1、<p> 國外工程機械主要配套件的基本情況及發(fā)展趨勢</p><p> 工程機械主要配套件有動力元件、傳動元件、液壓元件及電氣元件等。目前工程機械動力元件基本上都用內(nèi)燃式柴油發(fā)動機(簡稱柴油機);傳動分機械傳動、液力機械傳動、靜液壓傳動、電傳動等。但目前工程機械用得最多、最普遍的為液力機械傳動及靜液壓傳動。整個傳動系統(tǒng)還包括傳動軸、驅(qū)動橋等。靜液壓傳動有多種結(jié)構(gòu)形式,有的有傳動軸、驅(qū)動橋,有的沒有,
3、故障根本就不能工作,有的甚至寸步難行,等于一堆廢鋼鐵。因此電氣系統(tǒng)、電器元件目前也是工程機械最關(guān)鍵最主要的配套件之一。主要電器元件除傳統(tǒng)的元件外,還有各種傳感器,各種控制元件及微處理機等等。下面就國際上這些工程機械主要配套件的基本</p><p> 目前國外工程機械主要配套件大多數(shù)都生產(chǎn)歷史悠久,技術(shù)成熟、供應(yīng)充足,生產(chǎn)集中度高,品牌效應(yīng)突出。配套件的發(fā)展隨主機的發(fā)展而發(fā)展,同時配套件自身的發(fā)展反過來又促進主機
4、的發(fā)展。目前國外工程機械配套件的發(fā)展形勢好過主機的發(fā)展形勢。1.1 目前國外工程機械配套件的發(fā)展形勢比較好</p><p> 近些年來國外工程機械有一種發(fā)展趨勢,主機制造企業(yè)逐步向組裝企業(yè)方向發(fā)展,配套件逐步由供應(yīng)商來提供。比如世界上實力最強的主機制造企業(yè)美國的卡特彼勒、凱斯、日本的小松、瑞典的沃爾沃等世界上這些大型的工程機械主機制造企業(yè),其配套件的配套能力也是非常強的,它們的配套件外配的數(shù)量也是在逐年大幅度
6、元,增幅是相當(dāng)大的。因此,國外工程機械配套件這些年來得到了快速發(fā)展。1.2 國外工程機械配套件生產(chǎn)歷史悠久、技術(shù)成熟、品種齊全,完全能滿足各種工程機械的配套需求</p><p> 國外許多工程機械主要配套件企業(yè)都有50年,甚至100年以上的發(fā)展歷史,企業(yè)的規(guī)模都相對較大,技術(shù)十分成熟,品種也非常齊全,幾乎應(yīng)有盡有。比如目前世界上生產(chǎn)密封件及減振器最大的企業(yè),德國的弗羅伊登貝克公司,成立于1849年,生產(chǎn)密封件
8、排放標準,甚至可以達到歐IV、歐V排放標準。在流體產(chǎn)品領(lǐng)域內(nèi),目前世界上最大的流體產(chǎn)品(主要是液壓件、密封件及液壓附件等)制造企業(yè),美國的派克公司,成立于1918年,也有近100年歷史,可以提供品種齊全的、高技術(shù)水平的液壓件、密封件及所有的液壓附件。目前世界上最大的用于靜液壓系統(tǒng)的變量液壓元件制造企業(yè),德國的博士——力士樂公司</p><p> 生產(chǎn)集中度高是配套行業(yè)的一大特征,前面所談到的象弗羅伊登貝克公司,
10、——威格士公司、博士——力士樂公司等幾大公司占據(jù)了世界液壓件市場的絕大部分。派克公司2001年營業(yè)額已達60億美元以上,職工已達6萬人,在全世界有200多家分公司及工廠。世界上幾大傳動部件制造企業(yè),德國的ZF,美國的德納,阿里遜公司等占據(jù)了世界相當(dāng)大的傳動部件市場份額?!癦F” 2001年營業(yè)額達91億歐元。</p><p> 以上這些例子每一家的年銷售收入都遠遠超過中國工程機械整個配套件行業(yè)的年銷售收入。20
11、02年中國工程機械配套件全行業(yè)的銷售收入只有26億元人民幣,折合美元不到4億美元,只有弗羅伊登貝克公司、派克公司等十五分之一左右,就連美國一個作小小單一產(chǎn)品——過濾器的美國頗爾公司都不如,頗爾公司年銷售收入為7億美元,也幾乎是我國工程機械配套件全行業(yè)年銷售收入的2倍??梢娛澜绻こ虣C械配套件的集中度非常高。</p><p> 據(jù)統(tǒng)計,世界前10幾名最大的工程機械主機企業(yè)占了整個工程機械市場的75%以上,世界上前1
12、0幾名配套件企業(yè)同樣占了整個配套件市場的70%~75%以上。</p><p> 當(dāng)前世界工程機械配套件企業(yè)為進一步提高系統(tǒng)成套配套能力,進一步提高市場競爭力,進一步追求經(jīng)濟效益最大化,加快企業(yè)之間的采購及集團化進程,產(chǎn)品及企業(yè)集中度還在繼續(xù)進一步提高。1999年由美國伊頓公司以17億美元整體收購世界液壓行業(yè)著名的老的名牌企業(yè)威格士公司;美國派克公司并購了世界最大的齒輪泵生產(chǎn)企業(yè)美國的康摩希爾公司;薩奧公司與丹弗
13、斯公司合并,日本內(nèi)田油壓全部賣給力士樂公司,力士樂公司又由博士公司整體收購。2000年英國帕金斯公司以13億美元整體賣給卡特彼勒公司等都說明了世界工程機械配套件企業(yè)集中度還在進一步提高。1.4 有眾多的世界級名牌產(chǎn)品</p><p> 除前面提到的康明斯發(fā)動機,弗羅伊登貝克公司密封件、派克、伊頓——威格士、博士——力士樂液壓件,ZF、德納、阿里遜傳動件等都是世界最著名的企業(yè),其產(chǎn)品都是世界最知名的名牌,產(chǎn)品品
15、別是獲得專利技術(shù)的負荷傳感控制技術(shù)的閥;德國哈威公司的軸向、徑向柱塞泵,方向、壓力、流量控制閥;日本帝人公司的帶變量馬達的行走減速機等。還有一些其它的世界著名工程機械配套件產(chǎn)品,如美國的蓋瑞特渦輪增壓器,幾乎世界主要大公司的柴油機都用該公司的產(chǎn)品;德國赫施羅特艾德有限公司的回轉(zhuǎn)支承;美國米其林公司的橡膠輪胎;意大利拍可公司的四輪一帶履帶行走裝置等等,都稱得上世界名牌產(chǎn)品。各行各業(yè)還</p><p> 世界上工程
18、縫中長期生存下去。即便是這樣,世界上許多這樣的中小企業(yè)還在不斷地尋找新的出路。比如康摩希爾公司加入Parker</p><p> 在當(dāng)今世界工程機械市場上,主機企業(yè)與配套件企業(yè)是密不可分的。配套件企業(yè)要生存要發(fā)展離不開主機企業(yè),主機企業(yè)要生存要發(fā)展也離不開配套件企業(yè)。即便是世界上實力最強的,主機和大部分配套件都自己生產(chǎn)的,世界工程機械第一塊牌子美國卡特彼勒公司在很多方面也要依賴配套件企業(yè),比如在傳動部件方面,許
20、mmins結(jié)成戰(zhàn)略聯(lián)盟,Commins專為Case生產(chǎn)專用配套的發(fā)動機,打上Case的商標等等。因此,主機企業(yè)與配套件企業(yè)是唇齒相依的關(guān)系,只有互相密切配合,互相支持,利益共享,才能求得共同發(fā)展。2 國外工程機械配套件發(fā)展趨勢2.1 電子技術(shù)步入工程機械領(lǐng)域,使工程機械發(fā)</p><p> 當(dāng)今世界上工程機械配套件發(fā)展的一個最顯著的特點是電子控制技術(shù)得到越來越廣泛的應(yīng)用,這可能是20世紀末到21世紀又一次世
