已閱讀1頁,還剩17頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p><b>  淮 陰 工 學 院</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p>  注:請將該封面與附件裝訂成冊。</p><p>  附件1:外文資料翻譯譯文</p><p><b>  信息技術與圖書館:</b></p><p>

2、;  為殘疾人圖書館網頁設計</p><p>  摘要:近五分之一的美國人有某種形式的殘疾,對他們來說,適應圖書館的指導方針和達到標準是復雜、不清楚、難以實現(xiàn),所以了解殘疾人如何訪問網頁的內容是無障礙設計中至關重要的。最近的研究表明使用一個數(shù)據(jù)庫可以驅動新型圖書館網站的發(fā)展。現(xiàn)有技術所提供的各種工具滿足了殘疾顧客的需要,這些顧客主動為輔助技術的改進更新和調整,館員提供技術支持。</p><p

3、>  由于互聯(lián)網的設計標準是不斷變化極快,很難建立最先進的網站。</p><p>  本文網頁設計評估充滿挑戰(zhàn),因為它涉及到殘疾人,探討當前的標準,研究人口是至關重要的,因為根據(jù)美國人口調查局,美國公眾包括約51200000個非制度化的人生活的殘疾人,其中32500000個是嚴重殘疾。這意味著,近五分之一的美國公眾面臨的一些物理,心理,感覺,或其他功能性障礙。因為一個圖書館的任務是使其資源提供給大家的,重要

4、的是參加的面臨的特殊挑戰(zhàn)士惠顧和提供適當?shù)姆?,這些特殊需要記住的。</p><p><b>  網頁制作準則:</b></p><p>  根據(jù)相關準則“基于網絡的企業(yè)內部網和互聯(lián)網信息和應用,“這是直接為我們的設計提供了準則。以下是詳細審查這些標準的例子來幫助理解和實施:</p><p> ?。ㄒ唬┑韧谋镜奈谋緫峁┟恳辉?。輔助技術還不

5、能說明什么照片與其他圖像看起來像;他們需要有意義的文本信息。如果圖像指示用戶做某事,相關的文字必須解釋的目的和意義。這樣,一個人不能看屏幕,可以成功地了解和瀏覽網頁。</p><p> ?。ǘ┑刃娲魏味嗝襟w演示將同步與介紹。這意味著,字幕的視頻必須實時、同步。</p><p> ?。ㄈ╉摰脑O計應使所有通過顏色傳達的信息也沒有顏色,例如從上下文或標記。而顏色可以使用,它不能是唯一的來

6、源或指標信息。想象一個教育網站提供故事的問題中提出的黑色和綠色打印,和問題的答案可以破譯只使用綠色字母。這將是無法給學生一定的形式沒有種族偏見,以及那些誰使用screen-reader軟件。</p><p>  (四)文件組織方式應使其可讀性無需關聯(lián)的樣式表。采用層疊樣式表(樣式)可以改善無障礙環(huán)境因為他們允許分離的表現(xiàn)內容。然而,并不是所有的瀏覽器完全支持,所以網頁設計的需要,因此任何瀏覽器可以準確。內容需要組

7、織,因此它可以閱讀和理解的格式關閉。</p><p>  (五)多余的文本鏈接將提供每個活動區(qū)的一個服務器端圖像地圖。</p><p> ?。撎峁┛蛻舳藞D像映射而不是服務器端圖像映射,除非區(qū)域不能使用可用的幾何圖形來定義。圖像映射可以被認為是一個幾何定義和設置組的其他內容的鏈接的網站上。點擊地圖上的美國五十個州的一個例子是功能影像地圖。服務器端圖像地圖會出現(xiàn)屏幕閱讀器只能作為一個坐

8、標,而client side地圖可以包括信息的鏈接通過“變身”文本。最好的做法是只使用客戶端圖像地圖和確保“變身”的文字描述是有意義的。</p><p>  (七)的行和列標題應為數(shù)據(jù)表標識。</p><p> ?。ò耍斒褂脴擞涥P聯(lián)數(shù)據(jù)單元格和標題單元格數(shù)據(jù)表中有2個或多個邏輯層次的行或列標題,編碼是至關重要的正確的表,框架是一個廢棄的特征,其使用應避免有利于布局。</p>

