1、<p><b> 中文4248字</b></p><p> 本科畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)</p><p> 外文參考文獻譯文及原文</p><p> 學(xué) 院 經(jīng)濟管理學(xué)院 </p><p> 專 業(yè) 工商管理 </p><p> 年
2、級班別 </p><p> 學(xué) 號 </p><p> 學(xué)生姓名 </p><p> 指導(dǎo)教師 </p><p> 年 月 日</p><p>
3、;<b> 目 錄</b></p><p> 1 激勵在現(xiàn)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)中的地位和作用………………………………………………1</p><p> 1.1激勵已成為現(xiàn)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的主題………………………………………..……1</p><p> 1.2激勵是現(xiàn)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的重要職能……………………………………………1</p><p&g
4、t; 2 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵的方法與藝術(shù)……………………………..…………………………2</p><p> 2.1形象激勵………………………………….………………………………2</p><p> 2.2情感激勵…………………………………………………………………2</p><p> 2.3需要激勵…………………………………………………………….……3</p>
5、;<p> 2.4心智激勵…………………………………………………………….……3</p><p> 2.5信心激勵…………………………………………………………………4</p><p> 2.6賞識激勵…………………………………………………………………4</p><p> 3 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵應(yīng)注意的幾個原則………………………………….…………………5
6、</p><p> 3.1物質(zhì)激勵與精神激勵相結(jié)合原則…………………………………………5</p><p> 3.2充分考慮下屬的個體差異,實行差別激勵的原則………………..……5</p><p> 3.3正激勵與負(fù)激勵相結(jié)合的原則……………………………………..……5</p><p> 3.4激勵個體與群體相結(jié)合的原則……………………
7、………………..……5</p><p> 外文文獻原文…………………………………………………………………………………7</p><p> 1 激勵在現(xiàn)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)中的地位和作用</p><p> 1.1激勵已成為現(xiàn)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的主題</p><p> 查考《辭?!罚凹睢币馑际恰凹ぐl(fā)使振作”,即“振奮,奮發(fā)”。通過激勵,在某種內(nèi)部或者外部刺激
8、的影響下,使人始終維持在一個興奮狀態(tài)中。從廣義而言,激勵就是調(diào)動人的積極性;從狹義而言,激勵就是一種刺激,是促進行為的手段。</p><p> 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵,就是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者遵循人的行為規(guī)律,運用物質(zhì)和精神相結(jié)合的手段,采取有效的方法,最大限度地激發(fā)下屬工作的積極性、主動性和創(chuàng)造性,以保證組織目標(biāo)的實現(xiàn)。激勵是對人們內(nèi)心活動狀態(tài)的一種激發(fā),具有推動并引導(dǎo)行為使之朝向預(yù)定目標(biāo)的作用。當(dāng)今我們正處于一個劇烈變動的時代,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者
9、們從來沒有像今天這樣面臨空前的壓力和挑戰(zhàn)。一個出色的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者,必須具備推動事業(yè)發(fā)展,帶領(lǐng)下屬前進的各種能力,如決策能力、動員能力、激勵能力、組織協(xié)調(diào)能力、開拓創(chuàng)新能力等等。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者應(yīng)學(xué)會用藝術(shù)的方法來激發(fā)下屬的工作潛能,提高其工作積極性、主動性和創(chuàng)造性,讓平凡的人干不平凡的事。</p><p> 1.2激勵是現(xiàn)代領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的重要職能</p><p> 行為科學(xué)告訴我們,一個人的工作業(yè)績不僅取決
11、際上與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者對下屬的激勵有很大的關(guān)系。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者如果能恰到好處地運用激勵藝術(shù),往往就會收到意想不到的激勵效果。因此,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的重要任務(wù)之一就是采取一切措施,用激勵方式最大限度地增強下屬的工作積極性,發(fā)揮下屬的能力。</p><p> 2 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵的方法與藝術(shù)</p><p> 一個優(yōu)秀的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者不一定要在各個方面都比下屬強,而在于具有調(diào)動下屬積極性的能力。激勵不僅是重要的管理手段,而且是一門高
12、深的管理藝術(shù)。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者對下屬的激發(fā)和鼓勵,會使他們發(fā)揮更大的積極性和創(chuàng)造性。激勵的方法雖然多種多樣,但大體上可劃分為如下幾個類型:</p><p><b> 2.1形象激勵</b></p><p> 形象激勵,主要是指領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的個人形象對被領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的思想和行為能夠起到明顯的激勵作用,從而推動各項工作的開展。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的一言一行往往會影響下屬的精神狀態(tài)。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者形象是好是壞,下屬
14、gt;<b> 2.2情感激勵</b></p><p> 情感,是人們情緒和感情的反映。情感激勵既不是以物質(zhì)利益為誘導(dǎo),也不是以精神理想為刺激,而是指領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者與被領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者之間的以感情聯(lián)系為手段的激勵方式。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者和被領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的人際關(guān)系既有規(guī)章制度和社會規(guī)范的成分,更有情感成分。人的情感具有兩重性;積極的情感可以提高人的活力;消極的情感可以削弱人的活力。一般來說,下屬工作熱情的高低,同領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者與下屬
16、而增進了解和信任,并真誠地幫助每一位下屬,使團體內(nèi)部產(chǎn)生一種和諧與歡樂的氣氛。</p><p><b> 2.3需要激勵</b></p><p> 需要激勵理論認(rèn)為:需要是產(chǎn)生行為的原動力,是個體積極性的源泉。從需要著手探求激勵是符合心理規(guī)律的有效途徑。需要層次理論將人的基本需求由低級到高級分為五個層次。即生理的需求、安全的需求、社交的需求、尊重的需求、自我實現(xiàn)的
