1、論文寫作楊朝軍,什么是論文?,定義:一篇正式的、有一定長度且有詳細文獻根據(jù)的學(xué)術(shù)性文章。學(xué)士、碩士、博士/論點、條理、論述意義:學(xué)位的需要;工作的需要;做人的需要。原則:originality; availability; workability; reliability步驟:1選題2收集資料3分析資料4初稿5定稿,一、選題,籠統(tǒng)的題目:了解+興趣+想法閱讀和思考:新意縮小范圍:電影《人生》面面觀確定題目:自選、命
2、題、混合蹩腳題目:劉巧珍的美麗/《人生》中的氣象/路遙的祖先/誰是好人/當(dāng) 代陳士美/誰是最偉大的詩人:李白?杜甫?總結(jié):新穎、界定明確、一個好的題目讓人一眼就能得出結(jié)論:好/壞,有/無價值,能/不能寫,有新意/老生常談,慧眼,?《人生》《老井》中女性形象分析/劉巧珍形象分析?高加林的形象分析/高加林悲劇的心理分析/高加林的眼淚/高加林人生觀的悖論/自強自尊的高加林/攀緣的凌霄花/人才與環(huán)境/于連與高加林的愛情觀/
3、于連和高加林悲劇文化心理之比較?老光棍?走西口,近年來的選題一覽,新深全少結(jié)構(gòu):主體+理論+方法+發(fā)現(xiàn)。。。補償:例如:解構(gòu)主義視角、以。。。為例論文題目.doc,例子,Elizabethan DramaShakespeare’s TragediesHamletOn Hamlet’s Insanity,A comparison between English and Chinese Proverbs,Proverb
4、s are the treasure of language and the crystallization of wisdom. Both English and Chinese are rich in Proverbs. Since there is much in common between the proverbs of the two languages, it is feasible to make a compariso
5、n between them. This paper compares English and Chinese proverbs on six aspects:1. the concepts of idioms and proverbs2. the main features of proverbsThe structure of proverbsThe content of proverbsThe origin of pro
6、verbs and their national characteristicsThe rhetoric in proverbs.,Usage of and,My thesis is to deal with the usage of the word “and”. It is divided into two parts: coordinate usage and non-coordinate usage.1. coordinat
7、e usage includes the following aspects:1)to express compound or symmetry relationship2)to draw forth compound sentence which is equal to clause of results.3)to draw forth clause of time, cause appositive and so on4)t
8、o draw forth the meaning of emphasis2. non-coordinate usage includes the following aspects:1)to link up two nouns in replacement of the structure “modifier+noun2)to express subsidiary relationship3)to express the sam
9、e person or the same thing4)to express metaphor or simile in some idioms5)to link up two verbs in imperative sentence6)to link up the same pair of words, expressing the repetition and continuation of time, activities
10、and state7)to link up two comparative degrees,簡愛,簡愛的矛盾性格與環(huán)境的關(guān)系簡愛的敘事結(jié)構(gòu)分析簡愛的雙重性格:反叛/自卑;勇敢/傳統(tǒng)簡愛的性格特征簡愛的女性意識簡愛的翻譯/譯本比較神性與人性的結(jié)合簡愛中的瘋女人Thornfield的解讀:生活、生命、愛情從簡愛看勃朗特的女性意識簡愛與傲慢與偏見比較簡愛與潘金蓮簡愛中的社會等級制度簡愛中的哥特式寫作手法簡愛的心路
13、轉(zhuǎn)述/摘要/心得/旁白,D直接引語的記錄,①分辨觀點,不能斷章取義。②直接引語必須加引號,以免混淆。③省略好的使用:要保持意思不變,盡量保證句子完整,要標在省略的地方,段落省略要左右頂格。④必要的說明:sic He [Marx] suffered extreme hardships. In that year[1848], Karl Marx and Fredrich Engles published the commun
14、ist Manifesto.,E筆記的整理,①鉛筆標題直至定稿②糾正③合并④歸類⑤重讀⑥充實例子:海明威和迷惘的一代/海明威的生活經(jīng)歷/海明威對美國文學(xué)的貢獻/海明威的作品/海明威的創(chuàng)作風(fēng)格和技巧/海明威論創(chuàng)作,文摘卡示例,Hemingway’s themes R.E.Spiller, 1997:231 “In one sense Hemingway was more limited in scope th
15、an most of his contemporaries, for he had but a single theme; how man may meet death in a world stripped of all values except that of intensity.” [d.q.],,,,,3分析資料,A論點B提綱C提綱類型主題(中心思想)1.簡介2.主要觀點2.1從屬觀點2.2從屬觀點2
16、.2.1闡明觀點的細節(jié)2.2.2闡明觀點的細節(jié)實例a2.2.2.2實例b3.主要觀點3.1從屬觀點3.2從屬觀點3.2.1闡明觀點的細節(jié)3.2.2闡明觀點的細節(jié)3.2.3闡明觀點的細節(jié)3.3從屬觀點4.結(jié)論,題目式提綱,Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations.1.Introduction;the
17、 foundation of foreign trade2.The necessity of visible trade2.1Lack of certain commodities2.2Insufficiency of particular items2.3Latest innovations and different styles of commodities2.4The importance of a favorable
18、 balance of trade3.The necessity of invisible trade: exchange of services between nations3.1Transportation3.2Insurance3.3Tourism3.4Technology4.Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade and the importance of the bala
19、nce of payments,句子式提綱,Thesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations1.Introduction: the utilization of different economic resources and the development of different skills form the foundation o
20、f foreign trade2.Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between nations.2.1 No nation has all the commodities it needs.2.2 A nation may not have enough of certain commodities.2.3 A nation may sell certain
21、 commodities at a profit.2.4 Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary.2.5 All nations strive to maintain a favorable balance of trade so as to be assured of the means to b
22、uy necessary goods.3. Exchange of services between nations (invisible trade) is part of foreign trade.3.1 Nations vie in providing transportation for foreign trade.3.2 Prudent exporters purchase insurance for their ca
23、rgoes.3.3 Tourism brings a nation huge profits.3.4 Technology is also exported and imported.4. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade is to earn money for necessary imports and it is important to keep the balance of
24、 payments.,提綱須知,不要列單一的分項,一般來講,有1則有2。不要混合使用兩種提綱。同一等級的提綱要用相同的結(jié)構(gòu)表示。主題要用完整句,肯定句,不能用疑問句、短語或從句。,論證構(gòu)架,總分式層遞式并列式綜合式散論式,Jane Eyre,The Independence of Jane EyreThesis statement:Jane Eyre tried to preserve her self-respect
