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1、<p>  字數(shù):英文2955單詞,16392字符;中文5527漢字</p><p>  出處:María del Mar Alonso-Almeida.Influence of gender and financing on tourist company growth[J]Journal of Business Research.2013,66(6):621–631</p>

2、<p><b>  外文文獻: </b></p><p>  Influence of gender and financing on tourist company growth</p><p>  Abstract Research in both the manufacturing and service sectors has shown tha

3、t companies run by women start with less capital and receive less external financing than firms run by men. This has had particularly adverse effects on the performance of companies managed by women. The present study an

4、alyzes start-up capital, financing and growth in terms of revenue and number of employees in 10,170 tourist companies created in Spain since 1996, based on longitudinal data for the period 1996–2006. T</p><p&g

5、t;  Keywords: Performance, Women, Start-up capital, External financing, Business results</p><p>  1.Introduction</p><p>  The last twenty years bear witness to an increase in the number of paper

6、s studying and debating the role of women in management (Melero, 2011). Part of this research has focused on analyzing performance by means of comparing start-up capital (e.g. Carter & Rosa, 1998; Verheul & Thuri

7、k, 2001; Watson, 2002), subsequent financing (e.g. Coleman, 2002, 2007) and performance in companies run by men and women (e.g. Alsos, Isaksen, & Ljunggren, 2006; Fairlie & Robb, 2009; Rosa, Carter, & Hamilto

8、n, 1996)</p><p>  Such prior research is general excessively, since these studies fail to study real data for a specific industry for any length of time. Indeed, it tends to be conducted from a multi-industr

9、y perspective, without considering the differences between sectors (Cooper, Gimeno-Gascon, & Woo, 1994; Carter & Rosa, 1998; Chirwa, 2008; Krishnan & Park, 2005; Morris et al., 2006; Rosa et al., 1996; Verheu

10、l & Thurik, 2001; Watson, 2002), and usually uses either exclusively cross-sectorial data (Coleman, 200</p><p>  For these reasons a number of authors (e.g. Ahl, 2006; De Bruin, Brush, & Welter, 2007

11、) note that women's role in job creation, economic growth and the revitalization of the business fabric has been addressed from a very general standpoint. The present authors consequently identify a need for more spe

12、cific research in this regard, in particular in geographical areas outside the Anglo-Saxon world, taking an industry-specific approach and using longitudinal data as a basis (Alsos et al., 2006; De </p><p> 

13、 The article is organized into five sections, the first being this introduction. The second, a review of the existing literature that sets out the hypotheses to be addressed, is followed by a description of the data and

14、methodology. The findings are presented and discussed in the fourth section, while the last contains the conclusions, a series of practical recommendations for the industry and suggestions for future lines of research.&l

15、t;/p><p>  2.Literature review</p><p>  2.1.Women and tourism</p><p>  Prior research shows that women are mainly represented in service-based firms (England, 2010; Orser et al., 2010;

16、 Pardo-del-Val, 2010). Tourism is the largest service industry on a worldwide basis, and is the first employer in both industrialized and developing countries (WTO, 2011). The tourist industry employs particularly large

17、numbers of women, who form 60% of its total workforce, (Ladkin, 2011), although it is not considered to be a predominantly feminine sector (England, 2010). Tourism has</p><p>  While the share of women holdi

18、ng management positions is increasing in the tourist sector, the proportion is still far from being equally balanced, although it is admittedly higher than in many other sectors (Alonso-Almeida, 2009, 2011; Brownell &

19、; Walsh, 2008; Turner & McMahon, 2011). The main reasons for this increase are that during this time the number of women attending tourism courses in higher education has surpassed the numbers of men (Armstrong, 2006

20、; England, 2010; Ng & Pine, 2003: Rodr</p><p>  2.2.Gender impact on start-up capital</p><p>  Feminist theory maintains that access to financial resources is not gender-neutral (Ahl, 2006;

21、Orser et al., 2010). Start-up capital is one of the main factors that, according to the literature, distinguish companies run by men from those managed by women. In a pioneering review of women and the companies that the

22、y direct, Brush (1992) concludes that the finances of company start-ups are among the largest obstacles confronted by women entrepreneurs. Several subsequent studies show that companies</p><p>  The results

23、of the research published on this subject are practically unanimous, in that they all show that companies run by men have more financial resources at the outset. As feminist theories maintain, women start their companies