9、<p> ?。ㄊ╉摰脑O計應避免使屏幕閃爍頻率大于2赫茲和低于55赫茲。燈閃爍率在此范圍內可誘發(fā)癲癇發(fā)作。閃爍或閃爍的內容網頁上應避免到瀏覽器有能力提供用戶控制閃爍。</p><p>  (十一)純文字網頁,等效應提供信息或功能,使網站遵守規(guī)定,這一部分,當遵守無法實現(xiàn)任何其他方式。純文字網頁內容應隨時更新主網頁。復雜的內容,完全是視覺性質可能需要一個單獨的純文字網頁,如頁面顯示的英文字母在美國手語

10、。這一要求,也可作為應急措施,對現(xiàn)有的網站需要重新獲得。最后,一個純文本版本增加工作量的網絡開發(fā)人員,使他們更昂貴的建立一個單一的,完全可訪問的網站在首位。</p><p> ?。ㄊ┊旐撁媸褂媚_本語言來顯示內容,或者創(chuàng)建界面元素,由腳本提供的信息應確定可以讀取輔助技術的文本。腳本語言腳本允許更多的互動頁面上的內容的同時減少了多次的計算機屏幕需要刷新。如果功能文本不可用,屏幕閱讀器試圖讀取腳本的代碼,輸出為一個

11、無意義的混亂的字符。使用多余的文字鏈接,避免這一結果。</p><p> ?。ㄊ┮粋€網頁時,需要一個小程序,插件,或其他應用程序在客戶端系統(tǒng)解釋網頁內容,網頁必須提供一個鏈接到一個插件或小程序。網頁開發(fā)人員需要確定是否一個特定的插件或小程序訪問之前需要他們的網頁的訪問者使用它。當使用的應用,如Quick Time或軟體,重要的是提供了一個方便的鏈接在同一頁上,將允許用戶需要安裝插件。</p>&

12、lt;p> ?。ㄊ模┊旊娮颖韱卧O計完成在線的形式,將允許人們使用輔助技術來獲取信息,領域的元素,以及所需要的功能,完成并提交表單,包括所有的說明和提示。如果腳本用于完成形式無法替代的方法,完成表格必須立即可用。</p><p> ?。ㄊ澹┍仨毺峁┓椒?,以允許用戶跳過重復的導航鏈接。使用屏幕閱讀器軟件通常瀏覽網頁使用標簽的關鍵,聽作為課文朗讀。網站通常的標志在每一頁的頂部,使這個圖形鏈接到該網站的主頁。許

13、多網站也使用線圖形圖像下方這標志的每一頁作為一個導航欄。避免聽這一名單通過鏈接的每個網頁上剛剛獲得的網頁的內容,“相關內容”鏈接作為第一選擇在每一頁的頂部提供了一個簡單的解決這個問題。</p><p><b>  標準制定組織的工作</b></p><p>  一個組織,旨在推動互聯(lián)網技術超越了基本的508部分是無障礙網頁倡議(圍)的萬維網聯(lián)盟(標準)。使命的圍是發(fā)展

14、</p><p>  *準則被廣泛視為國際標準的網頁易讀性;</p><p>  *支持材料幫助理解和實現(xiàn)網絡無障礙;</p><p>  *資源通過國際collaboration.10</p><p>  該組織公布了第一個網頁內容可訪問性指南(網站內容可訪問性1)可在1999網上內容訪問密碼。由以下這些指導方針,開發(fā)人員創(chuàng)建的網頁內容,隨

15、時提供給每個用戶不論這樣的訪問。圍提供十個快速秘訣改善無障礙網站設計:</p><p>  *圖像和動畫。使用“備選”屬性描述每個功能視覺。</p><p>  *圖像地圖。使用客戶端的地圖和文字熱點。</p><p>  *多媒體。提供字幕和記錄的音頻,視頻和描述。</p><p>  *超文本。使用文本有意義當讀出的背景。例如,避免“點擊

16、這里”。</p><p>  *頁面組織。使用標題,列出,并一致結構。使用在可能的布局和風格。</p><p>  *圖形和圖表??偨Y或使用屬性。</p><p>  *腳本,程序,和插件。提供其他內容的情況下積極的特點是無法或不支持。</p><p>  *框架,使用“無框架”元素和有意義的標題。</p><p> 

17、 *表,進行逐行閱讀感知</p><p>  *提供文字選擇非文本內容。</p><p>  *提供字幕和替代品的多媒體。</p><p>  *使信息的適應性和可用的輔助技術。</p><p>  *使用足夠的對比使事情容易看到和聽到。</p><p><b>  可操作的</b></p&

