1、<p><b> 附錄A</b></p><p> 中國煤礦開拓的沿革和成就</p><p> —礦井開拓的沿革和成就</p><p> 中國是世界上開采煤炭最早的國家之一,據(jù)記載在宋、元朝時,開采技術(shù)已發(fā)展到一定水平,但尚未形成完整的煤礦開拓系統(tǒng)。到1876年和1877年相繼建設(shè)的臺灣基隆煤礦和開灤的唐山煤礦及林西煤礦等礦井
3、更沒有完善的通風(fēng)系統(tǒng)和正規(guī)的運煤系統(tǒng),也沒有完善的排水系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 1950年5月初成立的燃料工業(yè)部作出了在國營煤礦推行生產(chǎn)方法改革和安全生產(chǎn)的決議,提出了要有計劃、有步驟地進行生產(chǎn)改革。首先改革采煤方法,推行長壁式采煤方法以代替落后的采煤方法,同時逐步改革和建立了相應(yīng)的運煤、運料、行人、排矸、通風(fēng)、排水等生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),逐步地形成了煤礦的開拓系統(tǒng)。開始以長壁式開采為主的正規(guī)的開拓系統(tǒng)進行改造,使1952
5、平均井型為26.07萬t/a,這種井型符合當時以炮采工作面為主的生產(chǎn)技術(shù)水平。</p><p> 1953~1957年的第一個五年計劃時期,在恢復(fù)和改建礦井的同時,還進行了大規(guī)模的新礦井建設(shè),開工建設(shè)的新礦井194處,設(shè)計年生產(chǎn)能力7537萬t/a,建成投產(chǎn)礦井205處,設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力6376萬t/a。這個期間恢復(fù)、改造、改建和新建礦井大都是按截煤機為主的普通機械化采煤工作面和走向長壁炮采工作面要求的開拓系統(tǒng)進行
6、設(shè)計的。到“一五”期末的1957年,國有重點煤礦長壁式采煤方法的比重已達92.6%,采煤工作面的平均長度已達61.5m。已經(jīng)形成了長壁式開采的礦井開拓系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 1958~1962年的第二五年計劃時期提出的技術(shù)發(fā)展方向是發(fā)展水利采煤和露天開采。特別是水力采煤發(fā)展很快,改建了8座水力采煤礦井,裝備了30個水力采煤區(qū)和216個水力采煤工作面,形成了我國水力采煤的基礎(chǔ)。但是,當時由于急于求成,也有不顧客
7、觀條件盲目推廣的現(xiàn)象,使部分已形成長壁開采的開拓系統(tǒng)受到了影響。在發(fā)展中也曾提出了“邊勘探、邊設(shè)計、邊施工、邊生產(chǎn)”的方針,特別是“簡易投產(chǎn)”了一批生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)和安全設(shè)施不完備的礦井,使初步形成的較正規(guī)的礦井開拓系統(tǒng)受到影響。</p><p> 1963~1965年的三年調(diào)整時期,認真執(zhí)行了“調(diào)整、鞏固、充實、提高”的方針,著重調(diào)整了開拓系統(tǒng)和被破壞的采掘關(guān)系,煤炭工業(yè)部于1963年頒發(fā)了“生產(chǎn)礦井井巷工程開拓部署
8、的若干規(guī)定”和“生產(chǎn)礦井開拓準備管理工作的規(guī)定”,明確規(guī)定生產(chǎn)礦井井巷開拓部署的技術(shù)原則,并對階段高度與區(qū)段個數(shù)作出了規(guī)定。實現(xiàn)了以推廣長壁采煤方法為中心,使采煤工作面、采區(qū)及準備巷道、水平及開拓巷道有著明確的劃分,形成了比較完整的礦井開拓方式和生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),礦井開拓系統(tǒng)逐步規(guī)范化。</p><p> 隨著我國研制成功淺截深單滾筒采煤機,實現(xiàn)了與可彎曲刮板輸送機配套,采用金屬摩擦支柱和金屬鉸接頂梁支護頂板的普通機械
9、化采煤。與此同時,煤巷及巖巷的鉆、裝工具和設(shè)備,以及巷道支護技術(shù),通過研究實驗取得了進展,如煤巷掘進機和巖巷掘進機械化作業(yè)線的研制成功、U型鋼可縮性支架和錨噴支護的采用,使煤巷及巖巷的掘進速度有所提高。</p><p> 從采區(qū)運輸發(fā)展看,60年代初期,區(qū)段運輸平巷基本上采用刮板輸送機運輸,采區(qū)上山有刮板輸送機,普通膠帶輸送機運輸,也有串車運輸;到了60年代中期,運輸平巷開始采用膠帶輸送機運輸;70年代中期,國
10、有重點煤礦在區(qū)段平巷和采區(qū)上山均裝備了膠帶輸送機。</p><p> 在大巷運輸中,除了采用大型礦車和電機車外,不少礦井也積極發(fā)展了膠帶輸送機運輸,其中有的是礦車運輸,經(jīng)過改造換成膠帶輸送機運輸,也有原來就是膠帶輸送機運輸,但是從普通膠帶輸送機改造成強力膠帶輸送機,如開灤礦物局荊各莊礦將西翼和南翼井下7部800mm普通膠帶輸送機更換為1m寬的膠帶輸送機,使礦井生產(chǎn)能力得以迅速提高。一般在大巷采用的膠帶輸送機,多
11、為鋼絲繩或尼龍芯的強力膠帶輸送機,如1975年棗莊礦物局柴里礦由礦車改為普通膠帶輸送機,1980年又由普通膠帶輸送機改為強力膠帶輸送機。這樣使環(huán)節(jié)的生產(chǎn)能力得到提高。</p><p> 與此同時,煤炭工業(yè)部提出了礦井生產(chǎn)要推行采煤工作面、采區(qū)、水平和礦井集中生產(chǎn),又把礦井開拓系統(tǒng)的改進向前推進了一步。并于1974年和1976年分別在開灤礦物局和雞西礦物局召開了生產(chǎn)礦井開拓與巷道布置、合理集中生產(chǎn)方面的經(jīng)驗交流會
12、,通過各個礦物局、礦認真地總結(jié),形成了比較系統(tǒng)的經(jīng)驗,歸納起來主要有以下幾方面經(jīng)驗和成就。</p><p> ?。?) 適當加大采煤工作面的長度和采區(qū)走向長度,提高采煤工作面的單產(chǎn),這是礦井集中生產(chǎn)的基礎(chǔ)。這個階段采煤工作面的長度一般增加到80~90m,采區(qū)走向長度單翼采區(qū)一般增加到300~400m,雙翼采區(qū)一般增加到600~800m。這樣,為推行采煤機械化和提高采煤工作面單產(chǎn)創(chuàng)造了條件,并減少了巷道掘進和巷道維