24、 with fewer financial resources than men.</p><p>  H1. Gender is a significant factor in explaining differences in the tourist industry in relation to start-up capital.</p><p>  2.3.Gender impac

25、t on company financing</p><p>  The scant accessibility of external financing is one of the highest barriers to growth in all types of companies, but particularly in companies managed by women (Coleman, 2002

26、). The reasons cited include the smaller size of these companies (Coleman, 2007; Fabowale, Orser, & Riding, 1995); the lack of an investment project (Loscocco, Robinson, Hall, & Allen, 1991); women's greater

27、aversion to risk (Constantinidis, Cornet, & Asandei, 2006; Eckel & Grossman, 2002); and possible discrimination due t</p><p>  Since most previous studies report that women receive less external fina

28、ncing for their companies than men, this study proposes the following hypothesis.</p><p>  H2. Gender is a significant factor in explaining differences within the tourist industry in relation to external fin

29、ancing.</p><p>  2.4.Gender impact on company growth</p><p>  Companies run by women tend to grow more slowly than companies managed by men (Alsos et al., 2006; Cooper et al., 1994; Fairlie &

30、; Robb, 2009; Rosa et al., 1996). Watson (2002), however, notes that female-run companies outperformed firms run by men, despite their smaller start-up capital. Along these lines, Coleman (2007) find support for the argu

31、ment that women's companies grow more than men's even when they have no external financing. Using a headcount of employees as a unit of measure, Chirwa </p><p>  H3. Gender is a significant factor in

32、 explaining differences in the tourist industry in relation to growth over time.</p><p>  Fig. 1 summarizes the approach proposed, in which genderdependent start-up capital and external financing influence c

33、ompany growth.</p><p>  3.Data and method</p><p>  The tourist industry was selected for a number of reasons. First, in addition to the fact that tourism is the largest service industry worldwid

34、e, it has undergone dramatic growth in the last few decades in both developed and developing countries (WTO, 2011). Second, tourism not only contributes substantially to employment, employing more people than any other s

35、ervice industry worldwide, but also has more women than men in its international workforce, representing 60% of the total (WTO, 2011). Th</p><p>  The core business sub-sectors in the tourist industry are ac

36、commodation, hospitality, and travel distribution companies (Morrison, Carlsen, & Weber, 2010; Russell & Faulkner, 2004). We have therefore used these subsectors as a basis for analysis in this study. The data us

37、ed to conduct the study are taken from the Sistema de Análisis de Balances Ibéricos (Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System, SABI), which contains financial information about Spanish companies dating from 1996 o

38、nward. Yearly info</p><p><b>  4.Results</b></p><p>  Unlike previous research (Alsos et al., 2006; Brush, 1992; Carter & Rosa, 1998; Coleman & Robb, 2009, Fairlie & Robb

39、, 2009; Marlow, 2006; Orser et al., 2010; Verheul & Thurik, 2001; Watson, 2002) the present study finds no evidence to support the premise that gender is a significant factor in company start-up capital, except in th

40、e hotel sub-industry. As noted earlier, other factors may explain the differences in start-up capital, such as company age or legal structure. The differences observe h</p><p>  The findings reported here, h

41、owever, identify significant genderrelated differences in external financing in the three tourist subindustries. As observed in previous cross-industry research, (Alsos et al., 2006; Coleman & Robb, 2009; Muravyev et

42、 al., 2009) men obtain more external financing than women. This same situation is reported by hospitality and rural accommodation establishments (Jaafar et al., 2011; Szivas, 2001). Nevertheless, although Spanish tourist

43、 companies run by men are more gene</p><p>  Gender is found to be a significant explanatory variable for rural accommodation establishment and hotel growth in terms of sales and headcount. Women are not obs

44、erved to be less effective than their male counterparts when business success in these two subindustries is measured in terms of economic variables (Alsos et al., 2006; Cooper et al., 1994; Du Rietz & Henrekson, 2000

45、; Fairlie & Robb, 2009; Rosa et al., 1996). A review of the data for travel agencies suggests that growth in this sub-indu</p><p>  Alsos et al. (2006) find that gender-related differences in company gro

46、wth could be explained by the existence of a financing gap, for when they analyze growth after controlling for external financing, the differences disappear. The present study also identifies a financing gap in the three

47、 sub-industries analyzed. Nonetheless, since both headcount and sales grow more steeply in companies run by women, they can be said to out-perform their male colleagues despite this disadvantage. Coleman (2007</p>

