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1、<p><b>  附 錄</b></p><p>  Network environment the library</p><p>  Under the network environment the library information resource altogether constructs sharing is refers to all

2、levels of each kind of library basis user to the social information demand, through network use computer, correspondence, electron, multimedia and so on advanced information technology, the high idealization carries on t

3、he synthesis cooperation development and the use activity to various collections information resource and the network resources.</p><p>  1、 information resource altogether will construct sharing is the futu

4、re library development and the use information resource way that must be taken.</p><p>  The market economy swift and violent development, the networking unceasing renewal, the information age arrival, had d

5、ecided the future library trend of development will be implements the information resource altogether to construct sharing, already achieved the social mutual recognition about this point.This is because: 。</p>&l

6、t;p>  libraries implement the information resource altogether to construct sharing are solve the knowledge information explosion and the collection strength insufficient this contradictory important way.</p>&l

7、t;p>  At present, our country successfully has joined WTO, the world economics pattern started to carry on locates, simultaneously the information age arrival, the knowledge information increases sharply with the date

8、, the books and periodicals quantity suddenly growth regarding the information capacity relative big each library, as a result of many factor influences, its collection strength is relatively low, to the knowledge inform

9、ation which already produces is simply impossible the completely pack</p><p>  implements the library information resource altogether to construct sharing is user's urgent demand </p><p>  A

10、long with society's development, the science and technology unceasing progress, the user has also had the fundamental change to the information resource demand way and the content.The user no longer satisfies the sol

11、e collection information service, the urgent need is the content novel comprehensive, the type complete, various formats, the origin widespread information.User's this kind omni-directional, integrated information ne

12、ed, obviously is not a library can satisfy, many information unit c</p><p>  2、 Under 2 network environment affects the library information resource altogether to construct sharing the factor</p><

13、p>  The network has provided a brand-new information environment for the library.The Internet net, the Chinese education scientific research network as well as the Chinese information network clear and the interconnec

14、tion, altogether constructed sharing for the library information resource to provide the good condition, specially the Internet net successfully has used TCP/IP (transmission control protocol and Internet interconnection

15、 agreement), TCP/IP used the mutually exchange technology, has solv</p><p>  Partial national or the local library agreement cooperation, unceasingly advances the library information resource altogether to c

16、onstruct sharing one after another the advancement.United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization proposes “the opening” at "Public library Manifesto" the thought, in promotes Our country Libr

17、ary information resource altogether to construct sharing to approach the opening by the seal, by approaches passively initiative, approaches in-depth by the sha</p><p>  The management system lag restricts t

18、he library information resource altogether to construct sharing the further development.The management system is the library information resource altogether constructs sharing the key aspect, is playing the master plan,

19、the comprehensive coordinated role.The library management was deciding the information resource altogether constructs sharing energy, the scale, the form and the benefit, a library nature duty, the rules and regulations,

20、 the collection charact</p><p>  The partial librarian's specialized level and the thought idea lag also restricts the library information resource altogether to construct sharing the further development

21、.Under the network environment the library personnel should have “the expert” the quality, they besides load tradition library office work, but also should use the advanced information technology fully, carries on the de

22、ep level development to the collection resources and the network resources, eliminates the false and keeps the</p><p>  The modern information technology development application limitation also restricts the

23、 library information resource altogether to construct sharing the further development.The modern information technology application also has the unceasing development process, present some technologies also has certain f

24、law, if the computer and the fitting market quite is promiscuous, turns to a new generation frequently, brings the difficulty for the information technology worker's choice; The communication l</p><p>  

25、In addition, under the network environment restricts the library information resource altogether to construct sharing the factor also to have many network information security or not, whether the right intellectual prope

26、rty rights obtains the effective protection, partial information hegemonism whether eliminates, the scarce library funds whether can safeguard and so on.</p><p>  3、How under 3 network environment carries on

27、 to the library information resource altogether constructs sharing</p><p>  The complete legislative work is the library information resource altogether constructs the sharing work the guide to action.The in

28、formation resource altogether constructs sharing is a need multi-profession participation and the cooperation system work, in order to coordinate between the different profession the benefit and the responsibility, needs

29、 to formulate the corresponding policy laws and regulations, the standard various aspects behavior, guarantees all quarters the benefit not to violat</p><p>  Our country Library divides into public, the sci

30、entific research, the university and the trade union and so on several systems, the management is loose, will not favor the future library information resource altogether to construct sharing the development.The reasonab

31、le system should be the multiplication, three-dimensional, the synthesis.The best establishment unification coordination, the division of vertical (i.e, the layout are reasonable, can guarantee carries on the macroeconom

32、ic regulatio</p><p>  The 21st century, the library architecture by the tradition and the entity library to the entity library and the hypothesized library coexisting shift, the user request will be may in a

