已閱讀1頁,還剩11頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、<p>  農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的現(xiàn)狀、問題與對策研究</p><p>  社會保障對國家安定和經(jīng)濟發(fā)展具有重要作用,“城鄉(xiāng)二元經(jīng)濟”現(xiàn)象日益凸現(xiàn),農(nóng)村社會保障問題客觀上成為社會保障體系中極為重要的部分。建立和完善農(nóng)村社會保障制度關系到農(nóng)村乃至整個社會的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,并且對我國和諧社會的構建至關重要。我國農(nóng)村社會保障制度尚不完善,因此有必要加強對農(nóng)村獨立社會保障制度的構建,尤其對農(nóng)村養(yǎng)老制度的改革,建立健全我國

2、社會保障體系。從戶籍制度上看,我國居民養(yǎng)老問題可分為城 市居民養(yǎng)老和農(nóng)村居民養(yǎng)老兩部分。對于城市居 民我國政府已有比較充足的政策與資金投人,使他 們在物質(zhì)和精神方面都能得到較好地照顧,基本實 現(xiàn)了社會化養(yǎng)老。而農(nóng)村居民的養(yǎng)老問題卻日益 突出,成為擺在我國政府面前的一個緊迫而又棘手的問題。</p><p>  一、我國農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的現(xiàn)狀</p><p>  關于農(nóng)村養(yǎng)老,許多地區(qū)還沒有建

3、立農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老體系,已建立的地區(qū)也存在很多缺陷,運行中出現(xiàn)了很多問題,所以完善農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險體系的必要性與緊迫性日益體現(xiàn)出來。</p><p> ?。ㄒ唬┤丝诶淆g化加快</p><p>  隨著城市化步伐的加快和農(nóng)村勞動力的輸出,越來越多的農(nóng)村青壯年人口進入城市,年齡結(jié)構出現(xiàn)“兩頭大,中間小”的局面。中國農(nóng)村進入老齡社會的步伐日漸加快。第五次人口普查顯示:中國65歲以上的人中農(nóng)村為593

4、8萬,占老齡總?cè)丝诘?7.4%.在這種嚴峻的現(xiàn)實面前,農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的徘徊顯得極其不協(xié)調(diào)。</p><p> ?。ǘ┺r(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險覆蓋面太小</p><p>  中國擁有世界上數(shù)量最多的老年人口,且大多在農(nóng)村。據(jù)統(tǒng)計,未納入社會保障的農(nóng)村人口還很多,截止2000年底,全國7400多萬農(nóng)村居民參加了保險,占全部農(nóng)村居民的11.18%,占成年農(nóng)村居民的11.59%.另外,據(jù)國家統(tǒng)計局統(tǒng)計

5、,我國進城務工者已從改革開放之初的不到200萬人增加到2003年的1.14億人。而基本方案中沒有體現(xiàn)出對留在農(nóng)村的農(nóng)民和進城務工的農(nóng)民給予區(qū)別對待。進城務工的農(nóng)民既沒被納入到農(nóng)村養(yǎng)老保險體系中,也沒被納入到城市養(yǎng)老保險體系中,處于法律保護的空白地帶。所以很有必要考慮這個特殊群體的養(yǎng)老保險問題。</p><p> ?。ㄈ﹤鹘y(tǒng)家庭養(yǎng)老保險功能削弱</p><p>  養(yǎng)兒防老的觀念在我國農(nóng)村

6、根深蒂固,家庭贍養(yǎng)一直是最重要的養(yǎng)老方式。在以自給自足為基本特色的農(nóng)業(yè)社會中,“子承父業(yè)”這種世代交替的形式比較穩(wěn)定,可以在家庭內(nèi)部自然地完成贍養(yǎng)老人的職能,并形成相應的道德規(guī)范。但是隨著以社會分工為特征的工業(yè)社會的到來,這一自然穩(wěn)定的關系被打破了,也使贍養(yǎng)老人的傳統(tǒng)道德約束力日益遞減。隨著農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟改革的深入,農(nóng)民的養(yǎng)老觀念發(fā)生了重大的轉(zhuǎn)變,養(yǎng)兒防老的觀念則在逐漸減弱。</p><p>  (四)“土地保障”變得

