1、<p> 附錄A 2003上海國際隧道工程研討會</p><p> 隨著新世紀的到來和我國基礎設施建設的發(fā)展,各類機械化掘進水道工程的大量興建,使得研究掘進機隧道工程技術的最優(yōu)化顯得尤為重要,而目前對于掘進機隧道工程的很多方面的最優(yōu)化問題還沒有開展研究,因而對掘進機隧道工程技術的最優(yōu)化問題進行研究并應用到掘進機隧道工程是十分比要的。</p><p> 鑒于對掘進機隧道工程系
2、統(tǒng)分析獲得的結果,我們將注意力集中到解決與資金、施工方法和掘進機類型相關的最優(yōu)化問題,并對隧道掘進機及相應施工方法的選擇和施工運輸系統(tǒng)的效率進行了較為深入的研究。</p><p> 科學家們采用系統(tǒng)工程的ESQ方法,通過大量調研并結合在這一相關領域的長期實踐經驗,建立了掘進機隧道工程的輔助決策模型和響應程序。輔助決策最優(yōu)化程序使得工程早期在掘進機選型和施工方法選擇的決策中充分體現施工專家的觀點成為可能,可以有效
3、地指導掘進機隧道工程掘進機選型和施工方法選擇。從經濟角度講,隧道掘進機的正確選擇決定了機械化掘進隧道的成功與否,對掘進機隧道工程而言,這方面的課題是非常重要的。然而,迄今為止,隧道工程界在這方面缺少深入研究。</p><p> TBM(全斷面隧道掘進機)隧道技術正向大斷面、大深度、長距離掘進發(fā)展,許多技術難題已經得到或正在得到解決。日本三菱重工、川崎重工、石川島播磨和德國海瑞克公司在大斷面和異行斷面盾構掘進機的
4、研究、發(fā)展和制造方面,不斷的創(chuàng)新和發(fā)展。</p><p> 進入21世紀以來,中國掀起了城市地鐵工程建設高潮,上海、廣州、北京、深圳、南京、天津的地鐵隧道工程,紛紛引進了世界先進的盾構掘進機和工程技術,目前有40余臺盾構正在掘進地鐵隧道,并在地鐵工程的設計、襯砌結構、試驗研究、施工技術、工程監(jiān)測和環(huán)境安全等眾多方面得到了技術進步和發(fā)展。</p><p> 我國首臺雙圓盾構掘進機應用于上
6、的空間中穿行的能力也優(yōu)于普通隧道;最為重要的是,雙圓隧道在兩條隧道相交處,每1.5m的距離中就自然形成一個48cm的通道,正好能容納一個成年人通過。一旦隧道中遭遇火警等險情,人員逃生和救助變得極為便利,隧道的安全性大大提高。</p><p> 盾構法施工的隧道區(qū)間,有時巖性變化很大,圍巖時軟時硬,有些地區(qū)在同一斷面內,出現上軟下硬,甚至在地層中夾有堅硬的巖層或巖體,在這種情況下,繼續(xù)采用盾構法掘進,在技術上、經
7、濟上和進度上都未必是最恰當的,此時,分辨不同情況,適當地選用一些傳統(tǒng)的輔助方法,是解決問題的一種手段。</p><p> 科學家們從分析不同隧道掘進機的施工單元入手,建立了不同隧道掘進機類型的隧道工程的軌道施工運輸反感最優(yōu)化模型。最優(yōu)化分析的基本思想是先求得使時間最省的岔道間距,然后進一步分析不同的反感的經濟價格比,求出最省錢的軌道運輸方案。在模型建立的過程中,科學家們將多目標最優(yōu)化理論、掘進機隧道工程造價分析
8、方法和具體的施工工藝相融合,得到了土壓平衡盾構、泥水平衡盾構和雙護盾構隧道掘進機的軌道施工運輸方法的最優(yōu)化模型。由于使用EXCEL編程,隧道掘進工程水平運輸系統(tǒng)的最優(yōu)化程序的使用極為方便。最優(yōu)化程序對國內外盾構工程進行了分析和設計。</p><p> 一條隧道令人厭煩的機器(TBM)通常由一兩塊護蓋(大的金屬汽缸)和拖支持機制組成。At 在護蓋的正面端切車輪的旋轉被放。 在剪報車輪后面,有一間寢室在哪里, 取決
9、于這類型TBM,被挖掘的土壤被或者與淤漿(所謂淤漿TBM)混合或者照原樣離開。 TBM的某種類型的選擇取決于土壤條件。 系統(tǒng)給土壤(土壤與淤漿混合)的排除也存在。都市的挖隧道有要求地表面是未擾動的的特別的挑戰(zhàn)。 這表明地減小必須被避免。 這種正常的方法正做這是在隧道建設期間和在隧道建設之后保持土壤壓力。雖然很多對TBMs的研究已經被公布, 并且TBMs的應用性已經被討論,相當多的意見的差別仍然在作者之間存在挖隧道的TBM的可行性的評價因
10、為應該被考慮到的大量參數經常錯綜復雜.隧道令人厭煩的機器效率和能力已經被明顯地在過去15 年增加, 并且可能性今天非常不同于在70 和80 年代存在的那些, 當因為政治和經濟關心一條地中海-死海運河和隧道工程的老計劃被提議并且拋棄時。 今天, 根據最有經驗的隧道令人厭煩的專家, 建造一條分裂的10 米內徑的混凝土的襯砌隧道從Palmahim到價值大約10億美元的Nahal Avnat是可能的。 </p><p>
11、 煤礦錨桿孔鉆進設備的發(fā)展前途</p><p> 錨桿支護是有宜于加快井巷掘進速度、提高頂板支護效果、降低支護勞動強度和減少支護材料消耗的先進技術。我國僅國有重點煤礦每年掘進500多萬米巷道,1997年末,錨桿支護率全國平均已達31.5%,按規(guī)劃,到2000年,錨桿支護率平均應達到50%,但已有大同、邢臺、平頂山、鐵法、西山、龍口等16個礦務局率先使錨桿支護率超過50%。國外先進采煤國錨桿支護率往往超過80%
12、?! ″^桿孔鉆進是錨桿支護施工的重要環(huán)節(jié),錨桿支護的發(fā)展需要大量錨桿孔鉆進設備作保證。錨桿孔鉆進設備包括錨桿鉆機和配套鉆具(鉆桿、鉆頭等)。分析錨桿孔鉆進設備現狀,展望它的發(fā)展前途,有助于不斷促進錨桿孔鉆進設備的技術進步,使其適應錨桿支護技術的需要。1 錨桿孔鉆進設備以錨桿鉆機為主體。錨桿鉆機按結構分為單體式、鉆車式、機載式;按動力分為電動式、氣動式、液壓式;按破巖方式分為回轉式、沖擊式、沖擊回轉式、回轉沖擊式。與錨桿鉆機配套的鉆具,
13、因破巖方式不同而不同,總的來說有回轉類破巖鉆具、沖擊類破巖鉆具以及回轉沖擊類破巖鉆具。國外錨桿孔鉆進設備的品種與功能多樣,技術性能優(yōu)越,可靠性高。2 煤礦用錨桿孔鉆進設備存在的主要技術問題 2.1 </p><p> 附錄B Organizing Committee of 2003 Shanghai</p><p> International Symposium on Tunnel
14、Engineeringwith the development of our building infrastructure in the new century, the construction of different types of TBMprojets is booming. Therefore, it is important to study the optimization of TBM tunneling techn
