1、Lesson 12,In Praise of the Humble Comma,CATALOGUE,About the Author,Warm-up Activities,Structure,Language Points,Keys,Warm-up Activities,Could you speak these punctuation marks in English , . : ; ! ? … “” ‘’() - — ?
2、,2. Among those commonly-used punctuation marks, which do you think is the most useful or most important one? Why do you think so?,3. Do you think comma worth praising?,Structure,Part I (para. 1): Although apparently
3、 small and humble, often getting no respect, commas are like gods in that they give breath to life or take it away.,Part II (para. 2—para. 5): Social functions of punctuations.
4、,Part III (para. 6—para. 7): Punctuation is an important means of communication for feelings.,Part IV (para. 8—para. 9): Significance of commas.,Part V (para. 10—para. 11): Punctuation is a matter of care for
5、 what the words imply.,Language Points,(all) of a sudden (或on a sudden, all on a sudden, on the sudden) (line 2, para. 1),suddenly, unexpectedly 突然地;出乎意料地,冷不防,① 燈突然滅了。,All of a sudden the lights went out.,② 我們等了又等,然后,突然
6、看到地平線上出現(xiàn)了一艘帆船。,We waited and waited, then all of a sudden we saw a sail on the horizon.,③ 他決定突然離開,這一點都不明智。,The way he decided to leave all of a sudden didn’t make any sense.,Language Points,2. deprive (of),take away f
7、rom; prevent from using or enjoying 奪去,剝奪; 使喪失 (line 4, para. 1),① 一個學生假如沒有了書籍,將怎么辦?,What would a student do if the were deprived of his books?,② 那次事故使他喪失了視力。,He was deprived of his sight by the accident.,③ 擔憂使他不能入睡。,W
8、orrying deprived him of sleep.,Language Points,* deprived,not having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life; having fewer opportunities in life because of being poor (尤指兒童)被剝奪的,貧困的,synonym: dis
9、advantaged, underprivileged,① 貧困兒童往往學習比較差。,Deprived children tend to do less well at school. deprived areas/ neighbourhoods etc (=where a lot of deprived people live),② 在貧民區(qū)長大的孩子轉向犯罪和濫用
10、毒品的可能性大得多。,Children growing up in deprived areas are far more likely to turn to crime and drug abuse.,Language Points,3. keep up (line 1, para. 2),to make something continue at its present level or amount, instead of
11、letting it decrease; maintain in proper condition 維護;使保持良好狀態(tài),① 他按期付帳保持良好的信用。,He keeps his credit up by paying his bills regularly.,② 要保養(yǎng)這幢大廈所需費用太大了。,The mansion was too expensive to keep up.,b) to continue doing somethi
12、ng 保持;堅持,好極了!繼續(xù)好好干!,Splendid! Keep up the good work! (=continue to work hard and well),Language Points,c) if a situation keeps up, it continues without stopping or changing (使)繼續(xù)下去,(使)不停止,① 雨下了整整一夜。,Rain kept up all ni
13、ght.,② 請為我續(xù)訂那份雜志。,Please keep up my subscription to the magazine.,synonym: continue,Language Points,d) to manage to do as much or as well as other people 不落后,并駕齊驅,① 年齡較小的男孩在比賽中跟不上。,The younger boys were not able to keep
14、 up in the race.,② 他請了位家庭教師,因為他的功課跟不上班上其他同學。,He hired a tutor because he wasn’t able to keep up with the rest of the class.,opposite fall behind,③ 我的工資跟不上通貨膨脹。,My salary doesn’t keep up with inflation.,keep up with the
15、Joneses (=try to have the same new, impressive possessions that other people have) 和瓊斯一家人比(在購買物品,如衣物、汽車等方面與鄰人相比以示社會地位),Language Points,4. (it's) no/small/little wonder (that),especially spoken used to say that you
16、 are not surprised by something 并不奇怪;不足為奇;十分自然 (line 3, para. 4),① 他病了,這并不奇怪,因為幾年來他一直操勞過度。,He was taken ill, and little wonder, considering that he had been overworking for years.,② 難怪你找不到這本書,它掉在椅子背后了。,No wonder you c
17、ouldn’t find the book—it had fallen behind the chair.,③ 你吃得那么多當然睡不著了。,It’s no wonder you can’t sleep when you eat so much.,Language Points,5. spill (out),to let (something secret) become known 告密;泄露,說出(秘密)(line 5, para.
