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1、國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語,FOBFree on Board(…named port of shipment),即船上交貨(……指定裝運(yùn)港),一、Definition,“Free on board” means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment . “船上交貨”

2、是當(dāng)貨物在指定的裝運(yùn)港越過船舷,賣方即完成交貨。This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods fo

3、r export . This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. 這意味著買方必須從該點(diǎn)起承擔(dān)一切費(fèi)用和貨物滅失或損壞的風(fēng)險。FOB術(shù)語要求賣方辦理貨物出口報(bào)關(guān)手續(xù)。該術(shù)語僅適用于海運(yùn)或內(nèi)河運(yùn)輸。,,,The particular points about the sales under FOB,(1)Risk-trans

4、fer point The risk-transfer point under FOB is at the ship's rail at the named port of shipment. Thus,a strong warning has been made in the preamble of FOB that the term should not be used when the parties do not in

5、tend delivery across the ship's rail.風(fēng)險的轉(zhuǎn)移點(diǎn) FOB風(fēng)險的轉(zhuǎn)移點(diǎn)在裝運(yùn)港的船舷。FOB的預(yù)言中有強(qiáng)烈的警告,若當(dāng)事方無意超過船舷交貨則不應(yīng)使用該術(shù)語。,,,Link-up of vessel and goods 船貨銜接問題:,,Stocking notice 備貨通知,,,Send out boats notice 派船通知,,,Shipment notice 裝船通知,,,

6、,In order to further specify the costs, variants have been created. They mainly include five items: FOB的5種變形 FOB Under Tackle: It allows the seller to cover the costs until the goods are placed somewhere within the rea

7、ch of the tackle of the vessel nominated by the buyer. Other cost will be born by the buyer. FOB吊鉤下交貨,裝運(yùn)港吊鉤下交貨,返回目錄,FOB的5種變形,,,FOB Liner Terms: The ship will be responsible for loading. With this term, the buyer bears th

8、e loading cost since he is responsible for contacting and paying for carriage. FOB 班輪條件,裝運(yùn)港船上交貨班輪條件。裝船費(fèi)用由買方負(fù)擔(dān) FOB Stowed: Under this term the seller has to cover the loading charges as well as the stowage charge when th

9、e goods are places inside the hold of the ship.船上交貨并理艙 ,包括理艙費(fèi)在內(nèi)的裝運(yùn)港船上交貨,返回目錄,3. 2 INCOTERMS,,,FOB Trimmed: Besides loading the goods on board the vessel, the seller should also trim the goods to make the vessel evenly b

10、alanced.船上交貨并平艙 ,包括平艙費(fèi)在內(nèi)的裝運(yùn)港船上交貨 FOB Stowed and Trimmed: Stowage and trimming charges often occur together. This one requires the seller to cover the stowage and to trim charges apart from the main loading cost. 賣方負(fù)責(zé)將

11、貨物裝入船艙并承擔(dān)包括理艙費(fèi)和平艙費(fèi)在內(nèi)的裝船費(fèi)用。,返回目錄,3. 2 INCOTERMS,,Warm note: The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport. FOB術(shù)語要求賣方辦理貨物出口清關(guān),The seller

12、 The buyer,FOB,,Deliver the goods on board the vessel交貨,Contract for the carriage of the goods 租船訂艙,Obtain export license獲得出口許可證,Obtain import license,Cover cargo insurance 投保,Provide documents fo

13、r the buyer and ask for payment 交單議付,Pay the price and take delivery of the goods,返回目錄,warm note,FOB條件下:記住3個時間(注:FOB條件下,租船訂艙是由買方負(fù)責(zé)的,但是如有必要買方可請求賣方租船訂艙,但費(fèi)用一切由買方承擔(dān),而且賣方有權(quán)拒絕這項(xiàng)工作)1、賣方貨妥通知的期限(the time limit to notify the buye

14、r that goods have been prepared )2、買方派船通知的期限 (the time limit to notify the seller of the ship's information )3、賣方裝船通知的期限 (the time limit to the buyer that good have been loned)☆跟美國人簽訂FOB合同時應(yīng)注意:寫上FOB New York subj