48、<p>  Therefore, women in the tourist industry appear to follow a pattern described in earlier papers: they stress the more extrinsic aspects of their work, the need to do things well and the importance of personal

49、 relations inside and outside the company. These factors are key drivers in the tourist industry (Konrad, Ritchie, Lieb, & Corrigall, 2000; Loo, 2003; Schaap, Stedham, & Yamamura, 2008). This may enable women man

50、agers to capitalize on their reputation more effectively over time and attain hi</p><p>  Summing up, contrary to the conclusions drawn from previous research, the findings of the present study refute the hy

51、pothesis that differences in tourist company capitalization are gender-based (H1). They nonetheless confirm earlier reports that detected gender-related differences in external financing (H2). Finally, the results discus

52、sed here also support the presence of gender-based differences in tourist company performance and growth (H3), although these differences, contrary to what might b</p><p>  5.Conclusions and future lines of

53、research</p><p>  The findings described in this article provide a new insight into female management, for they contradict many previous assumptions and conceits. While tourist companies run by women receive

54、 less external financing, over time they create more jobs and increase sales more effectively than companies managed by men. Given the relevance of the tourist industry for the Spanish and worldwide economy, competent bu

55、siness management in this area must be promoted. Aiming to put an end to the gender discrim</p><p>  Two recommendations follow from the above findings. Firstly, tourist companies should be urged to promote

56、women to leadership positions. If they fail to do so, they will miss opportunities to grow and to create wealth in their communities. Watson (2002, p.98) rightly observes that women may have a different management style

57、and use financial resources differently than men, but in terms of return on investment, “they are no less effective than males.”</p><p>  Secondly, policy makers are encouraged to prioritize policies that pr

58、omote gender equality in areas such as corporate management, access to financing and company creation. In the last ten years, the Spanish government has instituted equal opportunity programs to help women's companies

59、 to get off the ground, to boost growth or to expand internationally (Pardo-del-Val, 2010). The latter author has also pointed out, however, that short-term financial support is not enough; rather, programs should b</

60、p><p>  This article makes no attempt to explain performance differences, but merely demonstrates their existence and determines whether or not they are affected by gender. Consequently, it does not address soc

61、io-economic variables such as education, management skills, company policy, previous experience or other traits characteristic of company leadership or ownership. This line of research should be expanded in the future to

62、 remedy that limitation.</p><p>  Female leadership characteristics and their effect on performance constitute another line of research that has not yet been sufficiently developed in the context of tourist

63、company management. Comparative studies should also be conducted between the industry in Spain and that in other both mature and emerging tourist destinations.</p><p><b>  中文譯文:</b></p>&l

64、t;p>  性別與融資對旅游企業(yè)增長的影響</p><p>  摘要 在制造業(yè)和服務(wù)業(yè)的研究表明,女性經(jīng)營的公司啟動資本較少,獲得的外部融資少于男性經(jīng)營的公司。這對女性管理的公司的業(yè)績產(chǎn)生了特別不利的影響。本研究根據(jù)1996-2006年期間的縱向數(shù)據(jù),分析了自1996年以來在西班牙創(chuàng)立的10170家旅游公司基于收入和員工數(shù)量的啟動資金、融資和增長情況。目的是了解性別是否是一個重要的解釋變量。這些結(jié)果與以前

65、的研究結(jié)果大不相同。在這項研究中,雖然沒有觀察到啟動資本的差異,但是在企業(yè)增長方面,女性經(jīng)營的旅游業(yè)公司的業(yè)績超越了男性經(jīng)營的公司。然而,前面提到的外部融資報告的差異也在這里確定了。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:業(yè)績,女性,啟動資本,外部融資,經(jīng)營結(jié)果</p><p><b>  1.引言</b></p><p>  在過去二十年里,有越來越多

66、的文獻研究和辯論了女性在管理中的作用(梅萊羅,2011)。這些研究的一部分通過比較啟動資本(如卡特和羅莎)、后續(xù)融資(如科爾曼,2002,2007)、男性和女性經(jīng)營的公司的業(yè)績(如阿爾索斯,伊薩克森和永格倫,2006;費爾利和羅伯,2009;羅莎,卡特,漢密爾頓,1996),來重點分析工作表現(xiàn)。這些研究在與性別相關(guān)的資本化、外部融資和業(yè)績方面取得了各式各樣的的結(jié)果。</p><p>  以前的這種研究過于寬泛,因


