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1、Historical Evolution and Innovation of Supply of Ru-ral Public Cultural Service in ChinaCAO Ning * , ZHANG TaoSchool of Public Administration,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,ChinaAbstract Based on the analysis of main

2、body, decision making and financing mode concerning the supply of public cultural services in rural areas, we divide historical evolution of rural public cultural services in China into three periods: ( i)The period from

3、 the founding of New China to the period before “ Cultural Revolution“ ; ( ii)The period from “ Cultural Revolution“ to the period before the reform and opening- up; ( iii)The period after the reform and opening- up. We

4、analyze the defects in the supply of rural public cultural services in China: ( i)Difference in the supply of public cultural services between urban and rural areas, caused by urban- rural “ dual“ structure; ( ii)Insuffi

5、cient supply of rural public cultural services, arising from unclear property rights and executive power of government at all levels;( iii)Structural imbalance in the supply of rural public cultural services, caused by t

6、op- down supply decision making mechanism; ( iv)Single financing channels of rural public cultural services. From input, decision mak- ing, demand expression, financing and endogenous mechanism of supply of rural public

7、cultural services, we put forward the recommendations for improving the supply of public cultural services in China. Key words Supply of rural public cultural services, Historical evolution, RecommendationsReceived:Augus

8、t 21, 2012 Accepted:September 24, 2012Supported by “ Eleventh Five- Year Plan“ Key Project of Sichuan Phi-losophy and Social Science in 2010 ( SC10A014) .* Corresponding author. Email:cngoodluck0911@hotmail. comRural pub

9、lic cultural services refer to the non- profit and non- competitive public cultural products and services for rural are-as, focusing on social benefits, corresponding to the operatingcultural services [ 1 ]. As a part of

10、 rural public goods, the supplymainly includes main body,decision making,financing,andother aspects [ 2 ]. The specific forms are radio,television,the-atrical troupe, film projection team, library, cultural centers, In-t

11、ernet, and many other public cultural goods and services relat-ed to cultural transmission. However, affected by the long- termurban- rural split of supply system of public cultural services,there are enormous difference

12、s in the level of public culturalservices for residents between urban and rural areas,greatlyhampering economic and social development in rural areas.Based on all aspects included in the supply of rural public cul-tural

13、services, we analyze and reflect on the problems in histor-ical evolution,and propose countermeasures and recommen-dations for improving the supply of rural public culture.1 The historical evolution of supply of ru- ral

14、public cultural servicesWith China's economic and social development and re-form, the existing supply system of rural public cultural servicesfinally takes shape. By retrospecting its evolutionary process,we divide h

15、istorical evolution of rural public cultural services inChina into three periods:( i)The period from the founding ofNew China to the period before “ Cultural Revolution“ ; ( ii)Theperiod from “ Cultural Revolution“ to th

16、e period before the re-form and opening- up;( iii)The period after the reform and o-pening- up.1. 1 The period from the founding of New China to the pe-riod before “ Cultural Revolution“ ( 1949 - 1958) With theestablishm

17、ent of the people's communes, through the organiza-tional form of “ unification of the state and commune“ and high-ly centralized economic management mode,the correspondingsupporting system of rural public cultural s

18、ervices also tookshape in this period. During the period, the supply of rural pub-lic cultural services had the following characteristics:( i)In terms of the main body of supply,affected by thestate strategy of using agr

19、iculture to complement industry andgiving priority to the development of heavy industry,the mainbody of supply of rural public cultural services was still thepeople's communes, and there was no other main body of sup

20、-ply in this period.( ii)In terms of financing mechanism,the supply of ruralpublic cultural services was mainly dependent upon the fundsowned by the people's communes, and the state budgetary ex-penditure gave approp

21、riate subsidies. Specifically, the people'scommunes, by the accumulation fund and public welfare fund,realized the material costs of public cultural services;by in-creasing the total work points and decreasing the wo

22、rk pointvalue, realized the human costs of public cultural services.( iii)In terms of the supply decision making, since the ruralresidents were mobilized and organized by the government inan administrative order, the rur

23、al residents had a strong senseof revolutionary fervor, enthusiasm and cohesion. Ruralresidents' personal needs for public cultural services were ig-nored, and there was high homogeneity between the residents,so in t

24、his period, the supply of rural public cultural services wastop- down uniform supply,determined mainly by the decisionmaking of higher authorities and plan of the government.Rural Public Goods Asian Agricultural Research

25、 2012, 4( 11) : 50 -53Taking the case of 2008,all levels of financial investmentin urban culture accounted for 74. 8% of the national culturalcause expenses, while all levels of financial investment in ruralculture only

26、accounted for 25.2% of the national cultural causeexpenses [ 6 ]. In this system of urban- rural “ dual“ public culturalsupply, there are enormous differences in the level of supply ofpublic cultural services between urb

