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1、專升本單選,2014年真題,Part II Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A) , B ) , C ) and D ). Choose the answer that best completes the

2、 sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through center.21.The improvements in technology have ______the prices of computer considerably in recent months.A) brought backB) b

3、rought downC) brought on D) brought up22.As the manager’s private secretary, Helen has easy ______ to all his correspondence.A) accessB) approach C) accentD) response23.The editor asked his j

4、ournalists not to _____ any details in their reports of the accident.A) leave for B) leave on C) leave off D) leave out,B,A,D,24.The party had to be ______because the host went down with a bad case of

5、flu.A) called inB) called offC) called onD) called up25.Since his wife died, he has______ himself into the research work.A) devotedB ) dedicatedC) thrownD) contributed26.He has spent all his life working with m

6、entally ______people.A) disabledB ) divergedC) nakedD) abolished27.The road to the island only appears when the tide has______.A) sprinkledB) receded C ) tilted D) diminished28.Environmentalists are doing ever

7、ything within their power to ______the impact of the oil spill.A) rejectB) belittleC) minimizeD) reclaim29. I would always ______buying a good quality car rather than a cheap one.A) appreciateB ) approveC) intro

8、duceD) recommend,B,C,A,B,C,D,21.The improvements in technology have ______the prices of computer considerably in recent months.短語辨析題:considerably [k?n′s?d?r?bli] adv. 非常,很A) brought back即bring back,使恢復; B

9、) brought down降低,減少;C) brought on引起,導致;e.g. The bad weather brought on his cold again. 惡劣的天氣使他再次感冒。 D) brought up 撫養(yǎng)22.As the manager’s private secretary, Helen has easy ______ to all his corres

10、pondence.固定表達題: correspondence [k?r?′spɑnd?ns, kɑr-] n. 通信,信件A) access have access to 有機會…B) approach靠近,方法 C) accent 口音 D) response 反應(yīng),23.The editor asked his journalists not to _____ any details in their r

11、eports of the accident.短語辨析題: A) leave for 去某地 B) leave on 不關(guān)閉,開著 C) leave off停止 e.g. Please leave off bothering me. 請別再煩我了。D) leave out 遺漏,省略, 忽略 e.g. Don't leave out th

12、e definite article. 這里不要漏掉定冠詞.,24.The party had to be ______because the host went down with a bad case of flu.短語辨析題: A) called in叫來 B) called off 取消C) called on號召,短暫拜訪 D) called up 打

13、電話e.g.我有了空就去找你。 I’ll call on you in my spare time. 我明天給你打電話。 I’ll call you up tomorrow.25.Since his wife died, he has______ himself into the research work.A) devotedB ) dedicated C) thrown D) contribut

14、ed詞義辨析題: devote/dedicate oneself to 致力于… thrown oneself into 投身于… contribute… to…導致,捐獻,一般不與oneself連用。區(qū)分:devote為普通用詞,表示“投入”; dedicate一般強調(diào)“為理想而獻身”。e.g. ①他把大量時間投在

15、了英語學習上。②她一生致力于婦女和兒童的福利。 He devoted much of his time to studying English. She dedicated/ devoted all her life to the natural science.,26.He has spent all his life working with mentally ______people.詞義辨析題: A

16、) disabled殘障的 B ) diverged偏離的 (V. 使…分開)C) naked裸露的D) abolished 廢止的e.g. Needless to say, theory and practice sometimes diverged. 不用說,理論和實踐有時候并不相符。 The Americans abolished slavery in 1863.27

17、.The road to the island only appears when the tide has______.動詞辨析題:A) sprinkled灑,撒 B) receded退去,減弱C ) tilted使…傾斜 D) diminished(使)減少e.g. If you tilt the table, the dishes will slide off onto the floor

18、. 如果你使桌子傾斜,碟子就會滑到地板上。 Time will not diminish our friendship. 時間的流逝不會減弱我們的友誼。,28.Environmentalists are doing everything within their power to ______the impact of the oil spill.動詞辨析題: A) reject 拒絕

19、 B) belittle輕視,貶低C) minimize使最小化D) reclaim收回e.g. Don’t belittle yourself by answering this silly accusation. 不要回應(yīng)這種無聊的指控而貶低自己。 You’ll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.