7、越來越脆弱</p><p>  根據(jù)《中國統(tǒng)計年鑒》提供的數(shù)據(jù),從1978年到1998年,全國農(nóng)民平均來自第一產(chǎn)業(yè)的收入比重由91.5%下降到了57.2%,其中純農(nóng)業(yè)收入僅占總收入的42.9%.近年來農(nóng)產(chǎn)品的價格日益下降,從土地上獲得的收益非常微薄。目前農(nóng)民家庭經(jīng)營收入中,大約40%來自第二產(chǎn)業(yè)與第三產(chǎn)業(yè),1/4左右來自勞動收入,來自轉(zhuǎn)移性與財產(chǎn)性的收入約占純收入的5.7%.由此可見,來自土地的農(nóng)業(yè)收入已難以保證

8、農(nóng)民的基本生活,以之養(yǎng)老更是奢望。農(nóng)民的承包地被大量征用,相反,其獲得的只是極少的土地補償費。因此說,完全依靠土地來養(yǎng)老的選擇是不可行的。</p><p>  除此之外,貧富差距拉大,資金籌集與基金管理方面存在問題等現(xiàn)狀,也對農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險體系產(chǎn)生了一定的影響。</p><p>  二、農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險存在的問題 </p><p>  農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險存在的諸

9、多問題已引起許多學者的關注。這些問題中,有的是制度設計本身的缺陷;有的是在執(zhí)行過程當中出現(xiàn)的問題。前者主要包括:</p><p> ?。ㄒ唬┺r(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險缺乏社會保障應有的社會性和福利性。</p><p>  《基本方案》規(guī)定:農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險在資金籌集上堅持以“個人繳納為主,集體補助為輔,國家給予政策扶持”的原則。這樣,由于大多數(shù)集體無力或不愿對農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險給予補助,絕大多數(shù)普通農(nóng)

10、民得不到任何補貼,在這種資金籌集方式下的農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險實際上是一種強制性儲蓄或鼓勵性儲蓄,也正因為這一點導致了不可能強制要求農(nóng)民參加農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險。但如果要使這項工作開展下去,常常需要采取強制性的行政命令,這又違背了農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的自愿性原則。因此農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險在制度設計時就使其執(zhí)行陷入了兩難境。</p><p> ?。ǘ┺r(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險存在制度上的不穩(wěn)定性。</p><p> 

11、 各地農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險辦法基本上都是在民政部頒布的《基本方案》的基礎上稍作修改形成的,這些辦法普遍缺乏法律效力。因此各地對這一政策的建立、撤消,保險金的籌集、運用以及養(yǎng)老金的發(fā)放都只是按照地方政府部門,甚至是某些長官的意愿執(zhí)行的,不是農(nóng)民與政府的一種持久性契約,因此具有很大的不穩(wěn)定性。實際上,我國政府對農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的態(tài)度也時常發(fā)生動搖,導致了本來就心存疑慮的農(nóng)民更加不愿投保。這也是缺乏法律保障的結(jié)果。 </p>

12、<p>  (三)基金保值增值困難。</p><p>  《基本方案》規(guī)定,“基金以縣為單位統(tǒng)一管理,主要以購買國家財政發(fā)行的高利率債券和存入銀行實現(xiàn)保值增值?!痹趯嶋H運行過程中,由于缺乏合適的投資渠道、缺乏投資人才,有關部門一般都采取存入銀行的方式。但是1996年下半年以來,銀行利率不斷下調(diào),再加上通貨膨脹等因素的影響,農(nóng)村養(yǎng)老保險基金要保值已經(jīng)相當困難,更不用說增值。這一方面造成政府的包袱加重,現(xiàn)已

13、出現(xiàn)參保的人越多,國家賠得越多的局面。另一方面,為了使資金能夠平衡運行,國家原先承諾的養(yǎng)老保險帳戶的利率只好下調(diào),造成投保人實際收益明顯低于按過去高利率計算出的養(yǎng)老金,使人們對農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的信心更是大打折扣。D·蓋爾·約翰遜指出,由于中國1993—1997年的投資收益率為負,對于從1993—1997年每年投入了同等數(shù)量保金的個人來說,他們積累的基金實際價值低于他們支付出的保費。 </p>&l

