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1、T h e R esea rc h o fR a nd o m N u m b e r G e ne rati n g A l g o ri th m i nR a i l w ay T ra ck I rreg u l a ri ty N u m e ri c a lS i m u l ati o nD isse rta tio n S u b m itte d toF u d an U n iv ersityi n p

2、art ialfulf il l m entof t he requi rem entfor t he degree ofM a s te r o f S c i e n c ebyD o n g m e iC h en( A p p l i e d M ath e m ati cs )D issertat i on Supervisor:A ssociate Professor L i qiang L u英 文 摘 要A

3、b s tra c tW i t h t he developm entof C hi nese h i gh-speed and heavy- haulrai lw ay,t he researchof t rack i rregulari t y is m ore i m p ortant.A nd in-dept h research of t rack i rregulari t y n ee

4、dsm any disci pl i ne kn ow ledge.T his p aper,based on t he engi neeri ng pract i ce ab outtracki rregulari t y ' s textdescri pt ion .In order t o i nt ui t i ve,accurate understandi n g of t he var?i ous types o

5、f t rack i rregulari ty.E stabl ished t he t hree-dim ensi onalcoordi nate sy stemgave the def ini t i on of t he t rack i rregulari t y.T rack i rregulari t y spect rum is an eff ectw ay to descri be t rack i rreg

6、ulari t y.T h ispaper i nt roduced t he t rack i rregulari t y pow er spect rum ai)d i ts m at h em at icaldefi nit ion ,physicalm eaning.M eanw hi l e i nt roduce t he dom est i c an d overseas t rack i rregular

7、i tysp ectru m .T ri gonom et ric seri es m et h od b ased on the pow er sp ect rum densi t i es w as ap pliedi n t rack i rregulari t y num ericalsi m ulat i on.T his paper m ai nl y discussed the vari ety ofrandom ge

8、nerati on al gori t hm ' s i nfl uence on t he sim ulat i on process and resul t.A ndt he effi ci ency of t h e algori thm w as analyzed .M eanw hi le pu tforw ard som e num eri calsim u latio n ev alu atio n sta

9、n d ard .K ey W ord s:R ai l w ay Track Irregulari ty,P ow er S pectrum D en si ty,G en erat ing R an ?d om V ariab les,N u m ericalS i m u lationC h i n ese L i b rary C l assi fi cati o n n u m b er:0 29—III -


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