27、an and rural areas, and thedifficulties in the coordinated urban and rural development areincreased.2.2 Insufficient supply of rural public cultural services,arising from unclear property rights and executive powerof gov

28、ernment at all levels In order to implement the strate-gy of giving priority to the development of industry and city, themajor financial resources are concentrated in the higher levelsof government,which can concentrate

29、the power to do greatthings. Accordingly, the grass- roots government should providepublic cultural services for the majority of rural residents underthe conditions of less financial allocation. The public culturalservic

30、es, such as radio, television, and film teams, needing tobe coordinated and provided by some governments at all lev-els, are mainly left to the grass- roots government to solve, af-ter mutually shuffling.After the implem

31、entation of the system of dividing taxes,the supply situation of rural public cultural services is not funda-mentally changed. The property rights are turned over level bylevel,ultimately to the central and provincial go

32、vernments,while the executive power devolves level by level, and the sup-ply responsibility of public cultural services is mainly assumedby the grass- roots government, especially the county and town-ship governments. Co

33、mpared with the great supply responsibili-ty of culture,the county and township government's financialresources have too many difficulties to cope with, directly resul-ting in the insufficient supply of rural public

34、cultural services.The fundamental reason is incoordination between propertyrights and executive power of government at all levels.2.3 Structural imbalance in the supply of rural public cul-tural services,caused by top- d

35、own supply decision mak-ing mechanism Throughout the evolution of public culturalservices in China, the decision making mechanism is notchanged, still the supply of rural public cultural services deter-mined by the gover

36、nment from top to down [ 7 ].On the one hand, rural residents can not participate in thedecision- making process of the supply of rural public culture, sothat their needs and preferences are difficult to be expressed.The

37、 content and structure of supply of rural public cultural serv-ices is mainly determined by the higher level of government'sadministrative order,and the grass- roots government's inter-ests needs, a far cry from

38、the real needs of rural residents.On the other hand,with the socio- economic developmentin China's rural areas,and the strengthening of the ruralresidents' sense of rights, the rural residents have increasinglysh

39、own the characteristics of diversification and differentiation forpublic cultural services. In this case,the top- down decisionmaking mechanism has been unable to meet the practicalneeds of socio - economic development i

40、n rural areas and ruralresidents' needs for diverse public cultural services,which willinevitably lead to structural imbalance in the supply of rural pub-lic cultural services.2. 4 Single financing channels for rural

41、 public culturalservices Before or after the reform of taxation expenses, thefinancing channels for rural public cultural services are single inChina. Discount interest loan,financing,fund raising,socialdonations, sponso

42、rship,fund and other financing modes havenot yet been combined widely; the socialization of funds for ru-ral public cultural services has not been achieved. In this case,it is bound to increase fiscal pressure in China,i

43、ncrease therisks in long- term effective supply of rural public cultural serv-ices, and indirectly lead to insufficient supply of rural public cul-tural services.3 Recommendations for improving the supply of public cultu

44、ral services in rural areasThere are many problems in China's existing supply of ru-ral public cultural services,such as insufficient supply,singlesupply type,irrational supply structure and lack of effectivelong- te

45、rm financing mechanism. In order to improve the currentsituation of supply of rural public cultural services in China, it isnecessary to develop appropriate countermeasures to furtherimprove the supply of rural public cu

46、ltural services,and pro-mote the social and economic development of rural areas inChina.3. 1 Establishing coordinated urban- rural supply systemof public cultural services, increasing input to rural publiccultural servic

47、es The former urban- rural “ dual“ public cultur-al services in China burgeoned under the strategy of giving pri-ority to the development of industry and city,with strong re-sponsiveness of social and economic developmen

48、t. China'seconomic aggregate now ranks second in the world, having en-tered the stage of “ using urban development to drive rural de-velopment, nurturing agriculture“ ; the former supply system ofpublic cultural serv

49、ices has been unable to meet the practicalneeds of China's social and economic development.It is necessary to establish coordinated urban- rural supplysystem of public cultural services,ensure investment in thecity&#

50、39;s public cultural services,increase financial input to ruralpublic cultural services,and increase input to cinema,theatri-cal troupe, library,cultural center,and other cultural carriers.In particular, it is necessary

51、to strengthen the rural grass- rootsfinancial transfer payment, to ensure the sources of funding forpublic cultural services, and thus achieve the goal ofequalization of public cultural services in urban and rural areasa

52、s soon as possible.3. 2 Clearly defining the property rights and executivepower of government at all levels in the supply of ruralpublic cultural services With the implementation of the ad-ministrative reform, it brings

53、a good opportunity for clearly defi-ning the property rights and executive power of government atall levels in the supply of rural public cultural services. Specific-ally, based on the principles of “ benefit,efficiency,


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