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1、<p><b>  英文原文</b></p><p>  Extending the Limits of CVE' s to Support Collaborative e-Learning Scenarios</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  This paper

2、 proposes the use of collaborative virtual environments in order toprov</p><p>  ide collaborative e-learning services in an efficient and cost effective way. On the one hand, we present the transformation o

3、f well known collaborative learning techniques t</p><p>  o collaborative elearning scenarios. The collaborative learning techniques, which are discussed in this paper, are brainstorming/roundtable, think pa

4、ir share, jigsaw, quick</p><p>  writes/microthemes, and structured academic controversies. On the other hand, we des</p><p>  cribe the necessary modifications of the collaborative virtual env

5、ironments in order to support collaborative e-learning services and scenarios. Main proposals are the integra</p><p>  tion of more media to offer more awareness, the support of more people with different ro

6、les, and the definition of an integrated system architecture.</p><p>  1、Introduction</p><p>  It is well known that collaborative e-learning is a definite need nowadays. Much research and techn

7、ological work has been done in order to support and/or to offer elea</p><p>  rning services. In the technological field there are technologies, commercial tools, and</p><p>  /or research proto

8、types to support e-learning [1], [3]. Theoretical frameworks and lear</p><p>  ning techniques have been presented for collaborative learning. Furthermore it is more difficult for both learners to learn and

9、teachers to teach from distance. Thus, in order to provide collaborative elearning services to the users in an effective way, it is neede</p><p>  d to incorporate available or new technologies with learning

10、 theories and the user nee</p><p>  ds. Starting from the user requirements, we have realised that the main users' need is to be more aware about the actions of the rest of users in the collaborative e-l

11、earning groups. Systems,which satisfy this need and integrate the necessary tools for realising the collaborative e-learning techniques, have many possibilities to succeed. Furtherm</p><p>  ore, an effectiv

12、e elearning system, which provides valuable learning experience, shoul</p><p>  d combine pedagogy, learning content and community features, in an effective way [5]. If the focus is no longer content but rat

13、her the management of the learning experi</p><p>  ence, then the pedagogical process becomes the most important factor in the design an</p><p>  d support of that experience. For this reason, t

14、his paper proposes to transfer well-kno</p><p>  wn collaborative learning techniques into collaborative e-learning scenarios. In additi</p><p>  on the emphasis of most e-learning platforms tod

15、ay has been on the accumulation, or</p><p>  ganization, and delivery of content. Thus, new solutions should be investigated for</p><p>  the contribution on the context of e-learning. The advan

16、tages of collaborative virtual e</p><p>  nvironments, against the other technologies such as videoconferencing, regarding both the awareness and the collaborative features, motivate us to concentrate our re

17、search o</p><p>  n providing collaborative e-learning services to the users using CVE's. However, CVE</p><p>  's cannot be used as they are in order to provide collaborative e-learning

18、 services. Ne</p><p>  w network architectures should be investigated; new modules should be integrated in the CVE's in order to provide specific functionality and to exploit the main characteris</p&g

19、t;<p>  tics of CVE's as much as possible. In this case,the design of the 3D worlds is affected from the collaborative e-learning scenarios. For these reasons, this paper proposes so</p><p>  me e

20、xtensions in the CVE's in order to upgrade them into Educational Virtual Environ</p><p>  ments (EVE's) [2]. We initially describe the processes in order to realise these techni</p><p> 

21、 ques using CVE's and more media. Afterwards, we present our proposed extensions of the CVEs, and a system architecture.</p><p>  2、Realizing collaborative learning techniques into a collaborative e-lear

22、ning environment</p><p>  The first step before the design of a system is to investigate well-known collabo</p><p>  rative learning scenarios in order to transform them into e-learning techniqu

23、es. The m</p><p>  ain collaborative learning techniques are: brainstorming/roundtable, think pair share, j</p><p>  igsaw, quickwrites/microthemes, and structured academic controversies. These

24、techni</p><p>  ques are not presented in this paper due to space limitations. More information is avai</p><p>  lable at [7]. Here we present the processes in order to realise these techniques