18、現(xiàn)的需求是人最基本需求的最高層次的需求,這種需求意味著人們希望完成與自身能力相稱的工作,使自身的潛在能力能夠發(fā)揮出來。</p><p> 需要層次理論告訴我們,需要的滿足因一個人在組織中所做的工作、年齡以及員工的文化背景等因素的不同而有所差異。因此,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者在激勵下屬時,應(yīng)針對不同的對象與其不同的需要進行激勵。只有掌握了下屬的需求才能積極創(chuàng)造條件去滿足下屬的需要,有目的地引導(dǎo)需要,才能有針對性地做好領(lǐng)導(dǎo)工作,從而
19、達(dá)到激勵下屬積極性的目的。</p><p><b> 2.4心智激勵</b></p><p> 過去有人片面地認(rèn)為,激勵就是調(diào)動下屬的積極性,讓下屬想干,愿干、有熱情,心情舒暢,這實際上只說對了一半。激勵下屬想干、愿干是對心的激勵;更重要的是要讓下屬能干、會干、創(chuàng)造性地干,這才是對下屬心智的激勵。激勵“心”是前提,激勵“智”才是目的。激勵從心開始,可以達(dá)到對智的激
21、藏著就是無能。而下屬的潛能對領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者來說是沒有用的,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者需要的是下屬的效能,而不需要下屬的潛能,因此領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者應(yīng)將下屬的潛能進行激發(fā)使之變成效能。這種對心的激勵可以帶來智力、智慧和創(chuàng)造力的開發(fā),激勵心與激勵智要結(jié)合起來。</p><p><b> 2.5信心激勵</b></p><p> 很多時候下屬可能對自己缺乏信心,不能清楚地認(rèn)識和評價自己,尤其是對自己的能力,往
23、;<p><b> 2.6賞識激勵</b></p><p> 賞識是比表揚、贊美更進一步的精神鼓勵,是任何物質(zhì)獎勵都無法可比的。賞識激勵是激勵的最高層次,是領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵優(yōu)勢的集中體現(xiàn)。社會心理學(xué)原理表明,社會的群體成員都有一種歸屬心理,希望能得到領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的承認(rèn)和賞識,成為群體中不可缺少的一員。賞識激勵能較好地滿足這種精神需要。</p><p> 威廉
25、智力貢獻,如提建議、批評等,也要及時地給予肯定的評價。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的肯定性評價也是一種常識,同樣地滿足下屬精神需要,強化其團隊意識。</p><p> 3 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵應(yīng)注意的幾個原則</p><p> 在領(lǐng)導(dǎo)激勵中,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者應(yīng)注意正確把握以下原則,提高激勵的效果。</p><p> 3.1物質(zhì)激勵與精神激勵相結(jié)合原則</p><p> 物質(zhì)需要
27、t;/p><p> 3.2充分考慮下屬的個體差異,實行差別激勵的原則</p><p> 激勵的目的是為了提高下屬工作的積極性。影響下屬工作積極性主要有工作性質(zhì)、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)行為、個人發(fā)展、人際關(guān)系、報酬福利和工作環(huán)境等多種因素。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者應(yīng)根據(jù)不同的類型和特點制定激勵制度,而且在制定激勵機制時一定要考慮到個體差異,因人而異。如在文化差異上,有較高學(xué)歷的下屬一般比較注重自我價值的實現(xiàn),既包括物質(zhì)利益方面
28、的,同時他們也更看重精神方面的滿足,例如工作環(huán)境、工作興趣、工作條件等,這是因為他們在基本需求能夠得到保障的基礎(chǔ)上而追求精神層次的滿足;而學(xué)歷相對較低的人則首要注重的是基本需求的滿足。因此領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者在制定激勵機制時一定要考慮到本單位的特點和下屬的個體差異,這樣才能收到最大的激勵效力。</p><p> 3.3正激勵與負(fù)激勵相結(jié)合的原則</p><p> 所謂正激勵就是對下屬的符合組織目標(biāo)的
29、期望行為進行獎勵。所謂負(fù)激勵就是對下屬違背組織目的的非期望行為進行懲罰。正負(fù)激勵都是必要而有效的,不僅作用于當(dāng)事人,而且會間接地影響周圍其他人。領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者激勵下屬必須堅持以正面激勵為主,應(yīng)通過積極的、正面的激勵保持員工隊伍的蓬勃朝氣、昂揚銳氣和浩然正氣,形成團結(jié)向上、奮發(fā)有為、開拓進取的良好局面。</p><p> 3.4激勵個體與群體相結(jié)合的原則</p><p> 個體是群體的組成單位,
30、處理好激勵個體與激勵群體的關(guān)系有助于正確發(fā)揮個體與群體應(yīng)有的作用。如果只注重對群體的激勵,可能造成平均主義;如果長期把重心放在少數(shù)個體身上,又可能影響大家的積極性。因此,在激勵的順序上應(yīng)先激勵個體,然后再激勵群體。在激勵手段上可先用單一手段,然后再采用綜合激勵手段。在滿足激勵需要上,一定要先滿足低層次的需要,然后再不斷滿足高層次的需要。</p><p> 出處:Walker J W. Human Resour
31、ce Strategy</p><p> 1 Drive in modern leadership status and function</p><p> 1.1 The drive has become the modern leadership the subject</p><p> Investigates "Dictionary set&
32、quot;, “drove” the meaning is “the stimulation causes to buoy up”, namely “rouses, exerts oneself”. Through the drive, in some kind of internal or under exterior stimulation influence, causes the human to maintain throug
33、hout in an emotional state. From says generally, drove arouses human's enthusiasm; Says from the narrow sense, drove is one kind of stimulation, promotes the behavior method.</p><p> 1.2The drive is the
34、 modern leader's important function</p><p> The behavioral science tells us, not only a person's work achievement is decided by his working ability, moreover must think his work motive the degree wh
35、ich stimulates. Looking from the leader study angle that, human's behavior all is receives certain drive to produce. Each person has ability and he ability which displays in the work is not equal, the human has abili
36、ty is called the potential power, the human ability which unfolds in the work is called the display ability. The human under the d</p><p> 2 The leadership drove method and art</p><p> An out