15、ology. Since the study of the optimization technology is still neo in many finelds of TBM tunneling, it is necessary to study this subject and ultimately apply the result of study to real projects.</p><p>
16、Based on the result of system engineering analysis tor TBM tunneling, we should focus on solving the optimization problems that relate to capital spending. Construction methods and TBM machines . This is the reason why w
17、e paid special attention in this article to the selection of TBM machines and related construction methods .</p><p> By applying both the leveling method of Operations Research and ESQ method of System Engi
18、neering , the TBM Tunneling Decision Aids model and its program (TBMT-DAM) have been set up based on my extensive research and experience in this field. Thanks to the TBMT-DAM, it becomes possible for the construction sp
19、ecialist’s knowledge to be adopted in the early stage of the TBM project for and its related construction methods selection. This is crucial to guide the selection of TBM and its related cons</p><p> From t
20、he point of view of technological economy, the proper selection of TBM will influence the success of TBM tunneling . Although this subject represents the most important aspect of TBM tunneling, relevant theoretincal rese
21、arch is still rare . This article thus provides new research results for the TBM tunneling field.</p><p> TBM(Tunnel Boring Machine) driven tunneling technique would be expected to be developed towards larg
22、er cross section,hyper deep depth,and longer distance,with many technical problems having been resolved or being resolved.Mitsubishi,Kaoasaki,IHI lf Japan and Germany’s Herrenknecht have all made continuous innovation an
23、d success in R&D and manufacture of shield machines in terms of large cross section and copy profiled section.</p><p> Entering the 21 century, China has since been seen a high tide of urban traffic tun
24、nel project construction,by introducing successively shield tunneling technology and engineering technique of advanced world level,ad more than 40 shields are tunndling Metro tunnels where technical advancement and devel
25、opment have been gained in the aspects of project design,lining design,testing and study,construction technology,engineering monitoring&measuring,environmental safety or others for which 19 lecruie</p><p&g
26、t; The first in China DOT shield deployed in running section ,Shanghai Metro Line 8, has been thrusting forward at a speed 5-6m/day .Due to efforts made by technical people and tunnellers of STEC. China becomes the worl
27、d’s second country to grasp the construction technique of DOT tunnel. In a near future triple 0 or multiple 0 tunnels might be snsking through China’s ancient land.</p><p> China’s first DOT shield aooears
28、to be a pair of strapped conventional shields, with superior functions incomparable to conventional shield’s . After one thrust by DOT shield, two tubes (upperbound and lowerbound) would be completed with work efficiency