13、護工程量,取得了明顯的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟效果。</p><p> ?。?) 開采煤層群和厚及特厚煤層的采區(qū),推行采區(qū)巷道聯(lián)合布置,采用采區(qū)聯(lián)合布置后,擴大了采區(qū)儲量,延長了采區(qū)服務(wù)年限,增加了采區(qū)同時生產(chǎn)的采煤工作面數(shù)目,為提高采區(qū)生產(chǎn)能力創(chuàng)造了條件,同時也為礦井減少同時生產(chǎn)的采區(qū)數(shù)目創(chuàng)造了條件。由于聯(lián)合布置采區(qū)中的集中巷道維護時間長,設(shè)置了巖石集中上山和區(qū)段集中平巷,為加大采區(qū)尺寸,提高采區(qū)生產(chǎn)能力創(chuàng)造了條件。特別是在開
14、采緩斜、傾斜煤層群的礦井時,多數(shù)采用了采區(qū)巷道聯(lián)合布置的方式,為水平集中生產(chǎn)創(chuàng)造了條件。</p><p> ?。?)在開采水平采用集中開拓,充分發(fā)揮了水平大巷的效能。對于大、中型礦井,由于開采時間長,集中開拓側(cè)重于采用煤層底板巖石大巷,并適當加大了井田的走向長度和階段高度,提高水平生產(chǎn)能力,減少礦井同時生產(chǎn)的水平數(shù),并規(guī)定一般只用一個生產(chǎn)水平保證礦井的設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力。</p><p> (
15、4)礦井實行合理集中,包括調(diào)整和擴大井田范圍、井口合并等,特別是片盤斜井發(fā)展到深部開采時,采用立井集中開拓的方式,縮短了生產(chǎn)戰(zhàn)線,減少了巷道開拓工程量和巷道維護工程量,同時減少了礦井輔助人員、機電設(shè)備的占用量,并且減少了地面建筑和占地面積,特別是為礦井各個生產(chǎn)環(huán)節(jié)的機械化創(chuàng)造了條件,使礦井取得了較好的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟效果。</p><p> 1976~1985年對煤礦進行了大量的技術(shù)改造和擴建,10年間共改造礦井(含露
16、天煤礦)328處,其中改擴建礦井81處,設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力由6351萬t/a擴建到12627萬t/a,建設(shè)規(guī)模6276萬t/a.</p><p> 在此10年中,即第五個五年計劃和第六個五年計劃期間,通過技術(shù)改造和改擴建,改革礦井開拓系統(tǒng),發(fā)展了采掘機械化,達到集中生產(chǎn)。第五個五年計劃期間,主要是改造個別或某些環(huán)節(jié),而采煤工作面的裝備仍為普采,掘進工作面裝備仍為普掘,增加產(chǎn)量是靠增加采區(qū)和采煤工作面。第六個五年計劃期
17、間,重點裝備一部分礦井的綜采工作面和綜掘工作面,同時對各生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)和環(huán)節(jié)進行相應(yīng)地技術(shù)改造,加大環(huán)節(jié)生產(chǎn)能力,使各生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)和環(huán)節(jié)與綜采和綜掘的要求相適應(yīng)。</p><p> 1986~1995年以來,通過礦井技術(shù)改造、礦井改擴建、新建礦井,使礦井開拓系統(tǒng)向更合理的方向改革,特別是要求部分重點礦井建成現(xiàn)代化礦井。也就是說礦井開拓系統(tǒng)要滿足現(xiàn)代化礦井的需要,實現(xiàn)以采、掘、運機械化為中心的全面技術(shù)改造,達到各個生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)
19、提升井為122處,新開混合提升井 7處。從提升設(shè)備類型分析,據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計,裝備膠帶輸送機的78處,立井改換絞車、萁斗、電動機的43處,擴建井底緩沖煤倉的72處。從提升的類型看,其中斜井占56.15%,斜井中采用膠帶輸送機的占64.46%,若包括改造中的暗斜井采用膠帶輸送機的29處,斜井中采用膠帶輸送機的則占71.33</p><p> 由于對礦井進行了大量的技術(shù)改造和改擴建,使礦井開拓系統(tǒng)不斷改革、逐步完善,為
20、大功率采煤機和工作面高效能的運輸設(shè)備,各種類型和型號的液壓支架,GD及DX系列膠帶運輸機,3t和5t底卸式礦車等的效能充分發(fā)揮創(chuàng)造了條件,并逐步達到采、掘、運機械化,運輸系統(tǒng)連續(xù)化,進一步提高了生產(chǎn)集中化的程度。 </p><p> 從70年代中到現(xiàn)在,綜合機械化采煤得到了很大發(fā)展,綜采機械化程度,由1975年的3.2%增加到1995年初的44.75%。綜采單產(chǎn)由25202t/個/月,增到56881t/個/月,
22、<p> 在綜采設(shè)備向大型化發(fā)展的基礎(chǔ)上,使采煤工作面的生產(chǎn)進一步集中,更促進了礦井生產(chǎn)能力向大型化發(fā)展。改擴建和新建了一批300萬t/a以上的特大型礦井,有的改擴建礦井如西山礦物局官地礦、新建礦井如大柳塔礦設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力高達600萬t/a。礦井的大型化,導(dǎo)致了巷道斷、采煤工作面、采區(qū)、水平等一系列的大型化。這樣又為采煤工作面、掘進工作面和各個生產(chǎn)環(huán)節(jié)采用新型和大型設(shè)備創(chuàng)造了條件,如綜采、綜掘設(shè)備和巖巷機械化作業(yè)線的采用,
