1、<p> Shi Jing (Book of Odes) Introduction</p><p> Chinese literature begins with ShiJing (Book of Odes), an anthology of songs, poems, and hymns. It consists of 311 poems (6 without text) dating from
2、 the Zhou Dynasty (1027-771 BC) to the Spring & Autumn Period (770-476 BC). Geographically, these poems were collected from the area which is now central China and the lower HuangHe (Yellow River) Valley of north Chi
3、na where Chinese civilization began and flourished. The area covers what are today抯 ShanXi, ShanXi, ShanDong , HeNan, and HuBei provinc</p><p> The collection is divided into four main sections:</p>
4、<p> GuoFeng (Lessons from the States): poems or folk songs from ordinary people. </p><p> XiaoYa (Minor Odes of the Kingdom): poems or songs concerning life of the nobility. </p><p> Da
5、Ya (Greater Odes of the Kingdom): poems or songs of praise of the rulers and their life. </p><p> Song (Odes of the Temple and the Altar): hymns written for religious ceremonies of the court. </p>&l
6、t;p> In spite of the many interpretations and commentaries written generations later, ShiJing抯 influence on Chinese literature is overwhelming and undeniable by any one at any time. ShiJing not only lays the foundati
7、on for the formation of style and rules for Chinese classical poems, it is also frequently quoted in other canonical Chinese texts and has always been referred to as moral truth and lessons. It is no coincidence that the
8、 number of poems selected by Sun Zhu in 1763 for his popular 300 Tang</p><p> Poems collected in the anthology touch and reflect on all aspects of Chinese life at the time. Some describe emotion, feelings a
9、nd situations of people from different classes of society, some report events and matters of state, some depict the harmonious rule of nature. There is record of about one hundred kinds of plants and trees and ninety kin
10、ds of animals and insects in ShiJing. Different kinds of musical instruments, metals, arms and munitions of war, buildings, clothing, food, etc. are fre</p><p> ShiJing has been translated into English by a
11、 number of prominent scholars since 18th century. The translation we use here is by James Legge (1814-1897) and have substituted his transliteration of Chinese names with PinYin. </p><p> ** This introducti
12、on is written by C. Ming Lung of Chiense Text Initiative. It is intended to providing some basic information on ShiJing to users, especially those who are new to this anthology. </p><p> A short bibliograph
13、ies is provided here:</p><p> Wilt Idema and Lloyd Haft. A Guide to Chinese Literature, Ann Arbor: UMichigan Center for Chinese Studies, 1997 </p><p> Victor H. Mair, editor. The Columbia Anth
14、ology of Traditional Chinese Literature, New York: Columbia University, 1994 </p><p> W. McNaughton. The Book of Songs, New York: Twain, 1971 </p><p> *****************************</p>
15、<p> Translations:</p><p> Arthur Waley. The Book of Songs: Translated by Arthur Waley, Edited with Additional Translations by Joseph R. Allen, New York: Grove Press, 1996 </p><p> ShiJi
16、ng: Translated by YunZhong Xu, Edited by ShengZhang Jiang, Hunan, China: Hu Nan Chu Ban She, 1993 </p><p> William Jennings. The Shi King: The Old "Poetry Classic" of the Chinese, New York: Parago