15、ect to Incoterms 2000.,warm note,FOB價格構(gòu)成:FOB價格=進(jìn)貨成本價 + 國內(nèi)費(fèi)用 + 出口稅金 + 凈利潤,FOB 貿(mào)易術(shù)語的選用,一般由買方主動提出使用FOB,原因是:(1)交易的貨物數(shù)量比較大,夠租一條整船或大部分艙位時,買方為了節(jié)省運(yùn)費(fèi),或?yàn)榱素浳锇踩?,自己租船。?)買方租船比較方便,可以自己選擇租船。,溫馨提示 warm note:,FOB條件下:記住3個時間(注:FOB條件下,租船

16、訂艙是由買方負(fù)責(zé)的,但是如有必要買方可請求賣方租船訂艙,但費(fèi)用一切由買方承擔(dān),而且賣方有權(quán)拒絕這項(xiàng)工作)1、賣方貨妥通知的期限(the time limit to notify the buyer that goods have been prepared )2、買方派船通知的期限 (the time limit to notify the seller of the ship's information )3、賣方裝船通

17、知的期限 (the time limit to the buyer that good have been loned)☆跟美國人簽訂FOB合同時應(yīng)注意:寫上FOB Vessed New York subject to Incoterms 2000.,Case study:案例:,FOB QINGDAOUnited Kingdom (the buyer) would like to buy products (10000000)

18、 from Xi'an (the seller) , and required that the goods were shipped to Qingdao .After arrival terminals warehouse,there was a fire in the night before delivery. According to this case, combined with textbook knowledg

19、e, please answer the following two questions,,Q1: Under FOB,who should bear the risk of the loss of or damage to the goods? Why?※The seller: As the definition of FOB shows that the seller delivers when the goods pass th

20、e ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. And the risk-transfer point under FOBis at the ship’s at the named port of shipment. It means that the seller has to bear all cost and risks of loss of damage to the goods.,,Q

21、2:Actually,what kind of lesson can we?① no insurance; ② It was not consideration that xi’an is the inland city, generally,it was not recommended to use FOB.In terms of the seller, from xi’an to Qingdao for a long dista

22、nce, so it means that the goods should be delivered for a long time. Also means that the seller should bear the big risk if the goods were lost.,分析:1.由FOB的定義可知,貨物在指定裝運(yùn)港越過船舷時,賣方就完成了交貨的義務(wù)。由此也可知,F(xiàn)OB風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移點(diǎn)就是裝運(yùn)港的船舷。但事實(shí)上,貨物在裝上貨

23、船之前就已經(jīng)被毀了,沒有越過風(fēng)險轉(zhuǎn)移點(diǎn),這就意味著 賣方要承擔(dān)所有的風(fēng)險。2.①沒有買保險;②無考慮到西安是內(nèi)陸城市,不建議用FOB對賣方而言,從西安到青島有一段距離,也意味著貨物脫手時間長,承擔(dān)風(fēng)險也越大。,CASE STUDY,國內(nèi)某公司曾按每噸242美元FOB Vessel New York 條件與美商簽訂進(jìn)口200噸鋼材的合同.后我方公司如期開出金額為48400美元的信用證.但美商收到信用證后來函要求增加信用證金額至50

24、000美元,不然有關(guān)出口捐稅及簽證費(fèi)用應(yīng)由我方另外電匯。問:美商的要求是否合理?,CASE STUDY,國內(nèi)某貿(mào)易公司以FOB條件進(jìn)口一批貨物。在目的港卸貨時,發(fā)現(xiàn)有幾件貨物外包裝破裂,并且貨物有被水漬的痕跡。經(jīng)查證,貨物是在裝船時因吊鉤不牢掉在甲板上摔破的,因包裝破裂導(dǎo)致里面的貨物被水浸泡。該貿(mào)易公司能否以對方未完成交貨義務(wù)為由提出索賠?,CASE STUDY,買賣雙方簽訂FOB合同,賣方向買方出口一級大米300噸,裝船時貨物

25、經(jīng)公證人檢驗(yàn),符合合同規(guī)定的品質(zhì)條件。賣方于裝船后及時發(fā)出裝船通知。貨物運(yùn)輸中由于風(fēng)浪過大,大米被海水浸泡,品質(zhì)受到影響,當(dāng)貨物到達(dá)目的港后,只能按三級大米價格出售。買方要求賣方賠償差價損失。問賣方是否應(yīng)該負(fù)責(zé)?為什么?,CASE STUDY,我國某公司曾以FOB條件出口日本一批荔枝。合同規(guī)定:“3月15至25日裝運(yùn)”。盡管我方多次催促,直至3月31日,仍未見船只蹤影。于是我方轉(zhuǎn)售他國,并立即向日方提出撤銷合同并要求損害賠


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