1、艾滋病是由人類免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染所導致的以進行性CD<,4><'+>細胞數(shù)量減少與功能受損為特征的機體免疫缺陷、并易繼發(fā)多種機會性感染和腫瘤的一系列綜合征.該病潛伏期長、傳播速度快、病情復雜深重,目前仍無法治愈,成為當今世界矚目的課題.中醫(yī)關于艾滋病的研究尚處于探索階段,特別是通過艾滋病大宗病例的臨床證候觀察進行病因病機探討、中醫(yī)藥治療艾滋病的臨床試驗與療效評價等方面研究
3、家科技攻關課題,通過益氣養(yǎng)陰、清熱解毒法治療6 3例早中期HIV/AIDS患者臨床隨機雙盲對照試驗的療效觀察,佐證溫邪疫毒致氣陰損傷、元氣虧虛是艾滋病病變過程中重要病機之一.該研究還采用益氣養(yǎng)陰、清熱解毒法,對63例早中期HI V/AIDS患者進行臨床隨機雙盲對照試驗的療效觀察,臨床結果初步分析顯示(未揭盲情況下):①對HIV病毒載量的影響,63例患者總體觀察結果,總有效29例、占46.03%,初步顯示該方案可能具有一定降低HIV病毒載
4、量作用.②對機體免疫功能的影響,63例患者中,CD<,4><'+>細胞數(shù)上升者20例(31.75%),下降者43 例(68.25%),表明該益氣養(yǎng)陰、清熱解毒法方案對機體免疫功能可能有一定保護作用.③在臨床癥候方面,乏力、消瘦、少氣懶言、自汗、盜汗、脫發(fā)、咳嗽、氣短/氣喘、納呆、腹瀉、低熱、五心煩熱等,63例患者總體發(fā)生率治療前后初步分析,顯示有不同程度的降低,說明該治療方法對上述主要癥候有一定改善作用.通過上述研究初步揭示,艾滋病中醫(yī)
5、病變特點為病及三焦內(nèi)外、病性虛實錯雜;艾滋病早中期中醫(yī)證機特點為熱毒濁瘀、氣陰兩傷、元氣虛損;艾滋病病變發(fā)展趨勢呈現(xiàn)出命門三焦元氣衰竭、虛者愈虛,熱毒濁瘀阻遏三焦、實者愈實;以扶正祛邪為原則的益氣養(yǎng)陰、清熱解毒法是艾滋病早中期有效治法之一,從而佐證了溫邪疫毒致氣陰損傷、元氣虛損是艾滋病病變發(fā)展過程中重要證機之一,也為探索艾滋病從腎命元氣虛衰為本、邪毒為標的診治體系提供了重要依據(jù).主題詞:艾滋病 元氣損傷 證候 病機 扶正祛邪 療效評價
6、Exploring the pathogenesis of AIDSin yuan qi deficiency in TCM(Abstract)AIDSis anacquiredimmunodeficiencysyndrome, which iscaused by HIV(human immunodeficiency virus).It makesCD4 counts down and makes body' s immunodefic
7、iency.It causesa series of complex syndromes, such asmany opportunity infections and cancers. There is no cure on AIDS in the world, AIDSwithalonglatentperiod and transmit quickly has became a mainly terrible problem. Th
8、e research on treatment of AIDS in TCM is on the primary stage,lacking ofmass samples of clinical trail, no criterion of the efficacy, and the weakness of the research onexperiment. According to the theory of yuan qi in
9、TCM we observed TCM syndromes with 72 cases and tongues with 218 cases, to analyzethe pathogenesis and its evolutive regulars, as well as toresearchCD4+、 CD8+、 CD45RA+count' s changes, to investigatetherelativitybetweeny
10、uan qi deficiency and immune function, to explore the bases of immune cell of yuan qi and microcosmic different syndromes. The programis one of the national scientific tackle key project, using supplement qi and nourish
11、yin and clearingaway heat and toxic material method treating 63HIV/AIDS with double blind, random, control group clinical research, finding the deficiency of yuan qi is the important pathogenesis of AIDS. In order to fin
12、d the development of yuan qi theory in TCM, firstly we consulted all interrelated literatures. Secondly, we explored the relation betweenyuan qi and AIDSon the basis ofour clinical experience. From these researches, we f
13、ound the infections epidemic diseases'happening ,developing, pathogenesis, prognosis is determined bythe deficiency and excess of yuan qi, such as AIDS.We observed the TCM syndromes of 72 cases by the clinical epidemiolo
14、gy crossing method, analyzing the results we found thatmore than half patients had fever, tired, spontaneous perspiration night sweat,anorexia emaciated, cough, diarrhea and so on. Slippery pulse, threadypulse, kinds of
15、feebly pulses are all appeared in these patients. The syndromes of red tongue, deep red tongue, lingua geographica,curdy tongue coating are very ordinary in these patients by analyzing the 218cases,which has a significan
16、ce between HIV/AIDS patients and normal persons. (P<0.0001).These research shows that thepathogenesisof AIDS in TCM is deficiency complicated with excess; involvingtri-jiao;includingwei ,qi ,ying,xue; deficiencyqi, wue,y
17、in,yang.The regular of syndrome is complex with yin and yang ,fever and cold ,deficiency and excess. Analyzing the TCM syndromes of72 caseswe find that all of these patientshadfever,turbid pathogenic factor accounting fo
18、r 81.95%;blood stasis accountingfor 44.44%; deficiency yin accountingfor 62.50%;deficiency qi accountingfor 63.89%; deficiency yang accountingfor 13.89%. These results showed that TCM syndrome of AIDS is caused by accumu
19、lation of heat in the interior, deficiency of both qi and yin, body resistance weakened while pathogenic factors prevailing,deficiency complicated with excess. There is a affinity between deficient qi and the body' s imm
20、une function deficiency by the relativity research of TCM syndrome and immune function. T cell counts is very important for the feedback of immune function, which also may bea indexfordeficient qi. In these patientswho s
21、tagnated blood weremore serious on stagnated blood with the development of AIDS. Using the methods of supplementing qi and nourishing yin, clearing away heat and toxic material in treating 63 cases with double blind, ran
22、dom,control clinical trial, we primarily discovered the Chinese therapeusis (supplementingqi and nourishingyin and clearing away heat and toxic material) maybe reduce viral load, enhance the body' s immune function and i
23、mprove patients' symptoms. Though these exploration we think that the TCM pathogenesis of AIDS is deficiency complicated with excess, involvingtri-jiao, regularity of TCM syndrome is accumulation of heat in the interior,
24、 deficiency qi and yin. Supplementingqi and nourishingyin and clearing away heat and toxic material are effective treatments. Yuan qi deficiency in origin is a very important pathogenesis in AIDS. key words :AIDS, defici
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- 艾滋病常見中醫(yī)證候的研究.pdf
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- 艾滋病病毒與艾滋病教案
- 艾灸法治療艾滋病脾氣虛腹瀉的臨床研究.pdf
- 艾滋病常見實證證候診斷的量化研究.pdf
- 艾滋病.
- 艾滋病
- 愛康膠囊對艾滋病無癥狀期肺脾氣虛證患者免疫功能影響的研究.pdf
- 艾滋病與恐艾滋病及其類滋病
- 艾滋病感染者與艾滋病病人
- 艾滋病肺部感染中醫(yī)證候特征初步研究.pdf
- 艾滋病相關性腹瀉的中醫(yī)證候研究.pdf
- 艾滋病的治療
- 艾滋病講義
- aids艾滋病
- 關于艾滋病
- 淺談艾滋病