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1、鏈家地產(chǎn)在中國Homelink in China,2,Business ranges across such economic areas in North China, Northeast China, Eastern China and Southwest China, etc and is still expanding. Until 2012, Homelink owns more than 1000 regular ch

2、ain stores, more than 26000 staff. Annual sales exceed RMB 110,000,000,000, the commission charges exceed RMB3,300,000,000.,鏈家地產(chǎn)是中國領(lǐng)先的不動產(chǎn)服務(wù)提供商,致力于為客戶提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀、金融及資產(chǎn)管理等服務(wù),讓每一位消費者都能在鏈家愉悅的找到一個家。業(yè)務(wù)范圍:橫跨華北、東北、華東、西南等經(jīng)濟區(qū),并仍

3、不斷擴大服務(wù)區(qū)域。規(guī)模:1000余家直營連鎖門店和26000多置業(yè)顧問,2012年銷售額超過1100億元,傭金額超過33億元。,Homelink is the leading real estate service providers and engages in providing such high quality services as real estate agent, financial and capital manag

4、ement, etc. Homelink will satisfy each consumer to find a house in Homelink cheerfully.,鏈家愿景“行業(yè)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者”讓不動產(chǎn)服務(wù)業(yè)走進殿堂,鏈家使命對社會:鏈家建立一個有遠大抱負,操守自律,勇于創(chuàng)新,智慧管理的現(xiàn)代服務(wù)品牌。對房地產(chǎn)交易客戶:鏈家有能力并且渴望具備能力去給客戶提供愉悅的不動產(chǎn)服務(wù)。對房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀行業(yè):鏈家將提供海量、準確、標準、有深

5、度、使用便捷的不動產(chǎn)資訊。對房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀人:鏈家?guī)椭凸膭罱?jīng)紀人用美好人性(誠實\正直\友善)來共同創(chuàng)造和分享屬于平凡人的尊嚴和非凡成就。,鏈家價值觀客戶至上:我們知道鏈家的存在對有房地產(chǎn)需求的客戶來講,意味著我們是值得信賴和依靠的。 誠實可信:我們可以沒有聰明的腦袋、漂亮的臉蛋、絢麗的背景,但我們誠實,我們讓人信任。 團隊作戰(zhàn):我們正是因為自認在競爭中很弱小才走到一起,只能彼此依靠、彼此關(guān)照才能強大。 拼搏進取:我們不掌控任何

6、稀缺資源,唯有比別人更努力才能取得成功。Homelink valueCustomer first: we understand the existence of Homelink means it worth trustworthy and relied on for those customers who have real estate demand.Honesty and credibility: we have no c

7、lever mind, beautiful face and powerful background, but we are honest and credible.Team work: We come together because we believe we are weak in competition. We will become powerful only if we depend on each other and l

8、ook after each other.Struggle ahead: we do not control any scarce resources. We can only meet with success by making greater efforts than others.,數(shù)字看鏈家,鏈家地產(chǎn)未來發(fā)展Future development of Homelink,存量房市場未來發(fā)展Future devel

9、opment of housing inventory market未來5-10年,全國存量房年傭金規(guī)模將達3000-4000億,北京存量房年傭金規(guī)模將達200億。2015年中國住房抵押貸款將超16萬億,潛購需求依然旺盛,20-49歲之間比重接近60%。In the future 5 to 10 years, the annual commission scale of national housing inventory and

10、 Beijing housing inventory will respectively reach 300,000,000,000 to 400,000,000,000 and 20,000,000,000. In 2015, China’s housing mortgage loan will exceed 160 billion and the potential buyers are still in large amount

11、with the percentage between 20 and 49 approaching 60%.,2005-2010年,中國住房抵押消費貸款年均增長27%,2010-2015年,中國住房抵押消費貸款年均增長21%Between 2005 and 2010, the annual increase rate of China's housing mortgage consumer loans will reach 2

12、7%.Between 2010 and 2015, the annual increase rate of China's housing mortgage consumer loans will reach 21%.,鏈家在一線單體城市的目標市場份額將超過50%Homelink’s target market share in the first-tier cities will exceed 50%.,鏈家年傭金額將從3

13、0億增長到50億,全國鏈家傭金額將超過100億 ,年交易額將超過1700億 The annual commission amount of Homelink will increase to 5 billion from 3 billion. The national commission amount and the annual trading amount of Homelink will respectively exceed

