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1、2024/3/19,,IBM DS4700 磁盤陣列基礎培訓,,Page 2,培訓目標,本膠片的主要目的:■ 了解DS4700磁盤陣列硬件結(jié)構(gòu)■ 掌握DS4700常用配置和維護方法,Page 3,目錄,硬件介紹型號及外觀特性硬件結(jié)構(gòu)指示燈含義組網(wǎng)及連線方式,安裝和配置控制器IP地址連接管理軟件創(chuàng)建LUN和熱備盤映射LUN信息收集主機識別存儲主機Dev設備介紹,Page 4,DS4700 磁盤陣列外觀,Pa

2、ge 5,DS4700 兩種型號,Model 70Four 4 Gb/s FC host portsFour 4 Gb/s FC drive portsMax of 112 drives with six EXP810 Expansion units16 disk drives inside controller1 – 3 trays requires an expansion license, 4 – 6 trays re

3、quires and expansion licenseFC or SATA2 GB of cache memoryIntegrated XOR engineStorage Manager softwarePartitionsFlashCopy®VolumeCopyEnhanced Remote Mirroring,Model 72Eight 4 Gb/s FC host portsFour 4 Gb/s

4、FC drive portsMax of 112 drives with six EXP810 Expansion Units16 disk drives inside controller4 – 6 trays requires and expansion licenseFC or SATA4 GB of cache memoryIntegrated XOR engineStorage Manager software

5、PartitionsFlashCopy®VolumeCopyEnhanced Remote Mirroring,Page 6,DS4700特性,Model – 72 and 70RAID Controller Dual RAID controllers – Dual 4Gbps capable, redundant and hot-swappable, battery backed, write cache mirr

6、oring Model 70A supports 2GB cache - battery backed cache is designed to be protected for at least three daysModel 72A supports 4GB cache - battery backed cache is designed to be protected for at least three daysSupp

7、orting 2 dual redundant FC disk loopsModel 70A Supports four host side and four drive side ports for two controllers Model 72A Supports eight host side and four drive side ports for two controllersEight or four host p

8、orts provides a cluster solution without using a switch. Host InterfaceAuto negotiates 1, 2, or 4 Gbps host connection speeds Supported drives2Gbps FC: 10K rpm, 73GB/146GB/300GB (E-DDM)4Gbps FC: 15K rpm, 73GB/146G

9、B/300GB (E-DDM)SATA: 7.2K rpm 500GB /750GB (E-DDM)Hot pluggable drives - Add new drives for extra capacity without booting serverSupported capacitySupports up to 112 FC/SATA drives with 6 DS4000 EXP810 Expansion Uni

10、t’s RAID levels0, 1, 3, 5, 6,10,Page 7,DS4700特性,Storage PartitioningModel 70A offers a choice 2 – 128 partitions and support upgradeModel 72A offers a choice 8 – 128 partitions and support upgradeSupports global hot

11、 sparesSwitch supportDS4000Storage Manager SM version 10.10 (highest version current) Firmware version 7.10 (highest version current) Copy ServicesFlashCopy®, Enhanced Remote Mirroring, VolumeCopyUp to 64 en

12、hanced remote mirror pairs Power supplies and fansPower supplies and fans - Redundant, hot-swappable, dual AC power line cordsExpansion Unit Attachment (112 disk drives maximum)Attaches to DS4000 EXP810 Expansion Uni

13、t – Supports up to six (112 disk drives)DS4000 EXP810 FC Expansion Unit – 16 disk drive bays Helps Reduce Total Cost of OwnershipConsolidated storage helps reduce storage management costs,Page 8,2 Gbps drives

14、 10K rpm 73 GB 10K rpm 146 GB 10K rpm 300GB 15K rpm 36 GB 15K rpm 73 GB 15K rpm 146 GB,4 Gbps drives 15K rpm 36 GB 15K rpm 73 GB 15K rpm 146 GB,SATA II – 500 GB*,DS4700 控制框與磁盤框,Page 9,,Pow

15、er/cooling,,FC/SATA Drives,,,,Global LED's and Link Rate Switch,Model70控制框、Model72控制框和 EXP810磁盤框有相同的硬件結(jié)構(gòu),共通的結(jié)構(gòu)部件,Page 10,,框體結(jié)構(gòu),Page 11,,Global locateGlobal Summary FaultGlobal Power,1 2 3,,Alarm Mute Button,Link R

16、ate switch,,,,,,前面板指示燈,Page 12,1 Drive Service Action Allowed (blue)2 Drive Service Action Required (amber)3 Drive Active (green),磁盤指示燈,,,,Page 13,電源指示燈,,,,,Service Action Allowed,Power (AC),Service Action Required,Dir

17、ect Current Enabled,,,,,DS4700控制框,EXP810磁盤框,Page 14,DS4700控制器緩存電池指示燈,Service Action AllowedService Action RequiredBattery Charging,Page 15,DS4700控制器指示燈,,,Page 16,EXP810 ESM模塊指示燈,,Do not use,,Page 17,DAS without failove

