![.net 資源管理[外文翻譯]_第1頁](https://static.zsdocx.com/FlexPaper/FileRoot/2019-6/22/15/35d2562b-6998-46c1-9956-e63fb77b1651/35d2562b-6998-46c1-9956-e63fb77b16511.gif)
1、<p><b> 畢業(yè)論文外文翻譯</b></p><p><b> 譯文</b></p><p> 標題:.NET 資源管理</p><p> 資料來源:Effective C# 中文版改善C#程序的50種方法</p><p> 作者:比爾·瓦格納,愛迪生·
2、韋斯利</p><p> 一個簡單的事實表明:.Net應用程序是在一個托管的環(huán)境里運行的,這個環(huán)境和不同的設計器之間產(chǎn)生很大的沖突,這就才有了Effective C#。從更深層次上討論這個環(huán)境的好處,那么你對環(huán)境本地化的想法需要改變?yōu)?Net CLR,這也就意味著你要明白.Net的垃圾回收器。在你明白這一章里所推薦的內(nèi)容時,有必要對.Net的內(nèi)存管理環(huán)境有個大概的了解。那我們就開始大概地進行一下了解。</
3、p><p> 垃圾回收器(GC)為你控制托管內(nèi)存。不像本地運行環(huán)境,你不用負責對內(nèi)存泄漏,不定指針,未初始化指針,或者一個其它內(nèi)存管理的服務問題。但垃圾回收器前不是一個神話:你一樣要自己清理。你要對非托管資源負責,例如文件句柄,數(shù)據(jù)鏈接,GDI+對象,COM對象,以及其它一些系統(tǒng)對象。</p><p> 這有一個好消息:因為GC管理內(nèi)存,明確的設計風格可以更容易的實現(xiàn)。循環(huán)引用,不管是簡單
5、一個DataRow又是DataItem的集合,DataColum定義了這些類型的關系。這里就有一些從DataItem到它的列的引用。而同時,DataTime也同樣有一個引用到它的容器上,也就是DataRow。DataRow包含引用到DataTable,最后每個對象都包含一個引用到DataSet。</p><p> 如果這還不夠復雜,那可以創(chuàng)建一個DataView,它提供對經(jīng)過過濾后的數(shù)據(jù)表的順序訪問。這些都是由
7、里還有沒有對象循環(huán)引用DataSet,DataTables已經(jīng)一點也不重要了,因為這些對象在應用程序都已經(jīng)不能被訪問到了,它們是垃圾了。</p><p> 垃圾回收器在它獨立的線程上運行,用來從你的程序里移除不使用的內(nèi)存。而且在每次運行時,它還會壓縮托管堆。壓縮堆就是把托管堆中活動的對象移到一起,這樣就可以空出連續(xù)的內(nèi)存。</p><p> 正如你剛開始了解的,垃圾回收器的全部責任就是
9、frey的".Net框架程序設計(修訂版)"中討論的垃圾回收器)。對C++來說這是個重大的改變,并且這在設計上有一個重大的分歧。有經(jīng)驗的C++程序員寫的類總在構造函數(shù)內(nèi)申請內(nèi)存并且在析構函數(shù)中釋放它們:</p><p> 這是一種很常見的C++風格,它保證資源無異常的釋放。但這在C#里不工作,至少,與這不同。明確的析構函數(shù)不是.Net環(huán)境或者C#的一部份。強行用C++的風格在C#里使用析構函
10、數(shù)不會讓它正常的工作。在C#里,析構函數(shù)確實是正確的運行了,但它不是即時運行的。在前面那個例子里,代碼最終在critical section上,但在C#里,當析構函數(shù)存在時,它并不是在critical section上。它會在后面的某個未知時間上運行。你不知道是什么時候,你也無法知道是什么時候。</p><p> 依懶于析構函數(shù)同樣會導致性能上的損失。須要析構的對象在垃圾回收器上放置了一劑性能毒藥。當GC發(fā)現(xiàn)某
11、個對象是垃圾但是須要析構時,它還不能直接從內(nèi)存上刪除這個對象。首先,它要調(diào)用析構函數(shù),但析構函數(shù)的調(diào)用不是在垃圾回收器的同一個線程上運行的。取而代之的是,GC不得不把對象放置到析構隊列中,讓另一個線程讓執(zhí)行所有的析構函數(shù)。GC繼續(xù)它自己的工作,從內(nèi)存上移除其它的垃圾。在下一個GC回收時,那些被析構了的對象才會再從內(nèi)存上移除。</p><p> 這用使你相信:那些須要析構的對象在內(nèi)存至少多生存一個GC回收循環(huán)。但
12、,我是簡化了這些事。實際上,因為另一個GC的介入(譯注:其實只有一個GC,作者是想引用回收代的問題。),使得情況比這復雜得多。.Net回收器采用“代”來優(yōu)化這個問題?!按笨梢詭椭鶪C來很快的標識那些看上去看是垃圾的對象。所以從上一次回后開始創(chuàng)建的對象稱為第0代對象,所有那些經(jīng)過一次GC回收后還存在的對象稱為第1代對象。所有那些經(jīng)過2次或者2次以上GC回收后還存在的對象稱為第2代對象。</p><p> 分代的
13、目的就是用來區(qū)分臨時變量以及一些應用程序的全局變量。第0代對象很可能是臨時的變量。成員變量,以及一些全局變量很快會成為第1代對象,最終成為第2代對象。</p><p> GC通過限制檢測第1以及第2代對象來優(yōu)化它的工作。每個GC循環(huán)都檢測第0代對象。粗略假設個GC會超過10次檢測來檢測第0代對象,而要超過100次來檢測所有對象。再次考慮析構函數(shù)的開銷:一個須要析構函數(shù)的對象可能要比一個不用析構函數(shù)的對象在內(nèi)存里
14、多待上9個GC回收循環(huán)。如果它還沒有被析構,它將會移到第2代對象。在第2代對象中,一個可以生存上100個GC循環(huán)直到下一個第2代集合。</p><p> 結(jié)束時,記得一個垃圾回收器負責內(nèi)存管理的托管環(huán)境的最大好處:內(nèi)存泄漏,其它指針的服務問題不在是你的問題。非內(nèi)存資源迫使你要使用析構函數(shù)來確保清理非內(nèi)存資源。析構函數(shù)會對你的應用程序性能產(chǎn)生一些影響,但你必須使用它們來防止資源泄漏(譯注:請注意理解非內(nèi)存資源是什
15、么,一般是指文件句柄,網(wǎng)絡資源,或者其它不能在內(nèi)存中存放的資源)。通過實現(xiàn)IDisposable接口來避免析構函數(shù)在垃圾回收器上造成的性能損失。接下來的具體的原則將會幫助你更有效的使用環(huán)境來開發(fā)程序。</p><p> Effective C# 原則12:選擇變量初始化而不是賦值語句</p><p> 一些類經(jīng)常不只一個構造函數(shù)。時間一長,就難得讓它的成員變量以及構造函數(shù)進行同步了。最
16、好的確保這樣的事不會發(fā)生的方法就是:在聲明就是的時間就直接初始化,而不是在每個構造函數(shù)內(nèi)進行賦值。而且你應該使用初始化器語法同時為靜態(tài)的和實例的變量進行初始化。</p><p> 在C#里,當你聲明一個變量時就自然的構造了這個成員變量。直接賦值:</p><p> public class MyClass</p><p><b> {</b&g
17、t;</p><p> // declare the collection, and initialize it.</p><p> private ArrayList _coll = new ArrayList( );</p><p><b> }</b></p><p> 忽略你最終會給MyClass添加多少
19、> 初始化器更像是一個到構造函數(shù)的方便的快捷方法。初始化生成的代碼會放置在類型的構造函數(shù)之前。初始化會在執(zhí)行類型的基類構造函數(shù)之前被執(zhí)行,并且它們是按你聲明的先后關系順序執(zhí)行的。</p><p> 使用初始化器是一個最簡單的方法,在你的類型里來避免使用一些沒有賦值的變量,但這并不是很好。下面三種情況下,你不應該使用初始化器語法。首先就是,如果你是初始化一個對象為0,或者為null。系統(tǒng)默認會在你任何代碼