68、懷爾,理查德和查德威克(2003),約翰森和麥克馬洪(2005),克拉伯格和萊希特(1991)的情況就是這樣的,他們所有人都用了三年的時限;而費爾利和羅伯(2009),海斯里奇和布拉什(1987),沃森(2002),沃森和魯濱孫(2003)都使用了五年的數(shù)據(jù)。其他的研究反過來使用感知數(shù)據(jù)(杜茲教授和林克森著,2000),這可能傾向于主觀性(卡特和羅莎,1998)。</p><p>  出于這些原因,許多作者(例如


70、雷斯和巴羅佐,2009)。此外,長期收集的縱向數(shù)據(jù)有助于顯示公司發(fā)展的能力,以及他們?yōu)榱吮3指偁幍匚欢扇〉牟煌膽?zhàn)略和決策,同時避免其他相關(guān)因素(阿爾,2006;奧澤等人,2010)。</p><p>  本文分為五個部分,第一部分是引言。第二部分是對現(xiàn)有文獻的回顧,闡述了要解決的假設(shè)。接下來是對數(shù)據(jù)和方法的描述。第四部分介紹和討論了研究結(jié)果。而最后一部分包含結(jié)論,一系列關(guān)于行業(yè)的實用建議和對未來研究線索的建議

71、。</p><p><b>  2.文獻綜述</b></p><p><b>  2.1.女性和旅游</b></p><p>  以前的研究表明,女性主要以服務(wù)型企業(yè)為代表(英格蘭,2010;奧澤等人,2010;帕爾多瓦爾,2010)。旅游業(yè)是世界上最大的服務(wù)業(yè),也是工業(yè)化國家和發(fā)展中國家的第一個雇主(WTO,2011)。

72、盡管旅游業(yè)不被認為是一個主要的女性行業(yè)(英格蘭,2010),但是旅游業(yè)聘用了特別多的女性,她們占總勞動力的60%(拉德金,2011)。不管怎樣,旅游業(yè)都被指責維持現(xiàn)行的性別規(guī)范,加強性別劃分和定型觀念(劉易斯和辛普森,2011;辛克萊,1997)。</p><p>  雖然在旅游行業(yè)擔任管理職位的女性所占的比例正在增加,但這一比例仍然遠遠沒有實現(xiàn)平衡,盡管它確實高于許多其他行業(yè)(阿隆索-阿爾梅達,2009,201


74、英格蘭,2010年)。</p><p>  2.2.性別對啟動資本的影響</p><p>  女權(quán)主義理論認為,獲得財政資源并非性別中立的(阿爾,2006;奧澤等人,2010)。根據(jù)文獻,啟動資本是區(qū)分男性經(jīng)營的公司和女性經(jīng)營的公司的主要因素之一。在對女性及其管理的公司的開創(chuàng)性回顧中,布拉什(1992)得出結(jié)論,公司初創(chuàng)時的的財務(wù)狀況是女性創(chuàng)業(yè)者面臨的最大障礙之一。后來的幾項研究表明,相比

75、于男性經(jīng)營的公司,女性經(jīng)營的公司的啟動資本要少(阿爾索斯等人,2006;卡特和羅莎,1998;科爾曼和羅伯,2009;費爾利和羅伯,2009;維爾休爾和托里克,2001;沃森,2002)。旅游業(yè)也出現(xiàn)了同樣的情況(杰法爾等人,2011;夏爾馬和阿普內(nèi)伽,2005)。</p><p>  關(guān)于這個主題所發(fā)表的研究結(jié)果幾乎是一致的,因為它們都表明男性經(jīng)營的公司在開始時就擁有更多的財政資源。正如女權(quán)主義理論所堅稱的那樣

76、,女性在創(chuàng)建自己的公司時,獲取的財政資源比男性要少。</p><p>  假設(shè)1.性別是解釋旅游業(yè)在啟動資本方面的差異的重要因素。</p><p>  2.3.性別對公司融資的影響</p><p>  難以獲取外部融資是所有類型公司,特別是女性管理的公司增長的最大障礙之一(科爾曼,2002)。所列舉的的原因包括這些公司規(guī)模較小(科爾曼,2007;法博瓦勒,奧澤和賴丁

