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2、 who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it. —Henry David Thoreau (American philosopher),The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.—Richard Bach (American writer),When work

3、 is a pleasure,,,Section A,3,,Will you be a worker or a laborer?,Objectives,When work is a pleasure,Will you be a worker or a laborer?,A,,SECTION,A,,SECTION,1. What do you pay special attention to when looking for in a j

4、ob?,High salary and attractive benefitsBright future of career growthLess work pressure Flexible working timeAchievement of self-realization …,2. What does work mean to you?,Just means of living Measured

5、 in terms of social status Realization of one’s dream Self-improvement …,1. Read the typical job characteristics below and write down the number that represents your opinion.,,□ 1.The chance of advancing to a high

6、er position.□ 2.How much the job pays.□ 3.How much responsibility the job involves.□ 4.The stress level of the job.□ 5.The location of the office building.,1 = disagree completely 2 = agree a little3 = agre

7、e to some extent 4 = mostly agree5 = agree completely,1. Read the typical job characteristics below and write down the number that represents your opinion.,,□6. The work conditions.□7. Whether the job requires un

8、usual work hours.□8. The amount of travel required.□9. Whether the job fits my personality.□10. Whether people consider the job prestigious.,1 = disagree completely 2 = agree a little3 = agree to some extent

9、 4 = mostly agree5 = agree completely,2. Work in pairs and compare your answers. Discuss the following questions with your partner.,3. What are the three most important factors when you choose a job?,There are

10、 many things to consider when people are choosing a career. But for me, the following three factors affect my choice most. First, the job must fit my personality. I believe that certain occupations are more suitable for

11、particular personality types than others. If the job really fits my personality, I will be more likely to be successful and will enjoy going to work. Second, how much the job pays.,To be continued,It is understandable th

12、at if I want to live an adequate life, I need to make enough money to support that standard of living. Finally, the location of the office building is also an important factor in choosing a career for me. I don’t like a

13、job that is located far away from my home, because it requires extra commute time and will surely reduce the quality time I could otherwise have spent with my family.,3. What are the three most important factors when

14、 you choose a job?,roots,moral,attention to details,,To these Puritans, it was a sin to be lazy or to do less than your best in any task. They and later Americans tried to follow the Bible’s _________. “If a man will not

15、 work, he shall not eat.” Therefore, Americans have for ________ believed that they were guilty of sin if they did not work as carefully and hard as they could when they did anything.,teachings,centuries,Listen to

16、a short passage concerning American’s Work Ethic and fill in the missing information.,To be continued,,God would ______ those who were careless or lazy in their work. Even as children they were taught, “If it’s worth doi

17、ng at all, it’s worth doing well.” But some people have gone beyond the usual ________________. They are especially attracted to the notion of “climbing the ladder” so as to increase their status, _______________,

18、and sense of self-worth.,financial position,punish,sense of diligence,Listen to a short passage concerning American’s Work Ethic and fill in the missing information.,To be continued,,In English a new world has been crea

19、ted to describe people who work compulsively. The word “workaholic” describes an individual who is as _______________ as an alcoholic is to alcohol. There are __________ points of view about workaholics. Those con

20、cerned with problems of mental stress believe workaholics ______ themselves physically and mentally.,addicted to work,conflicting,abuse,Listen to a short passage concerning American’s Work Ethic and fill in the missing i

21、nformation.,To be continued,,Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because they are ___________________. The American culture values achievement, efficiency, and production, and a workaholic ______

22、_ these values.,upholds,extremely productive,Listen to a short passage concerning American’s Work Ethic and fill in the missing information.,Cultural Background,Questions previewing,,,1. What is “continuing education”?,

23、Continuing education refers to the education for adults, usually in classes that are held in the evening and especially on subjects that are related to their jobs.,Cultural Background,,,Experiential learning is the proce

24、ss of making meaning from direct experience. It is learning through reflection on doing, which is often contrasted with rote learning (死記硬背). Experiential learning focuses on the learning process for the individual.,2.

25、 What is “experiential learning”?,To be continued,Cultural Background,,,An example of experiential learning is going to the zoo and learning through observation and interaction with the zoo environment, as opposed to re

26、ading about animals from a book. Thus, one makes discoveries and experiments with knowledge firsthand, instead of hearing or reading about others’ experiences.,Cultural Background,2. What is “experiential learning”?,Wi

27、ll you be a worker or a laborer?,A,,SECTION,According to the writer, how can a person be truly happy?(Para. 1),free and important,feel compelled,value,importance,How is labor different from play? (Para. 2),laborers,adver

28、se,play,private pastime,societal expectations,support,Between labor and play stands _____. (Para. 3),work,gardener,city mayor,worker,laborer,Why does the author make a comparison between a gardener and a well-dressed cit

