1、指 導(dǎo) 小組 成 員高順全 范毓 民 金 日A b s t段 C tTh erearesom eeom m onPoi ntsandPersonal i tyi ntheexPressi onofdi scoursesubject(sPeaker)i nthehum anl anguage.InC hi nesem ai nl yuse “ 腸 jue de ” ,“ 腸 ren * ei , , ,“ 腸 夕 s w e i ” ,
2、“ Za i w o ka n la擴(kuò) ’ , “ D u i w o lai sh u o , , to ex p ress the v iew o f d isc o u rsesubjeet. T heseform saredi ff e renti nthem eani ng,apPl i cabl eofcontext,usi ngfre q u e n e i e s. T h e seform saren o to n e
3、too n erelatio n sh iPi no th erlan g u ag e . 5 0th ere15ag apb etw e enin terlan g u a g ea n dn ati v esP e ak ers’ lan g u a g e .T h isthesissu m m ari z e sth eu seten d en cy,co n tex tan dsem an ti c so fth efi v
4、 eexPressi on sofdi scoursesubjecti nC hi nese , com bi nedw i thstati sti calanal ysi sof theeorpusfr o mforei gnst udentstoi denti fythem ai ntendeney , erm rt yP esandeausesofin terl a n g u a g e . F i n a lly,m a k
5、eso m eree o rn m en d atio n stofurt h erim P ro v eth efore ignl an g u ag eteach i n gq u ali tyan deff i cien eyb yan al y z i n gth eleam in gan dteach i n gm ateria lsan de l a ssro o mtea eh in g .T h isP ap er15d
6、 iv id edi n tofi v eP ar t s:C h ap tero n ein tro d u eeth etoP ico fthisthesis,th e o reti ca lan dP raetie a lv a lu e ,th eobjectofst udy,scoPe, i deasandm ethods, revi ewof rel evantresearch.C haptertw oexam i nest
7、 heexPressi onsofdi seoursesubjeetofnati vesPeakersusee o n tex t, thro u g hth ean a l y siso flan gu a g eco rp u ssu m m ari z e dthem ea n in gan du sa g eo fv ari o u sform san dth eu seten d en c yb yn ati v esP e
8、ak ers .C haPt ert hreeexam i nest heuseofeXP ressi onofdi scoursesubjeeti ni nterl anguage,t hroughstati sti calanal ysi sofi nterl anguagecorpusandsum m ari zethetendencyofu sean derro rtyP e sm a d eb ysee o n dl a n
9、g u a g ele am ers,eo m b in edw ithfaeto rso fte a c h in gm ate ria ls, te ae h in ga n dle a rn in ge n v iro n m e n ttofi n dth ee a u seo f e rro rs.C h aP terfou rid en tifi e sth ec au seo fe rro rsan dg iv eso m
10、 esu g g e stio n stoth etea eh in gm ateria lsan dP ra cticalte a eh in g .C h ap te rfi v esu m m ari z e sth eP aP er, 5re se archa n dco n c lu si o n sK eyw o rd s: subjectof d i scourseteaeh in gsu g g e stio ne x
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