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1、ReadingThe City of the Future,Lead in,Supposing you’re traveling to “A City of the Future”, imagine what you will see there. What will be different from a present city?,shopping environment traffic

2、weather recreations,alternative energy crime schools public services,,,,,,Listen to the tape of the passage and choose which topics have been talked about.,Guess,,Match the main idea

3、of each part.,Part 1 ( Paragraph 1)Part 2(Paragraph 2-12),How will the students run a city in the future? What will the city of the future look like?,,,Skimming,1. Where will garbage ships go? To the sun.

4、2. Who will batman nets catch? Criminals.3. How will people go shopping? Online.,Read the passage for the first time and answer the questions:,While-reading,4. How will cars be different? They’ll be powe

5、red by electricity.5. What will doctors do from a distance? Surgery.6. Where will old people go without moving? Anywhere in the world.,Read the text again and complete the following chart.,care for the

6、 environment,run out of,recycled materials,alternative energy,arrest criminals,wherever / no matter where,free of charge,electricity, solar energy or wind energy,high-tech cameras attached to their head,common,Imagine w

7、hat our school will be like 20 years from now. Share your idea with your partner.According to the discussion, write a short passage named Our Future School.,Discussion,Match the words with their meanings.,1. a problem w

8、hich prevents you from doing something2. not in a building3. free time activities, such as sport and entertainment,disability/online/ outdoors/recreation/run out/urban,disability,outdoors,recreation,4. through the Int

9、ernet5. to do with town or city life6. to use up or finish completely,online,urban,run out,1. What will the city of the future look like?,Let’s enjoy the following sentences:,,③What does he like most?,④How do you

10、 like/find it?,b) It is terrific!,d) He likes hamburger most.,①What does he look like?,②What is he like?,c) He is tall with thick glasses.,He is kind- hearted.,,,,,,在將來, 隨著地球自然資源的枯竭, 關

11、注環(huán)境將會變得非常重要。,2. In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earth’s natural recourses run out.,care n./ v.a mother’s care for her children 母親對于孩子的關懷care for 喜歡; 照顧; 想要care about 關

12、心, 在乎,3. To find out what young people think about the future of urban life, a teacher at a university in Texas in the United States asked his students to think how they would run a city of 50,000 people in the year 2025

13、.,= A university teacher in Texas in the United States asked his students to think about a question on how to run a city of 50,000 people in 2025 so as to know the ideas of young people about the future of urban life.本句

14、是一個復合句。To find out ... 不定式短語作目的狀語, 其中what從句作find out的賓語; 主句是a teacher asked his,students to think ... in the year 2025,其中to think how ...不定式短語作賓語補足語,how引導的從句作think的賓語。,4. Here are some of the ideas they had.,全部倒裝。在以here,

15、 there, out, in, up, down, away等副詞開頭的句子, 以示強調。 但主語是人稱代詞時, 主謂語序不必倒裝。,1). They arrived at a village, ____ a river. A. in front of it flowed B. in front of w

16、hich flowing C. in the front of which flowed D. in front of which flowed,2). Hearing that, ______. A. up he jumped from his chair B. up jumped he from his chair C. up did he jump

17、from his chair,5. To ________ (擺脫) garbage problems, the city will ____ huge spaceships ____ waste materials and send them towards the sun, __________ landfill and environmental problems.,get rid of,load,with,preventing,

18、1). The Olympic champions came back to China ____ honors. A. loaded of B. loaded with C. covered of D. covered with,2). The visiting Minister ex

19、pressed his satisfaction with the talks, ____ that he enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added,每個人一出生就得到一個電話號碼,

20、無 論他們住在哪里, 電話號碼都永遠不會 改變。,6. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.,I’ll give the ticket to _______ comes first.I’ll give the ticket to ________ I m

21、eet first.______________________ he is, I’ll give the ticket to him.,whoever,whomever,No matter who/ Whoever,7. All cars will be powered by electricity, solar energy or wind, and it will be possible to change the color

22、at the flick of a switch.,power n./v.This is a fan powered by electricity.come into power 掌握政權,得勢in power 當權beyond one’s power 力所不能及,8. Distance surgery will become common as doctors carry out operations from t

23、housands of miles away, ____________ _________________________________ ________. (隨著每一個城市都有了自己的遠程手術門診部……),with each city having its own telesurgery outpatient clinic,With + n/ pron +,,adj. adv. -ed -ing prep

24、phrase to do,,,,concentrated/fixed,1. With his attention ________________ (concentrate/fix) on the novel, he didn’t notice the teacher came in.2. With so much homework ____, Tom has to stay at home. A. to d

25、o B. to be done C. done D. doing,9. Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high- tech cameras attached t

26、o their head. = The old and the disabled can travel all over the world by using high-tech cameras which are fixed to their head.,本句是一個簡單句。with disabilities是介詞短語作后置定語修飾people,using high-tech cameras att