18、gt;<p>  *所有功能,可通過鍵盤。</p><p>  *用戶給予足夠的時間閱讀和使用的內容。</p><p>  *不要使用內容已知會導致癲癇。</p><p>  *幫助用戶瀏覽和查找內容。</p><p><b>  可以理解的</b></p><p>  *文本的可讀

19、性和理解。</p><p>  *作的內容出現(xiàn),在可預見的方式。</p><p>  *幫助用戶避免和改正錯誤。</p><p><b>  建議</b></p><p>  圖書館今天一般提供三種類型的網絡資源:(1)接入互聯(lián)網,(2)訪問訂閱數(shù)據(jù)庫,(3)一個圖書館的網頁,所有這些都需要訪問密碼。圖書館要遵守508條


21、,不管資金限制。</p><p>  圖書館更實質性的技術預算有多種硬件和軟件的選擇選擇從滿足需要密碼。顧客視覺障礙,一些軟件包可閱讀內容的網站或其他電子文檔使用合成語音。自由科學windoweyes于毛重微兩家最著名的軟件包,并包括能夠輸出1點字顯示器(這兩家公司也銷售)。庫茲韋爾3000是一個面向軟件包,不僅讀取屏幕文本朗讀,但有豐富的額外的工具來幫助學習有困難的學生,如多動癥或閱讀障礙。它的目的是整合任何教

22、育方案以及幫助學生的主要語言不是英語。低視力者需要屏幕放大超越功能窗口提供可看魔術自由科學或zoom text我方。其中的一些軟件公司提供的免費試用版本,有在線演示,或兩者。因為價格為相關的軟件和設備可以很高,先檢查與顧客視覺障礙和專業(yè)領域您的購買決策之前是審慎的。</p><p>  訂閱數(shù)據(jù)庫可以訪問密碼的顯示搜索結果和相應的信息。三個最常見的形式的結果是網頁文本,網頁文本與圖形,和文件。文件是無法使用屏幕閱

23、讀器。而公司方面取得了重大進展,在渲染PDF文件訪問,許多數(shù)據(jù)庫包含許多文件中創(chuàng)建版本的Ado beAcrobat5以前的版本(在2001),這是不正確的標記為屏幕閱讀器。更新的文件只可作為標記允許。雜志的文章收到出版商可能或可能不正確的標記,所以數(shù)據(jù)庫公司不能保證其內容是完全可以的。一個供應商,是避免這個陷阱是指引。利用光學字符識別(光學字符識別)軟件,JS TOR提供圖像嵌入文本文件的內容提供給屏幕readers.19員必須堅持,封

24、裝數(shù)據(jù)庫訪問和與之配套的形式的輔助技術最常使用的顧客,內部和網上。</p><p>  一個工具,用于評估數(shù)據(jù)庫(或其他產品)無障礙是自愿性產品獲取模板(vpat)。建立在伙伴之間的信息技術產業(yè)(種植)理事會和美國總務管理局(總代理)2001,它提供了一個簡單的基于互聯(lián)網的工具,協(xié)助聯(lián)邦合同和采購官員在履行新的市場研究的要求包含在508節(jié)的實施條例?!?0vpat是自愿披露形式排列一系列的表列出了標準的有關第50

25、8節(jié)討論以前??瞻讍卧裉峁┰试S公司的代表說明其產品的配套功能,符合標準和提供更多的詳細信息。圖書館人員可以要求供應商填寫此表格文件,第508節(jié)他們的產品滿足,以及如何。是最有用的形式,需要完成由公司的代表都清楚地了解508和其技術細節(jié)和深入了解他們的產品。知識庫,鼓勵員工以驗證質量和準確性的信息提供購買前。</p><p>  如數(shù)據(jù)庫,圖書館的網站需要獲得顧客的各種需要。根據(jù)卡斯特城堡,訪問的網站是百分之35

26、人更容易使用,更容易被發(fā)現(xiàn)的互聯(lián)網搜索engines.21完全訪問的網站是簡單的維護和平均小于百分之五十,這意味著他們下載更快,使他們更容易use.22建立一個基本的網站,目前最好的做法是呈現(xiàn)的內容在網頁或的設計布局使用CSS。這樣,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)該網站的網頁是不完全的訪問,一個簡單的改變需要更新所有網頁,節(jié)省時間和精力的現(xiàn)場經理。最后,創(chuàng)建一個訪問的網站從開始大大更容易比改造舊。</p><p>  一個完整的重建一