23、煤的運輸采用大型膠帶輸送機、大噸位底卸式和側(cè)卸式礦產(chǎn)、單軌吊和卡(齒)軌車等輔助運輸設(shè)備的應(yīng)用,以及裝備先進的安全生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng),并推行了井下高壓輸電設(shè)備的應(yīng)用,也極大地提高了煤礦現(xiàn)代化水平。據(jù)1995年初國有重點煤礦生產(chǎn)礦井統(tǒng)計,平均生產(chǎn)能力已達77.68萬t/a。礦井大型化呈發(fā)展趨勢。</p><p> 隨著技術(shù)的不斷進步,設(shè)備更新?lián)Q代,圍繞合理集中生產(chǎn)、生產(chǎn)礦井的技術(shù)改造和改擴建以及新建礦井的設(shè)計,各礦區(qū)都致力
24、于改進礦井開拓部署,優(yōu)化巷道布置以及井田的合理開發(fā),取得了下列顯著的成就和積累了豐富的經(jīng)驗。</p><p> (1)改擴建和新建了一批300萬t/a及以上的特大型礦井,采用多井筒及分區(qū)域開拓系統(tǒng)。在有條件的生產(chǎn)礦井通過合并井田、擴大開采范圍、增加儲量,進行了礦井的改擴建。已投產(chǎn)的和正在改擴建的300萬t/a以上的礦井有開灤礦物局呂家坨礦、西山礦物局西銘礦等18處,在投產(chǎn)的9個礦中,均已達產(chǎn)或基本達產(chǎn),其中大同
25、礦物局晉華宮礦、西山礦物局官地礦已達設(shè)計能力的108%,潞安礦物局王莊礦已達設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力的127%。同時,70年代開始建設(shè)的大同、開灤、兩淮、古交、兗州等礦區(qū)的一批大型礦井,如云崗礦(400萬t/a)等,80年代已陸續(xù)投產(chǎn),有些礦井采用分區(qū)域開拓。</p><p> (2)主斜井、副立井的開拓方式有較大發(fā)展。由于采用了鋼絲繩膠帶輸送機(GD系列)和鋼芯膠帶輸送機(DX系列),設(shè)備具有運輸能力大,連續(xù)運輸性能強的
26、優(yōu)點。一些生產(chǎn)礦井在技術(shù)改造中,當淺部使用膠帶提升,開發(fā)深部時延長膠帶,使大巷運輸與斜井提升聯(lián)為一體,形成膠帶連續(xù)式運輸系統(tǒng)。深部新打副立井,由于立井斷面大、距離短,提升、通風(fēng)、管線敷設(shè)都較方便,縮短了人員及物料上、下井的時間。因此,主斜井、副立井的綜合開拓方式得到了較大發(fā)展,對保證礦井生產(chǎn)和提高礦井產(chǎn)量起到了顯著作用。一些有條件的新建礦井,也采用了這種開拓方式。</p><p> ?。?)水平大巷的運輸方式較多
28、進速度較慢,不能適應(yīng)采煤工作面接續(xù)的需要,而且?guī)r巷掘進成本也高,一些礦井又轉(zhuǎn)而采用煤層大巷。</p><p> ?。?)開采緩斜煤層的礦井,上、下山開拓系統(tǒng)得到了發(fā)展。下山開采過去由于受運輸能力的限制,以及通風(fēng)、排水系統(tǒng)復(fù)雜等原因而極少采用。但是,這些年來由于膠帶運輸機等設(shè)備的發(fā)展和生產(chǎn)技術(shù)水平的提高,特別是礦井通過挖潛增加產(chǎn)量后,上山開采水平服務(wù)年限縮短,新水平的開拓準備時間緊迫,為保證一定的水平服務(wù)年限,一些
29、礦井從臨時性的開采一部分下山采區(qū),逐步發(fā)展到正規(guī)布置和設(shè)計下山開采的采區(qū),形成全礦井的上、下山開拓系統(tǒng)。因此,有些原設(shè)計上山開拓的礦井,在條件適宜時,多采用了上、下山開拓。</p><p> ?。?)采區(qū)范圍擴大,采區(qū)巷道布置多種形式競相發(fā)展。隨著運輸設(shè)備性能的提高和功率增大,新型巷道支護形式和材料的發(fā)展,以及巷道充填技術(shù)的采用,在巷道布置上既有傳統(tǒng)的煤柱護巷,又有沿空掘巷和沿空留巷等無煤柱護巷;既有沿走向推進的
31、;p> 據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計,1995年初可供露天開采的煤炭資源探明儲量581億t,其中褐煤的比重占68%,僅有少量的無煙煤,其余為煙煤。主要分布在內(nèi)蒙古、山西、云南、新疆和陜西五省區(qū),在遼寧、黑龍江、寧夏與河南等省、區(qū)也有少量分布。內(nèi)蒙古可供露天開采的煤炭資源最多,占全國露天總儲量的62.3%。內(nèi)蒙古的東部煤田全為褐煤,有扎賚諾爾、伊敏河、陳旗、霍林河、白音華、勝利、元寶山;西部煤田為煙煤,有準格爾和東勝。山西可供露天開采的有平朔煤田
32、,占全國可供露天開采總儲量的14%,煤種為氣煤。新疆可供露天開采的煤田有烏東煤田和哈密南部煤田。在遼寧、黑龍江、河南、寧夏等省可供露天開采的資源不多,但是由于交通運輸條件比較好,這些資源都已開發(fā)。</p><p> 1949年,露天開采產(chǎn)量占全國煤炭產(chǎn)量的8.6%。50年代,露天開采發(fā)展速度大致與全國煤炭發(fā)展速度相當,正常年度產(chǎn)量比重為國有重點煤礦產(chǎn)量的7%~10%。1995年初露天煤礦產(chǎn)量比重僅為6.9%左右
33、。</p><p> 露天煤礦用于開拓運輸?shù)目拥?,一般都是敞開的空間,但也有利于地下井巷開拓坑道的。按開拓坑道在采場固定與否,分為固定坑線和移動坑線開拓;按坑道的傾角大小,分為陡溝開拓和緩溝開拓;按出入溝數(shù)目,分為總溝開拓、雙溝開拓和多溝開拓。因煤層賦存條件、煤巖性質(zhì)和采用的工藝設(shè)備里、類型不同,而采用了不同的開拓系統(tǒng)。</p><p> 中國露天煤礦開拓的沿革,大致分為三個發(fā)展時期。
34、</p><p> 第一個時期是50年代以改造和擴建為主,發(fā)展露天開采時期。新中國誕生前,我國僅有撫順西露天礦和阜新新邱露天礦等幾處露天煤礦。新中國誕生后,對撫順西露天礦和阜新新邱露天礦進行了技術(shù)改造,分別擴建了300萬t/a和60萬t/a。同時,新建了阜新海州露天礦,設(shè)計生產(chǎn)能力為300萬t/a。這幾處露天煤礦都采用了單斗鏟—準軌鐵道工藝,除撫順西露天礦的剝離系統(tǒng)采用了移動坑線開拓外,新邱和海州露天煤礦均采用
35、了固定坑線開拓。</p><p> 第二個時期是從60年代起,建成了一批從設(shè)計、建設(shè)到主要裝備均立足于國內(nèi)的露天礦,包括義馬礦物局北露天煤礦、哈密露天煤礦、石炭井大峰露天煤礦、平莊礦物局西露天煤礦、扎賚諾爾靈泉露天煤礦和海渤灣露天煤礦等。這批露天煤礦除大峰露天煤礦采用小噸位汽車運輸外,其余露天煤礦仍采用單斗鏟—準軌鐵道工藝,但采用的開拓系統(tǒng)改為以移動坑線為主,其中除平莊西露天礦靈泉露天煤礦采用工作幫移動坑線與固