25、using C</p><p>  VE's. Before describing these processes we are describing specific functionality, whic</p><p>  h is derived from the collaborative learning techniques.</p><p>

26、  First of all, we propose the tutors and learners to use a 3D virtual classroom and supportive break-out session rooms for dividing the users in sub-groups (if the scena</p><p>  rio requires that). The lea

27、rners and tutors who participate in a virtual classroom are re</p><p>  presented by avatars. The user's avatars should be able to make various types of gestu</p><p>  res: expressing opinio

28、ns (e.g. agree, disagree), expressing feelings, mimics (e.g. happy, sad), as well as showing actions (e.g. move learning content, pick learning content). T</p><p>  he virtual classroom and the break-out ses

29、sion rooms should be supported by audio co</p><p>  llaboration, application sharing and text chat functionality. Also they should have a sp</p><p>  ecific place where the users can upload thei

30、r content and show it to the other participa</p><p>  nts. This space can be a 3D presentation table. It should also provide (according to eac</p><p>  h scenario) more functionality such as sha

31、red whiteboard, or simulation of a brainstor</p><p>  ming board. Both, the above functionality and the access rights on it, depend on the e-</p><p>  learning scenario. The transformation and t

32、he basic processes are described in the foll</p><p>  owing paragraphs.</p><p>  Brainstorming/Roundtable: The tutor asks a question using audio collaboration functionality (or alternatively tex

33、t chat). Furthermore the tutor can write the question</p><p>  and upload it to the presentation table as a document. The learners can answer to the q</p><p>  uestions using the audio collabora

34、tion functionality (or alternatively text chat). Further</p><p>  more the learners can use the brainstorming tool in order to write and attach on it their ideas.</p><p>  Think pair share: The

35、tutor poses a question (or a problem) as a file on the pres</p><p>  entation table or using audio/text chat and introduces the collaboration technique.Aft</p><p>  er a short pause for reflecti

36、ng, the learners turn into the whisper-mode with their neigh</p><p>  bour and discuss in private the problem. Preferable way for whispering would be a pr</p><p>  ivate audio-channel within the

37、 classroom (audiowhisper function). Alternatively a pri</p><p>  vate text chat can be used. After the assigned discussion time, the tutor gathers the att</p><p>  ention of the learners by &quo

38、t;ringing the bell" (sending a text message to all of the participants). At that time, the learners exit from the whispering mode, and then return to a group for discussion.</p><p>  Jigsaw: The whole J

39、igsaw procedure can be handled within the virtual classroom, which has also 4 breakout session rooms. The tutor first introduces in short the proced</p><p>  ure and then asks for the number of learners (goo

40、d numbers are any multiple of four). For 16 learners the tutor suggests study groups of 4 and 4 sections. Then the tutor nee</p><p>  ds to formulate the sections: s/he divides the users in the sections and

41、attaches the nec</p><p>  essary learning content to each section. The tutor then assigns to the learners their role (group number and section number). Spontaneously, the learners will receive an auto</p&

42、gt;<p>  mated message, which room they need to go to: there they find the section description on the presentation table and any study material the tutor might have assigned to the f</p><p>  ocus gro

43、up. After that, the learners of each section participate all together in a section-</p><p>  shared place. The places can be virtual small classes (breakout session rooms) with au</p><p>  dio c

44、ollaboration, application, sharing, and text-chat functionality. The tutor can also assign documents to this section. These documents will be available to the learners in the breakout room. The learners can take material

45、 from the presentation table to their other session, by saving the material into his/her local PC and upload it again.</p><p>  Quickwrites/Microthemes: The whole procedure for this technique can be hand<

46、/p><p>  led within a 3D classroom, which also has 4 breakout session rooms. In the virtual cla</p><p>  ssroom and the breakout out session rooms the users can use audio collaboration, app</p&g

47、t;<p>  lication sharing and text chat functionality. The tutor presents to the learners the micr</p><p>  othemes in the presentation table space. In addition s/he uploads and presents suppor</p&g

48、t;<p>  ting documents on the shared space. The learners can open a notepad or other text ed</p><p>  itor for personal use; focus on the proposed documents and after completion of the as</p>&