17、n Book, 1969 </p><p> Ezra Pound. The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius, Cambridge: Harvard U Press, 1954 </p><p> Bernhard Karlgren. The Book of Odes, Stockholm: The Museum of Far Easter
18、n Antiquities, 1950</p><p> Notes on Texts</p><p> Chinese text on this site is based on Shi Ji Zhuan by Zhu Xi. When a character is not found in the word processor we substituted with its syn
19、onym (TongYiZi or YiTiZi) after consulted CiHai and CiYuan. In very few cases when no character is available at all, the components of the character are displayed in a note at the end of the poem. </p><p>
20、We did not place additional space between characters in the original text. Therefore, in order to make the line-wrap works for Chinese when viewing with Chinese software you still need to set fonts to Big5 on your Netsca
21、pe or Microsoft Explorer browser. </p><p> Shi Jing [Book of Odes] </p><p> Anonymous</p><p> Creation of machine-readable version: Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng, University of
22、Virginia Chinese Text Initiative Creation of digital images: Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Xuepen Sun and Xiaoqian Zheng, Universit y of Virginia Chinese Text Initiative University of Virginia Library Charlo
23、ttesville, VirginiaChinese, AnoShih</p><p> Publicly-accessible</p><p> URL: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/chinese 1998</p><p> Chinese Text Initiative</p><p> C
24、hinese characters which were not available in the Chinese word processor (NJSta r) were substituted with synonymous characters. </p><p> About the print version </p><p> Shi Ji Zhuan </p>
25、;<p><b> Zhu Xi</b></p><p> Zhong Hua Xue Yi She Shanghai1936Print copy consulted: in UVa Makiam collectionThe English translation text was taken from The Chinese Classics, vol. 4 by
26、 Jame s Legge (1898) and checked against a reprinted edition by Wen Zhi Zhe chu pan sh e (Taiwan, 1971). Transliteration of Chinese names in the English translation we re converted to PinYin from Legge's own. </p&
27、gt;<p> Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center. </p><p> The images exist as archived TIFF images, one or more JPEG versions for general use, and thumbnail GIFs.</
28、p><p> Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Center scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.</p><p> English Chinese </p><p> Revisions to the electroni
29、c version August 1998corrector Christine Ruotolo, Electronic Text Center Created TEI header; parsed text and fixed tagging errors. etextcenter@virginia.edu . Commercial use prohibited; all usage governed by our Condi
30、tions of Use: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/conditions.html </p><p><b> 詩集傳序</b></p><p> 或有問予曰、詩何為而作也。予應(yīng)之曰、人生而靜、 天之性也、感於物而動、 性之欲也 ?C夫既有欲矣、 則不能無思。 既有思矣、則不能無言。既有言矣、 則言之所不能盡、 爾?o於咨嗟詠歎
31、之餘者、必有自然之音響節(jié)族﹙音奏﹚而不能已焉。 此詩之所以作也。曰、然則其所以教者何也。曰、詩者、人心之感物而形於言之餘也。心之所感而邪正、故言之所形有是非。惟聖人在上、則其所感者無不正、而其言皆足以為教。其或感之之雜、而所發(fā)不能無可擇者、則上之人必思所以自反、而因有以勸懲之、是亦所以為教也。昔周盛之時、 上?菢未q朝廷而下達(dá)於鄉(xiāng)黨閭巷、其言粹然而不出於正者、 聖人固已協(xié)之聲律、而用之鄉(xiāng)人、用之邦國、以化天下。至於列國之詩、則天子巡狩、
32、亦必陳而觀之、 以行黜陟之典。降自?L穆而後、寖以陵夷。至於東遷、而遂廢不講矣。孔子生於其時、既不得位、無以行勸黜陟?妞F、於是特舉其籍而討論之、去其重複、正其紛亂、而其善之不足以為法、惡之不足以為?椌怴B則亦刊而去之、以從簡約、示久遠(yuǎn)、使夫?qū)W者即是而有以考其得失、善者師之而惡者?鼤j。是以其正雖不足以行於一時、而其教實被於萬世、是則詩之所以為教者然也。曰、然?h國風(fēng)雅頌之體</p><p> 淳熙四年丁酉冬十