29、y mayor? (Para. 3),nature of the job,interest,Part I : (Paras. 1 – 3 ),The introduction part, includes the first three paragraphs, providing a framework to differentiate among work, labor, and play.,Introduction,Section

30、3 (Paras. 6 – 8): In modern times, workers and laborers spend their __________ in different ways.,Section 2 (Para. 5):Workers and laborers differ in the amount of ___________ they derive from their

31、jobs.,Section 1 (Para. 4): Workers and laborers are different in their _______ toward their work.,attitude,satisfaction,Body,leisure time,Part II: (Paras.4 – 8),To workers: leisure means simply the hours they ne

32、ed to ________ ____ in order to work efficiently.,To laborers: leisure means ________ from compulsion.,prone to dedicate more time to working,imagine that the more hours they have free for play, the better,What does lei

33、sure mean to workers and laborers respectively? (Para. 4),relax and,rest,freedom,,,How do workers and laborers differ in the amount of personal satisfaction they derive from their jobs? (Para. 5),be happierless stressed

34、more satisfiedwork with more diligence and precisiona sense of personal pride,daily grindwasting the time no contribution to their happiness meaningful time: spent in leisure and play,Unfortunately, laborers a

35、re all too commonplace, and only a small percentage of the population is in the lucky position of being workers.,Workers:,Laborers:,(Para. 8) Workers, unlike laborers, hurl their _______ into their work, be it physical o

36、r mental.,(Para. 7) ______________ can make the difference between being bored, unhappy laborers and workers who find meaning and joy in their employment and life.,(Para. 6) While social development has created much more

37、 leisure time than ever before, modern laborers spend their leisure time in ________________.,In modern times, workers and laborers spend their leisure time in different ways.(Paras. 6 – 8),fostering bad habits,Lifelong

38、 learning,passion,Part III (Para. 9),The conclusion part summarizes that everyone has to find a job andearn a living, and that whatever job you choose, you must contend with this essential question: Will you be a labore

39、r or a worker?,Conclusion,Everyone has to find a job and earn a living. (Para. 9),Whatever job you choose, you must contend with this essential question: Will you be a laborer or a worker?,Introduction (Paras.1 – 3):

40、What are work, labor, and play?,To be truly happy, a person must feel both free and important. (Para. 1),Labor is the polar opposite of play. (Para. 2),Between labor and play stands work. (Para. 3),Body (Paras.4 – 8): W

41、orkers and laborers are different in many aspects.,People’s attitude toward their work determines everything. (Para. 4),People differ in personal satisfaction they derive from their jobs. (Para. 5),In modern times, worke

42、rs and laborers spend their leisure time in different ways. (Paras. 6-8),There is more leisure time today thanever before and laborers foster many bad habits. (Para. 6),Actually, there are many opportunitiesto improve

43、people’s minds and theirworking conditions. (Para. 7),People who enjoy their work find timepasses quickly. (Para. 8),In modern times, workers and laborers spend their leisure time in different ways. (Paras. 6-8),Conc

44、lusion (Para. 9): Whatever job you choose, you must contend with this essential question: Will you be a laborer or a worker?,,,,The text argues, by differentiating among work, labor, and play, that interest and _______

45、__ in work are important for the benefit of both __________ and society. There are three major differences between workers and laborers. Firstly, workers and laborers are different in their _______

46、 toward their work. Workers will dedicate more time to ________ and spend less time on leisure,,enjoyment,individuals,attitude,working,Will you be a worker or a laborer?,To be continued,,,,whereas laborers will regard le

47、isure as __________ from compulsion and the more hours they have free for play, the better. Secondly, workers and laborers differ in the amount of ___________ they derive from their jobs. Workers will achieve greater __

48、_________ than laborers. Thirdly, in modern times, workers and laborers spend their ___________ in different ways.,To be continued,autonomy,satisfaction,happiness,leisure time,,,,While social development has created much

49、 more leisure time than ever before, modern laborers spend their leisure time in fostering __________. Considering this phenomenon, _______________ can make the difference between being bored, unhappy laborers and worke

50、rs who find meaning and joy in their ___________ and life.,bad habits,lifelong learning,employment,To be continued,,,,Moreover, workers, unlike laborers, hurl their _________ into their work, be it physical or mental.