14、t;p> ?。ㄋ模┍U纤竭^低。</p><p>  《基本方案》規(guī)定,農(nóng)民交納保險費時,可以根據(jù)自己的實際情況分2元、4元、6元、8元……20元等10個檔次繳費。但由于農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟發(fā)展水平低,農(nóng)民對農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險制度缺乏信心等原因,大多數(shù)地區(qū)農(nóng)民投保時都選擇了保費最低的2元/月的投保檔次。在不考慮通貨膨脹等因素的情況下,如果農(nóng)民在繳費10年后開始領取養(yǎng)老金,每月可以領取4.7元,15年后每月可以領取 9.9

15、元,這點錢對農(nóng)民養(yǎng)老來說,幾乎起不到什么作用。如果每月投保4元、6元甚至是10元,也仍然難以起到養(yǎng)老保障的作用。</p><p>  三、實施農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的保障措施</p><p>  要建立健全符合我國基本國情的農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險制度,必須清楚把握現(xiàn)階段我國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的特點,結(jié)合不同地區(qū)農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟的現(xiàn)狀,因時制宜、因地制宜,做到從廣泛覆蓋到逐步完善。</p><p&

16、gt; ?。ㄒ唬┓€(wěn)定農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的基本政策</p><p>  我國農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險方案的基本思想是,堅持低標準起步,堅持個人繳納資金為主、集體補助為輔的原則,堅持以個人賬戶為主的儲備積累的保險方法,堅持自愿參加與政策鼓勵相結(jié)合的政策措施,堅持社會養(yǎng)老保險與家庭養(yǎng)老保障相結(jié)合的制度。這些政策從總體上看是符合實際情況的,應當繼續(xù)堅持,并要逐步完善。</p><p> ?。ǘ┐_立農(nóng)村社會

17、養(yǎng)老保險的法律地位</p><p>  通過立法的形式建立與健全社會保險和社會保障制度,是世界各國開展社會保險工作的通行做法。經(jīng)過10多年的改革探索,我國已經(jīng)建立起城鎮(zhèn)社會保險制度的基本框架,并基本形成城鄉(xiāng)社會救助制度的雛形?,F(xiàn)在必須盡快健全《社會保險法》等有關法律,以促進我國社會保險制度的健康發(fā)展。作為一項全國性的法律,《社會保險法》不能僅僅面向城鎮(zhèn)居民,而把廣大的農(nóng)民排斥在外。</p><

18、p> ?。ㄈ﹫猿忠虻刂埔伺c自愿原則</p><p>  受經(jīng)濟發(fā)展水平、經(jīng)濟承受能力、保險意識等方面的制約,短期內(nèi)讓全國農(nóng)民普遍參加社會保險是不可能的。要避免強迫農(nóng)民參加的做法,因為這不僅增加農(nóng)民的負擔,而且也不可能持久。只有堅持自愿原則,并通過集體補貼與政策引導,才能使這項工作健康持續(xù)地運行。在自愿的前提下,無論是貧困地區(qū)還是富裕地區(qū),都可以實施養(yǎng)老保險。</p><p>  (

19、四)完善農(nóng)村養(yǎng)老保險個人賬戶補貼制度</p><p>  為了引導農(nóng)民參加社會養(yǎng)老保險,民政部等相關政府職能部門規(guī)定了集體補貼的一些辦法。大部分鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)規(guī)定了按職業(yè)與職務給予補助的辦法。為使社會養(yǎng)老保險制度真正發(fā)揮其社會互助功能,有能力進行補助的鄉(xiāng)村,應盡可能采取按人頭補助的辦法,這樣可以有效避免“窮者愈窮、富者愈富”現(xiàn)象,使補貼制度體現(xiàn)“公正、公平、公開”原則。</p><p> ?。ㄎ澹┩?/p>

20、善農(nóng)村社會保障的管理體制</p><p>  為加快新型農(nóng)村社會保障制度建設步伐,必須強化國家尤其是各級政府對其的行政管理,使其納入規(guī)范化軌道并健康發(fā)展。一是要使農(nóng)村社會保障的行政管理與基金管理、業(yè)務管理相分離,政府主要負責行政管理。二是在建立統(tǒng)一的農(nóng)村社會保障機構前提下,明確相關部門的管理職能并使其協(xié)調(diào)有效地進行。三是要針對不同的農(nóng)村社會保障項目,完善相應的管理制度,明確不同的管理內(nèi)容和重點并使管理程序規(guī)范化。