18、r,適用場合 主機數(shù)量少 對可靠性要求不太高,Page 18,DAS with failover,適用場合 主機數(shù)量少 對可靠性要求較高,Page 19,SAN,適用場合 多臺主機共享存儲資源 對可靠性要求較高,Page 20,DS4700加一個EXP810的連線方式,,,,,,,DS4700,EXP810,Page 21,DS4700加兩個EXP810的連線方式,DS4700,EXP81

19、0,,,,,,,,,,,,,EXP810,Page 22,DS4700加三個EXP810的連線方式,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DS4700,EXP810,EXP810,EXP810,Page 23,DS4700加六個EXP810的連線方式,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,EXP810,DS4700,EXP810,EXP810,EXP810,EXP810,EXP810,,,,Page 24,目錄,硬件介紹型號及外觀特性硬件結(jié)構(gòu)

20、指示燈含義組網(wǎng)及連線方式,安裝和配置控制器IP地址連接管理軟件創(chuàng)建LUN和熱備盤映射LUN信息收集主機識別存儲主機Dev設備介紹,Page 25,目錄,硬件介紹型號及外觀特性硬件結(jié)構(gòu)指示燈含義組網(wǎng)及連線方式安裝和配置控制器IP地址連接管理軟件創(chuàng)建LUN和熱備盤映射LUN信息收集主機識別存儲主機Dev設備介紹,Page 26,FAStT Storage Manager管理軟件介紹,基于Java的G

21、UI界面在線實時的管理、配置和維護故障恢復助手分析并幫助解決問題性能監(jiān)視事件監(jiān)視和通知關(guān)鍵事件日志創(chuàng)建硬盤陣列,邏輯盤動態(tài)邏輯盤容量擴展動態(tài)RAID級別調(diào)整管理分配不同的邏輯盤到不同的主機HBA卡自檢測工具:Recovery Guru, Controller Diagnostics,Read Link Status 支持從BOOTP,DHCP服務器獲得IP管理地址FlashCopy、RemoteMirror 等高

22、級特性,Page 27,DS4700控制器默認IP,Page 28,通過串口設置控制器IP,DS4700隨機帶一根RS-232電纜和一端是TJ-6接口,另一端是9針串口的轉(zhuǎn)接頭將TJ-6插入Controller A的串口,另一端接到一臺帶有串口的終端機器串口上。啟動一個終端軟件,例如Windows的超級終端,給連接起個名字,例如:DS4700設置串口連接參數(shù)為9600/8/N/1/N,,Page 29,通過串口設置控制器IP,進入

23、連接狀態(tài),按 Ctrl+Break 鍵激活管理界面。當出現(xiàn) Press within 5 seconds: for SHELL, for baud rate時按ESC。輸入連接密碼,默認為infiniti(小寫字母)。,,,,Page 30,通過串口設置控制器IP,更改控制器IP地址操作步驟如下: 1、鍵入 netCfgSet命令:設置DS4700控制器上面網(wǎng)卡的TCP/IP地址,以便通過以太網(wǎng)口對它進行管理。 按回車直到 “

24、My Host Name”行。鍵入控制器的名字如果你用DNS來管理它們的話。鍵入控制器 IP 地址。(Defalt: ;按回車直到 “Gateway IP Address”行,鍵入地址回車。鍵入子網(wǎng)掩碼。按回車直到推出到 ->提示符下。2、鍵入netCfgShow命令,檢查所有的設置正確。3、如果有錯誤重新鍵入netCfgSet。4、鍵入sysRe

25、boot命令重啟控制器,使配置生效。,,,,,Page 31,通過FAStT Storage Manager連接,如果是安裝后第一次運行FAStT Storage Manager管理軟件,會彈出如下的自動搜索同一網(wǎng)段內(nèi)的存儲系統(tǒng)的提示框,Page 32,通過FAStT Storage Manager連接,也可以通過手動的方式連接到存儲,,,輸入Controller A&B 的IP,Page 33,通過FAStT Storage

26、Manager連接,連接成功后在Enterprise Management管理界面會出現(xiàn)如下圖所示的存儲系統(tǒng)標識 紅色標識表示該存儲存在告警需要注意 綠色標識表示存儲狀態(tài)正常,Page 34,建立LUN step 1,,Page 35,建立LUN step 2,Page 36,建立LUN step 3,,默認顯示RAID全部可用容量設置實際需要的LUN空間大

27、小,Page 37,建立LUN step 4,Choose the Host OS typeUse the Mappings view to map host later,Page 38,建立LUN step 5,配置LUN屬性: owner ship / media scan,Page 39,創(chuàng)建熱備盤 step1,在Array Management視圖中選擇計劃設置為熱備的磁盤,右鍵單擊選擇“Hot Spare Coverag

28、e”,將激活創(chuàng)建熱備盤向?qū)?Page 40,創(chuàng)建熱備盤 step2,根據(jù)向?qū)У奶崾具x擇手動創(chuàng)建熱備盤即可,Page 41,配置主機端口 step 1,定義主機群,Page 42,配置主機端口 step 2,定義主機,Page 43,配置主機端口 step 3,定義主機HBA端口,Page 44,配置主機端口 step 4,,Page 45,LUN 映射配置,Page 46,存儲信息收集,如果需要搜集存儲信息,可使用如下菜單中的選項來獲取