51、 Everyone has to find a job and ____________, and that whatever job you choose, you must ____________ this essential question: Will you be a laborer or a worker?,earn a living,contend with,passion,略舉幾例,(to name only /

52、 but a few),The international community is also offeringassistance, including the United States, Franceand China, to name only a few.,name only / but a few,短語逆譯,國際社會也在提供援助,略舉幾例,如美國、法國和中國。,意群提示,短語應用,專注于做某事,(sink one’s t

53、eeth into sth),Playing the part of Queen Victoria is the kind ofrole that is made for you, the kind of role youcan sink your teeth into.,sink one’s teeth into sth.,短語應用,維多利亞女王這個角色,就是為你而設,是一個你能傾情投入的角色。,意群提示,短語逆譯,拼命干;苦干,

54、(slave away/notation signs/old-fashioned),After slaving away at the computer keyboard,you then still have to write notation signs byhand, the old-fashioned way.,slave away,辛辛苦苦用電腦鍵盤輸入后,你還得按老辦法手工寫上注釋符號。,意群提示,短語逆譯,短語應用,倒

55、數(shù);倒計時,A giant electronic display is counting down the days to the start of the Pan-American Games here.,count down,一塊巨大的電子顯示屏對即將在此舉行的泛美運動會進行倒計時。,意群提示,(count down / Pan-American Games),短語逆譯,短語應用,手頭的;需要馬上處理的,(at hand/ mos

56、t likely ),If they would take a few seconds to understandthe problem at hand, they would most likely findan easy answer and without needing a calculator.,at hand,如果他們花上一點時間去弄懂手頭的題目,則極有可能不需要計算器就能找到一個簡單的答案。,意群提示,短語逆譯,短語應

57、用,必須處理;不得不應付,(contend with/ financial year ),Euro Disney had to contend with many difficulties when its first financial year came to an end.,當?shù)谝粋€財年結(jié)束時,歐洲迪斯尼樂園不得不去應對很多的困難。,意群提示,contend with sth.,短語逆譯,短語應用,社會上看來一定是苦工的事情對個人

58、來說卻是自在的玩樂活動。,原句譯文,逆譯練習,What is necessary labor from the point of view of society is voluntary play from the individual’s personal point of view. (Para. 3),句型提煉,What is sth. from the point of view of A is sth. else from t

59、he B’s point of view.,句型提煉,應用提示,用于表達“不同的人對待同一件事有不同的看法”。,句型應用,(elderly people/weird dressing),典型例句,在老年人看來是怪異的打扮對年輕人來說卻是時尚。,意群提示,What is weird dressing from the point of view of elderly people is fashion from the point of

60、view of young people.,無論是鐵匠的體力活,還是像科學家或藝術(shù)家從事的偏腦力的活,他們在工作中都會投入激情。,原句譯文,逆譯練習,They hurl their passion into their work, be it physical like the work of a smith, or more mental like that of a scientist or an artist. (Par

61、a. 8),句型提煉,Sb. hurl the passion into sth. or doing sth., be it… like/such as…, or… like/such as …,句型提煉,應用提示,用于舉例說明“某人執(zhí)著地做某事”。,句型應用,(donate money / oil spills),典型例句,公眾為我們的事業(yè)捐款,為災難受害者捐款,無論是地震之類的自然災難,還是石油泄漏之類人為之災。,意群提示,The

62、 public hurl their passion into donating money to our cause and for the victims of disasters, be it natural, such as earthquakes, or man-made, such as oil spills.,但是當勞役者倒數(shù)著時間之時,工作者則干勁十足,全神貫注,從手頭的任務中享受到最大的快樂。,原句譯文,逆譯練習,Bu

63、t while laborers are counting down the hours, workers are energized and focused, taking optimum pleasure in the task at hand. (Para. 9),句型提煉,But while A. is doing sth., B is doing sth. else.,句型提煉,應用提示,用于對比“不同人不同的做事風格”。,句

64、型應用,(quitter/struggler/dawdle away one’s time),典型例句,但是當懶人在虛度光陰的時候,奮斗者則目標堅定、信心十足,在努力工作中品嘗到成功的喜悅。,意群提示,But while quitters are dawdling away their time, strugglers are determined and confident, tast

65、ing the joy of success in their hard working.,1. How does technology change people’s work and life?,2. How can a person foster love for his work?,3. Will you be a worker or a laborer? Why?,Tips,Tips,T

66、ips,? New technology clearly enables us to work faster and more efficiently, and it facilitates flexible and remote working (fitting in with childcare or avoiding a distasteful commute), but it can also mean that we cann

67、ot ever really get away from our jobs and tune out.? Technology may make us more responsive, more capable of gaining access to information over a broader spectrum. Technology is basically,,How does technology change peo

68、ple’s work and life?,to be continued,? With new technology, we are working harder and are more enslaved to our work than before. We are walking around with laptops or with portable phones. We’re becoming slaves to high t

69、echnology. There’s no escape.,,How does technology change people’s work and life?,,? Start with a positive and right attitude, for the right attitude toward work makes it much easier to accept and do it.? Put interest i


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