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1、磁阻測(cè)量、居理溫度測(cè)量實(shí)驗(yàn),磁阻效應(yīng),磁阻 ??(H) 是被定義為樣品在磁場(chǎng)中電阻之改變量,即??(H) = ?(H) - ?(H = 0),此處 ?(H) 是在磁場(chǎng)H 下樣品之電阻率。,材料有不同之磁阻,其原因可來(lái)自;電荷受羅倫茲力之作用而改變甚行進(jìn)路徑造成電荷與晶格間散射機(jī)率增加, 此時(shí) ??(H) > 0 ; 受磁矩在磁場(chǎng)下電子自旋與磁矩間間散射狀態(tài)改變的影響, 若樣品是鐵磁性材料, 其磁矩對(duì)電荷自旋之散射機(jī)率會(huì)因?yàn)橥饧?/p>

2、磁場(chǎng)之增加而減小, 此時(shí) ??(H) < 0 。其他物理原因。,樣品置於外加磁場(chǎng)H 之中, 若將電流 J 通於樣品, 此樣品在磁場(chǎng)下產(chǎn)生磁阻效應(yīng)。(a)為縱向磁阻效應(yīng) (H 之方向平行於J之方向);(b)為橫向磁阻效應(yīng)(H之方向垂直於J之方向),氧化物 Nd1-XSrXMnO3 巨磁阻材料中Nd, Sr, Mn 和O原子之排列情形, 此化合物之居禮溫度約在 230 K。,NSMO and LCMO films show the

3、Curie temperature at 222 K and 250 K respectively.,,● The pattern for resistivity and Hall measurements,Temperature dependence of the longitudinal resistivity ?xx for YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO) (1500 Å and NSMO (2100 &#

4、197;) films.,(b),,,,Nd1-XSrXMnO3薄膜在 (a)不同磁場(chǎng)下電阻與溫度的相依行為; (b)磁阻比與溫度的相依行為,,,,巨磁阻Pr0.7Sr0.3MnO3薄膜在溫度為30 K的電阻對(duì)角度?B相依行為,?B為磁場(chǎng)與基座法線之夾角。由上而下的圖形外加磁場(chǎng)值分別為600 G,2500 G,4500 G,5500 G,12.5 kG,20 kG 及 60 kG。,Diamagnetism Paramagnetism

5、FerromagnetismAntiferromagnetismOthers,磁性,Diamagnetism,Diamagnetism is a form of magnetism which is only exhibited by a substance in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field. It is the result of changes in

6、 the orbital motion of electrons due to the application of an externally applied magnetic field. Applying a magnetic field creates a magnetic force on a moving electron in the form of F=qv x B. This force changes the ce

7、ntripetal force on the electron, causing it to either speed up or slow down in its orbital motion. This changed electron speed modifies the magnetic moment of the orbital in a direction against the external field.,,Magne

8、tic moment of Free Electrons or electrons in atoms),1. The spin with which electrons are associated;,2.,,2. Their orbital angular momentum about the nucleus;,3. The change in the orbital moment induced by an applied magn

9、etic field.,Note: Atoms with filled electron shells have zero spin and zero orbital moment. ? The moments of atoms are associated with electrons in unfilled shells.,? PARAMAGNETISM,? PARAMAGNETISM,Paramagnetism

10、 is the tendency of the atomic magnetic dipoles to align with an external magnetic field. This effect occurs due to quantum-mechanical spin as well as electron orbital angular momentum.,,Paramagnetic materials exhibit

11、magnetisation according to Curie's Law: where M is the resulting magnetisation; B is the magnetic flux density of the applied field, measured in tesla; T is absolute temperature, measured in kelvins

12、 and C is a material-specific Curie constant.,, if ?B<<kBT,Curie-Langevin law,? PARAMAGNETISM,Due to unfilled electrons , atoms will have a magnetic moment ?,We may also rewrite the Curie’s law for paramagneti

13、sm as ?p = C/T,Metal,Due to the Fermi gas of conduction electrons,M = B,? = =,Independent of T,Pauli parasmagnetism,TF = Fermi temperature,Ferromagnetism,Ferromagnetism is a phenomenon by which a mat

14、erial can exhibit a spontaneous magnetization, and is one of the strongest forms of magnetism.Historically, the term "ferromagnet" was used for any material that could exhibit spontaneous magnetization: a net

15、magnetic moment in the absence of an external magnetic field. This general definition is still in common use.,Antiferromagnetism,In materials that exhibit antiferromagnetism, the spins of magnetic electrons align in a re

16、gular pattern with neighboring spins pointing in opposite directions. This is the opposite of ferromagnetism. Generally, antiferromagnetic materials exhibit antiferromagnetism at a low temperature, and become disordered

17、 above a certain temperature; the transition temperature is called the Neel temperature. Above the Neel temperature, the material is typically paramagnetic.,,Antiferromagnets can also couple to ferromagnetic materials th

18、rough a mechanism known as exchange anisotropy, in which the ferromagnetic film is either grown upon the antiferromagnet or annealed in an aligning magnetic field, causing the surface atoms of the ferromagnet to align wi

19、th the surface atoms of the antiferromagnet. This provides the ability to "pin" the orientation of a ferromagnetic film, which provides one of the main uses in so-called spin valves, which are the basis of mag

20、netic sensors including modern hard drive read heads.,Ordered arrangements of spins,A spontaneous magnetic moment exists even in zero applied magnetic field.,,Electron spins and magnetic moments are arranged in a regular

21、 manner.,? FERROMAGNETIC ORDER,? FERROMAGNETIC ORDER,Above the Curie temperature Tc, the spontaneous M vanishes.,Curie-Weiss law,,?,C? = Tc,, T > Tc,? FERROMAGNETIC ORDER,,? FERROMAGNETIC ORDER,? FERROMAGNETIC ORDER,T

22、emperature Dependence of the Saturation Magnetization,If we omit the applied magnetic field and replace B by the molecular field BE = ?M, then,For spin ½, M = N? tanh(μB/kBT),M = N? tanh(μ?M /kBT),? FERROMAGNETIC

23、ORDER,? ANTIFERROMAGNETIC ORDER,= M/BaM = Magnetic moment per unit volume, Ba = applied magnetic field.,? FERROMAGNETIC DOMAINS,? FERROMAGNETIC DOMAINS,Domain Wall,10?200 nm,,? FERROMAGNETIC DOMAINS,? FERROMAGNETIC DOMA

24、INS,,The directions of magnetization of different domains need not be parallel.,An arrangement of domains is tend to approximately zero resultant magnetic moment.,Domains form also in antiferromagnetics, ferroelectrics,

25、anti-ferroelectrics, and superconductors etc.,? SINGLE DOMAIN PARTICLES,? SINGLE DOMAIN PARTICLES,,? SINGLE DOMAIN PARTICLES,MFM Magnetic Force Microscope,AFM Atomic Force Microscope SiN tip STM Scanning Tunne


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