22、<p> 當(dāng)前飛速發(fā)展的微電子技術(shù)及微電腦技術(shù)在工程機械配套件的應(yīng)用上發(fā)展非常快。在控制技術(shù)方面,利用體積很小的大規(guī)模集成電路、微處理器為核心,對作業(yè)操縱進行集成電子控制,逐步發(fā)展到包括變速、轉(zhuǎn)向、制動、柴油機等全面的集成電子控制,進而向智能化方向發(fā)展。為適應(yīng)主機的集成電子控制及智能化發(fā)展的需要,主要配套件實現(xiàn)用電子化控制改變傳統(tǒng)的控制方式,主要是通過機電液一體化來實現(xiàn)配套件的電子控制,且電子控制元件逐步內(nèi)藏化,使電子、電器
24、統(tǒng),同時作業(yè)操縱還未實現(xiàn)智能化。柳工今年3月份與中南大學(xué)及上海寶信公司合作,嘗試搞了一臺搖控智能化裝載機,進行了試驗,對智能化工程機械有了初步</p><p> 世界上通常把74.6kW(100馬力)以下的工程機械稱為小型工程機械。小型工程機械主要產(chǎn)品有小型挖掘機、小型裝載機、滑移轉(zhuǎn)向裝載機、挖掘裝載機、小型伸縮臂裝卸機、小型推土機、壓路機等。世界上近10年來,74.6kW(100馬力)以上到298kW(400
25、馬力)之間的中等型號工程機械基本上沒有大的發(fā)展,近幾年來還有下降趨勢。但小型工程機械一直成快速發(fā)展之勢,特別是在歐美發(fā)展很快。在日本發(fā)展也特別明顯,近幾年日本的整個工程機械市場下降很嚴重,但小型工程機械仍呈上升趨勢。目前世界上最小的液壓挖掘機,整機質(zhì)量只有0.4t,斗容量0.02 m3,發(fā)動機功率只有7 kW。康明斯發(fā)動機公司以前只生產(chǎn)37 kW (50馬力)以上的中大型發(fā)動機,近年來公司看到了小型及微型工程機械的發(fā)展形勢,也迅速投入了
26、小型發(fā)動機的研制。這兩年來先后開發(fā)了5種型號的A系列小型發(fā)動機,功率從13.4-44.7 kW (18-60馬力),使康明斯發(fā)動機的功率從原來最小的37 kW (50馬力)向下延伸到13.4 kW (18馬力)。隨著主機向小型化方向發(fā)展,配套件也明顯地、比較迅速地向小型方向發(fā)展。2.3 靜液壓技術(shù)在工程機</p><p> 目前國外工程機械最新技術(shù)發(fā)展的另一個顯著特點是靜液壓傳動得到越來越普遍地應(yīng)用。靜液壓傳
27、動其傳動效率比液力機械傳動高出十幾個百分點。近年來世界上各主要工程機械制造企業(yè),發(fā)動機功率在74.6 kW(100馬力)以下的小型工程機械,基本上都采用了靜液壓傳動。采用靜液壓傳動后,泵與馬達基本上都是變量的,且泵的出油方向可變,不但傳動效率比液力機械傳動高出十多個百分點,而且還可非常方便地實現(xiàn)電液變速操縱的電子控制,可與動力分配很好地配合,保證在各種速度下得到盡可能大的牽引力,達到最佳的高效節(jié)能效果, 同時還可采用液壓制動。靜液壓制動
28、理論上講是無磨損的,因而減少了制動系統(tǒng)的維護保養(yǎng),并提高了制動的可靠性。采用靜液壓傳動后,整機布置發(fā)生了變化,驅(qū)動馬達 通過一個簡單的傳動箱固定在后橋上,傳動箱另一端用傳動軸與前橋相連,發(fā)動機橫置,這樣后懸短,后罩小,拓展了駕駛員的后視野。</p><p> 目前靜液傳動與液力機械傳動相比唯一的缺點是成本太高,如果將成本降到與液力機械傳動差不多,液力機械傳動將會被靜液壓傳動所取代。</p><
29、;p> 我國工程機械配套件企業(yè)通過“七五”、“八五”、“九五”的大規(guī)模技術(shù)改造及技術(shù)引進,與國外企業(yè)合資、合作,無論是產(chǎn)品品種、產(chǎn)量、數(shù)量、質(zhì)量及技術(shù)水平都得到了飛速發(fā)展。但與世界工程機械配套件相比,在企業(yè)規(guī)模、品牌、品種、質(zhì)量及可靠性,產(chǎn)品技術(shù)及制造技術(shù)等方面還存在著巨大差距,希望配套企業(yè)加強行業(yè)的整合,加強科研開發(fā)工作,盡快趕上世界先進水平,為我國工程機械事業(yè)的發(fā)展做出更大的貢獻。</p><p>&
30、lt;b> 附錄B</b></p><p> The basic condition and developing trends of main foreign engineering mechanism accessories</p><p> The main accessories of engineering mechanism include drive
31、parts, transmission parts, hydraulic pressure parts and electric parts, etc. At present, the drive parts of engineering mechanism mainly use interal-combution diesel motor (diesel engine for short); transmission can be s
32、eparated into mechanical transmission, liquid-power mechanical transmission, immobile hydraulic pressure and electrical transmission, etc.. But now, the most popular one used in engineering mechanism are liquid-power mec
33、</p><p> 1 Basic circumstance of the foreign engineering machine main kit piece</p><p> Currently the main kit a majorities of foreign engineering machine all produce the history long, the tec
34、hnique is mature, the supply is ample, produce the concentration degree is high, the brand effect is outstanding The development of the kit piece with the development but developments of the host, the development of an o
35、neself of kit turns over and promotes host develop at the same time.Currently the development situation of the foreign engineering machine kit piece likes the development situ</p><p> 1.1 The development s