14、 10 billion and 170 billion.,體驗鏈家Experiencing Homelink鏈家地產(chǎn)將繼續(xù)秉承“為中國消費者提供最愉悅的不動產(chǎn)服務(wù)”的目標,不斷創(chuàng)造“第一”,引領(lǐng)行業(yè)服務(wù)標準。Homelink will continue to adhere to the goal of “providing most delighted real estate services for Chinese consu

15、mers” and constantly creates “the first” to lead industry service standards.,鏈家新形象Homelink new image,2011年,鏈家地產(chǎn)斥巨資對店面進行升級改造,這是鏈家自主研發(fā)的第四代店面形象,旨在功能和感受上打造更好的客戶服務(wù)體驗,并提升以鏈家為代表的房地產(chǎn)經(jīng)紀行業(yè)新形象。,優(yōu)雅溫馨的第四代店面為客戶提供便捷服務(wù)The elegant and

16、warm fourth generation stores provide convenient services for the customer.,In 2011, Homeline spent a large amount of money to conduct upgrading and transformation to the chain stores. To give better customer service exp

17、erience in function and feeling and upgrade the new image of real estate agency industry with Homelink taking the lead.,鏈家“心”服務(wù)Homelink “whole-hearted” service真誠、率直的經(jīng)紀人用“心”服務(wù)Honest and frank agents provide “whole-hea

18、rted” services.,鏈家有一群簡單而又充滿夢想的經(jīng)紀人,他們憑借專業(yè)與執(zhí)著,不斷為客戶提供更優(yōu)質(zhì)與貼心的服務(wù),讓房產(chǎn)交易變得輕松和愉悅!,A group of simple agents full of dreams in Homelink constantly provide better and warmer services to customers depending on their profession and

19、persistence to make house transaction more relaxed and delighted.,2013年4月9日鏈家地產(chǎn)北京公司正式推行:真服務(wù)五重保障,,打造房產(chǎn)中介行業(yè)服務(wù)標準,,,,,,,2003年我們用“簽三方約、不吃差價”定義了什么叫“透明交易”,2006年我們用“資金監(jiān)管”定義了什么叫“交易資金安全”,2011年我們用“100%真房源”定義了什么叫“物件信息基本的交付標準”,20

20、13年我們用“簽約風(fēng)險告知”開始定義什么叫“基本交易風(fēng)險揭示”,2013年我們用“真實成交價”開始定義什么叫“職業(yè)經(jīng)紀人的市場行情揭示能力”;用“嫌惡設(shè)施披露”定義什么叫“瑕疵信息揭示標準”,2013年我們用“投訴單單公示”開始定義什么叫“服務(wù)評價”,鏈家致力于為客戶提供“有標準”的服務(wù),科技鏈家 Intelligent Homelink開啟智慧營銷時代 Open the wisdom marketing age,

21、真房源金標準:國內(nèi)首個踐行100%真房源的二手房網(wǎng)站,房源真實存在、真實委托、真實價格,絕無重復(fù)。 獨家公開客戶看房、成交信息,打破行業(yè)“潛規(guī)則”,通過小區(qū)歷史成交信息,為您提供更真實的市場預(yù)測,幫您進行購房決策。七種特色標簽,幫您快速識別好房。 經(jīng)紀人多維度評價房源、業(yè)主親自描述房源特點,一房多評,讓房子不再有秘密。 學(xué)區(qū)房頻道匯集名校學(xué)區(qū)房,學(xué)校劃片小區(qū)查詢,購買資質(zhì)評估,第一時間獲學(xué)區(qū)房新房源,輕松解決住房和上學(xué)。匯集41

22、類270000+條房產(chǎn)常見問題及解答,10000+名房產(chǎn)專家隨時在線,有問必答。 查詢小區(qū)成交價、收藏房源、變價通知、訂閱房源、對比房源、虛假房源舉報,六個小應(yīng)用讓找房效率加倍。 掌上鏈家——GPS定位附近門店位置、全面的房源信息、地圖找房更快更方便!,,鏈家公益Homelink public welfare鏈家地產(chǎn)堅信社會公益重大意義,持續(xù)不斷在教育、社區(qū)服務(wù)等領(lǐng)域開展公益事業(yè)。Homelink firmly believ

23、es the significant meaning of public welfare and constantly develop public welfare in such fields as education and community service, etc.,2006年至今,鏈家希望小學(xué):鏈家自2006年起,與中國青少年發(fā)展基金會合作,捐建希望小學(xué)。至今已經(jīng)在安徽、內(nèi)蒙和山西捐建了三所希望小學(xué),之后也將每年捐建一所希望

