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1、大學英語(A)考試大綱(2010 年修訂版)試點高校網(wǎng)絡教育部分公共基礎(chǔ)課全國統(tǒng)一考試,旨在遵循網(wǎng)絡教育應用型人才的培養(yǎng)目標,針對從業(yè)人員繼續(xù)教育的特點,重在檢驗學生掌握英語基礎(chǔ)知識的水平及應用能力,全面提高現(xiàn)代遠程高等學歷教育的教學質(zhì)量?!按髮W英語”課程是現(xiàn)代遠程教育試點高校網(wǎng)絡教育實行全國統(tǒng)一考試的部分公共基礎(chǔ)課之一。該課程的考試是一種基礎(chǔ)水平檢測性考試,考試合格者應達到與成人高等教育本科相應的大學英語課程要求的水平??荚噷ο蠼逃?/p>

2、批準的現(xiàn)代遠程教育試點高校網(wǎng)絡教育學院和中央廣播電視大學“人才培養(yǎng)模式改革和開放教育試點”項目中自 2004 年 3 月 1 日(含 3 月 1 日)以后入學的本科層次學歷教育的學生,應參加網(wǎng)絡教育部分公共基礎(chǔ)課全國統(tǒng)一考試。“大學英語(A)”考試大綱適用于英語類專業(yè)的高中起點與??破瘘c本科學生??荚嚹繕吮究荚囍荚谌鏅z查現(xiàn)代遠程教育英語專業(yè)學生綜合運用英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯各項基本技能的能力??忌鷳鷮嵉卣莆栈镜恼Z法知識和詞匯,具備

3、運用不同的閱讀和聽力技巧獲取信息的能力以及用英語進行口頭和筆頭交際的能力。聽說能力考核暫不列入全國統(tǒng)考范圍之內(nèi),由各學校自行組織。相關(guān)要求參見本大綱??荚噧?nèi)容與要求【語法】 考生應扎實地掌握基本的英語語法知識,并能在交際中正確地加以運用。【詞匯】 考生應認知 5 000 個單詞,并熟練掌握其中的 2 300 個詞及其基本的搭配?!鹃喿x】 考生應能讀懂與日常生活和社會生活相關(guān)的不同類型的文字材料,包括應用文、描述文、記敘文、說明文和議論文

4、等不同文體,閱讀速度為每分鐘 80 個單詞??忌鷳埽?. 理解主旨要義;2. 理解文中具體信息;3. 根據(jù)上下文推測生詞詞義;4. 進行有關(guān)的判斷、推理和引申;5. 理解文中的概括性含義;6. 理解文章的結(jié)構(gòu)及單句之間、段落之間的關(guān)系;7. 理解作者的意圖、觀點或態(tài)度;8. 區(qū)分觀點、論點和論據(jù)。【翻譯】考生應能在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)將 2 個難度適中的中文句子翻譯成英語??忌鷳埽?. 用正確的語法、詞匯、拼寫、標點等進行

5、表達;Information for the Examinees:This examination consists of FOUR parts. They are:Section I Reading Comprehension (30 points, 25 minutes)Section II Vocabulary and Grammar (40 points, 25 minutes)Section III Transla

6、tion (10 points, 10 minutes)Section IV Writing (20 points, 30 minutes)The total score for this examination is 100. The time allowed for this examination is 90 minutes.Section I: Reading Comprehension [

7、30 points]Instructions:? This section will take approximately 25 minutes.? There are TWO sections in this part.Part 1: Questions 1-5 are based on this part. (15 points)Read the following passage and choose

8、the best answer from A, B, C and D. Manhattan Island is the oldest and most important of the five boroughs that make up New York City. It is 21.7 kilometers long and 3.8 kilometers wide at its widest point. It contains N

9、ew York’s tallest buildings as well as some of the largest schools and colleges, and the most famous financial and theater districts in the United States. It has skyscrapers and Central Park, the old and the new, the bes

10、t and the worst. It is like no other big city. It is unique. To understand Manhattan, we must know something of its early history: its early days of Dutch colonists and English settlers; the waves of the nineteenth-centu

11、ry European immigrants who arrived at its shores; the African-Americans who moved north after the Civil War; recent immigrants from China and other parts of Asia; and young people who go to New York from all over America

12、. It is a mix of ethnic groups and cultures, successes and failures, hopes and fears. The United States is a nation of immigrants and no other city displays this fact as well as New York City. From Chinatown and Little I

13、taly to Harlem, New York is a place where communities take pride in retaining their ethnicity. Most immigrants went to America with very little money. America gave them hope and a new beginning. Millions of immigrants ha

14、ve prospered in America. On July 4, 1884, the people of France gave to the United States as a symbol of friendship, a statue sculptured by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. This statue was placed on an island in New York Harbo

15、r. It is 46 meters high and was the first sight immigrants saw as they came into New York City by ship. It is known as the Statue of Liberty. On the statue is a poem written by Emma Lazarus. This poem sums up the America


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