28、4%的顧客是沒有找到core-task信息上的第一次嘗試?!奔幢闳绱?,快速測試的網站與網絡可達性評價工具表明,它仍然不完全符合508節(jié)的要求。有圖書館的工作人員包括密碼的過程中,表現(xiàn)出改善的程度可能會讓他們達到并可能超過這個標準。</p><p>  了解殘疾人網絡環(huán)境,可以幫助我們走向改善無障礙環(huán)境。最近的一項研究在英國追蹤眼球運動強健的計算機用戶都在努力回答這些問題。研究人員要求十八人正常或矯正視力尋找答案版

29、本的英國廣播公司網站的標準圖形網頁和純文本版本。受試者的眼睛往往飛鏢圍繞標準頁”作為他們試圖找到出現(xiàn)視力是下一個最可能的位置答案。但在尋找純文字網頁,科目去行,較小的跳躍在每一頁。研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn),網頁布局作為一種形式的外部存儲器,提供視覺線索的結構,其內容和如何駕馭它。如果互聯(lián)網是一個信息高速公路,那么一個布局標準網頁作為邊界和方向標志瀏覽。</p><p>  在網絡上尋找信息是一個復雜的過程,需要“交換的能力,

30、并協(xié)調多個信息尋求戰(zhàn)略”等瀏覽,查詢的搜索,掃描,并on.25如果網頁瀏覽器可以轉化成音頻格式和介紹針對視障人士的要求,利用互聯(lián)網將是一個更令人滿意經驗的用戶。然而,這樣的網絡編程需要更多的研究和發(fā)展年。同時,網絡管理員必須努力建立網站,是干凈的,分層,和所有可用的人遵循的標準和準則目前可用。</p><p>  一種方式來提高無障礙網站是按照一個數(shù)據(jù)庫驅動的網站開發(fā)模型。除了使用鄧拉普建議,內容存儲在一個關系數(shù)

31、據(jù)庫,如與一個編碼語言,如用于創(chuàng)建動態(tài)網頁。首先,它可以創(chuàng)造“一個靈活的網站設計風格生活在一個單一的,易于修改文件控制介紹每個網頁的網站。它需要更少的時間維護,使工作人員花時間確??赏瑫r容納變化的網絡技術。這種模式可以由數(shù)據(jù)庫供應商確保其服務無縫集成與圖書館的在線內容。</p><p><b>  總結</b></p><p>  館員負責網頁設計和技術管理工作在一個

32、不斷變化的環(huán)境。法律規(guī)定明確的期望,為各種需要士惠顧。在實際使用中,,巨大的挑戰(zhàn)和缺點仍然存在。技術員的挑戰(zhàn)是要積極跟上技術的進步,實驗和努力學習,并不斷更新,為各類顧客提供網頁或超媒體信息和服務。</p><p>  附件2:外文原文(復印件)</p><p>  Library Web Design for Persons with Disabilities</p>&l

33、t;p>  Information Technology and Libraries</p><p>  Abstract: Nearly one-fifth of Americans have some form of disability, and accessibility guidelines and standards that apply to libraries are complicated

34、, unclear, and difficult to achieve. Understanding how persons with disabilities access Web-based content is critical to accessible design. Recent research supports the use of a database-driven model for library Web deve

35、lopment. Existing technologies offer a variety of tools to meet disabled patrons' needs,and Librarians in charge of technology c</p><p>  Because the Internet and its design standards are evolving at a d

36、izzying rate, it is difficult to create websites that are both cutting-edge and standards-compliant.</p><p>  This paper evaluates the challenge of Web design as it relates to individuals with disabilities,

37、exploring current standards, and offering recommendations for accessible development. Examining the provision of LT for this demographic is vital because according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. public includes abou

38、t 51.2 million people living with disabilities, 32.5 million of which are severely disabled. This means that nearly one-fifth of the U.S. public faces some physical, mental, sensory, </p><p>  Webpage making

39、 standards</p><p>  The Access Board further specifies guidelines for "Web-based intranet and internet information and applications," which are directly relevant to the provision of such services i

40、n libraries. What follows is a detailed examination of these standards with examples to assist in understanding and implementation.</p><p>  (a) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided

41、. Assistive technology cannot yet describe what pictures and other images look like; they require meaningful text-based information associated with each picture. If an image directs the user to do something, the associat