36、定坑線相結(jié)合的聯(lián)合坑線開拓,哈密露天煤礦采用剝離移動坑線和采煤固定坑線相結(jié)合的聯(lián)合坑線開拓之外,其余均采用移動坑線開拓,顯示了移動坑線開拓比固定坑線開拓有較大的發(fā)展趨勢。</p><p> 第三個時期,從80年代起,開發(fā)了一批大型和特大型露天煤礦,標志著我國重新把露天采煤作為優(yōu)先發(fā)展的戰(zhàn)略方針,加速了露天煤礦的開發(fā)建設(shè),先后開發(fā)了平朔、霍林河、準格爾、伊敏、元寶山等大型露天礦區(qū)。在露天開采工藝、技術(shù)裝備和開拓系
37、統(tǒng)等方面,均有較大發(fā)展,為減少初期建設(shè)投資,大多采用了統(tǒng)一規(guī)劃、分期建設(shè)、逐步發(fā)展的方針。在開采工藝方面,也突破了以單斗鏟—準軌為主的模式,發(fā)展了單斗鏟—汽車工藝和輪斗—膠帶工藝。同時,對于適合中國露天開采煤田特點的其它連續(xù)和半連續(xù)開采工藝,也正在研究和發(fā)展。在這一時期中,單斗鏟斗容以達32 ,汽車載重量已達172t,帶式輸送機寬度已達1.6~1.8m,反映了我國露天開采設(shè)備大型化趨勢,也進一步推動了露天開采的發(fā)展。</p>
38、<p> 隨著露天開采工藝的發(fā)展,露天開拓系統(tǒng)又從移動坑線開拓發(fā)展到多種坑線組合的聯(lián)合開拓。即不僅有固定坑線和移動坑線的聯(lián)合開拓,而且有準軌鐵道的緩溝和膠帶機道的陡溝組成的聯(lián)合開拓;更多的是公路緩溝和膠帶機道陡溝組成的聯(lián)合開拓。</p><p> 從我國煤礦開拓發(fā)展的沿革可以看出,我國煤炭工業(yè)的廣大領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部、科技人員和工人,傾注了全部精力,立足自力更生組織科技攻關(guān),結(jié)合我國實際情況積極引進國外先
39、進技術(shù)為我所用,對煤礦開拓系統(tǒng)進行了改革、創(chuàng)新、形成了我國獨具特色多種形式并存和完整的開拓系統(tǒng),因此同時取得了多方面的成就,使我國煤礦的開拓系統(tǒng)達到了世界先進水平。</p><p><b> 附錄B </b></p><p> EVOLUTION AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF COALMINE DEVELOPMENT IN CHINA&
40、lt;/p><p> Evolution and Achievements of Mine Development</p><p> China is one of the countries earliest involving coal mining in the world. As recorded,during song and yuan Dyhasties mining tech
41、nology had developed to a certain level , and mining operations had involved development links though hadn’t formed complete mine development systems. Jilong coalmine in Taiwan ,Tangshan mine and Liuxin Mine in Kailuan,
42、etc. successively constructed in 1876 and 1877 as well as late constructed West Open—pit in Fushun and Xinqiu Open—pit mines.New China by her establish</p><p> During the first Five—year Plan from 1953 to 1
43、957,while recovery and reconstrution of mines were conducted, construction of new mines was carried out on a large scale , the designed production capacities of 194 new mines having been constructed were 75.37Mt/a and of
44、 205 mines having been put into operation were 63.76Mt/a .The development systems of mines which were recovered , reconstructed and newly constructed in that period were designed according to the requirements of convent
45、ional working </p><p> Durning the second Five –year Plan from 1958 to 1962, the technological development orientation proposed was to developed very rapidly :8 mines with hydraulic mining were reconstructe
46、d and 30 hydraulic panels and 216 hyderaulic faces were equipped ,forming a basis of our hydraulic mining .there, however ,occurred some practice of pursuing hydraulic mining regardless of the objective conditions due to
47、 impatience for success thus hindering part of development systems form getting formed . In the c</p><p> During the period of “Three-Year – Readjustment ” from 1963 to 1965, by seriously observing the poli