33、ny place (including cross region), any time consults, in the search, the use hypothesized library and the traditional library information resource freely, is not borrowed the time, the deadline and the region limit, is i

34、nformation resource true sharing “the greatly public library” the service pattern.This urgent n</p><p>  The enhancement network construction, guarantees the library information resource altogether to constr

35、uct sharing the smooth implementation</p><p>  First, should establish a nationwide function complete, the revolution rapid information resource altogether constructs the shared network and the resources lay

36、out safeguard system, simultaneously strengthens all levels of each kind of library the characteristic collection construction, unified system network environment software and hardware and technical support.Next, strengt

37、hens the library information resource the database construction, completes the national union table of contents database</p><p><b>  翻譯</b></p><p><b>  網絡環(huán)境下圖書館</b></p

38、><p>  網絡環(huán)境下圖書館信息資源的共建共享是指各級各類圖書館根據用戶對社會信息的需求,通過網絡利用計算機、通信、電子、多媒體等先進的信息技術,高度理想化地對各館藏信息資源和網絡資源進行綜合協(xié)作開發(fā)和利用的活動。  </p><p>  1  信息資源的共建共享是未來圖書館開發(fā)和利用信息資源的必由之路  </p><p>  市場經濟的

39、迅猛發(fā)展,網絡技術的不斷更新,信息時代的到來,決定了未來圖書館的發(fā)展趨勢是實行信息資源的共建共享,關于這一點已經達成社會共識。這是由于:  </p><p>  圖書館實行信息資源共建共享是解決知識信息劇增與館藏力不足這一矛盾的重要途徑  </p><p>  目前,我國已成功地加入了WTO,世界經濟格局開始進行重新定位,同時信息時代的到來,知識信息的與日激增,書刊數量


41、相購置,以滿足當地用戶的需要,造成目前這種對文獻信息資源的低水平重復購置的局面。因此,統(tǒng)一籌劃、多方位、多渠道、立體化合理共建共享信息資源正是解決這一矛盾的重要途徑。  </p><p>  隨著社會的發(fā)展,科學技術的不斷進步,用戶對信息資源的需求方式及內容也產生了根本性的變化。用戶不再滿足于單一的館藏信息服務,迫切需要的是內容新穎全面、類型完整、形式多樣、來源廣泛的信息。用戶的這種全方位、綜合化的信息

42、需求,顯然不是一個圖書館所能夠滿足的,多個信息單位協(xié)作進行信息資源共建共享已成為信息服務界急需解決的問題。用戶對知識信息的需求還反映在要求所需信息的電子化、網絡化,這就需要圖書館加強對文獻信息資源的電子化組織和迅速實現網絡化的工作,通過對知識信息進行分析、綜合、整序,以新的、序列化的知識單元提供給用戶。如果每個圖書館單獨進行這些工作,是遠遠不能滿足用戶需求的。  </p><p>  2  網

43、絡環(huán)境下影響圖書館信息資源共建共享的因素  </p><p>  網絡為圖書館提供了一個全新的信息環(huán)境。Internet網、中國教育科研網以及中國信息網的開通與互聯,為圖書館信息資源共建共享提供了良好的條件,特別是Internet網成功地采用了TCP/IP(傳輸控制協(xié)議和網際互聯協(xié)議),TCP/IP采用的互交換技術,解決了不同硬件平臺、不同網絡產品和不同操作系統(tǒng)之間的兼容性問題。任何計算機只要采用TCP

44、/IP協(xié)議與因特網中的任何一臺主機通信,都有可能成為因特網的部分,進行大規(guī)模的網絡互聯,自由地選擇利用各種網絡服務,順利地實現信息資源的共建共享。  </p><p>  部分國家或地區(qū)圖書館相繼協(xié)議協(xié)作,不斷推進著圖書館信息資源共建共享的進程。聯合國教科文組織在《公共圖書館宣言》中提出的“開放”思想,在促進我國圖書館信息資源共建共享由封閉向開放,由被動向主動,由淺層向深層,由粗放向效益密集轉變的過程中

45、起到了積極的推動作用。我國圖書館信息資源共建共享是從20世紀50年代國務院批準公布《全國圖書館協(xié)調方案》起開始的,但那時信息資源的共建共享還處在萌芽階段,從20世紀90年代開始,信息資源的共建共享注入了虛擬圖書館和跨行業(yè)通過網絡協(xié)作的特征。如1999年1月,由中國國家圖書館召集,全國各行業(yè)系統(tǒng)的圖書情報機構在北京發(fā)出了《全國文獻信息資源共建共享倡議書》并共同簽署了《全國圖書館館際互借公約》。  </p><