42、ed text must explain the purpose and meaning of the image. This way, someone who cannot see the screen can understand and navigate the page successfully. </p><p>  (b) Equivalent alternatives for any multime

43、dia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation. This means that captions for video must be real-time and synchronized with the actions in the video, not contained solely in a separate transcript.</p>

44、<p>  (c) Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup. While color can be used, it cannot be the sole source or indica

45、tor of information. Imagine an educational website offering a story problem presented in black and green print, and the answer to the problem could be deciphered using only the green letters. This would be inaccessible t

46、o students who have certain forms of color-blindness as well as those wh</p><p>  (d) Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet. The introduction of cascad

47、ing style sheets (CSS) can improve accessibility because they allow the separation of presentation from content. However, not all browsers fully support CSS, so web pages need to be designed so any browser can read them

48、accurately. The content needs to be organized so that it can be read and understood with CSS formatting turned off.</p><p>  (e) Redundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side

49、 image map.</p><p>  (f) Client-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape. An image map can be thought o

50、f as a geometrically defined and arranged group of links to other content on a site. A clickable map of the fifty U.S. states is an example of a functioning image map. A server-side image map would appear to a screen rea

51、der only as a set of coordinates, whereas client side maps can include information about where</p><p>  (g) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables, and</p><p>  (h) Markup sh

52、all be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers. Correct table coding is critical.It is best to rely on CSS for page layout, taking into

53、consideration the directions in subparagraph above.</p><p>  (i) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation. Frames are a deprecated feature of HTML, and their use

54、should be avoided in favor of CSS layout.</p><p>  (j) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz. Lights with flicker rates in thi

55、s range can trigger epileptic seizures. Blinking or flashing elements on a webpage should be avoided until browsers provide the user with the ability to control flickering.</p><p>  (k) A text-only page, wit

56、h equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to make a Web site comply with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be accomplished any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be up

57、dated whenever the primary page changes. Complex content that is entirely visual in nature may require a separate text-only page, such as a page showing the English alphabet in American Sign Language. This requirement al

58、so serves as a stopgap measure for </p><p>  (l) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with fu

59、nction a text that can be read by assistive technology. Scripting languages such as JavaScript allow for more interactive content on a page while reducing the number of times the computer screen needs to be refreshed. If

60、 functional text is not available, the screen reader attempts to read the script's code, which outputs as a meaningles</p><p>  (m) When a Web page requires that an applet, plug-in, or other application

61、be present on the client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet. Web developers need to ascertain whether a given plug-in or applet is accessible before requiring their webp

62、age's visitors to use it. When using applications such as QuickTime or RealAudio, it is important to provide an accessible link on the same page that will allow users to install the necessary plug-in.</p><

63、p>  (n) When electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow people using assistive technology to access information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submissio

64、n of the form, including all directions and cues. If scripts used in the completion of the form are inaccessible, an alternative method of completing the form must be made immediately available.</p><p>  (o)

65、 A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links. Persons using screen reader software typically navigate through pages using the Tab key, listening as the text is read aloud. Websites c

66、ommonly place their logo at the top of each page and make this graphic a link to the site's homepage. Many sites also use a line of graphic images just beneath this logo on every page to serve as a navigation bar. To

67、 avoid having to listen through this same list of links on ev</p><p>  Standards-setting groups and their work</p><p>  One organization that seeks to move Internet technology beyond basic Secti

68、on 508 compliance is the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The mission of the WAI is to develop</p><p>  * guidelines that are widely regarded as the international st

69、andard for Web accessibility;</p><p>  * support materials to help understand and implement Web accessibility; </p><p>  * resources through international collaboration.</p><p>  Th

70、e W3C published its first Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0) in May of 1999 for making online content accessible to PWD. By following these guidelines, developers create Web content that is readily available

71、 to every user regardless of the way it's accessed. The WAI provides ten quick tips for improving accessibility in website design:</p><p>  * Images and animations. Use the "alt" attribute to d

72、escribe the function of each visual.</p><p>  * Image maps. Use the client-side map and text for hotspots.</p><p>  * Multimedia. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of

73、 video.</p><p>  * Hypertext·. Use text that makes sense when read out of context. For example, avoid "click here."</p><p>  * Page organization. Use headings, lists, and consiste

74、nt structure. Use CSS for layout and style where possible.</p><p>  * Graphs and charts. Summarize or use the long attribute.</p><p>  * Scripts, applets, and plug-ins. Provide alternative conte

75、nt in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported.</p><p>  * Frames. Use the "no frames" element and meaningful titles.</p><p>  * Tables. Make line-by-line reading sensible.

