results in more experiential shopping behavior. Scholars have also discovered that the higher playfulness associated with experiential behavior results in a more posi

29、tive mood, greater shopping satisfaction and a higer lik</p><p>  Goal-oriented or utilitarian shopping has been described by various marketing scholars as task-oriented, efficient, rational, and deliberate.

30、 Thus, goal-focused shoppers are transaction-oriented and desire to purchase what they want quickly and without distraction. Retailing consumers describe utilitarian shopping as "work" and evaluate the results

31、of their effort by terms commonly associated with work performance, such as "success" and "accomplishment."</p><p>  Importantly, marketing research firms have found that two-thirds to fo

32、ur-fifths of Internet buyers engage in narrowly defined searches for specific products online.* In an online survey we recently conducted with 1013 members of the Harris Interactive online panel, 71% of shoppers said the

33、ir most recent online purchase had been previously planned, while 29% said they had been browsing.</p><p>  when they made their purchase. Thus, online shopping is more likely to be goal focused rather than

34、experiential. Click stream analysis of major e-commerce sites also suggests that online consumers tend to be goal-focused. For example, duration time spent in a store or at a site, termed "stickiness" by e-comm

35、erce insiders, is strongly correlated with motivation, as experiential shoppers "stick"around longer than do transaction-oriented consumers. Currently, weekly data provided by Nielsen-Net Rat</p><p&g

36、t;  Why are more e-tailing consumers expected to be goal-focused? One clue is the finding that time-starved consumers are especially likely to be online shoppers. Another clue is that early and heavy users of the Interne

37、t tend to have a strong internal locus of control and thus are goal-oriented personalities. Moreover, the online medium facilitates utilitarian behavior as search costs for product information are dramatically reduced.&#

38、39;" Our research with online shoppers suggests that goal-oriented s</p><p>  Despite the preponderance of utilitarian online shopping, there is evidence that some online shoppers engage in experiential

39、 shopping, or shopping for fun, a behavior desirable to marketers as fun-seekers tend to be impulsive and to make more purchases." Why are some online shoppers engaging in experiential behavior? Experiential shopper

40、s tell us they enjoy: auctions;involvement with a hobby/product class; and bargain hunting. In sum, these shoppers focus on "the experience" or fun of online sho</p><p>  Research Methodology</p

41、><p>  This research was supported by the Center for Research on Information Technology in Organizations (CRITO) at the University of California, Irvine. The purpose of the project is to understand the attribut

42、es that contribute to consumers having a satisfying, high-quality online shopping experience. Our specific purpose in undertaking this research was to fully understand consumer motivations for online shopping, as these m

43、otivations will affect the web site attributes and experiences desired by sho</p><p>  Online qualitative research offers the advantage of obtaining individual as well as group reactions to concepts and rese

44、arch questions, while minimizing the opportunity for individuals in the group to dominate the group or persuade other respondents by the force of their personalities. The online focus group methodology evokes dialogues t

45、hat are honest, direct, and somewhat less constrained by social conventions present in traditional focus groups. Online qualitative research is uniquely sui</p><p>  Based on existing literature on goal-

46、focused and experiential motivations in offline shopping and speculations about these motivations applying to the online environment, our study asked participants if they shop for entertainment or for specific needs.&quo

47、t;* Also, we investigated the degree to which online buyers perform relatively narrow product searches as opposed to browsing online. We also asked focus group participants to compare online and offline shopping, which i

48、ncreased our understanding o</p><p>  ? Describe your typical online shopping experience. (Probe:)</p><p>  ? Where do you usually shop from? At what time of day? How often? What types of things

49、 do you usually shop for online?</p><p>  ? Do you go to a specific site to shop, or do you search for items first?</p><p>  ? How often do you shop for entertainment vs. shop for a specific nee

50、d?</p><p>  ? In general, what differences come to mind when thinking about online shopping and offline (brick-and-mortar) shopping. (LIST ON EASEL)</p><p>  ? Offline: What makes experience enj

51、oyable? What are the headaches?</p><p>  ? Online: What makes experience enjoyable? What are the headaches?</p><p>  ? What are the factors that influence whether you shop in a store vs. online?

52、</p><p>  ? Are there items that you buy in one mode that you wouldn't buy in the other?</p><p>  While there was a protocol for the focus group questions, each focus group covered unique gr

53、ound as participants' comments and answers would prompt follow-up into different areas; the offline protocol had to be adapted somewhat for the online focus groups. In the four online groups, a professional moderator

54、 ran the groups, while hoth researchers "lurked," being present without being visible to participants; researchers could communicate with the moderator behind-the-scenes, suggesting questions </p><p&

55、gt;  Offline focus groups were transcribed while online group transcriptions were automatically generated. We analyzed the transcripts by systematically categorizing and labeling attributes of online shopping." We u

56、ndertook coding and development of theory together'* and ultimately developed four categories of goal-oriented motivations and three categories of experiential motivations. Table 2 shows how goal-oriented and experie

57、ntial motivations, characteristics, and attributes were contrasted and cod</p><p>  Rather than reporting specific tabulations, and in line with common managerial practice in analyzing focus group data, we h

58、ave suggested a degree of consensus without necessarily claiming specific proportions or orders of magnitude, especially when such information might be useful to managers." However, quantitative market research data

59、 reported by major firms that dovetails with our findings is used to support our claims. Nevertheless, the preponderance of responses did not guide our analysis e</p><p>  Goal-Oriented Shopping</p>&

60、lt;p>  Especially impressive is the frequency with which goal-oriented shoppers mentioned the increased freedom and control they experience while shopping online (see Table 3 for sample quotes). Thus, web customers ar

61、e not passive recipients of marketing and selling and are instead central players who experience increased control in the online environment. Interestingly, online buyers often said they decided to go online to shop only


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