36、ituation of the foreign engineering</p><p> Machine kit piece is better currentlyNearer in the last years the foreign engineering machine contain a kind of development trend, the host manufacturing business
37、 enterprise gradually to construction the business enterprise direction development, the kit piece is provide by the supplier gradually. For example the most strong host in real strenght manufacturing business enterpris
38、e in the world Carter of the United States that Caterpillar, Case, Japan of small loose Komatsu, fertile Volvo etc. of</p><p> Manufacturing business enterprise, the kit ability of its kit piece also is ver
39、y strong, the quantity that their kit piece outside go together with also is at increase year by year and significantly, some in small engineering the machine business enterprise is also such, the kit piece mainly is gra
40、dually from zero the parts manufacturing business enterprise to provide. Do like this to have several big advantages, the host business enterprise can concentrate the energy to make own host product go</p><p&g
41、t; 1.2 The foreign engineering machine kit pieces produce the history long, the technique is mature, the species is well-found, can satisfy various kit need with mechanical engineering completely</p><p>
42、The foreign main kit a business enterprises of many engineering machines all have 50 years, even the above development history of 100 years, the scales of the business enterprise are all opposite to compare greatly, the
43、technique is very mature, the species is also very well-found, almost complete with everything. For example currently in the world produce to seal completely the piece and reduce to flap the biggest business enterprise o
44、f machine, the of Germany Luo the ascends the shell gram( Fr</p><p> 1.3 Produce the concentration degree is very high</p><p> Produce the concentration degree is high is a big characteristic
45、of the profession of kit, the elephant that front speak of Luo the ascends the shell gram company, the sales amount of year amounts to 5,000,000,000 euros above, in Europe, beautiful, day etc. the world mainly seals comp
46、letely a market, occupying the above market quota of 50%, there are 28,000 employees in the whole world, in China of without the tin, the long spring also sets up the factory respectively. With produce medium-sized </
47、p><p> Above these examples each year sells the year that the income is all far far above the whole kit a profession of Chinese engineering machine to sell the income. The sale income of a whole profession of
48、the Chinese engineering machine kit onlied have 2,600,000,000 dollar renminbi in 2002, equivalenting to the US$ not to USD 400,000,000, only have the Luo the ascended the shell gram company, Parker company etc.1/15 is o
49、r so, connect an United States that made the small small one product- filter, </p><p> According to the covariance, ex biggest engineering machine host in world business enterprise had 75% of the whole eng