48、cy of “readjustment ,consolidation. Enrichment, improement ” and stressing on readjustment of development systems and relationship between preparation and cocal wining work , the Ministry of Coal Industry issued “Stipula
49、tions of Underground Workings Development Plan in Existing Mines” and “Stipulated the technological principles for working development planning in existing Mines ” in 1963, and de</p><p> combined with fle
50、xible scraper conveyers and friction metal props and articulated roof beams , conventionally – mechanized coal winning method was formed . At the same time, the tools and equipment for drilling and loading in heading and
51、 roadway supporting technology made progress through study and experiment . For instance ,successful development of in – seam roadway tunneling machines and in – rock roadway mechanized working lines , and adoption of U-
52、 steel yieldable supports and bolting and s</p><p> Viewed from the development of panel haulage ,at the beginning of 1960s , scraper conveyers were basically used for transportation in main gates , scraper
53、 conveyers , conventional belt conveyers and mine cars were used in raises. In mid – 1960s , belt conveyers began to be used in main entries ,and in mid – 1970s ,main gates and raises of state – owned key coalmines were
54、all equipped with belt conveyers .</p><p> In main entry haulage ,besides the use of large mine cars and locomotives, many mines also actively developed belt conveyer haulage, among them , some mines used m
55、ine cars , then ,through reconstruction changed to belt conveyer haulage ; some mines changed the belt conveyers from common belts to strong belts , for example ,7 conveyers with width of 800 mm in west and south wings o
56、f Jinggezhuang Mine in Kailuan coal Mining Administration were changed into conveyers with width of 1 m, marking an i</p><p> (1) Properly enlarging the lengths of working faces panels along strike and rais
57、ing the output of unit face were a basis of concentrated production of mines .In that stage , the length of working faces , in general , was increased to 80- 90 m, the length of panels with single wing was increased to 3
58、00 – 400m , with double wings, 600 – 800m. Thus, it created the conditions for carrying out mechanized coal winning and increasing output of coal in unit face and reducing the quantity of roadway exca</p><p>
59、; (2) Carrying out combined layout of panel roadways when a group of seams and thick and extra-thick seams were mined so as to enrich panel reserves and extend panel service life and increase the number of coalfaces wor
60、king simultaneously and create conditions for raising production capacity of panels and reducing the number of panels working at the same time. In order to meet the requirements of long time maintenance of gathering road