49、lt;p>  signment, can easily save their result on their local PC and upload it into the shared s</p><p>  pace. The tutor assigns to each group which themes should be discussed (2-4 persons). The learners

50、move to the breakout-rooms pull their documents onto the presentation area, in those rooms, and discuss the outcomes. One person writes a protocol of the g</p><p>  roup discussion and saves the result back

51、to his/her local PC and then upload it into t</p><p>  he classrooms' shared space. The tutor can visit the groups in the breakout out session rooms and discuss the status of the work. Furthermore, the t

52、utor has the capability to call the learners group to return back to the main classroom area, using text chat or by visiting the breakout session rooms. In the main classroom area the groups present the</p><p&

53、gt;  ir results using application sharing and audio chat.</p><p>  Structured academic controversies: The whole procedure for this technique ca</p><p>  n be handled within a 3D classroom, which

54、 has similarly 4 breakout session rooms in case of 16 learners. In the virtual classroom as well as the breakout out session rooms the users can use audio collaboration, application sharing and text chat functionality.

55、</p><p>  The tutor selects and uploads a topic in two different viewpoints on the presentatio</p><p>  n table. The learners form groups of 4 and divide into two pairs. Each pair goes to a br&l

56、t;/p><p>  eakout session room and the tutor uploads supportive documentation. Furthermore, th</p><p>  e learners can upload their own content, which they think could be is supportive in for</p

57、><p>  mulating their assigned advocacy position. The pairs of learners have the possibility to visit breakout session rooms of the other pairs with the same positions. Each learner pair can prepare a short pr

58、esentation using application sharing and collaboration on do</p><p>  cuments, and can upload this presentation in the original groups of four learners. Each pair presents its position to the other pair in t

59、heir group using application sharing and audio chat. In this case there is no debate allowed and the tutor restricts the audio, app</p><p>  lication sharing, text chat, and gestures functionality from the o

60、pposite pair. fterwards, the other pair presents its position, and then the learners debate and provide more evid</p><p>  ence. Finally, learners drop their advocacy role and generate a consensus report add

61、er</p><p>  ssing the original question posed using application sharing, collaboration on ocuments, and audio chat.</p><p>  3、Proposed extension of CVE's</p><p>  As we can rea

62、lise from the above descriptions CVE' s should be extended in order to support e-learning services. Several extensions should be made in order to support avirtual e-learning community. These extensions are described

63、in the following parag</p><p><b>  raphs.</b></p><p>  3.1、Many people with different roles</p><p>  An e-learning system should be able to be used concurrently by many

64、users. These users should create an e-learning community. The users should have different roles an</p><p>  d rights in this community. This implies the two following issues. The first one is that many concu

65、rrent users should be supported by the system. Actually the maximum nu</p><p>  mber of participants in a course is 17 (16 learners and one tutor). This number of part</p><p>  icipants is deriv

66、ed from the e-learning scenarios described earlier. Furthermore the sys</p><p>  tem should support many concurrent courses. This increases the number of concurrent users. </p><p><b>  中文譯

67、文</b></p><p>  擴(kuò)展現(xiàn)代遠(yuǎn)程教育的限制來支持協(xié)同式電子學(xué)習(xí)情景</p><p><b>  摘 要</b></p><p>  本文主要介紹了協(xié)同虛擬環(huán)境的使用,目的是提供一種高效的、低成本的協(xié)同電子學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)。在一方面,我們從目前人所共知的學(xué)習(xí)方式轉(zhuǎn)型到協(xié)作網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境。本文討論的協(xié)作學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)是大家平等討論的,共享

68、的,交互的,結(jié)構(gòu)化的和學(xué)術(shù)爭論式的學(xué)習(xí)方式。在另一方面,我們描述了該協(xié)同虛擬環(huán)境必要的修改,以支持協(xié)同電子服務(wù)和學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境。協(xié)作學(xué)習(xí)的主要思想是整合更多的媒體提供更多的認(rèn)識(shí),支持更多的人與不同的角色,并定義一個(gè)綜合的系統(tǒng)架構(gòu)。</p><p><b>  緒論</b></p><p>  眾所周知,如今協(xié)同電子學(xué)習(xí)已被廣泛地應(yīng)用。為了支持電子學(xué)習(xí),人們做了大量的研究和科