29、包括日志以及配置文件等大部份信息,Page 47,主機端安裝工作,安裝FC HBA卡:參考手冊選擇正確槽位安裝FCP的驅(qū)動包升級操作系統(tǒng)補丁 升級主機/FC HBA卡微碼,Page 4

30、8,主機識別存儲,cfgmgr -vlsdev –C | grep dar 一個機框只有一個控制器lsdev –C | grep dac 一個機框兩個控制器lsdev –Cc disk 查看array disk 數(shù)量是否和劃分的LUN數(shù)量一致,Page 49,Device介紹,fcs0 - fiber channel adapterfscsi0 - logical device for SCSI proto

31、col over FC (從FC_AL (直連)狀態(tài)改為Switch(經(jīng)Switch) rmdev –dl fscsi0 -R cfgmgr –vl fcs0)dar0 - disk array router - logical device - one per FAStTdac0, dac1 - disk array controllers (two per FAStT)hdiskX - l

32、ogical disk# fget_config -l dar0 (查看磁盤和控制器的對應關(guān)系)dac0 ACTIVE dac1 ACTIVEdac0- hdisk1dac0- hdisk2dac0- hdisk3dac1- hdisk4dac1- hdisk5dac1- hdisk6dac1- hdisk7dac0- hdisk8,Page 50,Device介紹,# lsattr -El dar0 act_

33、controller dac0, dac1 Active Controllers Falseall_ controller dac0, dac1 Available ControllersFalseheld_ in_ reset none Held- in- reset controllerTrueload_ balancing no Dynamic Load Balancing Tr

34、ueautorecovery noAutorecover after failure is corrected Truelun_ bitmap 00000000000000000000000000001010 LUN Ownership bitmap Truehlthchk_ freq 600 Health check frequency in seconds Trueaen_ freq 600 P

35、olled AE frequency in seconds Truebalance_ freq 600 Dynamic Load Balancing frequency in seconds Truefast_ write_ ok yes Fast Write available Falsecache_ size 512 Cache size for both c

36、ontrollers Falseswitch_ retries 5 Number of times to retry failed switches True# lsattr -El dac0 passive_ control no Passive controller Falsealt_ held_ reset no Alternate held in reset Falsecont

37、roller_ SN 1T04611221 Controller serial number Falsectrl_ type 3552 Controller Type Falsecache_ size 512 Cache Size in MBytes Falsescsi_ id 0x210013 SCSI ID

38、Falselun_ id 0x0 Logical Unit Number Falseutm_ lun_ id none Logical Unit Number Falselocation Location Label Trueww_ name 0x200800a0b80c1948 World Wide Name FalseGLM_ type low GLM ty

39、pe False,Page 51,Device介紹,# lsattr -El hdisk4 pvid none Physical volume identifier Falseq_ type simple Queuing Type Falsequeue_depth 30 Queue Depth Truereserve_lock yes RESERVE device on

40、 open Truewrite_cache yes Write Caching enabled Truesize 69270 Size in Mbytes Falseraid_level 5 RAID Level Falserw_timeout 30 Read/ Write Timeout value Truereassign_to 120 Reassign

41、Timeout value Truescsi_id 0x210013 SCSI ID Falselun_ id 0x0000000000000000 Logical Unit NumberFalsecache_method fast_ write Write Caching methodTrueprefetch_mult 0 Multiple of blocks to prefe

42、tch on read Trueieee_volname 600A0B80000C1A70000000013B45FEA8 IEEE Unique volume nameFalse,# lsattr -El fcs0bus_intr_lvl 54 Bus interrupt level Falseintr_priority 3 Int

43、errupt priority Falsebus_io_addr 0x3ec00 Bus I/O address Falsebus_mem_addr 0xf8020000 Bus memory address Falselg_term_dma 0x200000 N/A

44、 Truemax_xfer_size 0x100000 Maximum Transfer Size Truenum_cmd_elems 200 Maximum number of COMMANDS to queue to the adapterTruepref_alpa 0x1 Preferred AL_PA

45、 Truesw_fc_class 2 FC Class for Fabric Trueinit_link al INIT Link flags True,Page 52,Device屬性設置,Set dar autorecovery For

46、multi-host # chdev -l dar0 -a autorecovery=no -PFor single host # chdev -l dar0 -a autorecovery=yes -PSet dar load_balancing for single host# chdev -l dar0 -a load_balancing=yes -PSet hdisk queue_depth Total hd

47、isk IOs queued to FAStT should be 512512 / (number of hosts * LUNs per host )= hdisk queue_depth# chdev -l -a queue_depth= -PSet FC adapter DMA memory for high sequential IO rates# chdev -l fcs0 -a lg_term_dma=0x40

48、0000 -POr use # smitty chgfcs-P puts change in ODM, not on device - reboot neededStop use of device to make change dynamically without -P,Page 53,TIPS,LUN不能在不同Dar之間切換Hot spare支持整個盤柜配置FAStT、更改LUN屬組時需要同時連通兩個控制器更換完硬盤,


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