61、ways in combined layout panels, in-rock gathering raises and su</p><p> (3) Employing concentrated development mode in mining levels brought the effectiveness of main level entries into full play. In large
62、and medium mines, main entries in floor rock were mainly used in concentrated development due to long mining time, and the length along mine strike and the vertical height of horizons were enlarged so as to raise product
63、ion capacity of levels and reduce the number of levels working simultaneously, and production capacity of mines was generally ensured by one produ</p><p> (4) Realizing rational concentration of mine produc
64、tion, including readjustment and extension of dimensions of mine fields, mergence of pits, etc., especially the development of mine from distractedly inclined shaft in shallow deposit to vertical shaft in deep deposit sh
65、ortened production lines, reduced the volume of drivage and maintenance of roadways, and reduced auxiliary personnel and the number of electrical and mechanical equipment and also reduced surface buildings and area of th
66、e land us</p><p> Larger-scale technological transformation and enlargement of mines were carried out from 1976 to 1985. During the decade, the total of 328 mines (including open-pits) were reconstructed, a
67、mong them 81 underground mines were reconstructed and enlarged, their capacities were enlarged from 6351Mt/a to 12627Mt/a, construction scale was 6276Mt/a.</p><p> In above 10 yeas, that is, during the fift
68、h and sixth Five-Year Plans, the reform of development systems through both technological transformation and enlargement of mines aimed at developing mechanization of preparation and coal winning work so as to realize co
69、ncentrated production. During the fifth Five-Year plan, the main aspects of work were to transform very few or some links, but working faces were still equipped with conventional coal winning machines and heading faces w
70、ith conventional t</p><p> During the seventh Five-Year Plan from1986 to 1990, some aspects of mine development systems-technological transformation of mines, reconstruction and enlargement of mines, and co
71、nstriction of new mines-were reformed simultaneously towards the direction of more rational mine development systems, some reconstructed and enlarged mines and newly constructed mines were required to be constructed into
72、 modern mines. That is to say, mine development systems should satisfy the requirements of modern min</p><p> Since lots of technological transformations and reconstruction and enlargement of mines were car
73、ried out, mine development systems were continuously improved and gradually perfected, providing conditions for bringing the effectiveness of high-power shearers, high-efficiency face haulage equipment, all types and mod