18、 4),① 他會與任何人交談,還會把他的一生經歷告訴一個完全陌生的人。,He will talk to anyone and spill out his life story to a total stranger.,② 他威脅說要(把他所知道的)向警方告發(fā)。,He threatened to spill (what he knew) to the police.,Language Points,* spill the beans,
19、informal to tell something that someone else wanted you to keep a secret 泄露消息(尤指不欲人知的事);泄露秘密,“菲力普知道我們的計劃嗎?” “知道,一定是有人泄露了秘密?!?“Does Phillip know about our plan?” “Yes, someone must have spilled the beans.”,Language Po
20、ints,6. voice (line 5, para. 5),[singular, uncountable] the right or ability to express an opinion, to vote, or to influence decisions 表達,表露;發(fā)言權;投票權,① 學生應對決定學校發(fā)展方向一事有發(fā)言權。,Students should have a voice in determining the
21、 way in which universities should develop.,② 工人們要求對資方所作的決定有發(fā)言權。,The workers want a voice in management decisions.,Language Points,b) [countable] an opinion or wish that is expressed (表達出的)意見,愿望,① 政府需要傾聽美國中產階級的呼聲。,The g
22、overnment needs to listen to the voice of middle-class Americans.,② 盡管有許多反對意見,這項政策還是被采納了。,This policy has been adopted despite many dissenting voices.,Language Points,to express your feelings or thoughts 說出,表達,吐露,① 她表示了
23、自己的擔心。,She gave voice to her misgivings.,② 參與者被鼓勵說出自己的希望、擔心和夢想。,Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams.,*give voice to something,Language Points,7. border on/ upon: (line 8, p
24、ara. 7),a) be next to, adjoin to 毗連;接界,① 中國在東部和朝鮮接壤。,China borders on Korea in the east.,② 公園毗連湖濱。,The park borders on the shores of the lake.,Language Points,b) to be very close to being something extreme; resemble 近似,
25、幾乎是,① 該提議近乎可笑。,The proposal borders upon the absurd.,② 他們對他的尊重已近乎于崇敬了。,Their respect for him bordered on reverence.,③ 他硬說要我陪著他,差不多要動武了。,His determination to have my company bordered on violence.,Language Points,8. other
26、wise: adv. (line 6, para.8),[sentence adverb] used when saying what bad thing will happen if something is not done 否則,不然,① 你現(xiàn)在就得出發(fā),不然會趕不上公共汽車的。,You'll have to go now, otherwise you'll miss your bus.,② 穿上外套,不然會感冒
27、的。,Put your coat on, otherwise you'll get cold.,Language Points,b) in a different way 別樣;以另外方式,① 政府聲稱經濟正在好轉,但這次調查表明情況并不是這樣。,The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise.,②
28、 我認為今天下午會下雨,但是我的兄弟卻不這樣想。,I think it will rain this afternoon, but my brother thinks otherwise.,say/think/decide etc otherwise: to say, think, or decide something different,Language Points,c) except for what has just bee
29、n mentioned 除此之外;在其他方面,① 他除了疲勞外完全健康。,He was tired but otherwise in good health.,② 水泥除了有點裂縫外完全正常。,The cement is slightly cracked but otherwise in good order.,Language Points,9. turn in,to go in a new direction when you a
30、re walking, driving etc, or to make the vehicle you are using do this 轉身(進入);拐彎(進入)(line5, para. 9),① 他們掉轉頭向岸邊靠攏。,They turned in toward shore.,② 在下一條街拐彎進去。,Turn in at the next street.,③ 我們在講話時,那流浪漢拐進門來。,The tramp turne
31、d in at the door as we spoke.,Language Points,10. turn back: (line5, para. 9),to go back in the direction you came from, or to make someone or something do this (使) 停止前進;(使)折回,(使)往前走,① 天開始下雪了,我們只好往回走。,The snow started
32、to fall, so we had to turn back.,③ 他從十字路口折了回來,回家去了。,He turned back from the crossroads and went home.,Language Points,b) to return to doing something in the way it was done before,① 記住:一旦你簽署了合約,就無可翻悔。,Remember, once you
33、’ve signed the contract, there’s no turning back(=you cannot change this) .,② 她已經下定決心,從此無可翻悔。,She had made her decision and from that point there could be no turning back.,Keys,Ⅰ. READING COMPREHENSION,A.C2. A3. C
34、4. D5. D 6. D7.B8. B9. A10. D,Introduction: Although apparently small and humble, often getting no respect, commas are like gods in that they give breath to life or take it away. (Paragraph 1),B.,Keys,2.
35、 Social functions of punctuations: (Paragraph 2 to 5),1) help to maintain law and order. (Paragraph 2),2) clarify relationship between people. (Paragraph 3),3) reinforce social values. (Paragraph 4),4) signify cultural d
36、ifferences. (Paragraph 5),Keys,3. Punctuation is an important means of communication for feelings (Paragraph 6 to 7),4. significance of commas (Paragraph 8 to 9),1) add beauty and meaning to words (Paragraph 8),2) conve
37、y meanings different from those revealed by periods and semicolons (Paragraph 9),5. Conclusion: Punctuation is a matter of care for what the words imply. (Paragraph 10 to 11),Keys,Ⅱ.VOCABULARY,A. 1.C 2.A 3.D
38、4.B 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.A,B. 1.riotous 2.dissolve 3.divinity 4.eloquence 5.defied 6.strained/strains 7.poring over 8.lust 9.spill out 10.throw
39、off,Ⅲ.CLOZE,1.misplaced2.dry 3.humor4.hit 5.panel 6.difference7.through 8.ambiguous 9.draws 10.fashion 11.exit 12.punctuated 13.up 14.entry 15.native,Keys,Ⅳ.TRANSL
41、激情和迫切。而不動聲色的中國人在傳統(tǒng)的象形文字中省略了標點符號,因而顯得更加深不可測。,5字詞沒有曲伸變化。相比之下,逗號能捕捉到思路中的細微游移,隨著思想甜美流暢的樂曲,婉轉曲折,起伏跌宕;而分號使句子相關、思想相連,就像是女主人不動聲色地安排所有的來賓在餐桌邊就座一樣。,Ⅴ.ORAL PRACTICE AND DISCUSSION,1. 1.B 2.A 3.F 4.E 5.C 6.D,2) 1.D
42、 2.C 3.B 4.A (Examples omitted),2. Comma is obviously considered by the author as the humblest of all.,Keys,Keys,3.The concept of the Gods, or God, is often associated with an almighty power, creator of life,
43、 love, etc.; breath often symbolizes life itself, yet it is often taken so for granted that we hardly notice its significance. Through the contrast between the great and the humble and suggestion that both are import
44、ant, the writer tries to establish a close relation between the two and prepare the readers for his praise of the punctuation, especially the comma. See also the concluding sentence.,4.These sentences illustrate clea
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