33、月戊子、新安朱熹序</p><p> 國風(fēng)(LESSONS FROM THE STATES)</p><p> 國者、諸候所封之域、而風(fēng)者、民俗歌謠之詩也。謂之風(fēng)者、以其被上之化以有言、而其言又足以感人、如物因風(fēng)之動以有聲、而其聲又足以動物也。是以諸候采之以貢於天子、天子受之而列於樂官、於以考其俗尚之美惡、而知其政治之得失焉。舊說二南為正風(fēng)、所以用之閨門鄉(xiāng)黨邦國而化天下也。 十三國為
34、變風(fēng)、則亦領(lǐng)在樂官、以時存肄、備觀省而垂監(jiān)戎耳?B合之凡十五國云。</p><p> 周南 (THE ODES OF ZHOU AND THE SOUTH)</p><p> 1. 關(guān)睢 GUAN SUI</p><p> 關(guān)關(guān)雎鳩、在河之洲。窈宨淑女、君子好逑。</p><
35、;p> 參差荇菜、左右流之。窈宨淑女、寤寐求之。求之不得、寤寐思服。悠哉悠哉、輾轉(zhuǎn)反側(cè)。</p><p> 參差荇菜、左右采之。窈宨淑女、琴瑟友之。參差荇菜、左右芼之。窈宨淑女、 鍾鼓樂之。</p><p> Guan-guan go the ospreys , On the islet in the river . The modest , retiring
36、, virtuous , young lady : -- For our prince a good mate she . </p><p> Here long , there short , is the duckweed , To the left , to the right , borne about by the current . The modest , retiring , virtuo
37、us , young lady : -- Waking and sleeping , he sought her . He sought her and found her not , And waking and sleeping he thought about her . Long he thought ; oh ! long and anxiously ; On his side , on his back , he
38、turned , and back again . </p><p> Here long , there short , is the duckweed ; On the left , on the right , we gather it . The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- With lutes , small and large
39、, let us give her friendly welcome . Here long , there short , is the duckweed ; On the left , on the right , we cook and present it . The modest , retiring , virtuous , young lady : -- With bells and drums let us sh
40、ow our delight in her . </p><p> 2. 葛覃 GE TAN</p><p> 葛之覃兮、施于中谷。維葉萋萋、黃鳥于飛。集于灌木、其鳴喈喈。</p><p> 葛之覃兮、施于中谷。維葉莫莫、是刈是濩。為絺為綌、服之無斁。</p><p> 言告師氏、言
41、告言歸。薄污我私、薄澣我衣。害澣害否、歸寧父母 。</p><p> How the dolichos spread itself out , Extending to the middle of the valley ! Its leaves were luxuriant ; The yellow birds flew about , And collected on the thickly gr
42、owing trees , Their pleasant notes resounding far . </p><p> How the dolichos spread itself out , Extending to the middle of the valley ! Its leaves were luxuriant and dense . I cut it and I boiled it ,
43、 And made both fine cloth and coarse , Which I will wear without getting tired of it . </p><p> I have told the matron , Who will announce that I am going to see my parents . I will wash my private clot
44、hes clean , And I will rinse my robes . Which need to be rinsed , which do not ? I am going back to visit my parents.</p><p> 3. 卷耳 JUAN ER </p><p> 采采卷耳、不盈頃筐。嗟我懷人
45、、寘彼周行。</p><p> 陟彼崔嵬、我馬虺隤。我姑酌彼金罍、維以不永懷。</p><p> 陟彼高岡、我馬玄黃。我姑酌彼兕觥、維以不永傷。</p><p> 陟彼砠矣、我馬瘏矣、我僕痡矣、云何吁矣。</p><p> I was gathering and gathering the mouse-ear , But cou
46、ld not fill my shallow basket . With a sigh for the man of my heart , I placed it there on the highway . </p><p> I was ascending that rock-covered height , But my horses were too tired to breast it . I
47、 will now pour a cup from that gilded vase , Hoping I may not have to think of him long . </p><p> I was ascending that lofty ridge , But my horses turned of a dark yellow . I will now take a cup from th
48、at rhinoceros' horn , Hoping I may not have long to sorrow . </p><p> I was ascending that flat-topped height , But my horses became quite disabled , And my servants were [also] disabled . Oh ! how