76、 Summarize.</p><p>  Perceivable</p><p>  * Provide text alternatives for non-text content.</p><p>  * Provide captions and alternatives for multimedia.</p><p>  * Make

77、 information adaptable and available to assistive technologies.</p><p>  * Use sufficient contrast to make things easy to see and hear.</p><p><b>  Operable</b></p><p> 

78、 * Make all functionality keyboard accessible.</p><p>  * Give users enough time to read and use content.</p><p>  * Do not use content known to cause seizures.</p><p>  * Help user

79、s navigate and find content.</p><p>  Understandable</p><p>  * Make text readable and understandable.</p><p>  * Make content appear and operate in predictable ways.</p><

80、;p>  * Help users avoid and correct mistakes.</p><p>  Recommendations</p><p>  Libraries today typically offer three types of Web-based resources: (1) access to the Internet, (2) access to s

81、ubscription databases, and (3) a library's own webpage, all of which need to be accessible to PWD. Libraries trying to comply with Section 508 are required to "furnish auxiliary aids and services when necessary

82、to ensure effective communication. "There are a number of options available to libraries on tight budgets. The first set involves the features built into each computer's operatin</p><p>  Libraries

83、with more substantial technology budgets have a wide variety of hardware and software options to choose from to meet the needs of PWD. For patrons with visual impairments, several software packages are available to read

84、aloud the content of a website or other electronic document using synthesized speech. JAWS by Freedom Scientific and Window Eyes by GW Micro are two of the best-known software packages, and both include the ability to ou

85、tput to a refreshable Braille display (which both </p><p>  Subscription databases can be inaccessible to PWD in the display of search results and accompanying information. The three most common forms of res

86、ults delivery are HTML full text, HTML full text with graphics, and PDF files. PDF files are notoriously inaccessible to persons using screen readers. While Adobe has made significant strides in rendering PDF accessible,

87、 many databases contain numerous PDF documents created in versions of Adobe Acrobat prior to version 5.0 (released in 2001), which ar</p><p>  One tool used to evaluate database (or other product) accessibil

88、ity is the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). Created in partnership between the Information Technology Industry (ITI) Council and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) in 2001, it provides "a

89、 simple, Internet-based tool to assist Federal contracting and procurement officials in fulfilling the new market research requirements contained in the Section 508 implementing regulations."20 VPAT is a voluntary d

90、isclos</p><p>  like databases, a library's website needs to be accessible to patrons with a variety of needs. According to Muncaster, accessible sites are 35 percent easier for everyone to use and are m

91、ore likely to be found by Internet search engines.21 Fully accessible websites are simpler to maintain and are on average 50 percent smaller than inaccessible ones, which means they download faster, making them easier to

92、 use.22 In creating a basic site, current best practice has been to render the content in HTM</p><p>  A complete rebuild of a library website is an opportunity to improve accessibility. Reynolds' articl

93、e on creating a user-centered website for the Johnson County (Kans.) Library offers an example of how libraries can apply basic information architecture design principles on a budget. Johnson County focused on simple, lo

94、w-budget usability studies involving patrons in the selection of site navigation categories, designing the layout, and testing the resulting user interface. By involving average us</p><p>  An understanding

95、of how a person with disabilities experiences the online environment can help point the way toward improved accessibility. A recent study in the United Kingdom tracked the eye movements of able bodied computer users in a

96、n effort to answer these questions. Researchers asked eighteen people with normal or corrected vision to search for answers on two versions of a BBC website - the standard graphical page and the text only version. Subjec

97、ts' eyes tended to dart around the standard</p><p>  Information seeking on the Web is a complex process requiring "the ability to switch and coordinate among multiple information-seeking strategies

98、" such as browsing, scanning, query-based searching, and so on.25 If Web browsers could translate formatting and presentation into audio tailored to the needs of the visually impaired, the use of the Internet would

99、be a far more satisfying experience for those users. However, such Web programming would require years of additional research and developmen</p><p>  One way to enhance the accessibility of sites is to follo

100、w a database-driven Web development model. In addition to using XHTML and CSS, Dunlap recommends that content be stored in a relational database such as My SQL and that a coding language such as PHP be used to create pag

101、es dynamically. This approach has two advantages. First, it allows for the creation of "a flexible website design style that lives in a single, easily modified file that controls the presentation of every Web page o


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