27、ached to their head是動詞-ing形式短語作方式狀語,其中attached to their head是過去分詞短語作后置定語修飾cameras。,1. run out, run out of與use uprun out (=become used up)用完了; 其主語通常為時間、食物、金錢等名詞。如:His money soon ________. (花完了)run out of “用完了……”表示主動含

28、義,主語一般是人。如:,ran out,Language points,He is always ______________ money before payday.,running out of,use up 用完,耗盡,用盡 (材料等)He has used up all his strength.他已耗盡體力。練習: ①I’ve ______ all the glue (膠水). A. run ou

29、t B. used up C. given out D. been run out of,【解析】run out (=become used up) 用完了;其主語通常為時間、食物、金錢等名詞。 run out of “用完了……”表示主動含義,主語一般是人,D項為被動形式。give out主語一般為事物。故答案為B。,②They call the officer bec

30、ause they are ___ water and food. A. run out B. run out of C. running out D. running out of,【解析】 run out用完了;其主語通常為時間、食物、金錢等名詞。 run out of “用完了……”表示主動含義,主語一般是人。本題主語為they, 從而可以確定應選用run out

31、 of, 根據(jù)句子時態(tài)可以確定答案為D。,2. rely on/ upon sb./sth. 指望或依賴某人(物) 我指望你早點來。 I _________ your coming early. 你放心好了,本周一定下雨。 You can ________ it that it will rain this week. She can’t be ______ to tell the truth. A

32、. depended B. relied upon C. relied on D. both B and C,relied on,rely on,【解析】rely on/ upon=depend on/ upon指 望,依賴,信賴。,3. attach sth to sth; 將……與……相聯(lián)系 attach sb. to sb/sth. 使隸屬于; attach

33、to sb. 與某人相關聯(lián);歸于某物 be attached to 系,栓,附在……上; 附屬于 You’ll be attached to this department until the end of year. 你在年底前將暫屬于這一部門。 attach a label to each piece of luggage 每件行李上都加上標簽.,,No one is suggest

34、ing that any health risks _____this product. A. attach to B. belong to C. are belonged to D. are attached to,【解析】attach to是附加,聯(lián)系,有關的意思(這里指副作用) belong to是屬于,兩者主從關系,不用于被動語態(tài)和進行時。D項含被動意義,故選A。 本句譯為:沒有人

35、會認為, 任何健康風險和這種產(chǎn)品相關 。,4. command【語境展示】 1) The president commanded the release of the prisoners. 總統(tǒng)下令釋放囚犯。2) He commanded the men to shut all the gates. 他命令手下把門都關上。3) The general commanded that the ar

36、my attack at once. 將軍命令軍隊立刻進攻。,4) This teacher commanded the respect of the class. 這個老師贏得了全班同學的尊敬。5) The general issued a command that all of them should come at six o’clock. 將軍下達了一道命令,所有的人

37、都要在 六點鐘到。6) He appears to be in complete command of the situation. 他似乎完全控制了局勢。,7) Since he lived in France for several years, he has an excellent command of French. 在法國生活了幾年,他很精通法語。,v. ※ 命令,常

38、用于command sth.; command sb. to do sth.; command that sb. (should) do sth.?!?應得;值得,command respect / attention / support etc.。,n. ※ 命令?!?控制;管轄;指揮,常用于at sb.’s command; under sb.’s command; in command of sth.; take comma

39、nd of; have command of等?!?掌握,常用于have a good / excellent / poor command of sth.。,根據(jù)括號內所給的漢語提示完成下列句子, 每空一詞。1. I command you _____ __ ____ (馬 上開始).2. Who is __ ________ ____ (指揮) the army?3. He’s studied in the

40、 US and ______________________________ (精通英語).,start at once,in command of,has a good command of English,5. charge【語境展示】 請看下面例句, 注意charge在句中的詞性、意義和用法。1) My phone is out of battery. I forgot to charge i

41、t last night. 2) I don’t know how much they charge for washing a car. 3) Five days later, the police arrested him and charged him with murder.,4) They got two tickets for the concert free of charge. 5) Mr. B

42、rown is in charge of the middle school. 6) Who will take charge of it if you leave the company?,v.※ (使) 充電?!?要(價), 收費。構成固定搭配 charge (sb.) for sth. /doing sth. 因……(向某人)收費?!?控告,指控。構成固定搭配charge sb. with sth. 因……指控某人。n.

43、 ※ 價錢, 費用。構成固定搭配free of charge免費?!就卣埂縤n charge (of) 管理, 照管, 負責take charge (of) 負責, 管理,用charge的適當形式完成下列句子。 1. Breakfast may be served in your bedroom at no extra ______. 2. The restaurant _______ us 880 yuan for


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