37、standing leader not necessarily must in each aspect all compared to subordinate, but lies in has transfers the subordinate enthusiastic ability. Not only the drive is the important management method, moreover is a profou
38、nd management art. The leader to subordinate's stimulation and the encouragement can enable them to display a bigger enthusiasm and the creativity. Although drive method many and varied, but may divide on the whole i
39、nto the following several types:</p><p> 2.1 method and art</p><p> The image drove that, mainly is refers to the leadership individual image to can play the obvious drive role by leader's
40、 thought and the behavior, thus impels each work the development. Leader’s every word and deeds often can affect subordinate's state of mind. The leader image is good is bad, in subordinate heart innate steelyard. If
41、 the leader requests the subordinate to observe, own first illegal; Requests the subordinate to achieve, own always cannot achieve, his prestige and the influence c</p><p> 2.2 The Emotion</p><p&
42、gt; The emotion is the people mood and the sentimental reflection. The emotion drive is already not take the material interest as the induction, also is not take the energetic ideal as the stimulation, but is refers to
43、the leader and by the leader between take the sentimental relation as the method drive way. The leader and is already had by leader's interpersonal relationship the rules and regulations and the social norm ingredien
44、t, has the emotion ingredient. Human’s emotion has the duality; The p</p><p> 2.3 Needs to drive the theory thought</p><p> Needs to drive the theory thought: Needs has the behavior driving fo
45、rce, is the individual enthusiastic fountainhead. From needs to begin to seek the drive conforms to the psychological rule effective way. Needs the level theory from to high-level to divide into preliminarily human's
46、 basic demand five levels. Namely physiological demand, safe demand, public relations demand, respect demand, self-realization demand. Physiological demand is safeguards the material which the people survive to enjoy<
47、/p><p> Needs the level theory to tell us, because needs to satisfy a person work, age as well as staff's factors and so on cultural context which does in the organization different has a difference. There
48、fore, the leader in drove when subordinate, if should aim at the different object different to need to carry on the drive. Only then grasped subordinate's demand to be able to create the condition to meet subordinate
49、's needs positively, had the destination to guide the need, could have pointed complete</p><p> 2.4 One-sidedly Believed</p><p> In the past some people one-sidedly believed that, drove ar
50、ouses subordinate's enthusiasm, lets the subordinate want to do, is willing to do, to have the enthusiasm, has ease of mind, this in fact only said rightly one half. Drove the subordinate wants to do, is willing to d
51、o is to the heart drive; Must let the subordinate competently more importantly, be able to do, creatively does, is to now at last the subordinate mental drive. Drove “the heart” is a premise, drove “the wisdom” is a goal
52、. The</p><p> 2.5 Oneself Deficient Confidence</p><p> Every so often the subordinate possibly to the oneself deficient confidence, cannot know clearly and appraise oneself, in particular to o
53、wn ability, often not the clear own superiority and the inferiority as well as the realization goal possibility has in a big way. Therefore, the subordinate needs outside own to trust, the respect, the admiring person
54、9;s encouragement in particular, but comes from higher authority's encouragement then more valuable, it meant the higher authority can give oneself</p><p> 2.6 The recognition is compared</p><
55、;p> The recognition is compared to the praise, praises the further the moral encouragement, is any material reward all is unable to be possible to compare. The recognition drive is the drive highest level, is leads t