20、 你要去警察局去認領(lǐng)你的錢包。29. I would always ______buying a good quality car rather than a cheap one.動詞辨析題: A) appreciate 欣賞,感激B ) approve贊成,批準C) introduce引進,介紹D) recommend推薦 注意:appreciate /recommend doing sth.

21、 approve贊成 vi. 與of 連用 批準vt. e.g. I quite approve of your idea.我十分贊同你的想法。 The mayor approved the new plan.,第二部分,,30. I didn't’ t know anything about any of the books so my choice was

22、 quite______.A) arbitraryB ) obviousC) evident D) fortunate31. I followed her ______but I still couldn’t work out how to use the sewing machine.A) descriptionB ) introductionC) instructionsD) comments32. E

23、mployees are ______to join the company’s pension plan after a year’s service.A) compelledB) acquiredC) respondedD) regarded33. She soon ______the actor who had starred in the popular movie Speed.A) specifiedB) r

24、ealized C) justified D) identified34. We collected hundreds of ______in support of not allowing cars into the city centre.A) signaturesB) awareness C) stationery D) statements,A,C,A,D

25、,A,30. I didn't’ t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite______.形容詞辨析題:A) arbitrary武斷的,隨意的B ) obvious明顯的C) evident 明顯的,明白的 D) fortunate幸運的31. I followed her ______but I still couldn’t w

26、ork out how to use the sewing machine.名詞辨析題:A) description描述 B ) introduction介紹,引進C) instructions指令,說明D) comments 評論32. Employees are ______to join the company’s pension plan after a year’s service.動詞辨

27、析題:A) compelled 迫使B) acquired習得,獲得C) responded反應(yīng)D) regarded視為,尊敬e.g. How did he acquire his great wealth? 他是怎樣獲得大量財富的?,33. She soon ______the actor who had starred in the popular movie Speed.動詞辨析題:A) spec

28、ified明確規(guī)定,詳細說明B) realized意識到,實現(xiàn) C) justified證明…正確(或正當、有理 ) D) identified 認出e.g. Please specify what you will do. 請詳述一下你將做什么。34. We collected hundreds of ______in support of not allowing c

29、ars into the city centre.名詞辨析題:A) signatures簽名 B) awareness意識 C) stationery 文具 D) statements陳述,35. The young man struggled to ______where he was at the time the murder took place.A) reflectB)

30、 respond C) resolveD) recall36. All the while he was terrified by the fear ______he had cancer of the stomach.A) whichB) that C) what D) such37. People found to their horror that two - thi

31、rds of the adult population in that area had ______AIDS.A) contacted B ) contrastedC ) contracted D) compacted38. Though faced with many difficulties, he would not ______online learning.A) give up B ) get thro

32、ughC) get byD) give in39. As National Day is round the corner, Shanghai is ______a festive atmosphere.A) looked on B ) involved in C ) bathed in D) surrounded with40. He is so kind and easy-going that the kid

33、s go ______him in a big way.A) forB) to C) with D) off,D,B,C,A,C,A,41. She seemed to be aware of the delicacy of the situation and she was taking great care not to say anything to ______her companion.A) ignore B )

34、 neglect C) charm D) embarrass42. The obvious unfairness of such poverty side by side with conspicuous affluence reminded them of their ______parents back home.A) vulnerableB ) destructiveC) critica

35、l D) sentimental43. Writing a letter or reading a book may appear to be ______activities in which individuals exercise personal skills.A) scarceB) sophisticatedC) solitaryD) sincere44.He took her hand

36、and felt the scar on her thumb,______of an accident with a kitchen knife in the early days of their marriage.A) modeB) premise C) signature D) legacy45.As each black creature ______and flapped away into the

37、 graying sky, she watched it, tears in her eyes.A) fluttered B) featured C) fussed D) ferried,C,A,C,D,A,46.The moment seemed to ______out endlessly, his gaze travelling across her face, her neck, her shou

38、lder, returning to her eyes.A) stretch B) expand C) skip D) slip47.Although the poem contains such pessimistic overtones and pathetic acceptance of fate, there is hope to be found in the last two lines whic

39、h seem to be ______from the rest.A) taken apart B ) set asideC ) set apartD) fallen apart48.His aim was to ______pride in being black and to inspire black Americans to campaign for equal rights.A) respondB) resto

40、re C) restrain D) retreat49.A class is said rather vaguely to ______a group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes, and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs.A) consist of B) contrast with


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