70、供有價(jià)值的學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的電子學(xué)習(xí)系統(tǒng),應(yīng)該由教學(xué)、學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容、論壇有機(jī)結(jié)合而成。假如重點(diǎn)不是內(nèi)容而是學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)的管理,那么教學(xué)過程就變成設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)最重要的因素?;谶@點(diǎn),這篇文章將把眾所周知的 協(xié)同學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)化為協(xié)同電子學(xué)習(xí)。此外現(xiàn)在許多電子學(xué)習(xí)平臺(tái)中心都在內(nèi)容的積累和傳輸上。因此,必須研究出新的解決方案用在電子學(xué)習(xí)上。協(xié)同虛擬環(huán)境的優(yōu)點(diǎn),與其它的技術(shù)(例如視頻會(huì)議)不同,讓我們把研究重點(diǎn)放在給遠(yuǎn)程教育的用戶提供協(xié)同電子學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)上。然而,遠(yuǎn)程教育不

71、能提供協(xié)同電子學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)。必須研究新的網(wǎng)</p><p>  2、把協(xié)同學(xué)習(xí)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閰f(xié)同電子學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境</p><p>  設(shè)計(jì)系統(tǒng)前第一步是研究那些知名的協(xié)同學(xué)習(xí)從而把它們轉(zhuǎn)化為電子學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)。主要的協(xié)同學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)有:大家平等討論,想法共享,相互交流, quickwrites/microthemes,和結(jié)構(gòu)學(xué)術(shù)爭議。由于篇幅有限,這些技術(shù)本文不會(huì)提到。在可以查閱更多的信息。這里我們介紹怎樣用遠(yuǎn)程教

72、育來實(shí)現(xiàn)這些技術(shù)。在介紹這個(gè)過程之前,我們會(huì)介紹一些特定的功能。這些功能由協(xié)同學(xué)習(xí)技術(shù)衍生而來。</p><p>  首先,我們建議導(dǎo)師和學(xué)生使用3D虛擬教室和支持劃分為不同小組的自由會(huì)議室(如果情況需要那樣做)。在虛擬教室中的導(dǎo)師和學(xué)生可以具體的提出自己意見。用戶的身體可以做出許多不同的手勢:表達(dá)意見(如同意,不同意),表達(dá)感情,模仿(如快樂,悲傷),以及顯示行動(dòng)(例如移動(dòng)的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容,選擇學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容)。虛擬課堂和

73、自由會(huì)議室被支持通過音頻協(xié)作,應(yīng)用共享和文字聊天功能。他們也應(yīng)該有一個(gè)明確的空間,用戶可以上傳自己的內(nèi)容并顯示給其他的學(xué)習(xí)者。這個(gè)空間可以是一個(gè)三維演示表。它還應(yīng)提供(根據(jù)每個(gè)章節(jié))更多的功能,如共享留言板,或模擬智力測試。上述功能和存取權(quán)都依賴于電子學(xué)習(xí)的情景。轉(zhuǎn)變和基本處理過程在以下幾段進(jìn)行描述。</p><p>  大家平等討論:導(dǎo)師使用音頻協(xié)作功能提出一個(gè)問題(或者選擇文字聊天)。此外,導(dǎo)師也可以寫出這個(gè)

74、問題,并作為一個(gè)文件將其上傳到演示表。學(xué)習(xí)者可使用音頻協(xié)作功能(或者選擇文字聊天)以回答這個(gè)問題。此外,更多的學(xué)習(xí)者可以使用智力工具去寫出和表達(dá)他們的觀點(diǎn)。</p><p>  觀點(diǎn)共享:導(dǎo)師提出問題(或疑問)作為一個(gè)文件上傳到演示表中,或使用語音或文字聊天來介紹協(xié)作技術(shù)。經(jīng)過短暫停頓后,學(xué)習(xí)者轉(zhuǎn)入耳語模式與他們的鄰居,并私下討論這個(gè)問題。最好的方式是在虛擬教室內(nèi)為竊竊私語者提供一個(gè)私人的音頻通道( 低聲語音功能