49、great is my sorrow ! </p><p> 4. 樛木 JIU MU</p><p> 南有樛木、葛藟纍之。樂只君子、福履綏之。</p><p> 南有樛木、葛藟荒之。樂只君子、福履將之。</p><p> 南有樛木、葛藟縈之。樂只君子、福履成之。</p>
50、<p> In the south are trees with curved drooping branches , With the doliches creepers clinging to them . To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : -- May she repose in her happiness and dignity ! </p>&
51、lt;p> In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches , Covered by the dolichos creepers . To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : -- May she be great in her happiness and dignity ! </p><p>
52、 In the south are the trees with curved drooping branches , Round which the dolichos creepers twine . To be rejoiced in is our princely lady : -- May she be complete in her happiness and dignity ! </p><p&g
53、t; 5. 螽斯 ZHONG SI </p><p> 螽斯羽、詵詵兮。宜爾子孫、振振兮。</p><p> 螽斯羽、薨薨兮。宜爾子孫、繩繩兮。</p><p> 螽斯羽、揖揖兮。宜爾子孫、蟄蟄兮。</p><p> Ye locusts , winged tribes ,
54、How harmoniously you collect together ! Right is it that your descendants Should be multitudinous ! </p><p> Ye locusts , winged tribes , How sound your wings in flight ! Right is it that your descenden
55、ts Should be as in unbroken strings ! </p><p> Ye locusts , winged tribes , How you cluster together ! Right is it that your descendents Should be in swarms ! </p><p> 6. 桃夭
56、160; TAO YAO</p><p> 桃之夭夭、灼灼其華。之子于歸、宜其家室。</p><p> 桃之夭夭、有蕡其實。之子于歸、宜其室家。</p><p> 桃之夭夭、其葉蓁蓁。之子于歸、宜其家人。</p><p> The peach tree is young and elegant ; Brilliant
57、 are its flowers . This young lady is going to her future home , And will order well her chamber and house . </p><p> The peach tree is young and elegant ; Abundant will be its fruits . This young lady
58、is going to her future home , And will order well her chamber and house . </p><p> The peach tree is young and elegant ; Luxuriant are its leaves . This young lady is going to her future home , And will
59、 order well her family . </p><p> 7. 兔罝 TU JU</p><p> 肅肅兔罝、椓之丁丁。赳赳武夫、公侯干城。</p><p> 肅肅兔罝、施于中逵。赳赳武夫、公侯好仇。</p><p> 肅肅兔罝、施于中林。赳赳武夫、公侯腹心。</p&
60、gt;<p> Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets ; Clang clang go the blows on the pegs . That stalwart , martial man Might be shield and wall to his prince . </p><p> Carefully adjusted are the ra
61、bbit nets , And placed where many ways meet . That stalwart , martial man Would be a good companion for his prince . </p><p> Carefully adjusted are the rabbit nets , And placed in the midst of the fore
62、st . That stalwart , martial man Might be head and heart to his prince . </p><p> 8. 芣苡 FOU YI</p><p> 采采芣苡、薄言采之。采采芣苡、薄言有之。</p><p> 采采芣苡、薄言掇之。采采芣苡、薄言捋之。
63、</p><p> 采采芣苡、薄言袺之。采采芣苡、薄言襭之。</p><p> We gather and gather the plantains ; Now we may gather them . We gather and gather the plantains ; Now we have got them . </p><p> We ga
64、ther and gather the plantains ; Now we pluck the ears . We gather and gather the plantains ; Now we rub out the seeds . </p><p> We gather and gather the plantains ; Now we place the seeds in our skirts
65、 . We gather and gather the plantains ; Now we tuck out skirts under our girdles . </p><p> 9. 漢廣 HAN GUANG</p><p> 南有喬木、不可休息。漢有游女、不可求思。漢之廣矣、不可泳思。江之永矣、不可方思。</p>
66、;<p> 翹翹錯薪、言刈其楚。之子于歸、言秣其馬。漢之廣矣、不可泳思。江之永矣、不可方思。</p><p> 翹翹錯薪、言刈其蔞 。之子于歸、言秣其駒 。漢之廣矣、不可泳思 。江之永矣、不可方思 。</p><p> In the south rise the trees without branches , Affording no shelter .