29、 out of question . DOT tunnel occupies less under ground space than the conventional one , efficiently sauing space resource,and protecting environment,besides,the ability with which the shield can probe its way within n
30、arrow space between buildin</p><p> In some cases, there are outstanding differences of rock property between the upper and the lower in a running section, for example, the upper medium is very soft while t
31、he lower very hard, even there are some hard rock er rock body scattering in the soft stratum. In that case, probably it is not the best choice to use shield tunneling method to construct the tunnel in terms to technical
32、ity, economic and scheduled progress. Acoording to different conditions, we could properly adopt some traditio</p><p> Scentisis from analysis of each construction node for different TBMs, establishes diffe
33、rent optimized models of rail transportantion proposal during tunneling by different types of TBMs. The basic thinking of optimized analysis is to find the most time saving branch off spacing, then to analyze further cos
34、t effectiveness tor different proposals, leading to find out the most money saving transportation proposal. During the process of modeling, scentists have fusde together multi-targer optimizati</p><p> A tu
35、nnel boring machine (TBM) typically consists of one or two shields (large metal cylinders) and trailing support mechanisms. At the front end of the shield a rotating cutting wheel is located. Behind the cutting wheel the
36、re is a chamber where, depending on the type of the TBM, the excavated soil is either mixed with slurry (so-called slurry TBM) or left as-is. The choice for a certain type of TBM depends on the soil conditions. Systems f
37、or removal of the soil (or the soil mixed with slurry) a</p><p> The coal mine anchor man pole bore drills into the development prospect of the equipments</p><p> Stock is it is it have suitab
38、le to accelerate well lane tunnel speed , raise roof prop up result of protecting , is it prop up labour intensity of partial toing and reduce and prop up and protect the advanced technology that materials consume to red
39、uce to protect to prop up. Our country country colliery tunnel 5 million more than tunnel every year with particular emphasis only, will it be the end 1997, stock prop up average to up to 31.5% the whole country of prote
40、cting etc., according to planni</p><p> Stock hole creep into it is stock that prop up important link constructed to protect, stock prop up protect development need a large number of stock hole creep into e
41、quipment guarantee. The hole of the stock creeps into the equipment and includes the stock rig and related drilling tool (drilling rod , bit ,etc.). It is analysed that the hole of stocks creeps into the current situatio
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