50、ineering machine market above, the world comes forward 70% that a business enterprise of more than 10 kits had a market of the whole kit equally~75% is above. At present a business enterprise of the world become a kit
51、ability for the further exaltation system, the further exaltation market competition ability, further pursue the economic performance to maximize, speed purchas</p><p> 1.4 Have numerous world classes famo
52、us brand product</p><p> Launch the machine in addition to the clear that speak of before, Luo the ascends the shell gram company to seal completely the piece, Parker, of the space private, the Doctor- musc
53、le man joy liquid presses the piece, ZF, virtuous,in lousy spread to move an etc.s are all a world most the business enterprise of the of , its products are all the most well-known famous brands of world, the product sp
54、ecies specification is many, the production & sales have great capacity. Still have many ones of, h</p><p> The rubber tire of the American rice its wood's company; Italy clap can( Berco) once the f
55、our-wheeler of the company take the track to run about the device etc., all calling go to the famous brand product of world. The every trade still has not a few famous brand products of world, the here is different on en
56、umerating.</p><p> 1.5 Medium small business enterprises have the oneself the special features product of the specialty</p><p> The engineering machine is in addition to the very strong kit a
57、business enterprise of real strenght in the world, still having the quantity numerous medium small scaled business enterprises, this business enterprise the United States, Japan, Western Europeses are all not a few. For
58、example the American liquid press, annoys to move the profession, the medium small business enterprise contain more than 190 houses. At Europe, Italy is specially outstanding, a business enterprise of Italian and lar<
59、/p><p> A business enterprise of these numerous medium small scaled kits wants to beg to exist in strong big business enterprise of real strenght clip sew is very difficult. But have many thus of medium the sm
60、all scaled business enterprise existed down, even can last long under existence go to, the existence for have have to still be very quite good, mainly is these business enterprises contain its own appropriation technique
61、, the special features product. Have plenty of other business enterprises, even</p><p> 1.6 A business enterprise of kits and the host business enterprises become the close colleague the alliance relation&l
62、t;/p><p> Nowadays the engineering machine of world is on the market, the host business enterprise and kit piece business enterprises are inseparable. A business enterprise of kit wants to exist and develop to
63、 can not get away from the host business enterprise, the host business enterprise wants to exist and develop to also can not get away from a business enterprise of kit. Is a real strenght even if the most strong in the w
64、orld, the host produces with an oneselfs of big and parts of kits all of, America</p><p> 2 A development of the foreign engineering machine kit trends</p><p> 2.1 Electronics technique follo