56、he drive superiority the centralism to manifest. The social psychology principle indicated that, society's community members all have one kind of ownership psychology, hoped can obtain the leadership acknowledgment a
57、nd the recognition, and becomes in the community essential. The recognit</p><p> William · Zhan Mushily said that, “The human nature first principle is longed for obtains the appreciation”. The leader
58、should achieve can recognize drives the subordinate. When the subordinate has the progress, he most needs to obtain is the approval; When the subordinate obtains successfully, he most needs to give is the appreciation; s
59、o long as does this, the recognition drove can produce the anticipated results. Sometimes leader the recognition speech which lets the human remember with etern</p><p> 3 The leadership drove should pay at
60、tention several principles</p><p> In the leadership drive, the leader should pay attention to the correct assurance following principle, enhances effect which drove.</p><p> 3.1 The material
61、drove and the spirit drove unifies the principle</p><p> The material needs to be human's foundation need, condition and so on the basic necessities of life improvements, exchanges the moving enthusiasm
62、 to have the extremely vital significance. Not only the human has the material need, moreover also has aspect high level and so on the reputation, status and achievement energetic demands. Original Beijing University upr
63、ight General Manager Wang Xian once said that,” Only carries on the material to the staff to drive that, had forgotten spiritual drive,</p><p> 3.2 Considered fully subordinate's individual difference,
64、implements the difference drive the principle</p><p> The drive goal is in order to enhance the enthusiasm which the subordinate works. Affects the subordinate to work the enthusiasm mainly to have the work
65、 nature, the leader behavior, individual development, the interpersonal relationship, the reward welfare and the working conditions and so on many kinds of factors. The leader should act according to the different type a
66、nd the characteristic formulation drive system, moreover when formulation drive mechanism certainly must consider the individual</p><p> 3.3 Was driving unifies the principle with the negative drive</p&g
67、t;<p> So-called was driving is conforms to the organization goal expectation behavior to the subordinate to carry on the reward. The so-called negative drive is violates the organization goal to the subordinate
68、the non-expectation behavior to carry on the penalty. The positive and negative drive all is necessary and effective, not only affects in the litigant periphery, moreover can affect other people indirectly. The leader dr
69、ove the subordinate must persist by frontage drive primarily, should throug</p><p> 3.4 Drove the individual and the community unifies principle</p><p> The individual is community's compo
70、sition unit, processes the good drive individual and the drive community's relations is helpful the function which should have in the correct display individual and the community. If only pays great attention to comm
71、unity's drive, possibly creates the egalitarianism; If places for a long time the center of gravity on the minority individual body, also possibly affects everybody the enthusiasm. Therefore, should drive the individ
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- 員工敬業(yè)度外文翻譯
- 員工激勵外文翻譯--激勵員工的策略
- 員工激勵【外文翻譯】
- 員工激勵外文翻譯
- 員工激勵外文翻譯--員工激勵對員工績效的影響
- 優(yōu)化員工激勵【外文翻譯】
- 激勵員工的策略【外文翻譯】
- 員工激勵外文翻譯--公司員工激勵案例分析
- 激勵未來員工的方法【外文翻譯】
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- [雙語翻譯]員工激勵外文翻譯--員工激勵的多因素統(tǒng)計分析(英文)
- 知識型員工激勵【外文翻譯】
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- [雙語翻譯]員工激勵外文翻譯--員工激勵的多因素統(tǒng)計分析中英全
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- 員工激勵制度
- 顧客品牌忠誠度外文翻譯
- 員工激勵制度
- 2014年員工激勵外文翻譯--員工激勵的多因素統(tǒng)計分析