46、p>  管理體制的滯后制約著圖書館信息資源共建共享的進一步發(fā)展。管理體制是圖書館信息資源共建共享的關鍵因素,起著統(tǒng)籌規(guī)劃、全面協(xié)調的作用。圖書館的管理決定著信息資源共建共享的活動能力、規(guī)模、形式和效益,一個圖書館的性質任務、規(guī)章制度、館藏特色、服務手段、服務方式等也極大地影響著其在信息資源共建共享中的水準。網絡環(huán)境孕育了嶄新的管理觀念,并呼喚著與之相適應的管理體制,但是從我國目前圖書情報系統(tǒng)的狀況來看,仍處在無章可循的狀態(tài),傳統(tǒng)的

47、條塊分割各自為政的縱向管理體制極大地影響著圖書館信息資源共建共享的進程。  </p><p>  部分館員的專業(yè)水平和思想理念的滯后也制約著圖書館信息資源共建共享的進一步發(fā)展。網絡環(huán)境下圖書館員應具備“專家型”素質,他們除擔負傳統(tǒng)的圖書館業(yè)務工作以外,還應充分利用先進的信息技術,對館藏資源和網絡資源進行深層次開發(fā),去偽存真,有效地抵制信息垃圾,以健康有序的全方位信息資源滿足用戶。但在我國西部等經濟欠發(fā)達

48、地區(qū)的圖書館,從事圖書情報及信息技術的工作人員素質普遍存在著學歷偏低、專業(yè)知識結構老化,新的信息技術人才嚴重缺乏,一些領導思想認識不足,對圖書館繼續(xù)教育工作缺乏積極支持等,比較嚴重地阻礙著信息資源共建共享工作的進展。  </p><p>  現代信息技術發(fā)展應用的局限性也制約著圖書館信息資源共建共享的進一步發(fā)展。現代信息技術的應用也有不斷發(fā)展的過程,目前的一些技術也存在一定的缺陷,如計算機及其配件市場比

49、較混雜,升級換代頻繁,給信息技術工作者的選擇帶來困難;通信線路傳輸速率低,尤其是在傳遞多媒體信息時更顯能力不足。集成管理系統(tǒng)缺乏標準化,如在多平臺技術方面,多數未采用C/S技術,客戶端的應用程序不支持字符終端;在網絡功能上,多數未采用Z39.50協(xié)議、HyperLink技術。各級種類圖書館發(fā)展不平衡,有些圖書館還缺乏利用現代信息技術的能力。  </p><p>  除此之外,網絡環(huán)境下制約圖書館信息資源

50、共建共享的因素還有諸多網絡信息的安全與否、正當 的知識產權能否得到有效的保護、部分信息霸權主義能否消除、緊缺的圖書館經費能否得以保障等。  </p><p>  3  網絡環(huán)境下如何對圖書館信息資源進行共建共享  </p><p>  完備的法制建設是圖書館信息資源共建共享工作的行動指南。信息資源的共建共享是一個需要多行業(yè)參與和協(xié)作的系統(tǒng)工作,為了協(xié)調不同行業(yè)


52、法。保證廣大用戶能夠充分利用公共信息,以能夠承受的價格及時、平等、公平地分享到信息資源共建共享的益處。  </p><p>  我國圖書館界分成公共、科研、高校及工會等幾個系統(tǒng),管理松散,不利于未來圖書館信息資源共建共享的發(fā)展。合理的體制應該是多元化的、立體的、綜合的。最好建立統(tǒng)一協(xié)調、條塊分割、布局合理,能確保進行宏觀調控的管理體系。建立一個全國性信息資源管理職能機構,負責全國信息資源建設、布局、共享


54、的,由此帶動整個高校圖書館事業(yè)健康良性地向前發(fā)展。</p><p>  21世紀,圖書館的體系結構將由傳統(tǒng)和實體圖書館向實體圖書館和虛擬圖書館并存轉移,用戶要求的是可以在任何地方(包括跨地域)、任何時候自由地咨詢、搜索、利用虛擬圖書館及傳統(tǒng)圖書館中的信息資源,不受借閱時間、期限與區(qū)域的限制,是信息資源真正共享的“大公共圖書館”服務模式。這就迫切需要各圖書館積極投入普及使用中文信息處理技術、縮微技術、數據庫技術、多

55、媒體技術、光盤技術、網絡通訊技術、虛擬現實及計算機應用等新技術,引進適應圖書館信息資源共建共享發(fā)展需求的現代技術設備及掌握該技術的人才,所有圖書情報工作人員及其他廣大科技人員應結合圖書館信息資源共建共享進行系統(tǒng)軟件的開發(fā)、設計和制作,加強圖書館局域網、廣域網及Internet網等系統(tǒng)工作人員高級技能的培訓普及以及深層次繼續(xù)教育,為圖書館信息資源共建共享提供良好的技術保障。  </p><p>  首先,



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