74、els of powered supports, GD and DX series of belt conveyers, 3t and 5t-bottom dumping mine cars, etc., into full play, and gradually realizing mechanization of coal haulage systems, an</p><p> From 1970s on
75、, fully-mechanized mining increased from 3.2% in 1975 to 44.75% at the beginning of 1995, the output per unit face was increased from 25202t per month to 56881t per month. The fully-mechanized mining teams with the outpu
76、t of over 1Mt/a were increased from 2 teams, namely Tongjialiang No.2 Mine and Yongdingzhuang Mine in Datong Coal Ming Administration in 1983 to the total of 52 teams at the beginning of 1995, the highest annual output r
77、eached 2.72Mt, the highest monthly output reach</p><p> On the basis of the development of heavy-duty fully-mechanized mining equipment, production of working faces was further concentrated, stimulating the
78、 further development of mine production capacity in the direction of mine enlargement. Some reconstructed and newly constructed mines became large mines with capacities of over 3Mt/a, some reconstructed mines, such as Gu
79、andi Mine of Xishan Coal Mining Administration and newly constructed mines, such as Daliuta Mine, developed capacities of 6Mt/a. t</p><p> With the continuous progress of technology and renewal of equipment
80、, rationally concentrated production, the technological transformation and reconstruction and enlargement of existing mines, and the design of new mines all centred on improving mine development plan, optimizing roadways
81、 layout and rational development of mine fields, obtaining outstanding achievements an accumulating a wealth of experience. During that period, main experience and achievement were as follow:</p><p> A batc
82、h of large mines with capacities of over 3Mt/a were reconstructed and newly constructed and multi-shafts and zoning development of mines were carried out as long as the conditions were suitable to the existing mines thr
83、ough mergence of mines fields, extension of mining areas so to increase the coal reserves, 18 mines with capacities of over 3Mt/a such as Lujiasuo Mine of Kailuan Coal Mining Administration, Ximing Mine of Xishan Coal Mi
84、ning Administration, etc. were put into operation and </p><p> Mine inclined shaft and auxiliary vertical shaft development mode greatly</p><p> developed. The use of rope-hauled conveyers (GD
85、 series) and steel-belt conveyers (DX series) offered many advantages: large haulage capacity and strong performance of transportation continualization. In technological transformation of existing mines, belt hoisting us
86、ed in shallow parts of mines was extended when deep parts of mines were developed, integrating the main roadway haulage with inclined hoisting to form continuous belt transportation systems. Sinking new auxiliary vertica