67、 By the Han are girls rambling about , But it is vain to solicit them . The breath of the Han Cannot be dived across ; The length of the Jiang Cannot be navigated with a raft . </p><p> Many are the b
68、undles of firewood ; I would cut down the thorns [to form more] . Those girls that are going to their future home , -- I would feed their horses . The breadth of the Han Cannot be dived across ; The length of the J
69、iang , Cannot be navigated with a raft . </p><p> Many are the bundles of firewood ; I would cut down the southern wood [to form more] . Those girls that are going to their future home , -- I would feed
70、 their colts . The breadth of the Han Cannot be dived across ; The length of the Jiang Cannot be navigated with a raft . </p><p> 10. 汝墳 RU FEN</p><p> 遵彼汝墳、伐其條枚。未見君
71、子、惄如調(diào)飢。</p><p> 遵彼汝墳、伐其條肆。既見君子、不我遐棄。</p><p> 魴魚赬尾、王室如燬 。雖則如燬、父母孔邇 。</p><p> Along those raised banks of the Ru , I cut down the branches and slender stems . While I could not
72、 see my lord , I felt as it were pangs of great hunger . </p><p> Along those raised banks of the Ru , I cut down the branches and fresh twigs . I have seen my lord ; He has not cast me away . </p>
73、;<p> The bream is showing its tail all red ; The royal House is like a blazing fire . Though it be like a blazing fire , Your parents are very near . </p><p> 11. 麟之趾 LIN Z
74、HI ZHI</p><p> 麟之趾、振振公子。于嗟麟兮。</p><p> 麟之定、振振公姓。于嗟麟兮。</p><p> 麟之角、振振公族。于嗟麟兮。</p><p> The feet of the Lin : -- The noble sons of our prince , Ah ! they are the L
75、in ! </p><p> The forehead of the Lin : -- The noble grandsons of our prince , Ah ! they are the Lin ! </p><p> The horn of the Lin : -- The noble kindred of our prince , Ah ! they are the
76、 Lin ! </p><p> 召南 (THE ODES OF SHAO AND THE SOUTH)</p><p> 12. 鵲巢 QUE CHAO</p><p> 維鵲有巢、維鳩居之。之子于歸、百兩御之。</p><p> 維鵲有巢、維鳩方之。之子于歸、百
77、兩將之。</p><p> 維鵲有巢、維鳩盈之。之子于歸、百兩成之。</p><p> The nest is the magpie's ; The dove dwells in it . This young lady is going to her future home ; A hundred carriages are meeting her . </p&
78、gt;<p> The nest is the magpie's ; The dove possesses it . This young lady is going to her future home ; A hundred carriages are escorting her . </p><p> The nest is the magpie's ; The d
79、ove fills it . This young lady is going to her future home ; These hundreds of carriages complete her array . </p><p> 13. 采蘩 CAI FAN</p><p> 于以采蘩、于沼于沚。于以用之、公侯之事。</
80、p><p> 于以采蘩、于澗之中。于以用之、公侯之宮。</p><p> 被之僮僮、夙夜在公。被之祁祁、薄言還歸。</p><p> She gathers the white southernwood , By the ponds , on the islets . She employs it , In the business of our pri
81、nce . </p><p> She gathers the white southernwood , Along the streams in the valleys . She employs it , In the temple of our prince . </p><p> With head-dress reverently rising aloft , Ear
82、ly , while yet it is night, she is in the prince's temple ; In her dead-dress, slowly retiring , She returns to her own apartments . </p><p> 14. 草蟲 CAO CHONG</p><p>
83、; 喓喓草蟲、趯趯阜螽未見君子、憂心忡忡。亦既見止、亦既覯止、我心則降。</p><p> 陟彼南山、言采其蕨。未見君子、憂心惙惙。亦既見止、亦既覯止、我心則說。</p><p> 陟彼南山、言采其薇。未見君子、我心傷悲。亦既見止、亦既覯止、我心則夷。</p><p> Yao-yao went the grass-insects , And
84、the hoppers sprang about . While I do not see my lord , My sorrowful heart is agitated . Let me have seen him , Let me have met him , And my heart will then be stilled . </p><p> I ascended that hill i
85、n the south , And gathered the turtle-foot ferns . While I do not see my lord , My sorrowful heart is very sad . Let me have seen him , Let me have met him , And my heart will then be pleased . </p><p>
86、; I ascended that hill in the south , And gathered the thorn-ferns . While I do not see my lord , My sorrowful heart is wounded with grief . Let me have seen him , Let me have met him , And my heart will then be a
87、t peace . </p><p> 15. 采蘋 CAI PING</p><p> 于以采蘋、南澗之濱。于以采藻、于彼行潦。</p><p> 于以盛之、維筐及筥。于以湘之、維錡及釜。</p><p> 于以奠之、宗室牖下。誰起尸之、有齊季女。</p><p&