21、</p><p>  同時,還應依靠堅持個人賬戶積累模式,強化農(nóng)村社會保障的監(jiān)督機制,探索多種形式的農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保障制度等方法,實施農(nóng)村社會養(yǎng)老保險的保障措施。</p><p>  綜上所述,我們認為,解決農(nóng)民老有所養(yǎng)問題,從農(nóng)民最基本的保障問題入手,是解決“三農(nóng)”問題的關鍵所在。這也真正體現(xiàn)了對農(nóng)民的人文關懷,體現(xiàn)了科學發(fā)展觀,對構建社會主義和諧社會具有重大的現(xiàn)實意義。</p>

22、;<p>  Present situation, problems and countermeasures of rural social endowment insurance research</p><p>  An important role in social security to national stability and economic development, "

23、dual economy" increasing emergence, objectively on rural social security become a vital part of the social security system.Establishing and perfecting rural social security system related to the rural and economic d

24、evelopment of society as a whole and essential for construction of harmonious society in China.China's rural social security system is not perfect, it was necessary to strengthen the construction of </p><p

25、>  First,present situation of China's rural social endowment insurance.</p><p>  On the rural old-age, has not already been established in many parts of rural social old-age pension system has built u

26、p area also has many flaws, there have been many problems in the running, so the necessity and urgency of improving the rural social endowment insurance system increasingly manifested.</p><p>  (A)Population

27、 ageing accelerating</p><p>  As the output of the quickening pace of urbanization and rural labor force, more and more young rural population into the urban, age structure of "two large, intermediate s

28、mall" situation.Increasingly accelerated pace into the aging society in rural China.The fifth census shows: 59.38 million Chinese over the age of 65 per cent of rural areas, accounting for 67.4% of ageing population

29、.In the face of this grim reality, wandering of rural social endowment insurance is extremely inconsistent.</p><p>  (B)Rural social pension insurance coverage is too small</p><p>  China has th

30、e largest number of the elderly population in the world, and most of the countryside.According to statistics, not included in the social security is still a lot of the rural population, by the end of 2000, more than 74 m

31、illion rural residents to participate in the insurance, accounting for all those living in rural areas of 11.18%, 11.59% per cent of adult residents in rural areas.In addition, according to the National Bureau of statist

32、ics, city workers had increased from less than 2</p><p>  (C)The traditional family endowment insurance functions weaken</p><p>  Bring usons to support parents in their old age concepts deeply

33、rooted in rural areas in China, family support has always been the most important way of old-age.In self-sufficiency-essential characteristics of the agricultural society, "fuye" this generation of alternating

34、form relatively stable, can be done within the family naturally support the elderly's functions, and form the corresponding code of ethics.But with the advent of characterized by Division of the industrial society, t

35、he natural</p><p>  (D)"Land protection" have become increasingly fragile</p><p>  According to data provided by the China Statistical Yearbook, from 1978 to 1998, the proportion of th

36、e national farmers ' average income from primary industry dropped from 91.5% to 57.2%, of which net farm income accounted for total revenues of 42.9%.Agricultural product prices declining in recent years, the gains f

37、rom the land very modest.In current operating income of rural households, approximately 40% from secondary industry and tertiary industry, around one-fourth from earned income, income</p><p>  In addition, t

38、he gap widened, fund raising and fund management problems, such as status, also have had an effect of the rural social endowment insurance system.</p><p>  Second,problems of rural social endowment insurance

39、.</p><p>  Problems of rural social endowment insurance has aroused the concern of many scholars.These problems, some defects of the system design itself;Some problems that occur during execution.The former

40、mainly include:</p><p>  (A)Lack of social security of rural social endowment insurance of social and welfare.</p><p>  The provisions of the basic plan: on the financing of rural social endowme

41、nt insurance insisted that "individuals paid mainly collective benefit supplement, national policies to support the" principles.In this way, because most of the collective inability or reluctance to subsidize t

42、he rural social endowment insurance, the vast majority of ordinary farmers do not get any subsidies, in such a mode of financing of rural social endowment insurance is actually a form of compulsory savings or to enco<

43、/p><p>  (B)On rural social endowment insurance system instability.</p><p>  Around the rural social endowment insurance approach is basically in the basic programme of the Ministry of Civil Affair