87、l shafts, lar</p><p> Transportation mode in main level entries relatively often used belt</p><p> conveyers. Transportation mode in main level entries of large mines more often used belt conv
88、eyers with large capacities, making mine coal haulage systems develop towards contiualization. In order to ensure the handing of men, equipment, materials and wastes, one additional track entry was needed to b driven in
89、some mines, using two main entries with relatively small sections instead of a double-track main entry with large section, which was more favourable to roadway excavation and mine ventila</p><p> In the mea
90、ntime, maintenance technology greatly improved due to improvement of mechanization of roadway excavation, development of roadway supporting technology, supporting materials and support structures, etc., such as yieldable
91、 U-steel supports, greatly improving roadway maintenance technology. Especially the speeding up of working face advances shortened the time of roadway maintenance, but in-seam main entries were used again in some mines b
92、ecause of the difficulty and high cost of in-rock </p><p> (4.) Raises and dips mining development systems developed in mines mining gently-inclined seams. Dip mining was rarely adopted in the past due to t
93、he limitation of coal tranportation capacity and complicated ventilation and water drainage systems. However with the development of belt conveyers and improvement of production technology, especially with the increase o
94、f mine output, the service life of raise mining levels was shortened, in addition, preparation time of new level development was insu</p><p> (5) Dimensions of panels were enlarged, various types of panels
95、roadway layouts were completed and developed. With the improvement of performance of haulage equipment and the enlargement of its power, the development of new types of roadway supporting and materials, as well as the us
96、e of roadway stowing technology, as to roadway layout, there was not only tradition roadway chain pillars protection method but also pillarless roadway protection method, such as road driving along next goaf and road<
97、/p><p> According to incomplete statistics, the demonstrated coal reserves which can be mined by open-pit at the beginning of 1995 was 58100Mt, among them, the proportion of brown coal accounts for 68%, there
98、 is only a small amount of anthracite, the rest are bituminous coal, mainly distributed in five Provinces (or Autonomous Regions) of Mongolia, Shanxi, Yunnan, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, etc., and a small amount of coal distribut
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- 外文翻譯--采煤機.doc
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