20、執(zhí)行前,為所有的內(nèi)容都初始化為0。系統(tǒng)置0的初始化是基于底層的CPU指令,對整個內(nèi)存塊設置。你的任何其它置0的初始化語句是多余的。C#編譯器忠實的添加額外的指令把內(nèi)存設置為0。這并沒有錯,只是效率不高。事實上,如果是處理值類型數(shù)據(jù),這是很不值的:</p><p> MyValType _MyVal1; // initialized to 0MyValType _MyVal2 = new MyVal
21、Type(); // also 0</p><p> 兩條語句都是把變量置為0。第一個是通過設置包含_MyVal1的內(nèi)存來置0;而第二個是通過IL指令initobj,這對變量_MyVal2會產(chǎn)生裝箱與拆箱操作。這很要花一點額外的時間(參見原則17)。</p><p> 第二個低效率的是在你為一個對象添加兩個構造函數(shù)時會產(chǎn)生。你使用初始化器初始化變量,而所有的構造函數(shù)也對這些變量進行了初
22、始化。這個版本的MyClass兩個不同的ArrayList對象在它的構造函數(shù)內(nèi):</p><p> 最后一個原因要把初始化放到構造函數(shù)里就是促使異常的捕獲。你不能在初始化器中使用try塊,任何在構造時因成員變量產(chǎn)生的異??赡苎苌綄ο蟮耐饷妗D銦o法試圖在你的類里來捕獲它。你應該把那些初始化代碼移到構造函數(shù)里,這樣你就可以捕獲異常從而保證你的代碼很友好(參見原則45)。</p><p>
23、 變量初始化器是一個最簡單的方法,在忽略構造函數(shù)時來保證成員變量被正確的初始化。初始化器在所有的構造函數(shù)之前被執(zhí)行。使用這樣的語法意味著當你在為后來發(fā)布的版本中添加了構造函數(shù)時,不會忘記添加恰當?shù)某跏蓟綐嬙旌瘮?shù)里。當構造函數(shù)與初始化生成同樣的成員對象時,就使用初始化器。閱讀簡單而且易于維護。</p><p> Effective C# 原則13:用靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)初始化類的靜態(tài)成員</p><
24、p> 你應該知道,在一個類型的任何實例初始化以前,你應該初始化它的靜態(tài)成員變量。在里C#你可以使用靜態(tài)的預置方法和靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)來實現(xiàn)這個目的。一個類的靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)是一個與眾不同的,它在所有的方法,變量或者屬性訪問前被執(zhí)行。你可以用這個函數(shù)來初始化靜態(tài)成員變量,強制使用單件模式,或者實現(xiàn)其它任何在類型的實例可用前應該完成的工作。你不能用任何的實例構造函數(shù),其它特殊的私有函數(shù), 或者任何其它習慣方法來初始化一個變量。</p&g
25、t;<p> 和實例的預置方法一樣,你可以把靜態(tài)的預置方法作為靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)可替代的選擇。如果須要簡單的分配一個靜態(tài)成員,就直接使用初始化語法。當你有更復雜的邏輯來初始化靜態(tài)成員變量時,就創(chuàng)建一個靜態(tài)構造函數(shù):</p><p> 同樣,和實例的預置方法一樣,靜態(tài)的預置方法在靜態(tài)的構造函數(shù)調(diào)用前執(zhí)行。并且,你的靜態(tài)預置方法是在基類的靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)執(zhí)行前被執(zhí)行。</p><p>
26、 當應用程序第一次裝載你的數(shù)據(jù)類型時,CLR自動調(diào)用靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)。你只能定義一個靜態(tài)構造函數(shù),并且不能有參數(shù)。因為靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)是CLR調(diào)用的,你必須十分注意異常的產(chǎn)生。如果在靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)里產(chǎn)生了異常,CLR將會直接終止你的應用程序。正因為異常,靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)常常代替靜態(tài)預置方法。如果你使用靜態(tài)預置方法,你自己不能捕獲異常。作為一個靜態(tài)的構造,你可以這樣。</p><p> 靜態(tài)預置方法和靜態(tài)構造函數(shù)為你的類提供
27、了最清爽的方法來初始化靜態(tài)成員。與其它語言不同,它們被添加到C#語言中,是初始化靜態(tài)成員的兩個不同的特殊位置。</p><p><b> 外文文獻原文</b></p><p> Title: .NET Resource Management</p><p> Material Source: Effective C#: 50 Specif
28、ic Ways to Improve Your C# </p><p> Author: Bill Wagner,Addison Wesley</p><p> The simple fact that .NET programs run in a managed environment has a big impact on the ki
29、nds of designs that create effective C#. Taking utmost advantage of that environment requires changing your thinking from native environments to the .NET CLR. It means understanding the .NET Garbage Collector. An overvie
30、w of the .NET memory management environment is necessary to understand the specific recommendations in this chapter, so let's get on with the overview.</p><p> The Garbage Collector (GC) controls manage
31、d memory for you. Unlike native environments, you are not responsible for memory leaks, dangling pointers, uninitialized pointers, or a host of other memory-management issues. But the Garbage Collector is not magic: You
32、need to clean up after yourself, too. You are responsible for unmanaged resources such as file handles, database connections, GDI+ objects, COM objects, and other system objects.</p><p> Here's the good
33、 news: Because the GC controls memory, certain design idioms are much easier to implement. Circular references, both simple relationships and complex webs of objects, are much easier. The GC's Mark and Compact algori