77、,1995);缺乏投資項目(洛斯可可,魯濱孫,霍爾和艾倫,1991);女性對風險的更大厭惡(康斯坦丁尼迪斯,科尼特和阿桑代伊,2006;??藸柡透窳_斯曼,2002);以及由于其公司缺乏吸引力而可能產(chǎn)生的歧視(布拉什,1992;特雷克爾和斯科特,2006)。</p><p>  鑒于大多數(shù)以前的研究報告,女性獲取的外部融資比男性要少,本項研究提出了以下假設(shè)。</p><p>  假設(shè)2.性別

78、是解釋旅游業(yè)在外部融資方面的差異的重要因素。</p><p>  2.4.性別對公司成長的影響</p><p>  女性管理的公司的增長速度比男性管理的公司要慢(阿爾索斯等人,2006;庫珀等人,1994;費爾利和羅伯,2009;羅莎等人,1996)。然而,沃森(2002)指出,盡管它們的啟動資本較小,但是女性經(jīng)營的公司的表現(xiàn)優(yōu)于男性經(jīng)營的公司。按照這些思路,科爾曼(2007)找到了論據(jù)的

79、支持,即即使沒有外部融資,女性公司的增長也超過男性。奇爾瓦(2008)認為,使用員工人數(shù)作為計量單位,則女性公司比男性增長4.7%。換句話說,文獻中發(fā)現(xiàn)的結(jié)果并不完全一致。</p><p>  假設(shè)3.性別是解釋隨著時間的推移旅游業(yè)在增長方面的差異的重要因素。</p><p>  圖1總結(jié)了提出的方法,其中性別依賴啟動資本和外部融資從而影響公司的增長。</p><p&g

80、t;<b>  圖1.研究模型</b></p><p><b>  3.數(shù)據(jù)和方法</b></p><p>  選中旅游業(yè)的原因有很多。首先,除了旅游業(yè)是世界上最大的服務(wù)業(yè)之外,在過去幾十年中,發(fā)達國家和發(fā)展中國家都取得了巨大的增長(WTO,2011)。第二,旅游業(yè)不僅大大促進了就業(yè),雇用的人數(shù)比全世界任何其他服務(wù)行業(yè)都多,而且在國際勞動力中女性

81、多于男性,占總數(shù)的60%(WTO,2011)。第三,旅游業(yè)對西班牙非常重要,并且是該國最大的工業(yè),占其國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值(GDP)的11.9%,雇用人數(shù)超過200萬人(伊克賽爾特,2012)。最后,在西班牙的旅游業(yè)中,與其他被認為非女性化的行業(yè)相比,女性管理者的比例最高(阿隆索-阿爾梅達,2011;英格蘭,2010)。</p><p>  旅游業(yè)的核心商業(yè)子行業(yè)是住宿、酒店和旅行配送公司(莫里森,卡爾森和韋伯,2010


83、者;農(nóng)村住宿設(shè)施包括露營地;酒店包括汽車旅館和賓館。此外,這些子行業(yè)雇用50%的旅游業(yè)勞動力(IET,2011),扣除運輸業(yè),工商管理專業(yè)畢業(yè)生是旅游業(yè)的主要就業(yè)來源(ANECA,2004)。</p><p><b>  4.結(jié)果</b></p><p>  不同于以往的研究(阿爾索斯等人,2006;布拉什,1992;卡特和羅莎,1998;科爾曼和羅伯,2009;費爾


85、公司是一樣的(丹麥斯,斯塔福德和鐵熱克-謝歐科,2007)。</p><p>  然而,這里報告的結(jié)果確定了三個旅游子行業(yè)在外部融資上的顯著的性別差異。正如在以前的跨行業(yè)研究中觀察到的(阿爾索斯等人,2006;科爾曼和羅伯,2009;穆拉維耶夫等人,2009),男性獲得的外部融資比女性多。酒店和農(nóng)村住宿設(shè)施報告了這種情況(杰法爾等人,2011;西弗斯,2001)。盡管如此,雖然男性經(jīng)營的西班牙旅游公司更為慷慨地接


87、進一步研究的對象。</p><p>  性別被發(fā)現(xiàn)是基于銷售和員工人數(shù)增長的農(nóng)村住宿設(shè)施、酒店的重要解釋變量。從經(jīng)濟變量方面來衡量這兩個子行業(yè)的商業(yè)成功率時,沒有觀察到女性的效率低于其男性同行(阿爾索斯等人,2006;庫珀等人,1994;杜茲教授&林克森著,2000;費爾利和羅伯,2009;羅莎等人,1996)。旅行社的數(shù)據(jù)審查表明,這個子行業(yè)的增長,不僅僅取決于性別,而且還可能受到公司規(guī)模的影響。</p&