65、w the engineering machine realm, making the engineering machine take place the huge variety</p><p> Nowadays in the world the kit a development of the engineering machine of a show most the characteristics
66、of the is the electronics control technique to get the more and more extensive application, this may be the end of 20 centuries to 21 centuries again a revolution of engineering machine profession of world variety. The e
67、ngineering machine of world bears more than 100 in the last yearses, several times the emergence of the decisive new kit piece caused the revolution variety of the engineerin</p><p> At present the micro-el
68、ectronics technique and the micro-computer techniques that fly to develop soons is very quick on the application development of the engineering machine kit piece. In the aspects of controling the technique, make use of
69、the pimping large scale integration, microprocessor of physical volume as core, manipulate to carry on gather to the homework the electronics control, develop to include to become gradually soon, change direction, make t
70、o move, diesel engine etc. gathers co</p><p> 2.2 Current engineering machine of world to two pole direction development, especially to small scaled turn and the trend that the miniaturization direction dev
71、elopment is special obviously</p><p> Usually be called the small scaled engineering machine to the engineering machine of the 74.6 kws(100 horsepowers) the following in the world. Small scaled engineering
72、machine the main product contain small scaled excavation machine, small scaled lading machine, slippery call away to load the machine and scoop out to load the machine, small scaled and flexible arm to pack to unload the
73、 machine, small scaled bulldozer, press the road machine...etc.. Be close to 10 in the last yearses in the world</p><p> 2.3 Quiet liquids press the technique more and more widespread in the application of
74、the engineering machine</p><p> Urrently the another of the latest technique in foreign engineering machine development show characteristics of is quiet the liquid press to spread to move to get more and mo
75、re and catholically applied.The quiet liquid presses to spread to move it spreads to move the efficiency to compare the liquid dint machine to spread to move high more than ten percentage points of. In recent years each
76、main engineering machine manufacturing business enterprise in the world, launch the machine power below 7</p><p> A business enterprise of the our country engineering machine kit pass"75","
77、85" and"95" of large-scale technique reformation and technique usher in, with the foreign business enterprise joint venture, cooperation, is product species, yield, quantity, quantity and the technique lev
78、elses to all got to fly to develop soon regardless. But compared with the engineering machine kit piece of world, still exist the huge margin in the business enterprise scale, brand, species, quantity and credibility, t&
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