34、thm efficiently detects these relationships and removes unreachable webs of objects in their entirety. The GC determines whether an object is reachable by walking the object tree from the application's root object in
35、stead of forcing each object to keep track of referen</p><p> If that's not complicated enough, you can create DataViews that provide access to filtered sequences of a data table. Those are all managed
36、by a DataViewManager. There are references all through the web of objects that make up a DataSet. Releasing memory is the GC's responsibility. Because the .NET Framework designers did not need to free these objects,
37、the complicated web of object references did not pose a problem. No decision needed to be made regarding the proper sequence of freeing this web</p><p> The Garbage Collector runs in its own thread to remov
38、e unused memory from your program. It also compacts the managed heap each time it runs. Compacting the heap moves each live object in the managed heap so that the free space is located in one contiguous block of memory.
39、Figure 2.1 shows two snapshots of the heap before and after a garbage collection. All free memory is placed in one contiguous block after each GC operation.</p><p> As you've just learned, memory manage
40、ment is completely the responsibility of the Garbage Collector. All other system resources are your responsibility. You can guarantee that you free other system resources by defining a finalizer in your type. Finalizers
41、are called by the system before an object that is garbage is removed from memory. You canand mustuse these methods to release any unmanaged resources that an object owns. The finalizer for an object is called at some tim
42、e after it becomes garb</p><p> This common C++ idiom ensures that resource deallocation is exception-proof. This doesn't work in C#, howeverat least, not in the same way. Deterministic finalization is
43、not part of the .NET environment or the C# language. Trying to force the C++ idiom of deterministic finalization into the C# language won't work well. In C#, the finalizer eventually executes, but it doesn't exec
44、ute in a timely fashion. In the previous example, the code eventually exits the critical section, but, in C#, it doesn</p><p> Relying on finalizers also introducesperformance penalties. Objects that requir
45、e finalization put a performance drag on the Garbage Collector. When the GC finds that an object is garbage but also requires finalization, it cannot remove that item from memory just yet. First, it calls the finalizer.
46、Finalizers are not executed by the same thread that collects garbage. Instead, the GC places each object that is ready for finalization in a queue and spawns yet another thread to execute all the final</p><p&g
47、t; This might lead you to believe that an object that requires finalization lives in memory for one GC cycle more than necessary. But I simplified things. It's more complicated than that because of another GC design
48、 decision. The .NET Garbage Collector defines generations to optimize its work. Generations help the GC identify the likeliest garbage candidates more quickly. Any object created since the last garbage collection operati
49、on is a generation 0 object. Any object that has survived one GC ope</p><p> The GC optimizes its work by limiting how often it examines first- and second-generation objects. Every GC cycle examines generat