24、小學(xué)。,From 2006 till now,Homelink Hope Preliminary SchoolSince 2006, Homelink has cooperated with China Youth Development Foundation actively and donates Hope Preliminary School. At present, Homelink has established three

25、 Hope Preliminary Schools in Anhui, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi and it will donate a Hope Preliminary School every year in the future.,2006年,互助金為提高員工的抗風(fēng)險能力,鏈家地產(chǎn)成立互助金基金會,所有鏈家地產(chǎn)員工均加入基金會,享受互助金救助的權(quán)利。基金會成立至今,給上千位鏈家人的家庭送去了溫暖與關(guān)懷

26、。In 2006, Mutual aid moneyIn order to improve the staff's anti-risk capability, Homelink established mutual aid money foundation. All the employees participated in the Foundation to enjoy the rights of assistance

27、of the mutual aid money. Since its establishment, the Foundation had sent warm and care to thousands of Homelink families.,2011年,十萬小時義工鏈家聯(lián)合北京市社區(qū)服務(wù)中心開展“十萬小時義工”活動,為社區(qū)提供美化、綠化環(huán)保等服務(wù)。In 2011, one hundred thousand hours’ volu

28、nteerHomelink unites with Beijing Community Service Center to develop “one hundred thousand hours’ volunteer” activities to provide such services as community beatification and greening and environmental protection, etc

29、.,2011年至今,愛心圖書館我們正在開展“長征路上的愛心圖書館”公益項目,計劃募集圖書35萬冊,為邊遠學(xué)校建立35所圖書館。目前由鏈家地產(chǎn)員工組成的義工隊已經(jīng)深入100多個社區(qū)開展圖書募捐。同時,鏈家所有門店均開放為圖書定點募捐處,隨時接受捐贈。,From 2011 till now, loving library We are developing the public welfare project of “Loving li

30、braries on the way of Long March” and intend to contribute 350,000 books and establish 35 libraries for the remote school on the way of the Long March. At present, the volunteer team built by the Homelink employees has v

31、isited more than 100 communities for development of books contribution activities. At the same time, all the stores of Homelink is open as the contribution place for books and accept the contribution at any time.,自如資產(chǎn) Zi

32、room自如資產(chǎn)于2011年在北京創(chuàng)立,是品質(zhì)租房的代表品牌,其所有房屋均經(jīng)過專業(yè)設(shè)計,實施統(tǒng)一裝修、家居家電配置等,還提供保潔服務(wù)、維修服務(wù)等多項后期服務(wù)。如果入住3天內(nèi),有任何不滿意,自如還會全額退款。租客只需要根據(jù)自己的需要考慮地段、小區(qū)環(huán)境等因素,甚至可以做到租金月付、零押金等,大大方便了對居住品質(zhì)有要求的租客。相比市場上其他的租賃房源,很多租戶認為自如是一種高性價比的品質(zhì)代名詞,因此自如的房源更為搶手。,Ziroom is

33、established in Beijing in 2011 and it is the representative brand of quality renting. All the houses therein are professionally designed and are conducted with unified decoration and household electrical appliances alloc

34、ation, etc. In addition, Ziroom provides such many later services as cleaning services and repair services, etc. If the tenant is unsatisfied with the house within 3 days of admission, Ziroom will return the rent in full

35、. The tenant can only consider such factors as the section and community environment, etc, even they can pay the rent monthly without deposits, etc, which has greatly facilitated the tenants who have living quality requi

36、rements. Compared with other houses leased in the market, many tenants consider Ziroom has become synonymous with high quality. As such, Ziroom’s house will enjoy good rental.,自如資產(chǎn)第一期合租產(chǎn)品“自如·友家”已經(jīng)面市;同時,自如首個整棟租賃項目—

37、—將府公園自如寓也將于2012年12月面世。短短一年時間,自如就有30000名自如客入住,他們來自于全球76個國家與地區(qū)。自如管理資產(chǎn)價值超240億,為房屋升級配置了超過5000臺冰箱、6000臺洗衣機、20000部空調(diào)、16000張床。自如每月400熱線話量超20000、月保潔超8000套、月維修超3000單。 自如業(yè)務(wù)以北京為主,未來將拓展到更多城市。雖然成立時間不長,但業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展卻非常迅速,業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)模、客戶數(shù)量都在以每月超過40


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