25、, independence and self-sufficiency at every stage of her life, both in struggling with social pressure and in resisting the temptation of passion.Outline:At Gateshead, Jane began to realize the importance of independe
26、nce.1.1 Jane, a poor orphan of ten, did not evoke sympathy from other people, because she was not pretty.1.2 From John reed Jane learned that dependence and incompetence invited nothing but scorn.1.3 In the “red room”
27、, Jane began to realize that she needed to be saved from her blind fear of authority and be self-reliant.2. At Lowood Institution, Jane gained strength from her teacher and fellow students to achieve her independence.2
28、.1 Jane learned from Maria Temple the value of independence.2.2 Jane learned from Helen the importance of duty and self-control.3. At Thornfield Hall, Jane showed her independence fully.3.1 Jane worked as a governess
29、to support herself.3.2 Jane tried to regain control over her passion when she felt her loss of independence after she accepted Rochester’s love.3.2.1 She wanted to be his friend and companion, but not someone in his po
30、ssession.3.2.2 She told him she preferred his rude openness to his flattery.3.2.3 She remained economically independent by maintaining her job as Adele’s governess.3.2.4 She refused to have sexual relationship with R
31、ochester because she feared that she would lose her independence because of passion.3.2.5 She left Rochester because she did not want to lose her integrity and become his mistress.4. At Moor House, Jane learned the ple
32、asure of self-sufficiency.4.1 Jane became spiritually stronger and more confident through her friendship with the two sisters, Diana and Mary Rivers.4.2 Jane gained social respect by teaching in the village school.4.3
33、 Jane rejected St. john’s offer of marriage because she did not want to live as a tool to serve God.5. At Ferdean, Jane married Rochester as his equal after his wife’s death and his loss of all his property in a big fir
34、e.,4初稿,A用自己的語言(引文不超10%): W.E.B. Du Bois believed that “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line”. Du Bois became aware of racial differences at an early age. He related this experienc
35、e vividly: The exchange [of children’s calling cards] was merry, till one girl, a tall newcomer, refused my car-refused it peremptorily, with a glance. Then it dawned on me with a certain suddenness that I was di
36、fferent from the others, or like, mayhap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out from this world by a vast veil. Du Bois felt that dreams of opportunities and fulfillment were reserved solely for whites:
37、 The shades of the prison-house closed round about us all: walls strait [sic] and stubborn to the whitest, but relentlessly narrow, tall, and unscalable to sons of night who must plod darkly on in resignation, or beat un
38、availing palms against the stone, or steadily, half hopelessly, watch the streak of blue above. When his infant son died, Du bois was depressed, but yet he rejoiced because his son would not have to endure life behin
39、d “the veil”. All that day and all that night there sat an awful gladness in my heart---nay, blame me not if I see the world thus darkly through the veil, and my soul whispers ever to me, saying, “Not dead, not d
40、ead, but escaped, not bound, but free.” No bitter meanness now shall sicken his baby heart till it dies a living death, no taunt shall madden his happy boyhood. Fool that I was to think or wish that little soul should gr
41、ow choked and deformed within the Veil…Well sped, my boy, before the world had dubbed your ambition insolence, had held your ideals unattainable, and taught you to cringe and bow. Better far this nameless void that stops
42、 my li8fe than a sea of sorrow for you.正例:W.E.B. Du Bois, who believed that “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line,” learned as a child that he could be rejected simply because of the col
43、or of his skin. Later, he came to believe that dreams of opportunities and fulfillment were reserved solely for whites, and he compared the life of blacks in America with that of prison inmates. Indeed, he grew so bitter
44、 about the plight of blacks that he rejoiced when his infant son died because the child would never have to experience the prejudice that he had felt.,4初稿,B適當(dāng)?shù)臅r態(tài):過去的事情或傳記用過去時,敘述和評論用現(xiàn)在時。C事實和觀點要經(jīng)得起推敲。Three adquaciesD篇章結(jié)構(gòu)
45、E語氣要客觀。F選擇適當(dāng)?shù)奈捏w。5 修改6 定稿,4.1論文常見結(jié)構(gòu),AcknowledgementTables and figuresabbreviationsIntroductionPurpose of the thesis, research questionsMethodology and data collectionLiterature reviewTheoretical framework\found
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