75、)。也可以使用私人文字聊天功能。在規(guī)定的討論時(shí)間結(jié)束后,導(dǎo)師通過敲響鈴聲(發(fā)送一個(gè)文字訊息到所有的學(xué)生)重新聚集學(xué)生的注意力。在這時(shí),學(xué)習(xí)者結(jié)束個(gè)人討論,開始分組進(jìn)行討論。</p><p>  相互交流:整個(gè)交流的過程在分為四個(gè)自主討論室的虛擬課堂中都是可以控制的。導(dǎo)師首先經(jīng)過一個(gè)簡短的介紹,然后向?qū)W習(xí)者提問(最好參加學(xué)習(xí)的人數(shù)是四的倍數(shù))。例如16個(gè)學(xué)生,導(dǎo)師建議分為四組,四個(gè)部分進(jìn)行學(xué)習(xí)。然后導(dǎo)師需要闡明每一


77、。學(xué)習(xí)者可以發(fā)送這些資料從演示表到他們自己的小組通過保存這些資料到他們的個(gè)人電腦,然后再次上傳。</p><p>  Quickwrites/Microthemes: 整個(gè)交流的過程在分為四個(gè)自主討論室的虛擬課堂中都是可以控制的。在虛擬教室和自主討論室中,用戶可以使用音頻協(xié)作,應(yīng)用共享和文字聊天功能。導(dǎo)師在演示表空間中向初學(xué)者介紹了microthemes。此外,他或她上傳文件到共享空間。學(xué)習(xí)者可以打開一個(gè)記事本或

78、其他供個(gè)人使用文本編輯器;重點(diǎn)是提議的文件和完成的任務(wù)可以輕易地保存結(jié)果到他們的本地PC上,然后將它們上傳到共享空間。導(dǎo)師指派給每個(gè)小組( 2-4人)將要討論的主題。學(xué)習(xí)者到自主討論室拖動(dòng)他們的文檔到該房間的圖示區(qū)域上,并討論結(jié)果。一個(gè)人寫出本組討論的草案并把結(jié)果保存到他或她的本地PC上。然后,將它上傳到本教室的共同空間。導(dǎo)師可以訪問自主討論室的每個(gè)小組以了解工作的進(jìn)展情況。此外,導(dǎo)師也有能力通過文字聊天和訪問自主討論室要求小組的學(xué)習(xí)者

79、回到主課堂區(qū)域。在主課堂區(qū)域中,所有的小組都可以通過程序共享和文字聊天發(fā)送他們的結(jié)果。</p><p>  結(jié)構(gòu)學(xué)術(shù)爭議:這個(gè)技術(shù)的整個(gè)過程在類似分為四個(gè)自主討論室和16個(gè)學(xué)習(xí)者的虛擬課堂中都是可以控制的。和自主討論室一樣,在虛擬教室中用戶也可以使用音頻協(xié)作,應(yīng)用共享和文字聊天功能。</p><p>  導(dǎo)師精選并上傳了一個(gè)帶有兩種不同觀點(diǎn)的論題到演示表中。每個(gè)小組的學(xué)習(xí)者被化為兩隊(duì)。每隊(duì)


81、多的證據(jù)。最后,結(jié)束討論,并產(chǎn)生一個(gè)共識(shí),使用應(yīng)用共享、輔助文檔和音頻聊天報(bào)告處理原提出的問題。</p><p>  3、擴(kuò)展遠(yuǎn)程教育的建議</p><p>  通過上面的敘述我們可以明白,遠(yuǎn)程教育應(yīng)該被擴(kuò)展來支持網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)服務(wù)。為了支持虛擬網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)校,需要注意幾個(gè)客觀存在的事實(shí)。以下幾段對這些客觀事實(shí)進(jìn)行了敘述。</p><p>  3.1、不同角色的人們<


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