88、gt; She gathers the large duckweed , By the banks of the stream in the southern valley . She gathers the pondweed , In those pools left by the floods . </p><p> She deposits what she gathers , In her s
89、quare baskets and round ones She boils it , In her tripods and pans . </p><p> She sets forth her preparations , Under the window in the ancestral chamber . Who superintends the business ? It is [this]
90、 reverent young lady . </p><p> 16. 甘棠 GAN TANG</p><p> 蔽芾甘棠、勿翦勿伐、召伯所茇。</p><p> 蔽芾甘棠、勿翦勿敗、召伯所憩。</p><p> 蔽芾甘棠、勿翦勿拜、召伯所說。</p><p>
91、[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree ; -- Clip it not, hew it not down . Under it the chief of Zhou lodged . </p><p> [This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree ; -- Clip it not , break not a twig of it . Under it
92、the chief of Zhou rested . </p><p> [This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree ; -- Clip it not , bend not a twig of it . Under it the chief of Zhou halted . </p><p> 17. 行露 XIN
93、G LU</p><p> 厭浥行露、豈不夙夜、謂行多露。</p><p> 誰謂雀無角、何以穿我屋。誰謂女無家、何以速我獄。雖速我獄、室家不足。</p><p> 誰謂鼠無牙、何以穿我墉。誰謂女無家、何以速我訟。雖速我獄、亦不女從。</p><p> Wet lay the dew on the path : -- Mig
94、ht I not [have walked there] in the early dawn ? But I said there was [too] much dew on the path . </p><p> Who can say the sparrow has no horn ? How else can it bore through my house ? Who can say that
95、you did not get me betrothed ? How else could you have urged on this trial ? But though you have forced me to trial , Your ceremonies for betrothal were not sufficient .</p><p> Who can say that the rat
96、has no molar teeth ? How else could it bore through my wall ? Who can say that you did not get me betrothed ? How else could you have urged on this trial ? But though you have forced me to trial , I will still not f
97、ollow you . </p><p> 18. 羔羊 GAO YANG</p><p> 羔羊之皮、素絲五紽。退食自公、委蛇委蛇。</p><p> 羔羊之革、素絲五緎。委蛇委蛇、自公退食。</p><p> 羔羊之縫、素絲五總。委蛇委蛇、退食自公。</p><
98、p> [Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins , With their five braidings of white silk ! They have retired from the court to take their their meal ; Easy are they and self-possesed . </p><p> [Those] lamb-s
99、kins and sheep-skins , With their five seams wrought with white silk ! Easy are they and self-possessed ; They have retired from the court to take their their meal . </p><p> The seams of [those] lamb-sk
100、ins and sheep-skins , The five joinings wrought with white silk ! Easy are they and self-possessed ; They have retired to take their their meal from the court . </p><p> 19. 殷其雷 YIN
101、 QI LEI</p><p> 殷其雷、在南山之陽。何斯違斯、莫敢或遑。振振君子、歸哉歸哉。</p><p> 殷其雷、在南山之側(cè)。何斯違斯、莫敢遑息。振振君子、歸哉歸哉。</p><p> 殷其雷、在南山之下。何斯違斯、莫敢遑處。振振君子、歸哉歸哉。</p><p> Grandly rolls the thunder
102、 , On the south of the southern hill ! How was it he went away from this , Not daring to take a little rest ? My noble lord ! May he return ! May he return ! </p><p> Grandly rolls the thunder , About
103、 the sides of the southern hill ! How was it he went away from this , Not daring to take a little rest ? My noble lord ! May he return ! May he return ! </p><p> Grandly rolls the thunder , At the foot
104、 of the southern hill ! How was it he went away from this , Not remaining a little at rest ? My noble lord ! May he return ! May he return ! </p><p> 20. 摽有梅 BIAO YOU MEI</p>
105、;<p> 摽有梅、其實七兮。求我庶士、迨其吉兮。</p><p> 摽有梅、其實三兮。求我庶士、迨其今兮。</p><p> 摽有梅、頃筐塈之。求我庶士、迨其謂之。</p><p> Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree ; There are [but] seven [tenths]
106、of them left ! For the gentlemen who seek me , This is the fortunate time ! </p><p> Dropping are the fruits from the plum-tree ; There are [but] three [tenths] of them left ! For the gentlemen who seek
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