44、s issued on the basis of the formation of minor modifications, they generally lack the force of law.Throughout this policy to establish, undo, the insurance application, fundraising, and issued only in accordance with th

45、e local government units of the pension, even some of the wishes of the Chief Executive, not a persistent farmers and Government contracts, thus has a great dea</p><p>  (C)Preserving and increasing the valu

46、e of the Fund difficulties.</p><p>  The provisions of the basic plan, "in County unified management of the Fund, mainly to buy high interest rates bonds issued by State finance and deposited in a bank

47、to achieve preservation and appreciation. ”In actual operation in the process, due to the lack of suitable investment channels, lack of investment in talent, the departments concerned are generally take the form in the B

48、ank.But since the second half of 1996, bank interest rates continue to decline, coupled with the effects of inflati</p><p>  (D)Guarantee level is too low.</p><p>  The provisions of the basic p

49、rogramme, farmers when paying insurance premiums, according to own actual situation at $ 2, 4, 6, 8 sth $ 20 10 grades of pay.However, due to the low level of economic development in rural areas, farmers ' lack of co

50、nfidence of rural social endowment insurance system and other reasons, most have opted for the lowest premiums when farmers insurance insured grade of 2 Yuan/month.In case that does not take into account factors such as

51、inflation, if farmers pay 10 years </p><p>  Third,implementation of rural social endowment insurance safeguards.</p><p>  To establish sound conforms to China's basic national condition of

52、rural social endowment insurance system should be clearly grasp the characteristics of current China's economic development, combined with the present situation of the rural economy in different regions, timely, and

53、suit measures to local conditions, from broad coverage to gradually improve.</p><p>  (A)Basic policy of stabilizing the rural social endowment insurance</p><p>  Basic idea of China's rural

54、 social old-age insurance scheme is, adhere to the criteria of low start, uphold the principle of personal pay funds and collective benefit supplement, adhere to the personal account of insurance consisting mainly of res

55、erve accumulation, adhere to voluntary participation and policies to encourage the combination of policy measures adhere to social endowment insurance and family with a combination of old-age security system.These polici

56、es as a whole is in line with the</p><p>  (B)Establishing the legal status of rural social endowment insurance</p><p>  By establishing and perfecting the system of social insurance and social

57、security in the form of legislation, of the social insurance work in every country in the world practice.After more than 10 years of reform, China has established the basic framework of the social security system in citi

58、es and towns, urban and rural social assistance system and formed the prototype.Now have to perfect the Social Security Act and other relevant laws as soon as possible in order to promote the healthy develop</p>&

59、lt;p>  (C) adhering to local conditions and the voluntary principles</p><p>  Affected by the level of economic development, affordability, insurance, and other constraints, national farmers ' univers

60、al participation in the social security in the short term is unlikely.To avoid forcing farmers to participate in practices, because not only does this increase the peasants ' burden, but also cannot be sustained.Only

61、 adhere to the voluntary principle, and policy guidance and through collective subsidies in order to make this job to run healthy and sustainable.On the premise o</p><p>  (D) improve the system of rural end

62、owment insurance individual account benefits</p><p>  In order to guide the peasants to participate in social insurance, Ministry of Civil Affairs and other relevant government departments to require a colle

63、ctive subsidies in some way.Most of the Township established by occupation and job subsidy approach.To make the social endowment insurance system really bring its social assistance functions, have the ability to grant vi

64、llage, on a per capita grant approach should be taken as far as possible, so as to avoid "the poor become poorer and the rich g</p><p>  (E) improving management system of rural social security</p>

65、;<p>  To accelerate the pace of construction of new rural social security system, must strengthen the countries, particularly at all levels of Government on the administration of making it into the standard track

66、 and healthy development.One is to make the social security fund management, business management and administration of phase separation, the Government is mainly responsible for Administration.Second is the premise of ru

67、ral social security agencies in the establishment of a unified, clearly re</p><p>  At the same time, should also rely on insisted on individual account accumulation mode, strengthen the supervision of rural

68、 social security mechanisms, explore various forms of rural social endowment insurance system and other methods, the implementation of safeguard measures of the rural social endowment insurance.</p><p>  In

69、conclusion, we believe that addressing farmers ' sense of security problems, starting with the most basic protection issues from farmers, solving "San Nong" crux of the problem.This really reflects the huma


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