50、ion 0 objects. Roughly 1 GC out of 10 examines the generation 0 and 1 objects. Roughly 1 GC cycle out of 100 examines all objects. Think about finalization and its cost again: An object that requires finalization might s
51、tay in memory for nine GC cycles more than it would if it did not require finalization. If it still has not been finalized, it moves to generation 2. I</p><p> To close, remember that a managed environment,
52、 where the Garbage Collector takes the responsibility for memory management, is a big plus: Memory leaks and a host of other pointer-related problems are no longer your problem. Nonmemory resources force you to create fi
53、nalizers to ensure proper cleanup of those nonmemory resources. Finalizers can have a serious impact on the performance of your program, but you must write them to avoid resource leaks. Implementing and using the IDispos
54、able interface</p><p> Item 12: Prefer Variable Initializers to Assignment Statements</p><p> Classes often have more than one constructor. Over time, it's easy for the member variables an
55、d the constructors to get out of synch. The best way to make sure this doesn't happen is to initialize variables where you declare them instead of in the body of every constructor. You should utilize the initializer
56、syntax for both static and instance variables.</p><p> Constructing member variables when you declare that variable is natural in C#. Just assign a value:</p><p> public class MyClass</p>
57、;<p><b> {</b></p><p> // declare the collection, and initialize it.</p><p> private ArrayList _coll = new ArrayList( );</p><p><b> }</b></p>
58、;<p> Regardless of the number of constructors you eventually addto the MyClass type, _coll will be initialized properly. The compiler generates code at the beginning of each constructor to execute all the initia
59、lizers you have defined for your instance member variables. When you add a new constructor, _coll gets initialized. Similarly, if you add a new member variable, you do not need to add initialization code to every constru
60、ctor; initializing the variable where you define it is sufficient. Equally</p><p> Initializers are more than a convenient shortcut for statements in a constructor body. The statements generated by initiali
61、zers are placed in object code before the body of your constructors. Initializers execute before the base class constructor for your type executes, and they are executed in the order the variables are declared in your cl
62、ass.</p><p> Using initializers is the simplest way to avoid uninitialized variables in your types, but it's not perfect. In three cases, you should not use the initializer syntax. The first is when you
63、 are initializing the object to 0, or null. The default system initialization sets everything to 0 for you before any of your code executes. The system-generated 0 initialization is done at a very low level using the CPU
64、 instructions to set the entire block of memory to 0. Any extra 0 initialization on your pa</p><p> MyValType _MyVal1; // initialized to 0</p><p> MyValType _MyVal2 = new MyValType(); // also
65、 0</p><p> Both statements initialize the variable to all 0s. The first does so by setting the memory containing MyVal1 to 0. The second uses the IL instruction initobj, which causes both a box and an unbox
66、 operation on the _MyVal2 variable. This takes quite a bit of extra time (see Item 17).</p><p> The second inefficiency comes when you create multiple initializations for the same object. You should use the
67、 initializer syntax only for variables that receive the same initialization in all constructors. This version of MyClass has a path that creates two different ArrayList objects as part of its construction:</p><