88、gt;<p>  阿爾索斯等人(2006)發(fā)現(xiàn),公司增長中與性別相關(guān)的差異可以通過存在融資缺口來解釋,因為當他們在對抑制外部融資后的增長進行分析時,這種差異消失。本研究還確定了所分析的三個子行業(yè)的融資缺口。盡管如此,由于女性經(jīng)營的公司的員工人數(shù)和銷售額都有較大的增長,雖然存在這種缺點,但他們?nèi)匀豢梢哉f是超過了男性同行??茽柭?007)指出,這種差異可能是由于女性能夠更有效地利用資源。</p><p&g

89、t;  因此,旅游業(yè)中的女性似乎遵循早期文獻中描述的模式:他們強調(diào)女性工作的外在方面,做好事情的必要性,以及公司內(nèi)外人際關(guān)系的重要性。這些因素是旅游業(yè)的關(guān)鍵驅(qū)動力(康拉德,里奇,利布和科瑞加爾,2000;魯,2003;沙普,斯特哈姆和山村,2008)。這可以使女性管理者能夠隨著時間的推移更有效地利用她們的聲譽,來實現(xiàn)更高的增長。農(nóng)村住宿設(shè)施通常比酒店小,客戶聯(lián)系更緊密,可能從這些女性領(lǐng)導(dǎo)技能中受益更多,并解釋為什么它們的表現(xiàn)超過酒店。戴


91、t;/p><p>  總結(jié)起來,本研究的結(jié)果與從以前的研究得出的結(jié)論相反,反駁了旅游公司資本化的差異是基于性別的假說(H1)。不過也承認了以前的報告檢測到外部融資方面的性別差異(H2)。最后,本文討論的結(jié)果還支持在旅游公司績效和增長中存在基于性別的差異(H3),盡管這些差異與預(yù)期相反,表明在旅館行業(yè),女性更具有商業(yè)頭腦。</p><p>  5.結(jié)論和未來研究線</p><

92、p>  本文所描述的發(fā)現(xiàn)為女性管理提供了新的見解,因為它們駁斥了許多以前的假設(shè)和觀點。雖然女性經(jīng)營的旅游公司獲得的外部資金較少,但隨著時間的推移,它們創(chuàng)造了更多的就業(yè)機會,并比男性管理的公司更有效地提高了銷售額。鑒于旅游業(yè)對西班牙和世界經(jīng)濟的關(guān)聯(lián)性,必須提升這一領(lǐng)域的企業(yè)管理能力。旨在消除長期存在的性別歧視,無疑是一種理所當然的愿望。然而,以西班牙旅游業(yè)為例,從商業(yè)結(jié)果的角度來看,女性在高管職位中的地位也是可取的。正如本研究所顯示

93、的,相比于男性,女性在增長方面更為優(yōu)秀,提高了國家就業(yè)率和生產(chǎn)力,創(chuàng)造了財富。</p><p>  從上述發(fā)現(xiàn)我們可以提出兩個建議。首先,應(yīng)鼓勵旅游公司促進婦女擔任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)職位。如果他們沒有這樣做,他們將錯過其企業(yè)成長和創(chuàng)造財富的機會。沃森(2002,第98頁)正確指出,女性可能有不同的管理方式,并且利用財政資源不同于男性,但是在投資回報率方面,“她們的效率不比男性低”。</p><p>  


95、;  本文不試圖解釋業(yè)績表現(xiàn)的差異,而只是證明它們的存在,并決定它們是否受性別的影響。因此,它不涉及社會經(jīng)濟變量,例如教育、管理技能、公司政策、公司領(lǐng)導(dǎo)或所有者的以往經(jīng)驗或其他特征。今后應(yīng)該擴大這一研究領(lǐng)域,以彌補這一限制。</p><p>  女性領(lǐng)導(dǎo)特征及其對業(yè)績的影響是另一個在旅游公司管理背景下尚未充分發(fā)展的研究方向。在西班牙和其他成熟和新興的旅游目的地的行業(yè)之間,也應(yīng)該進行比較研究。</p>


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