68、;p> When you create a new MyClass, specifying the size of the collection, you create two array lists. One is immediately garbage. The variable initializer executes before every constructor. The constructor body creat
69、es the second array list. The compiler creates this version of MyClass, which you would never code by hand. </p><p> The final reason to move initialization into the body of a constructor is to facilitate e
70、xception handling. You cannot wrap the initializers in a TRy block. Any exceptions that might be generated during the construction of your member variables get propagated outside of your object. You cannot attempt any re
71、covery inside your class. You should move that initialization code into the body of your constructors so that you implement the proper recovery code to create your type and gracefully handle </p><p> Variab
72、le initializers are the simplest way to ensure that the member variables in your type are initialized regardless of which constructor is called. The initializers are executed before each constructor you make for your typ
73、e. Using this syntax means that you cannot forget to add the proper initialization when you add new constructors for a future release. Use initializers when all constructors create the member variable the same way; it
74、9;s simpler to read and easier to maintain.</p><p> Item 13: Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors</p><p> You know that you should initialize static member variables in a t
75、ype before you create any instances of that type. C# lets you use static initializers and a static constructor for this purpose. A static constructor is a special function that executes before any other methods, variable
76、s, or properties defined in that class are accessed. You use this function to initialize static variables, enforce the singleton pattern, or perform any other necessary work before a class is usable. You should not</p
77、><p> As with instance initialization, you can use the initializer syntax as an alternative to the static constructor. If you simply need to allocate a static member, use the initializer syntax. When you have
78、more complicated logic to initialize static member variables, create a static constructor.</p><p> Implementing the singleton pattern in C# is the most frequent use of a static constructor. Make your instan
79、ce constructor private, and add an initializer:</p><p> The singleton pattern can just as easily be written this way, in case you have more complicated logic to initialize the singleton:</p><p>
80、; As with instance initializers, the static initializers are called before any static constructors are called. And, yes, your static initializers execute before the base class's static constructor.</p><p&
81、gt; The CLR calls your static constructor automatically when your type is first loaded into an application space. You can define only one static constructor, and it must not take any arguments. Because static constructo
82、rs are called by the CLR, you must be careful about exceptions generated in them. If you let an exception escape a static constructor, the CLR will terminate your program. Exceptions are the most common reason to use the
83、 static constructor instead of static initializers. If you use st</p><p> Static initializers and static constructors provide the cleanest, clearest way to initialize static members of your class. They are
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